*Need to go to sleep earlier, I could sense if I laid in bed longer I would have a lucid but sadly I have to work!* J and I were in a Walmart trying to buy some bread that was on a quick spinning display. It was frustrating because every time we tried to grab it other products would get knocked over. The time window to grab it was less than a second. We ended up getting frustrated and decided we needed revenge by robbing the store of random stuff. we started making an escape when we realized we didn't have a car. We stole a really old, rusted metal bodied car and took off. J was driving and I was somewhere in the back feeling a hole in the vehicles exhaust, it was blasting air out and was sparking. Some time passed and the police caught up to us, pulling us over. As J pulled over, he got out and ran to the back of the vehicle "Watch out a snake!" he pushed a stolen inflatable snake that was hanging out of the trunk and slammed it shut, hiding the stolen goods. "We need to search your vehicle!" demanded the officer. "Show me a search warrant first!" J retorted. The officer looked annoyed and told us to stay put as he walked back to his car. We knew we were in trouble so we booked it while he wasn't looking. We got pretty far away and found a large wall camouflaged like the surrounding area, it had a door we decided to go through. I wake up.
Updated 04-09-2024 at 12:51 AM by 100743
I fell a sleep 2 hours later than usual. Woke at 12am Shopping with J J and I were driving to a market, he wanted me to check the time on google maps to make sure there weren't any slow downs. I could see the times on the map on our path counting down the further we got into the path from 50 to 45 then to 40, which I assumed meant there was no slow down. We arrived at the market and as we were entering there was a lady to our left following us out of sight. I could see there was a line of abandoned shopping carts at the cash register, we decided to walk in that general direction only to find isles full of apples, at the end there was some almond butter and I thought about dipping the apples in it for a snack. Woke at 5:20(40 minutes early) The Infinity Virus, Minecraft I was at my computer logging into a Minecraft server when two of my friends began talking about how the world got infected with the infinity virus. I looked up what the infinity virus was and saw that it could simply be created with typing a set of numbers (10,000, 4560, ???, ???) *I can't remember the last two numbers, but maybe that a good thing! * switching back to Minecraft, I could see the set of numbers that summoned the virus in yellow text on the left of the screen. We traveled a set path collecting items that we would need to give to the virus, my friends explained that it summoned an ancient entity that was now in full control of our world. *This is basically a Minecraft adventure map, not being taken too seriously* I could see my friend picking items up, there was some on top of the roof for a structure that could not be picked up, tried anyway and continued. After looting the first spot we found a huge set of armor made up of blocks, that set of armor belonged to the infinity virus. We looted a second spot and just like before there were items on a roof that couldn't be picked up, again, my friend tried to take them just to be safe. After looting the second site we continued, spotting a second set of armor. This time as we passed it lightning struck the armor setting it on fire, just then backslashes and forward slashes began spamming under the numbers that spawned the virus. We started running away from the armor, then I woke. Note: First time I'm playing Minecraft at a computer in a dream.
Updated 04-02-2024 at 12:58 AM by 100743
I am at Nathaniel’s, watching him for a while. I’m lying on my back, with my legs straight up, him balancing his torso horizontally on my feet and holding my hands to balance. He seems to be having fun, and his personality is just as I remember it. Now, his dad is here, and he is just as nice as I remember him too. I am walking into what I think is a huge Walmart. As I walk in, I am cognizant of my middle parted hair hanging almost to my shoulders. I’ve decided that I am growing it out again and am pretty happy with this resolution. I also remember asking Makayla and her saying I should. I think I am going in here for a Christmas gift. I think I’ll look in the kitchen aisle for Mom and then I think for Melissa too. I end up not even finding the aisle, but end up by the cases of water. Everything looks like it is in bulk. I also notice bulk sized jugs of different tequilas and vodkas for around $10. One is called ‘Jimmy John’s Vodka’, which I think cannot be that good. I then get the idea to look at the beer, just to see what they have. There is a somewhat small selection on a few shelves, but then I notice that it is labeled ‘non alcoholic’. I step out into the wide and long main aisle (almost the size of a street) and notice a guy coming towards me on a bike. I started stepping into his path, but then wait for him to pass. I think I am also aware of my eyesight and how it is not that good. I have found the beer aisle now, which seems to be mostly six packs of cans in cardboard boxes. Nothing really looks that appealing. One says ‘Finally Harvest Time’ and has a graphic of a moon and the silhouette of a person. I think that can’t be that good either. Now, I am by some food products and wonder if I should just grocery shop while I am here. I don’t have a basket, but I can carry a few things. I am looking at the breads, thinking about what I would use them for. There is one that looks like four large pretzel rolls. I then notice the same package in someone’s cart, and the bottoms of the rolls look slightly burned. At the end of the aisle now, I see a large, circular, plastic container of frozen chicken tenders. There seems to be three groups, each arranged around a thing of sauce? The label indicates that it is a Phil Lesh brand, which I think is cool. I pick it up, contemplating getting it, but put it back because it’s really big. Then, I hear Phil himself over the intercom, saying that it’s my last chance if I was thinking about getting those. His voice is calm and monotonous, which makes it sort of humorous.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I work at a court in a large building that looks like a mall. It is a very old building and people do tours in it. I catch some tourists visiting the restroom. It is part of the tour because they are antique. I am being harassed by a female colleague and she pushes me against a wall, says she wants my cunt and touches me inappropriately. I am rescued by a couple other colleagues and they support me in presenting complaint to the police, but because it is a woman, the police doesn't take it seriously. Unfortunately she also has her own friends who support her. We are all working same place. I leave early and go shopping. A store of natural products has some sales and I end up buying an electric toothbrush and a natural hair coloring. Later I go to work for some guys at the court. Some day they are talking about something boring and I leave. At some other room, I overhear some guys with a plan to destroy the world by releasing nanites. I follow them around to gather intel and watch as they push a button and unleash it on an island just by the coast, that we can see from the window. The nanites destroy a building in 10 sec. I run to tell my colleagues, but they don't understand what I am talking about and why it is urgent. It doesn't take long for us to start feeling the effect. Communications gone, transportation not coming and people in the city are already confused and scared and then cars start having accidents as the nanites eat them.
I am going to Kohl’s with Melissa. When we get inside, I’m not sure I see Melissa anymore. I get into a pretty long line that winds its way through what looks like the home section. I notice at least a couch or two. I then realize I haven’t even looked at clothes, so there is no reason I should be waiting in this line to check out. For whatever reason, my leaving this line seems like it could be suspicious. And as soon as I leave the line and start to enter the men’s clothes section, an older male employee attends to me. He asks what I’m looking for or need, and I tell him ‘a bathroom’. He walks me to a door in this small hallway. The sign says women and/or has a woman figure; I start to tell him this, but he simply opens the door, clearly revealing urinals within. This supersedes the sign, so I enter. Instead of the urinals, I begin using a square cut out in the stone floor full of water, watching it tipple and yellow. I know the man is waiting outside. I think he is going to be hovering like this while I shop as well.
Morning of June 22, 2018. Friday. Dream #: 18,813-02. Reading time: 1 min 23 sec. The first part of my dream presents a shopping situation in an unfamiliar store. There is significant visual detail in what I am buying, mostly food. After finishing our shopping, Zsuzsanna and I (and our children) walk along what vaguely reminds me of the King Street area in America. Silas Weir Mitchell, the American character actor, is with us, though my dream self does not recall him as either a celebrity or a character he had played. He is an implied friend. We approach an intersection, though it seems a challenge to continue. Snow covers an embankment though there is no awareness of winter or being cold. Where the end of the sidewalk joins the curb, one must first go up and over the embankment before crossing the street. I am pushing a shopping cart full of groceries. Silas is helping me, although he soon seems to be annoyed. Upon going over the embankment, there is a sudden drop of about two stories, with the street far below. I look down and see that Silas has fallen with the trolley, though seems uninjured. There is annoyance at my lack of progress in getting home with our food as the groceries are now strewn on the street far below. I soon realize it is a dream and that it is the usual vestibular system correlation of the waking process. As a result of this emergence of dream state awareness, I mentally reset it, and immediately, Silas and the shopping cart are back near me on the sidewalk, but I still decide to wake. In this dream, Silas is the vestibular system personification, a projected simulacrum of the waking process (which typically comes with an imaginary perception of flying, falling, or rising as a result of not fully discerning the physical body or its orientation while asleep). An intersection is autosymbolism for RAS (reticular activating system) mediation and synaptic gating, that is, the choice to wake or return to dreamless sleep (or attempt to continue the dream). I explain this dream type in “Dreams of Type PRECONAV-VSCPCEL, 01-15."
Updated 01-21-2019 at 04:52 PM by 1390
Morning of March 24, 2018. Saturday. I find myself on my own in the middle of a shopping excursion. The shopping mall is of an unfamiliar layout. I wander around for a time until I am more focused on my dream’s dynamics. Although I am not lucid, there is still a vaguely discernible summoning factor as with the majority of my dreams. I remember that I am married and have children, but no other conscious threads are present such as knowledge of my age or location. I am thinking of getting a tackle box, mostly for our sons for when they go fishing. I go to a lower shelf and pick one up and decide I will get it. Even though I perceive it as a tackle box, its appearance is that of a white Styrofoam egg carton. I consider that its design is as such to keep individual fishing lures from getting entangled by their hooks. From here, I look at a display wall featuring various types of fishing tackle. I consider getting one of my favorite and useful types from years ago; a yellow jig. A couple are near the bottom. I study the many other types, virtually every kind of fishing tackle I have ever used, including various plug lures and spoons. I absentmindedly carry the tackle box and jigs out of the store to the parking lot without paying, though I realize I will pay for everything I get after shopping longer. I put the items into the back seat of a car, from the left side. In attempting to go back into the mall, there is now an unfamiliar male painting the foyer. It is a darker cyan, and the entire walls, ceiling, and floor appear to be covered and still wet. (Of course, my dream self does not question this impossible sudden event.) The coat of paint has somewhat of a folded appearance, like the wrinkles and minor folds of a bed sheet. The painter, in blue bib overalls, is on a step ladder and remains cheerful. I am somewhat annoyed by this challenge. I attempt to go in, but I soon consider that I am now partly covered in paint when getting halfway to the opposite door. I subliminally reset my dream and I am again back outside the store (as I was prior to the previous event), wondering how I can enter. I notice that there is now an additional foyer to the left of the first one, which two unfamiliar females walk through to go into the store, so I use this one. I start thinking about getting some snacks for my family. Eventually, I approach a large table in the center of one store, which apparently is a bakery. There are several large butterfly cookies (about the size of my hand) with multicolored frosting of mostly yellow, cyan, pink, and blue. Each is wrapped in cellophane. First, I see what I think is the price of 95 cents on a very small label. I then notice that the price on a larger label is two dollars. I pick up two to purchase but begin to wake at this point. Return flight waking symbolism (RFWS) has occurred in at least one dream per sleeping period for over fifty years, but sometimes there are multiple diverse flight symbols in several different dreams in a shorter sleeping period. Their specific nature seems directly correlated with both my subliminally discerned level of unconsciousness and vestibular system dynamics. However, in this case, the autosymbolism seems a fairly obvious rendering of “butterflies in the stomach” in subliminal anticipation of RAS modulation (in the sometimes unexpected or jolting transition of dream self to conscious self). Because the butterflies were a static feature as cookies however, the waking was softer than usual. The imagery was also beautiful and even reassuring.
Morning of February 27, 2018. Tuesday. I am in an unfamiliar store and looking at a large wooden display unit for magazines. It has four shelf sections and is as long as the aisle. I notice an American Mad Magazine on the third shelf up, the front cover of which resembles that of issue 145 from September 1971 (with the original’s cover price being 40 cents), though the art is somewhat sketchy, seemingly by Don Martin, and drawn smaller and lower than the real version. It also seems to be implied to be a hot air balloon with a male character hanging from the basket’s gunwale on the left side and a female character facing left in profile and looking down at him with a question mark over her head. I pick it up with my left hand but I never open it. Still, I perceive that some of the pages are stiffer than usual, perhaps due to several different thin cardboard pages throughout. I consider that it may be a special issue. I assume it is two dollars and prepare to buy it, discovering that I have an Australian two-dollar coin in my right hand. Zsuzsanna is also soon present and she finds a magazine that she plans to buy. It seems to be a different issue of Mad Magazine, but I do not see the cover. I go to the singular checkout counter, which looks somewhat like the type in a convenience store, although there is no display unit at the front. I prepare to pay for the magazine when I notice that I am also carrying, in my left hand (and below the magazine), what looks like three VHS cases, though smaller than real ones and ambiguously associated with DVD cases. Looking at them, they all seem to be folk music albums. Their covers are all in brown and beige hues and feature mostly print (apparently lists of song titles). I put them in a display bin in which others are strewn, at the end of the aisle near the checkout. Going back, I notice that I still have one case in my hand, and wonder how I had missed putting it back. I feel somewhat annoyed by my absentmindedness. When I am at the checkout (Zsuzsanna standing on my left), the unfamiliar male cashier tells me it will be twelve dollars. Looking at the cover, even seeing that the price in the upper right corner reads as $3.12 (three dollars and twelve cents), I still exclaim, “How can a two dollar magazine be twelve dollars?” I consider that I might pay the amount, as I start to remember that American magazines in Australia are much more expensive than their printed cover price, but I wake at this point. Zsuzsanna is usually on my left in the last segment of a dream. This is subliminal awareness that she is on my left as we are sleeping, and as such, is a common DSI (Dream State Indicator). The Mad Magazine cover depicts static “failed flight waking symbolism”, suggesting that the character is about to fall, potentially precursory symbolism of my dream self in waking transition (the typical biological jolt of waking). However, these common dynamics had been quashed in this case, both in being featured on a liminal space divider (magazine cover) and oriented incorrectly. This is otherwise based on the biological vestibular system ambiguity of being unconscious, unrelated to waking life. There has been at least one VSA factor in at least one of my dreams of each sleeping period for over fifty years, so pretending that VSA autosymbolism is relevant to waking life is asinine (other than when literally prescient, though I doubt I will be in a hot air balloon or buying a Mad Magazine in the future). This dream is the typical checkout scenario, which is autosymbolism of consciousness reascension (leaving the dream state), one of my most common factors of waking autosymbolism since childhood. The confusion about prices (as well as having to do the same thing more than once) is a common dream state dynamic (as the non-lucid dream self does not usually possess or maintain viable thinking skills or temporality) of which is unrelated to waking life and the conscious self. The preconscious personification (the cashier) is an unfamliar male to prevent my dream from having waking life associations. (However, in direct contrast, this factor is sometimes inexplicably prescient.) RAS mediation renders the store as unfamiliar to prevent my conscious mind from mistaking it as being related to waking life (for prevention of false or ambiguous memories). (There is always the possibility that it may be visually prescient, but it is probably only the usual unique fictitious composite.) In summary, this dream features the usual components and autosymbolism. The Mad Magazine cover is similar to the first issue that my mother bought me when I began to collect them in 1971, thus this represents the induction marker of my dream, while the checkout is the exit marker.
Updated 05-20-2018 at 04:18 PM by 1390
A collection of fragments I can't remember in enough detail to get their own topic, but with some interesting parts I don't want to just forget. --- 07-23-2017 -- Again, a bit of a shorter one. Another Harry Potter dream, taking place in a sort of a cross between a school, and a mall, I think. Something evil is pursuing us, and we're trying to find a way to defend and protect ourselves, and Hermione has come up with some sort of gadget that can help keep us safe, but it needs to be made with a fairly good-sized gem. Malfoy has been trying to become a better person, though he is still a bit annoying, but Hermione is telling him about the new devices to help keep us safe, anyway. When she mentions needing the gems to make them, he pulls out a bag with his D&D dice, and it turns out a couple of the larger dice were lost, and he had replaced them with large, multi-faceted gemstones, so he is able to give her a couple more to make more of the things. There was a lot more to this, originally, but it was very hard to remember, and faded especially quickly. --- 07-25-2017 -- Can't remember all that much of this, but I am Harry Potter, and am on some kind of camping trip in the woods, and am trying to sleep in a sort of a camp bed, but I find that I am in some kind of a tree, and there is a big, violent gorilla who is trying to reach me and attack me. I am trying to stay out of his way, but he is fast, agile, and can climb well. I keep trying to get out of his reach, and he eventually does something that launches us both off the side of a cliff. He falls to his death, or at least serious injury, while I somehow manage to save myself with some sort of hover charm or something, then am explaining the whole situation to Tonks while listening to old music. Strange. --- 08-19-2017 -- Anything earlier is gone. Waiting for a bus near Knott's Berry Farm. Kind of flirting with a girl who might, just might, be Amy F. And accidentally catch my phone between my body and something solid, and manage to more or less snap it in half, longways, and I am really disgusted with myself about it. Meanwhile, somebody sick has come along, and has their doctor along with them, and is giving them a check-up at the bus stop, and I had heard something about this and tried to make arrangements, so the doctor is willing to see me and prescribe something for my HBP, and in the aftermath of that, I manage to miss two buses by being in just the wrong place at the wrong time. Flash forward, and it is now a week later. I am out traveling with mom, and we are at the same bus stop, and I am hoping to see the doctor again, but I don't know if he travels this route weekly or only once a month or what. A doctor is passing through, but it turns out he is not here to do medicine, but just on a walk or something. Then 'my' doctor comes through and he is checking on me briefly, and I decide I want to tell him the conversation that looks like gibberish, until you know the secret. MR Ducks, MR Nott, OSAR CM Wangs? OILB MR Ducks. {'Em are ducks. 'Em are not. Oh yes they are ... see 'em wings? Oh I'll be ... 'em are ducks.) But he wanders off for a minute and before he can get back, the bus comes (on the wrong side of the street.) I catch it and go one stop, then decide to go off since the Doctor still hasn't come back yet, but as I get off I don't see mom and don't know if she got off, so I get back on the bus, and find her standing by the bus driver, talking to him, so I guess I am missing the doctor. The next thing I know, I've gotten off the bus somewhere else. There is no sign of mom, and I think I am having a short conversation with Sheila Smith, which has her commenting something on how she can likely answer a few questions, and I say sure, as long as they aren't on the subject of, say, Muslim dating rituals or something, and she seems hesitant, and I am considering making a statement about how I thought it was Anne who was the cast member with a Muslim history (something from another dream that wasn't written down, nor anything except that one bit remembered) as she walks into the Peter Marshall cafeteria for a rehearsal, and I wait to catch another bus. Weird.
DJ Log: August 14, 2017 – 6:00AM (USA Eastern) • NON-DREAM • NOTES • DREAM • LUCID • I am riding a 3-wheeled bike through a development, visiting several yard sales as I pass through. At one sale, I pick up various vintage electronic items, mainly things with vacuum tubes. They only want $1 for each item, so I buy them all and load up the basket on the bike. As I pedal away, I notice that the bike is very heavy.
Morning of June 12, 2017. Monday. I am walking through an unknown city in a commercial area, where there are a number of small stores to my left as I walk. It seems to be late morning. I seem to be on my own at first. I have an interest in looking around in a store and turn to enter a store I think I recognize. When I walk in though, I see it is a clothing store. “Whoops, wrong store,” I say as I soon turn around to leave. Another (unfamiliar) man who had been walking behind me also enters the store and turns around to leave when I do. It is almost as if he had been having the same thought orientation as I had and was simply following me as if I was “leading”, apparently also looking for whatever I am (even though we had not spoken and I am not even sure where I am going). I continue to walk, but only a short distance and into another store that has a different type of entrance as the previous. There is a large long checkout counter on my right and an interior wall to my left so that it seems almost like walking through a narrow hall. I continue towards the back and see that it is a large bookstore. I see a magazine that I find interest in after first noticing what I take to be an Omni magazine. When I pick it up and look through it, I see that it is a science-fiction comic book (in color) about dinosaurs and a group of men. I decide that I will buy it. I look in my wallet and I am somewhat surprised to find at least two one-hundred-dollar bills, a few fifty-dollar bills, and more. I illogically reason that my mother (who died in real life in 2002) had placed the money in my wallet. I have no memory that she had died even though I assume I am my present age. I then see another magazine I want. I look through it and find it interesting. It also has at least one story relating to dinosaurs but is seemingly for older readers as well as being thicker. It is supposed to come with a CD, but I decide I will ask at the checkout if they have it. Our youngest son appears to my right as I decide to buy one more thing. I see a few groups of Casper comic books to my left. There are about four different covers (different issues) in the groups. I ask my son if he wants one and he says yes and points to one in another area to the right, but I already have one I find interesting and inform him that it is also larger. It is a fifty-two pages “giant” edition. He seems happy. I go to the checkout and there is an unfamiliar cashier who is a female of perhaps fifty. She has gray hair. I remember to ask about the CD. However, when I look at the magazine, which is wrapped in (transparent) plastic, I see the CD is already there. I tell her that I had thought it would be in a jewel case attached to the cover. She looks at me with wary concern and asks if I had put anything on the CD (such as a computer virus, I assume) and I sarcastically ask her how I could have done that, asking her if I used the cover as a computer. Then I consider that technology might very well allow one to use a magazine cover as a computer, which I talk to her about for a very short time, but nothing negative commences and I remain cheerful. As I pay, holding my wallet open and taking out a fifty-dollar bill, I notice an unknown female on my right cheerfully looking at the hundred-dollar bills in my open wallet as I hold it up near the counter. It almost seems as if she never saw one before and, slightly wary, I put my wallet away. It turns out however, that she had not been looking at my wallet or even at me; perhaps something on the counter. This dream is a very good example of why dreams are nothing like stories. I am looking through a magazine, planning to ask the cashier where the cover CD is. The magazine is somehow then commercially wrapped, implying it always had been (thus I could not have been looking through it even though I was). I then tell the cashier that I thought it would be in a jewel case, which makes no sense as I said this spontaneously and had really not considered it in this manner. Then the cashier asks if I had “put something” on the CD. Obviously, being wrapped, I could not have, and even if I had, I am buying it, so whatever I might have put on it would only be in my possession and with no problem or concern for others. Additionally, my mother died in 2002, yet my son, born in 2007, is with me at his present age. My mother only ever lived in America and would not have had Australian money of such an amount to give me, thus making the setting itself ambiguous by location. Omni magazine stopped publication (in print) in Winter 1995. The Casper comic book, though new, was like one from around 1971. The threads of the fictional dream self always seem completely different each time and from many different timelines and temporary false memories.
I am in an abandoned depeartment store. I appear to be quite high up, juding from the view out the windows. Laying on top of a large bare wood shelving unit I hide from other people as they scour the store. Eventually they leave but I remain and several weeks later am still there. All is still and quiet, everyone has left the town. I have a store of milk cartons and some tins of stuff to eat, though they are like large paint tins. No one has found them. The milk has been radiated by some nuclear fallout type thing and so does not go off, its just watery. A small girl arrives (rl Victoria) I show her where the food is. She wants to go outside as there are large fluffy flakes of snow coming down outside. I search among the loads of strewns shoes and find her a pair, and get a brand new pair of lace up black doctor martins for me. We set off.
Morning of September 10, 2016. Saturday. My wife Zsuzsanna and our children and I are living back at Stadcor Street in Brisbane. It seems to be early afternoon and we have to go shopping for groceries. I am going out the back way, through our kitchen, but the layout is a bit different. The small square area that one needs to go through to get to the back porch is much bigger and there are additional doors, one directly into our backyard and another one onto our back porch. I notice what I first think is our pet black cat in the small room with me but it has no eye, nose, or mouth detail. It is like a three-dimensional shadow and I sense puzzlement radiating from it. I am slightly wary (but not fearful in any way) as the creature jumps up and somehow goes through the area between the central top part of the door and the door frame (and would have to be as thin as a sheet of paper to do this). This would be the door that goes to our back porch (liminal space). I go to the lounge room to talk to Zsuzsanna about this strange event and she calls the animal something I do not seem to be able to hear properly. After I ask her to repeat it a few times, it still sounds something like “wolf-roosh”. My hearing ability seems to become too distorted each time to hear the final part of the term. What I grasp from the term seems odd to me as it was seemingly a cat shadow, without any wolf associations at all. After we do our shopping, the unfamiliar balding male cashier (of about forty years of age) cannot seem to get the cash register to work properly. Apparently he has to press his thumb on a pad to acknowledge he has the authority to use the cash register, but it is not recognizing him. I am thinking that maybe his thumb needs to have a small amount of yellow ink on it to get it to work. I am getting annoyed and I am not sure how we will complete the transaction if the cash register will not work. The checkout area of a store is a waking transition metaphor symbolizing leaving the dream state. In this case, the lack of “yellow thumb” is associated with not being fully conscious. The cash register symbolizes the potential increments of critical thinking during the waking transition as conscious self identity emerges. The threshold event (here an atypical precursor rather than my dream’s final scene) concerning the door, featured a cat shadow in liminal space as the emergent consciousness factor. Curiously, this was borrowed from the ending of “The Flintstones” (which I had seen so many times as a child). Even the essence of the movement (comparative to the sabre-toothed tiger jumping up in the cartoon) was the same. I found that fascinating, especially as the ending theme’s line “…cat will stay out for the night” could be interpreted as remaining unconscious (asleep) throughout the sleep cycle.
I was in a mall, holding a shopping list in my hand. First position on the list were potatoes, so I went to the vegetables section and started to sort which potatoes were good enough to take. Suddenly a dark haired woman in mid thirties appeared. She was wearing a flowery dress. She asked me about something in German language. I couldn't fully understand her and asked what she wanted in English. First she asked me about price of the potatoes, then wanted me to show her when the checkout is. I led her to that place - there was a really long crowd. She slightly pushed me into the crowd and we made our way to the checkout window. A short haired, blonde dude without one eye. I was angry at him for some reason, started shouting and tried to punch him. Then the security appeared and thrown that dude out, as he wasn't even hired in that place. I led the german woman to checkout and went back to my shopping. It was really late already so I went to potatoes stand again, but then I heard that the shop is about to close. I went to checkout assistant and paid 0,5 PLN for whole shopping - which due to helping the woman was limited to a few bread loaves. Then I checked my pocket and realised that I don't have my phone. I asked workers if they'd let me inside for a little longer so I can find it. They agreed and I wandered the dark shopping mall. I found a Samsung phone, but it wasn't mine. I turned on flashlight in it and searched again. When I found nothing, I decided to leave the mall and get back home. A walk through doorway was enough to bring me back home. I turned on that phone.
Morning of July 2, 2016. Saturday. In my dream, my wife Zsuzsanna and family as we are now are living in an unfamiliar and unknown location. I need to go to the grocery store before it closes, as it is late at night. Even though the location is unfamiliar, I seem to somehow know where I am going when I leave our house. I walk mainly down a sidewalk in an area where there are no buildings. I am headed towards a bridge that is perhaps half a block long. On my right, across the street, I notice a ninja in black jump up onto the bridge railing after it seems he had come from the middle of the street ahead. At first, I had thought he might be approaching me, thus I remain wary. I am not sure if it is a teenager intent on attacking and robbing me though that feeling is not that strong as I keep walking. It may be that he has no intentions toward me. This remains unclear. I seem to discern another person ahead of me and in lighter clothes, but walking towards me. However, this person seems to either disappear or also cross the street to the other side. I have a vague impression he may be connected to the ninja as part of a gang. Still, nothing threatening happens. The ninja remains on the railing in a squatting position. There is an odd and atypical dream within a dream where I am reading about an older male from China concerning some sort of anecdote of the author’s. This occurs as I am walking but my dream goes back to the original setting after a short time. Eventually, I cross to the right side of the street and enter the unfamiliar grocery store. An unfamiliar and unknown Asian girl is the cashier at the one counter across from where the shelves are. There is one aisle on the other side. Even though the store seems to be closed at this point I tell her I will not be long. There is a shift, and I already have two small bags of groceries without any recall of either picking them up or paying. I then tell her, as I am heading toward the doors, that I need to get one more thing, a box of cereal. I find myself going to an area that is apparently in the back of the store. I notice that it is a mess, with various items strewn across the floor to my left. Otherwise, there is not that much on the shelves. I walk out back to being near the counter and ask her where the cereal is and she makes a note of it being on the other side of the main area. I notice a box of cereal (at the top of the shelf) which is Weet-Bix but mostly cinnamon flavored and consider that I will just grab that. I still do not have full recollection of paying for anything as I leave, though my dream fades from there. I have had other dreams where a certain part of a grocery store was messy or under construction or repair. It may relate to improper diet and the under construction aspect may relate to healing and cellular repair - or, it may just be incidental to the transient nature of the dream state. Shopping for food dreams are fairly common for me. A bridge typically represents a consciousness shift within the dream state. This is validated in this case by the ninja in black jumping up onto the bridge railing before I cross the bridge (though again, across the street from me yet seemingly just appearing from the middle of the street), which seems to be a less interactive form of the waking precursor. In this case, the ninja may be a curious variation of my own shadow form that has appeared in a number of dreams since early childhood, primarily in two forms, both forms implied to be my own shadow (regardless of how far away or even being of a different orientation). In the one form, it seems to be “matched” to my dream self as I test to see if it is my dream self’s shadow and in the other form, it seems to be my conscious self (doing different things than my dream self) looking into my dream and watching my dream self. However, even in the former, it seems related to a subtle awareness of conscious activity and emerging (that is, growing and clarifying) self-awareness.