Merry Chrysler! Aw, shit it's boxing day... Scary height? Me and Jamie were on a giant tall hill. In the middle of a giant tree... with a wooden base around it built into the tree. We had two other members on the team running around below. We were waiting for something. for some reason I had a pistol on me... Wait are we dreaming about fortnite again? OG map? Jamie said that this was really high up. She seemed scared. I was too. some guy from our team said no one was around so it was safe to go down. We did. I found a bunker full of food. I felt like making bacon. Last night: Jesus again Me and Jamie were in a very large standing area. There was a multitude of couples with us in the standing area. It felt like these couples were like me and Jamie - Hand picked by Jesus for life commitments - but he had to separate them first to work on them. We were all facing the front where there was a throne. Jesus was there on the throne. He said, "My children I'm beginning my work NOW to bring you all together again." I woke from this dream. The Jesus voice said (Or Holy Spirit), "Jamie is knocking on the door now.". That's funny, when I first arrived back in Bowden, over a year ago, He said she was at the door. Well, my door is open. If she wants to talk, She knows where my house is. I would not turn her away. If she's comfortable with phones first, my business with my personal cell is online, and in the Western.Buy.Sell.Trade paper. Or, if she wants to leave a note on my car. We both seem to be at a stalemate - I've already tried to reach out to her, she doesn't respond, I don't like what her non response does to me, so My hands are tied. I've seen her drive by me many times, but she never stops to talk. Maybe Jesus is hinting that he may do something... wether it's running into eachother more often, or through familiar people, or situations. In any case, it sounds like it's on the horizon. Jamie 3 I'm with Jamie in a house kitchen that seems to be ours. She's carrying a baby. She says, "We're beginning to run out of food." Yes, I'm worried about that too. Even if together there might be staying with In-Laws for a while. My business is slowly picking up. I want to get other things going too. Like flipping computers. There's lots of things to gt into for side hustles or careers.
Jamie 1 Dreamed Jesus woke me up in a false awakening. He had his hand extended, I took it and he led me to a closet. We opened it and I side was a white coffin. We Got Jamie out of the coffin. Okay, what is it with dreaming Jamie is in a closet or locked in a box or coffin? Very common themes lately. Jamie 2 Flash of Jamie making out with some girl. Okay, getting tired of dreaming about that. Last night: Had kind of a rough night with her voice. I was thinking about the past again too much causing me to split bad. Had trouble sleeping for a while because of it. But we talked about it. Jesus wants us to give a lot of grace to one another. I'm getting there. I'm just worried if it bothers me sometimes - if we start talking again, I hope she is willing to explain some things from time to time. In order to settle the issue and move on from it quickly. I wouldn't recommend a giant discussion of the past in one sitting though. Might do more harm than good. Like we learned in school about earthquakes, better to have small quakes to alleviate the pressure instead of a giant destructive quake. Children Had a dream I saw something about Jamie online. She had a blog post where she had all these children. Asuka took me to her place. Jamie was there and another adult, I don't know who. Jamie was not looking at me at all. I decided to leave and at the door Jamie smiled at me. She looked tired. Uh oh. I guess I better be more careful from now on. I think Jesus has told us both to be really careful with one another.
Finally worked for out of the box the past 2 days. Did half a day today because I mowed over a wasps nest in didsbury. Got stung on each ankle - counted at least 2 stings on my right ankle. Pretty sure I'm not allergic. I'll be fine. Just sore like a mofo. Had a funny convo with the Jamie voice one morning while I was in a drive thru waiting for coffee. Line was taking forever and I was getting impatient. The Jamie voice sensing something, said, " yeah Robert, hurry up!" So I try to explain I'm stuck and I ask why she's being like this? "I'm just practicing..." I'm like: for what? "For when we're married." Oh really? Dreams. Had trouble sleeping for a few nights due to animals. My dog ate a bunch of cat food and had bathroom problems. This is after I told every one in the house to keep the cat food in a high place. Do they listen to the guy who's lived with cats and dogs before? No, so I had to get up almost every hour of the night to let him out. Last night a roommate's new kitten got left in my sleeping area and was pestering me all morning. 2 fragments Driving Was driving in a strange wooden area at night with a swamp nearby. My car got stuck and suddenly I was no longer in it. A car below me whizzed by. I looked where the car drove all I was as a vine and swamp. I was thinking it's impossible for a car to drive through it. Yet, I saw it. Memory fades after. Jesus Jesus was saying to me and Jamie, " Be patient my children, For I will bring you two together soon, and soon after, You will be with me in paradise." Suddenly we are with Jesus on a beach. He's sitting in a lawn chair under some shade. He has a peach colored drink that is most likely non alcoholic. He's also wearing sunglasses and grinning wide. He's like that out of touch Dad who adopts his children's lingo to seem cool - but usually is just making his children cringe with embarrassment. But I get the feeling that he's just pretending to be that guy, as a sort of joke. Which, actually makes it kind of funny. Note: no one should be concerned about him saying we will be with him in paradise SOON. Which almost implies bodily death. He is a God who claims to be completely outside of time and space, so, soon, could mean days, months or even years...
Completely burned out yesterday. Dropped my phone and wrecked the screen... can still use it until I get a new one.Staying home today to recover. I asked Raven to help out again she remembered a small flash of attempting to get Jamie out of that box. Random Dream of breaking onto someone's farm? I got caught while breaking into the house. The owners made me leave. I somehow left my phone and wallet behind. Remember catching up with my brother and he had my car parked on a sketchy cliff. Hmm Last night: kept dreaming people or entities were trying to discourage me with Jamie. A brief HH flash of Jamie hanging in a closet. Her voice was upset at this or something. I was trying to console her for some time. Wtf I was with a group of people working or something. Some girl decided to give me a ride. During the ride she starts grilling me about Jamie. She claims Jamie talked about me saying I seemed alright at first but then I became creepy and obsessed or something. I shot back with that I've seen her driving by me house as if to check on me. And I've seen her smile at me at least twice when passing one another on the street. The girl looked shocked and didn't have a response. Woke up and did some prayers asking for our dreams to return to normal. Vague flash of Jesus helping me and Jamie. She was smiling at me and holding me.
Note: I heard that dream shaman bi polar guy talking about his beliefs. He does dream real things about people. He claims he gets shown things about people in dreaming and claims it's his spirit guides that tell him what to do in dreams. So my guess is that is what he is operating under when he consistently interferes in mine and Jamie's dreams. I personally have a huge lack of trust of anything "spirit guides." Have to say. In my own experience: they lie. I personally only trust Jesus at this point. Yes sure, he hardly speaks, and when he does its often vague. But, he never leads astray. First night: Nothing. During the day I did work with the temp agency and did a small moving job in Didsbury. Pretty sure I seen Jamie driving into Didsbury on that pot hole hell road in between Olds and Didsbury. I was in the back of a Dodge truck going past the train tracks and construction near the storage unit Yard. I saw the white SUV that I'm sure I've seen Jamie in before. I saw the long brown hair with a bangs cut and she was wearing large sunglasses ( people with her eye color are a lot more sensitive to sunlight.) I heard her voice in my head say something like, " did you see me? I think I saw you." And sometime later. " I wanna see you again." Next part is debatable whether it was Jamie or not. Many hours later, I'm at home. Sitting at the table outside the house just pondering. I was remembering that Jamie used to do drive bys on me. And that it seemed like some time since she had done so. While I was thinking this. I vaguely noticed a blue or green pickup truck driven by a lone woman, whom seemed to be wearing dutch braids, and sporting large sunglasses. I wasn't really paying attention but she appeared to be in her thirties. She turned from the main street in Bowden but heading towards the main highway but she turned on my street and turned into the alley facing my yard and began heading the opposite way. While turned on to the Alleyway she looked my way, and quickly turned facing front after a second. I was still zoning in my own thoughts when Jamie's voice entered my head, "Did you see me?". I was like: yeah right, no way that was her. But then I ran it back. I've passed her in Olds before when she had braids. In that instance she was beaming at me. ( Her voice will argue she was just smiling but I know better ). As for the change in vehicle . Emily King said in her video that girls will even help their friends vet someone by helping stalk them. And it's not hard to borrow someone's vehicle if you offer to fill their tank if you use it for a few hours. So if it was her. You're telling me that she finished work or whatever she was doing in Didsbury, went home, or to a friend's. Got done up in dutch braids, and borrowed a friend's truck? I even asked her voice, " why are you always changing vehicles?" She replied, " I'm trying to be secretive." Well... It's not working if I can clearly see who it is. It's the quick head turn that's the dead giveaway remember. She must have really liked the last post about the sign I was given to marry her. That's not even the initial big sign I was given. Jamie 1 Me and Jamie are driving in Didsbury towards a camp ground. We both plan to go camping together. Im talking to her in my head instead of normally. I say, "Did you pack is lots of underwear? I think we're going to need it." Uhhh. Jamie 2 Something about Jamie being at a campground and avoiding me. She was feeling guilty about something. Maybe it was a flashback to the outdoor concert thingy I saw her at? Jamie 3 I'm at Jamie's house. It's dark and messy. There seems to be demons all over. But regardless she's happy to see me. We are sitting on a couch holding hands and watching something. Jamie 4 Me and Jamie are walking alongside a busy highway. There is a man walking behind us a ways. Jamie nudges me with a look of fear and indicates in the Man's direction. It's that annoying dream shaman guy that was trying to break us up. He walks faster towards us meaning to catch up but me and Jamie are having none of it. We turn ahead but now there's a large truck pulled over on the shoulder. Cars are going by so fast that going around the truck that it's dangerous to walk around it. The ditch is suicidally deep so that's not an option. The guy is getting closer. Jamie looks fearful and I instinctively pray to Jesus to stop the man and keep him from dreaming with us. A flaming sword falls out of the sky and lands between us and the man. Now it's an immutable wall of fire that he can't cross. This also creates a break in the traffic. I remember me and Jamie finally making it past the truck when I wake up.
Low recall due to some stressful days. Found some semi steady work today through a Didsbury temp agency. Felt really good to have work with some people who aren't my family. . Only fragments to record. Face I was doing my daily prayers for myself and Jamie and half fell asleep. Saw an HH image of Jesus peering over some clouds and smiling. It was as if he was happy with what I was praying over Jamie. HH Quick HH dream of me asking Jamie if she's the real Jamie. And I was using her full name. Last night: In the middle of the night I went out for a smoke. I was having an intimate and funny conversation with her voice and I was thinking if this is really her, I would marry her. Just then I saw a shooting star... As if confirming this thought. Second time this year that has happened to me. Weird phrase Another HH flash of a friend's girlfriend who was visiting our house. She looked at me and said, " There's cash registers in your soup." I woke up and thought the phrase was hilarious.
Note: There is a guy staying at our house (hopefully temporary). Who is a half native guy. He's into new agey stuff and is very experienced in dream sharing. He's also gay. I have told him previously about my experiences with dream sharing. He seems to have his own biased view on dreams. I have not told him about Jamie. And I will not. He seems to be the guy who was interfering with me and Jamie in my dreams, causing the false break up from the previous entry. I also don't trust him because when I was alone at the house with him the other day, he blew up at me out of nowhere. He started yelling and cussing me out over a minor disagreement ( because I didn't want to listen to him or his advice on certain things.) in any case, I have ceased discussing any dreams or spiritual stuff with him. I have prayed daily that he can no longer interfere with our dreams... Jesus has been silent in the dreams so... But I have enlisted Raven to help. She says she wants to do something while her mother spends her last days in hospice. Just keep in mind she may not always be able to help if she's too stressed out or depressed. To Jamie if she reads: if you are dreaming about me being mean, or "breaking up." Or being abusive in dreams. It's not me. I don't know what this guy is capable of, or how long he will try to interfere. Just pray about it if it can help. Forgot one dream from last entry: Jamie 1 Me and Jamie are working on a hairdressing head working on braids or something. Nice. Girl Just a flash of a young girl barely older than a toddler picking up grass and handing it to me. Jamie 2 Sex dream with Jamie. In Asuka's garden of all places. We were somehow in mid air and teleporting a few feet every few seconds... Wtf. Funny tho. Annoying guy 1 I was in a strange hotel area with a big room or something. People were sitting in cubicles. I was on a person train riding tricycles. Behind me was a fake Jesus with a pride flag. Jamie was in one of the cubicles. I think I was trying to do something to impress her. Can't remember what I did. I had a feeling like it was that guy's inner world. Annoying guy 2 A dream of Jamie's face in the black space. She's being mean and cussing me out badly. But inside the Jamie image is another face... That guy, and I can see his facial hair. Wake up and her voice seems upset with me. I tried to calm her down and she said. " What is going on with our dreams lately?" Annoying guy 3 Sitting in a chair across from the guy and having coffee. I look to my right and see a giant hole in the wall. So he's breaking in now?
I have new sleeping arrangements and now my recall went down. First night: Just some HH of a figure that looked like my brother but I felt it was demonic. Second night: Jamie Just being in a white pickup truck with Jamie, can't remember the details. Jesus Jesus is helping me and Jamie (a lot of confusion and struggles with the head voice stuff the past few days.) his face is pure light and a big white light is behind him. Can't remember what else. Saw the same car again as the drive by from last time, but different driver - maybe her friend was driving? But I felt the glare from Jamie which makes me turn my head to look before I even realize what's happening. Her voice was insistent it was her. Grain of salt tho. shape shifter A dream of some guy in a strange building, hiding from a shape shifting monster. It's a table, then a chair, and other things I can't describe. It felt creepy though. The guy somehow painted himself the color of the walls to hide from it. Other HH flashes of Jamie's voice. Can't remember what was said.
Forgot a dream fragment from last entry: some Demon was accusing Jamie of being a lesbian or something... Not much to say on this but, If me and Jamie share a strange dream ( And in head voice) connection, and Jesus who seems to push us towards one another in these connections. There's also "Evil," forces that conspire to keep us apart. So, Be on your guard! Me - Out of nowhere I've had old temptations come back to haunt me and they are difficult to keep at bay. (I find prayers works and distracting myself. And if Jamie really know the voice in my head - if you know you know). I also think back to when me and Jamie first met, and how we both had counterfeit people in our lives to distract us from one another. So yeah - pray on this. Also, it's been months since I had a dream where Jamie was telling me she had planned to saying something to me, and that I would have to be patient. If it's still too difficult to reach out, since we both live in the same area, maybe pray that God makes us cross paths more often, like we both know he can do. Maybe eventually one of us can break the ice if the feeling is right. I have been praying on this. anyway more dreams: I can't recall every single dream. I had many fragments and HH but hardly any longer dreams to recall. previous nights: Jesus A dream of Jesus showing Jamie one of my dreams through a mirror or something. There was a bunch of smoke inside on the other side of the mirror. Wow Another sex dream. Her on top... really enjoying herself this time. I get to see a lot. Cage I'm with some friends and we find Jamie trapped in a cage again. And I forget what happens, maybe healing energy again. Last night: voice Brief dream where I am explaining something to Jamie. I'm being dumb and ranting a lot like I do in dreams. After I'm done, Jamie says ,"Okaaay, Robeeert." A bunch of vague Jamie flashes. Healing? I'm standing with a group of people by a pool of water. There's healing energy going around for everybody. Vague dream Can't remember exactly. flying around a city with my old friend Richard from chilliwack. Also I've noticed Jamie testing our telepathy - if the voices in our heads are, "real". Like the dream I had with the chipoltle sauce, trying to make me say, "No chick-fil-a sauce?" because that very thing was stuck in my head the previous days. And the chicken barn dream - no comment.
Seems Jamie is back to normal. Jamie 1 Brief flash of driving in the country with Jamie in a white vehicle. This was daytime Jamie 2 Brief dream of slow dancing with Jamie in a living room. There were disco lights flashing. Asuka seemed to be the DJ. The song was a really old song. Jamie 3 I was in a backyard by a garden during the daytime. My dad was there and he said, " the girl that's arriving has borderline problems like you. You two would be a good match," not his exact words but something like that. In a muddy driveway a white pickup truck arrives and I see Jamie in the passenger seat. The driver I can't see but I feel it's her dad. Losing control I was in the backyard again. I was exploring a shed. I looked out a crack in the wall boards. I started tapping my chest hard. Not sure if it was an RC or not. I stepped outside the door and started getting dizzy. I began falling over but kept trying to pull myself up. I just kept fading more and more no matter how hard I tried to stay conscious. I was panicking. Woke up and the Jamie voice asked if I was okay? Fake Jesus I'm walking in a tunnel inside of a big tower with a maze to the top. At the entrance is standing Jesus in a red robe. He looks like a guy cosplaying Jesus. We make small talk and begin the maze tower. Suddenly he's a British woman. We are jumping on these blocks that take us up the maze. I'm talking to him and almost say , "god dammit." When I miss a block. I say, " Oh wait, that's a sin right. Please forgive me." The British lady says, "Yes, that's a sin.". I jump and make it to the block . It looks like Jesus again and he's standing on a rotating block, so he has to jump to stay on it when it turns on it's edge. I can't make the jump so I ask him to pull me up. He hesitates and I insist he's supposed to help me. He grabs my hand but the block turns over and he falls on me and we both fall down the shaft. Last night: no recall. Stress from getting into an argument with my dad where he thought it was okay to shove me. I had to go for a drive to olds to calm myself down until I was done with reliving all the trauma. Spent half an hour parked at the McDonald's and watching Tik Tok.
Some really good dreams this past couple of days. Someone must have really liked my last entry! Jamie 1 I'm outside a bar with Jamie. The same one from a while ago. It's a real place in Didsbury, the two bars facing one another practically across the street. Jamie is just being goofy. She has these napkins and keeps putting chipotle sauce on napkins and trying to make me eat it. WTF. No Chick-Fil-A sauce? Jamie 2 Same place again. It's night time. We are alone and it's really late. Jamie goes up to an old grey car and starts trying to remove the headlight. A bunch of other jamie flashes but they are too short to comprehend. Next night: Family outing I'm with family in calgary, apparently visiting my Mom. We are in a park near the bow river but everything looks different than normal. I'm up on a hill and below is a grizzly bear, but it seems friendly. I find a bounce thing that propels you in the air. I jump on it and fly high over bridges. When I land I'm in a truck with my dad. We are in an uncomfortable silence. Suddenly I'm in a mall and Jamie is on my right and my dad is on my left. He make a really rude comment when we pass by some ice cream and smoothie stand. There's two small vats with flavored milk with a beater in each. He says since me and Jamie are lovers we should get an idea from those mixers... It makes no sense but it sounds sexual and rude. I just ignore it. I try to lean against Jamie while I walk and she almost stumbles or trips. I apologize and she puts her arm around me. I notice I'm eating a bunch of mini plain doughnuts from a small paper bag. I go to eat one and Jamie tries to grab it out of my hand. I give it to her. I say, "I don't like the taste of these anyway." As they are pretty bland. That's all I remember. Audio only dream I hear both me and Jamie reciting The Lord's Prayer together. The real Jesus. In my vision I see something like a nice painting. It resembles Jesus Baptizing Jamie in a stream. I really hope it's true.
First night: Just a flash of a sex dream. Couldn't really tell who it was with. Second night before bed, Talked with Raven about a dream Raven had about visiting Jamie. Apparently Jamie was digging a hole in her dream house basement in order to let a "friend," in. I found that suspicious, so I suggested to Raven that we help Jamie dig the hole and find out who her friend is. Wandering A dream of wandering around a big and fancy apartment building or hotel. I had to go to the bathroom so I kept going up and down stairs. In my memories of this place I remembered where one might be. I went there but the toilet was gone and in its place: there was a homeless man humping someone under him. I wandered off and kept searching but my memory fades. Funny Brief sex dream. Me and Jamie are in Canmore, she's driving a brown SUV or an older station wagon. We park on a street and use the back. I notice it's common for her to be on top. Oh no I'm in Jamie's house in the addic room. It's really messy and disorganized. An angry and stressed out Jamie walks in through a door. She has a small piece of paper in her hand and says, " Jesus said that you have to message me and ask me out!" And she throws the paper violently on the table and storms off. I look at the table she threw it on and see a bunch of papers strewn and torn up all over the table. Now, I did pray about false Jesus' not being able to enter our dreams. Probably why she had to dig a hole to see her "friend." That must be some weird dream - logic loophole. On the note subject matter: I've already made myself pretty clear on here and still stand on what I said. I'm left on read, for 6 years now. Pretty clear indication that Jamie wants nothing to do with me, and I'm treating it as such. That's a clear boundary for her and me. If she has a change of heart and reaches out - that's a different story. I'm not going to force or manipulate anyone into anything. A month ago I had some dreams of Jamie wanting to apologize, and also that I should wait and be patient with her while she figures out what to say. I'll stick with that. Laptop Back in the same room and Jamie is going through my laptop. She's looking for dating sites i used to go on or something. That's all I remember. Nope, I deleted all my profiles, and removed all apps.
Been sick still. Last night I could hardly sleep. Fake Jesus Can't remember the details too much. I was with Jesus and he was asking me to do this strange, abstract thing. It seemed unethical what he was asking. Next we were standing over Jamie 's bed and he said if I do those things (that I can't remember) she will be in my life soon. First off, I'm not going to do anything manipulative... Second in previous dreams it sounded like she wants to talk to me, but that I'm just to be very patient with her while she decides what she wants to say. In any case I'll hear her out. Woke up and added prayers of banishing fake Jesus from my dreams. Last night. Wtf I'm looking for Jamie at her house. She is nowhere to be found. I eventually come across a jail cell door with a small window and bars Jamie is on the other side. She reaches her hand out and I lightly grab it. I'm shocked and concerned. The dream starts fading to black and when it does she says, "You have to start looking at porn." I admit I nearly choked on my coffee when I remembered that line. I'm sure in whatever strange dream she was having, in that context, what she said made sense to her. In any case, I've pretty much avoided that the past while.
Got a slight cold so my low recall got lower. Had a Jamie look alike scare at Walmart today. Came in with her man, but the girl was shorter and younger. When I saw Jamie at the store last summer, she looked older, and really hardened somehow. Anyways. Sought Raven's help because I had a dream that demons were entering my mind. And also Jamie had a darkness in her Healing Seemed to have three versions of this dream... It played out 3 times just each time was slightly different. Setting was by a building walking by a short walk with a garden on the other side. In one I'm walking on the wall and Jamie and Jesus walking on the stone path One version I don't remember. Just that it happened. 3rd time me and Jamie are on the path now with Jesus. He plays a song for us. It's one I've heard on older rock/ pop radio. "Don't dream it's over." Forget who it's by, just has a really nice chorus. The music energy is a shade of blue. Me and Jamie seem soothed by it and we start holding hands as we walk and kind of lean on one another. I really liked this dream.
Okay, another longish entry with very small dream fragments. (It's a thankless job.) Apperrently I can't save drafts anymore, it automatically just posts WTF DV! Mcdonald's A dream I got re hired at a mcdonald's I use to work at. Tina, the Operations manager gave me a return gift. I sat in a restaurant lobby that also had apartments inside? And leafed through the bag. An orange juice, some snacks and a flip phone... I was a bit perplexed at the flip phone. Honestly though, I would kill to to work at a mcdonald's job again. Both working and living with my dad and my brother is awful. The hours suck. My dad is a micromanaging, pedophelic, angry boomer, who doesn't know how to give instructions and expects me to just "Figure out the obvious.". And my brother who takes a 20 minute smoke break every 5 minutes, and always seems to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown... Oh well, I got an epic tax return and will be using it to gt my piano tuning business of the ground in not time. All this morning. Drive Flash of Jamie driving me into the middle of the country, and we were passing a lot of pickup trucks. Plans were to park somewhere discrete and um... You know. She plan on just nabbing me someday and getting it over with?!?!?!? Braids Helping Jamie with braids again... okay is this a thing. If I get with Jamie, am I going to have to buy a hairstylist hair dummy or something? Book Flash of Jamie sitting in a chair with a giant book. Seems to be The Bible. She pauses and looks up at me and says, "Umm, I'm really having a hard time with this." I wake up for a moment and a voice that sounds like Jesus goes into my head, "Give her something simple." Alright. Not Sure where Jamie is on her walk with this. I did have dreams years ago that she was talking to Jesus. I don't know if Jamie considers herself, "Saved," or not. So, I personally believe in "Saved by grace through faith alone." Doctrine. Main verse to back that up is ephesians 2:8-9, but there are also many others. I wonder if she knows what she is being saved from. Basically, all religions and spiritual practices address that everyone has a , "Sinful nature,". Ever got cut off in traffic and got mad? that's a sin. how about sex without marriage? also a sin. So, in Christianity God's standard for entrance into Heaven after death is Perfection. Everyone on earth falls below that standard even if we have sinned once, we are all destined do a death separated from God. God, however does not desire that anyone in his creation to perish this way. So He sent his Son: Jesus, who is also God in the flesh. Who lived the perfect lived the perfect life, was crucified and killed which was payment for our sin debt, Rose To life after 3 days, all according to the scriptures which came before. So, whoever repents (The greek word for 'repent' is metanoia, which is a word to "change your mind") and believe Jesus is real and did all of this for us, Gets his perfect sinless record, credited to our sin debt account. And since we get his record credited to our accounts, we don't spend death separated from God. It was actually in 2011 I felt this "nudge" from god, after watching a video. I felt a presence, and I prayed fro the first time in years, "Are you real?" I watched a movie about Jesus, fell asleep and had this dream: . Now I ignored that dream, got addicted to psychic readings, Met Jamie, and the rest is history. Simple task: Read ephesians 2:8-9. Start on the gospel of John and see if Jesus indeed preached "Saved by grace...". don't try to read the whole gospel if you don't want, just find some examples. Pray before hand, "Ask god if he is real or to reveal himself to you." But be sincere. if you don't like reading there is a Visual bible: the gospel of John, on youtube (I personally like the one with the actor who plays 'Desmond,' from LOST.") it's pretty much a word for word movie of the Book. Stay out of the "Hard to swallow pills" of the old testament for now. For that I recommend Chuck Missler on youtube, "Learn the bible in 24 hours", who also has some old testament bible studies. He's very sciency, Doesn't yell (I friggin hate preachers who yell or get overly emotional). He has a tendency to go off on tangents, but still really easy to listen to. Don't fall asleep to his speeches though unless you want to be ear blasted by annoying religious instrumental music at the beginning and end of each episode. Jamie conversation I'm in an addict with Jamie. She's wearing a very fancy, but old fashioned "wifey" dress that is white. She is asking me to go through boxes of her memories, so she can figure what to say to me in person. We have a small argument, but none of it is heated at all. it's something like. "You will hear from me Robert, But, you're going to have to be very patient with me." I say something like, "Ok I'll try. It has been how many years since you have even spoken to me? (Good portion of that is on me though, I always seem to forget that, especially when hangry and i think too much about it) After all this time it still really bothers me." To which she says, "It has been extremely hard for me as well, Robert." Well damn. These are the words to speak to me. Okay, I guess I will somehow learn to be patient. On it! Jamie flash. Similar dream. only there is no conversation and Jamie's dress is black. Black and white huh? I know what that represents.