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    1. Hospital Rooms

      by , 11-16-2016 at 08:17 PM
      non-lucid: I was in this hospital but all the rooms were weird scenario's. One had my dad saying that my mom left him. (which will never happen cuz they just retired & traveling via their RV. They now officially live in it w/ their dog} It was just so bizarre.

      I know the meaning. I have way too many things going on & I need to take care of myself first.
      non-lucid , side notes
    2. while in hospital

      by , 10-15-2011 at 05:23 AM
      i just got out of the hospital.....and i had strange dreams there......in the hospital they did all the blood work when we were in bed after waking us.....and they woke us to take vitals and give meds......and they did that when i was leaving and fell asleep.....i took a nap and they woke me to do paper work and i fall back asleep and did stuff in that room and walked out of that room into another place that was definitely a dream

      the one i was being woken and didn't want to be and tossed and turned and hit my head on the corner of the table. my head was bleeding and the put alcohol on it and i screamed....i didn't have any mark when i woke up

      another i was tossing and turning when being woken and threw a pillow at the nurse and got tangled in my sheets...i didn't fine any evidence of either of those when i woke

      another i told them to go away because i didn't like them

      another the nurse woke me and i fell back asleep and woke up....i then went out of my room and was in an amusement park.....there were hair accessories under the roller coaster

      they tried to wake me again and i walked out to the amusement park again and there was a part that looked like a christmas/candy land board......there was a snowman who tried to hug me

      they tried to wake me again and i walked out to the amusement park and a tator tot that was really greasy tried to hug me and it made me gag

      they tried to wake me again and i was in a different room that was really nice and there was the nurse i didn't like and a student...and the student plugged in an air freshener before talking to me....i figured it was a dream because people don't usually plug in air fresheners to talk and the room was too nice for a hospital and i've never been in a room so nice in my life time....i figured i was sleeping and woke up as soon as i knew it was a dream

      these all happened on the 14th at around 2:00pm
    3. blood and skin test

      by , 05-19-2011 at 11:25 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a hospital room with a young man and woman who appeared to be doctors. The woman was blonde and slightly tanned. The man's appearance may have changed, but at least for some time he had long, frizzy-curly hair and a short beard. Both doctors wore long, white lab coats. The woman sat at a desk with a computer. At first I lay on the bed. The whole place felt really cluttered somehow.

      I was going to have a blood test and a skin test. I was familiar enough with how people took blood, but I was kind of worried about the skin test. I didn't know how people took skin samples.

      The man told me, "It really hurts. And the pain stays with you. Because you have to keep the skin sampler on you for half an hour. And the whole time you have it on, it's just like, 'Aagh! Aagh!'" I thought that if what the man was saying was true, this would really suck. But I wasn't going to be afraid.

      The man took my right (?) hand. He took a lime-green, plastic device that looked like a thimble as long as an index finger. He put the base, the open end, against the back of my hand, right where the thumb joint comes into the base of the hand. I knew there was a little, guillotine-blade-shaped metal device inside the thimble.

      The man clicked something on the thimble. The blade snapped down and dug into my skin. It hurt a little, but not as much as I'd thought it would. I kept waiting for some kind of delayed effect, like a pain that would get worse and worse. But I just kept having the same kind of dull pain.

      Eventually I walked over to the woman, who still sat at the computer. She was going to take my blood. I figured I might as well hang out near her while I waited for her to draw my blood. For some reason, for this entire time, I kept my hand elevated right in front of my face.