First night: Just a flash of a sex dream. Couldn't really tell who it was with. Second night before bed, Talked with Raven about a dream Raven had about visiting Jamie. Apparently Jamie was digging a hole in her dream house basement in order to let a "friend," in. I found that suspicious, so I suggested to Raven that we help Jamie dig the hole and find out who her friend is. Wandering A dream of wandering around a big and fancy apartment building or hotel. I had to go to the bathroom so I kept going up and down stairs. In my memories of this place I remembered where one might be. I went there but the toilet was gone and in its place: there was a homeless man humping someone under him. I wandered off and kept searching but my memory fades. Funny Brief sex dream. Me and Jamie are in Canmore, she's driving a brown SUV or an older station wagon. We park on a street and use the back. I notice it's common for her to be on top. Oh no I'm in Jamie's house in the addic room. It's really messy and disorganized. An angry and stressed out Jamie walks in through a door. She has a small piece of paper in her hand and says, " Jesus said that you have to message me and ask me out!" And she throws the paper violently on the table and storms off. I look at the table she threw it on and see a bunch of papers strewn and torn up all over the table. Now, I did pray about false Jesus' not being able to enter our dreams. Probably why she had to dig a hole to see her "friend." That must be some weird dream - logic loophole. On the note subject matter: I've already made myself pretty clear on here and still stand on what I said. I'm left on read, for 6 years now. Pretty clear indication that Jamie wants nothing to do with me, and I'm treating it as such. That's a clear boundary for her and me. If she has a change of heart and reaches out - that's a different story. I'm not going to force or manipulate anyone into anything. A month ago I had some dreams of Jamie wanting to apologize, and also that I should wait and be patient with her while she figures out what to say. I'll stick with that. Laptop Back in the same room and Jamie is going through my laptop. She's looking for dating sites i used to go on or something. That's all I remember. Nope, I deleted all my profiles, and removed all apps.
Jamie dreams: The other night: just seeing her crying, I think it was about me... Daytime nap: seeing Jamie all peaceful. Next flash she's in a tub or something and seeing her hair floating around her head. She seems to be praying or something. ( I highly recommend bathing/ shower and prayer.) Last night: Jamie is talking to me. She says she has reached a decision about me??? She suddenly turns dark or a darkness overtakes her and she says something like before she re connects with me she's going to a gangbang??? Wtf. She vanishes but is still talking to me as a voice in my head, which stops. I drive all over a city looking for her . The dream blanks out and I get snap shots of it... I won't go into detail, except why was she tied up? I wake up highly disturbed. Think this girl needs some more prayers... Another nld I go and try to work at Canmore or something. I'm showing people around the restaurant I'm working at or something. We argue about the layout.
Recently moved reluctantly to my old area. one HH vision of Jesus's crown of thorns, or like a giant version of it lain down on the property where I live. It was all over the shrubs and stuff. 2 Jamie dreams: I'm at a convenience store (the one I was in the other day where I spotted a Jamie Look a like - I say that because mysteriously running her look a likes is a common occurrence for me, especially in convenience stores.) in the dream Jamie has a huge hole in her chest. I'm then dreaming from two perspectives - one as Me trying to stop her chest from bleeding so much - The other from her perspective laying on the ground in shock all the blood pouring out and I'm fading out. As I fade out so does the dream. Second dream: I go into the convenience store again. The person in front of me turns around and I am seeing a T-shirt (Metallica- Ride The Lightning). I look up and the face is of Jamie smiling. And that's all I remember of that one. I'll try not to take these occurrences too seriously unless I know all the facts. Vague other dreams: One where I run into a gut I use to work with in Canmore. The other dream I ran into my cousin, who I use to live with but nothing memorable happened.
Jamie 1 Don't Remember what happened Just that Jamie was in it. Jamie 2 We were both walking around a street. Eating something really gross... Won't say what. but we musta been under some awful spell for us to do that... DT Fell asleep listening to the Audiobook of the Dark Tower. Dreamed I saw The Tower from far away. I saw all the beams and the edges of the earth and the Turtle. Outsaide all that was Jesus with his arms open encircling the world. As if he was gesteruring, "Behold I have made this too!" So, He created The Ideas in Stephen King's head? Crazy. I know King is a hardcore athiest. Canmore Dreamed I was working in Canmore again but at a different place.
Jamie Took Place in Canmore, (Where I am now) I was in a cross between the Canmore mcdonald's and staff accommodations. Jamie was coming to live and work here or something. Bir was saying what the plans were for me and jamie to work together, we were outside at night time. Fast forward I was talking To Jamill and he said, "Jamie was here to see you". I thought it was real life. She was sitting at some table She gave me a hug. She was blond and overweight. I mistakenly made some comment about that and she seemed a tad upset. We starts walking somewhere I begin to ask her if she remembers or reads and of the dreams... Then I wake up. I had other dreams throughout the week that were vivid but I can't recall them now.