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    1. Apocalypse depeartment store

      by , 04-06-2017 at 10:44 AM
      I am in an abandoned depeartment store. I appear to be quite high up, juding from the view out the windows. Laying on top of a large bare wood shelving unit I hide from other people as they scour the store. Eventually they leave but I remain and several weeks later am still there. All is still and quiet, everyone has left the town. I have a store of milk cartons and some tins of stuff to eat, though they are like large paint tins. No one has found them. The milk has been radiated by some nuclear fallout type thing and so does not go off, its just watery.
      A small girl arrives (rl Victoria) I show her where the food is. She wants to go outside as there are large fluffy flakes of snow coming down outside. I search among the loads of strewns shoes and find her a pair, and get a brand new pair of lace up black doctor martins for me. We set off.
    2. 3 Oct: Crossing doors

      by , 10-03-2013 at 03:35 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      (...) I'm walking in Lisbon and it's a gorgeous day and the city is full of tourists. I become lucid and think about what I'll do. Fly away? Keep going ahead? I'm attracted to a grey alley which leads to a dead end. Someone, whom I feel as familiar, but in reality can be anybody, points to a door behind me. I look.
      "Yeah, so?"
      "Look again."
      Now the door is orange, fluffy and has some facial features. I'm incited to go through it and emerge on the other side. So, I'm like swallowed by the "mouth" of the door but I hesitate on coming out on the other side, so I get stuck in this intermediate area. I hear the voice of the other person telling me to rush up because the passage will close. And soon enough this place starts closing in around me and I only have time to break through a little opening between a wall in front of me and the ceiling above me. When I get out on the other side, the door behind me is the back cover of a comic book with the story of my childhood. I feel a deep sense of loss when I walk away from the door/cover and I start crying compulsively.
      But, aware of the emotions, they dissipate and I move forward. I find myself at some kind of giant warehouse with blocks and alleys between them. Each block is like a shop with something on display, but has no doors, we have to climb some small stairs on the side, like the stairs of a bunk bed, to get to the their top. There are other persons staring at them like me and a nice guy points to one block decorated with Dragon Ball characters and suggests we go to that one and play to a Kamehameha fight. I find it childish and irresistible, so I accept. But when we climb on top of the block, it's totally different. There's some ambient music and rows of hangers with women clothes.
      Am I supposed to choose an outfit? The clothes are all very feminine, I try one outfit and feel very sexy. At that moment the music changes and I hear latin and belly dancing musics. I recall the dance classes I had many eyears ago and I dance a bit to see how I manage. I'm ok, but soon enough there's a perv making indecent proposals so I climb down from there. I see another block which resembles a Starbuck's coffee house. I meet there a gay couple who start talking to me and say they are music managers. They know I can sing and invite me to work with them. Yeah, that sounds good, but when they offer to pay me some food, I start saying "no milk, no meat, no wheat" and there's nothing on the menu that I can eat and they look at me as if I'm a weirdo and puf, there goes a future musical contract to the garbage.
      Then I encounter a very "rough on the edges" block, made of solid wood and on it I meet some people I know from an alternative organization and they are working wood. They run a carpentry worskshop, they are currently recovering an old boat and as they show me what they do, I'm instantly seduced by it. "Woodwork, hum?" Never thought I'd consider this but... teach me! How zen my life would be...