I had a dream where I was being held captive under a contract by a very large and powerful company. The contract specified that I was forced to play chess against a very powerful opponent, until I beat him. I'm around 500 elo and the opponent was roughly around GM level. This took place in a large nature/grass area, with a nearby stream, that I know from real life. The chess games were played on a computer and were streamed live and with millions of people watching, and there were what seemed to be roughly a million people standing around me as well, spectating. As the days blended together, I kept losing time and time again. I had access to the stream chat, and I sometimes typed in there, but nobody in chat noticed it was me. I was world famous, but I was essentially a slave to the company as I couldn't leave. One night, I tried to escape at dark, but the security, consisting of around 20 people, ended up catching me, bringing me back and forcing me to continue playing chess for my freedom. Days passed and i slowly went mad with rage. It started out with me slapping papers in random peoples faces as i tried to vent my anger onto others. It eventually got to the point where I would target my aggression on the guy managing the whole chess event; I spat on him and threw water in his face. My mental state declined exponentially. I became more ruthless and violent. At some point I gouged some guys eyes out from rage, but nobody could do anything to me as I was under the protection of the company since I was making them tons of money. Essentially everyone around me became the victim of my anger driven torture schemes. On a early autumn morning at around 5 AM: I beat him. I was barely paying attention, but I saw the checkmate pop-up on my screen as my heart rate increased rapidly. I checked the stream views and they went from around 16 million to 600 million+ viewers. I earned my freedom. But I felt that I had to handle the situation properly. As I was a big asset to the company, I knew they wouldn't let go of me, so I went to ask the manager to see my contract without letting him know I won (I for some reason didn't think any staff was watching since it was early in the morning). I asked to see the contract so I could check for loopholes and have a raw copy in case they tried changing the contract in an attempt to prevent my freedom. As I asked for the contract, the manager ignored me and by then I knew it was too late. They must have already done something to the contract and I knew I was never gonna be freed. I cracked. I took out a knife and stabbed the managers stomach, cutting him open like I was gutting freshly caught prey. He was still alive and screaming in pain, I cut off his ears and eventually his genitalia. At this point around ten people were desperately trying to pull me off of him, and as they tried to subdue me I ended up slashing some guys eye with the knife. I had become fully insane, with my only goal being to hurt as many people as possible. Nothing mattered more to me as I became a fucking torture machine, desperately trying to cause harm people. Then i woke up. Please comment your thoughts!
Updated 11-15-2024 at 04:05 PM by 102033
I snuck into the office of my old job and checked their computers, to my surprise, they never updated their files and there was literally an entire folder with my name on it containing my projects from when I worked there that they were still using. I manage to sneak out unseen and notice a mysterious boy with sunglasses following me around, I briefly leave my room and come back to see that the mysterious boy now is trying to deconstruct the monitors from my home office. I ask who he is but he doesn't respond, I angrily grab him by his neck and legs and swing him around but he doesn't budge. He must've been a corporate spy from my old job or something. I woke up drowsy. Can't recall what language this dream was in. All locations were just bright white rooms, like some sort of labyrinth.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP With my parents, meeting my aunt Ana, cousin Cris and cousin Duarte at some mall. They bring along a strange creature they say is a chinchila, but it is the size of a human child and has short curly black hair looking more like a poodle-monkey hybrid. I ask if I can pet the creature and then it just talks like a human and speaks for itself. I am flabbergasted, I don't even pay attention to what it says. My cousin keeps it under tight control and following orders, but I notice this makes the creature feel uneasy. While the adults scramble to figure out who goes on what car to where, I get to talk to the creature privately in a corner. Meanwhile it had shapeshifted and now looks like a totally human girl. I realize she has serious mental issues. She is starting to have a meltdown with the idea of accompanying us to a restaurant. I tell her I understand and ask her what she needs to calm down and feel more comfortable. She is stimming and clearly wanting to shut down but my cousin demands she looks him in his eyes and obeys him. I tell him he must not demand her to do what makes her uncomfortable. I explain how hard it can be for an autistic to keep looking in the eyes, even sometimes with people as close as our own parents and that I believe she also suffers from a similar sensitivity and she should be respected. She starts to like me and even allows me to hug her and thanks me. But then at the restaurant, she just sits on the floor between the wall and the table, clearly in distress and she starts damaging the table with some kind of drill. I don't know where she got it. Turns out it is her stimming tool for when she breaks down. I reach out to her to see it and she hurts my hand with it. Not sure if accidentally or she just lost control of her emotions, but I can tell she regrets and stops drilling the table. I ask if she wouldn't prefer a different stimming object, like a squishy plush and I show her mine. She says no, she needs something sharp and violent. She argues she is a carnivore and has all these violent instincts being supressed constanly and I tell her I am sorry that I don't know enough about her species (I had already forgot she ain't human). I promise to learn more about her and try to help her by understanding her feelings better. She reacts well to compassion and she does calm down with just my conversation. She asks me to go outside with her for a little while. We go outside the restaurant, which is in some unfinished three towers' compound. We are at the ground level and the three towers share an open air lobby on which we walk a little bit. She spots some dudes working on some electric and electronic panel and takes an interest in it. She studies the sockets and the cables and takes a look inside the office behind it. I wonder what she is doing. When the men start asking what we are up to, she compliments the men for their good work and they feel proud and thank her. I ask what she is doing and she says she needs to print some doc and she is checking the eletronic installation going into that officei because she wants to hack it and print something to show me. Then she infiltrates the office, checks a big main central computer screen and then looks for an empty desk. Someone spots us and a lady at a computer asks what we want and accuses us of a hacking atttempt. I explain to her what's up and that my friend just wants a harmless print, but is indeed putting her hacking skills to test and I confess that I played along just to see how well she manages. Then ask the lady for her help and she is very understanding and just prints out whatever my friend wants. Then I tell my friend that sometimes she can just ask someone for help if what she needs is simple and unproblematic. She is surprised that another human we don't know would just cooperate and I tell her she also still needs to learn a lot about humans.
I’m at a concert venue. It is full of people but I don’t think I currently hear any music. I seem to be off to the side of the stage in what feels like a dugout. The crowd starts a circle pit with the inner group moving in one direction and the outer group in the other. At this point, I know it’s a Grateful Dead concert, so this feels very out of place. I see the rest of the crowd sitting on the grass facing the stage and I end up over there. It’s a sea of faded tie dye and friendly faces. I end up next to a girl near my age with two others. We start talking and I mention that it’s my first show. She gleefully exclaims this to those around. In my mind, the year is 1981 and the show is more than halfway over (though it’s fully light out). Thinking of songs I’d like to hear, Morning Dew and Black Muddy River come to mind. *A movie came on at Blind Dog last night and my guess was that it was filmed around ‘81 due to the hair and clothes styles. I’m at an empty park with a large play structure. Mark approaches, so I say something like ‘You have something in, I take it.’ He says yes as I walk up to a section of the equipment to grab it for him (I don’t notice anywhere with books or even a shelf). Now we are in what looks like an almost empty living room. Zoe and Nicola are here, each at a computer. Mark is going to order some more; I pull up Amazon on a computer as he sits behind me. The first one comes out to more than $40, to which he gruffly says no. He seems a little less friendly than usual and is wearing darker clothes and a ballcap. I notice and get frustrated with how dim it is in here, so I go to open these blinds just like the ones in our apartment. I twist the rod and every blind looks like it’s starting to split.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP With Riverstone and Nighthawk at what I think is his place. There is a table with a feast and we are chillin. He is laying down on the couch. We have some weird interaction and I feel like he wants to speak with Riverstone alone, so I leave. He says he has some IT issues and hints that I might help out, so I offer to do so and he instructs me to go to an office room down the hallway. Outside on the hallway it feels like a hostel or guest house, not a private house. And indeed the office looks more like a cyber café, with dozens of computers and printers and people on many desks. I sneak peak into someone's work and seems like he is writting a thesis. I spot a pc that is the only one without someone working on it. By its side there are also some papers, of someone clearly working with it and maybe on a break, and I almost decide to steal the pc and leave with it, but then I don't. Instead I need to pee and go look for a bathroom. Weirdly, I have to go out on the street and walk back and forth some stone stairway at the top of some avenue, because the toilet stalls are all lined up on the sides of the street and stairway. I finally find one free, but despite my efforts, can't pee. (Wake up and really need to pee) I am in some weird surreal place, at first can't really characterize it, but looks kinda hellish, a barren land with a lake of lava or black oil on fire. I notice there is a big fuss and some dudes are fighting with some weird kind of weapons, and I try to walk away discreetly, but then all eyes turn to me because I have on my hands a bigger and more spectacular weapon than theirs. The weapons are hard to describe, but are sort of an eliptical light saber which we grab in the middle (which is void, maybe some kind of force field, but my hands can hold it). Everyone feels like I am challlenging them, so they stop fighting and start attacking me instead. I fight them off easily. I think I start becoming lucid and just drop the dream. Find myself in a dark empty space and decide to rip apart the dream fabric, quite literally, like a paper scenario. Behind it is total void and I plunge into it. The fall is short and I land with my back onto what appears to be the lower bed on a bunkbed. To my right is a wall, to the left is another bunkbed. People are sleeping in those. I get up and when walking to the door I have this clear feeling I should look up to whomever is on the top bunkbed. He just raised his head. It is my teacher. He smiles and extends his hand. I grab his hand and kiss it. I smile back and say "I am finally here" and we just smile at each other for a while. He comes down. A male attendant also gets up from another bed. I am surprised he can also see me. My teacher walks outside with me, and we are followed by his attendant, who is acting like a body guard, but not against me, against anyone else we might come across. We enter some kitchen or canteen and my teacher sits on a chair. I am holding his hand still and I lay my head on his lap and wrap my arms around his waist. He suggests I get a chair to and sit, but I hesitate, because I don't want to move. Eventually I agree to get a chair, but then wake up.
Updated 12-08-2021 at 10:28 PM by 34880
1st October 2021 Fragment: I am in T's room. We're sitting together at his desk, which is facing the window. The curtains are open and it's a sunset outside. The sun keeps glaring in my face and I struggle with the brightness. At the same time, I can't get comfortable at the desk. I have a square monitor and my arms and wrists hurt with the way they rest on the desk, partly because my chair is too short. T says to do something about it then, and I get some pillows to stack on the seat. In the middle of all this struggling, I end up at first missing the fact that the sunset is now over and the light is on now, but the curtains are still open. (recall gap, the following are scraps from the same dream) In WoW, I am mailing an item to myself. Some kind of developer marriage is interrupted by fans. I am then in a Star Trek universe and am with an away team. End up in a room back on the ship where I try to use a replicator but I end up pooping myself in the room's bathroom or something. Notes: - The Star Trek locale was very reminiscent to the sets and layouts of Voyager, which I've recently been watching. -- In that part of the dream, I remember feeling confused at several points and many things were going against me, in terms of events playing out. I think I may have been confined to some quarters. The replicator I tried using didn't function properly, at least for anything I wanted, but I can't recall what that mighthave been anymore. - In the WoW segment, I was mailing an item to the same character I was playing and not an alt, something that's never been possible. -- I have a faint recollection of the locale being some altered version of Stormwind. - During the initial segment of the dream, I am struggling with issues that typically T would be more likely to struggle with, at least in regards to his room and layout. I would not have so much of an issue with the sun and would probably be appreciating it, in waking life. In a way, this dream moment is a window into my perception of his experience, on some level. - The experience of struggling against the glaring sunset reminds me now very strikingly of the time I was walking back home with mom, at a time of a sunset but during which I hit my head on something metal and started bleeding, all of which was caused by struggling against a glaring sunset directly ahead.
28th July 2021 Several bits around the same theme of survival. Fragment: I'm watching a video, or TV broadcast. It's about a survival show on a large island. They're saying "in our previous show only a few survivors could manage to scratch a living but now up to seven million tribals will be competing!", something like that. There's this image super-imposed over a panning view of a tropical island. The super-imposed image is an idle animation of some white tribals posing together, forming a sort of pyramidal composition as is often seen in group photos. I think to myself that the older existing tribes won't take kindly to such a number of newcomers. I also think to myself that I'd rather be there myself, playing, rather than just watching TV. (transition or recall gap, chronology got messed up in recording the dream) I'm on a sandy and sunny beach, it's near noon judging by the sun. I later become aware that to my left there is a jungle or forest area and further left and close-by is a ruined town or city. I came out of some kind of drop pod and I see someone else who just has too. I'm not sure whether or not I should trust someone else at this point. Then some raptors about our own size appear and they start harassing each of us. I hit them with something and try to grasp them by the neck and try to twist and break them. I possibly kill one or two and help the other person out, a woman. Then when we're in close proximity, one of the raptors is trying to steal something from me, and it succeeds. I try to catch the raptor and it behaves like a cheeky dog and I may be slightly annoyed. The woman recommends I let go and don't bother chasing the animal. I eventually let go and the raptor stops being cheeky and just ruins off into the ruined city. (recall gap) Still with the same woman? She needs to send an e-mail to someone and I know there aren't many places where she can do that, here. We go into a building that I was in before at some point in the dream. Inside, it's dark. Lots of dark brown colour, like rust. There are many mechanical mechanisms and there are a few desktop computers set up in a cramped corridor. There are many things here that I know to have been set up by H in the dream. I sit at some chair or something in front of a computer. I'm trying to change the plugs around back so that she can use this old Windows 95 machine, because I still don't fully trust her and figure that this way she won't be able to release any viruses intentionally, or accidentally. For some reason I'm struggling with the plugs. The video connection coming out of the W95 machine is almost like a USB but the shape is slightly different and won't fit into the even weirder input shape on the other computer, or screen. I eventually give up and just let her use the normal computer, feeling that I can trust her just enough anyway. (recall gap) Something about another building or another part of this same building. There's some small weird water gremlin bug thing... In actuality it looks a bit like a grey coloured shrimp but in the dream I think of it as crayfish. I am nervous around it because it moves erratically and I don't like its look and the look of its "whiskers". Notes: - The next day, I was using some Firewire stuff with H to set up a microphone for me to use. At the time, that made me think of the USB-like plugs in the dream, because Firewire is not too different in the physical look of the ends and its intended purpose is similar anyway. - My nervousness around the grey creature was related both to shallow standing water in that area and also to the residual feelings of fright or jump-scare I still get from, for example, some arachnids. -- I do not particularly like shrimp, neither in look or smell, though I can't say I recall their taste. I always thought they looked a bit too "bug"-like to eat, despite their popularity in my native region. - I had to look up crayfish because I couldn't actually remember what they looked like; the dream creature really didn't resemble them.
22nd July 2021 Unsure if this actually took place on this day or some other one further back. I had initially casually mistaken these dream memories as actual waking memories. Scraps: Something about power being partly off in the house? I remember I use my computer but I don't really go online for anything at any point, so I don't notice any issues, it's only when H comes in and points something out that I understand that there even was an issue of any kind. I think it's an early time in the morning, but not sure what. (Possibly related to waking at 6:30ish the other day.) Notes: - One of the factors of having mistaken these as waking memories was the realism/general accuracy of the fragment, it was only on discussing the memory with H that it really did seem odd and not completely logical.
20th June 2021 Fragment: Outside, walking through a town area of some kind, it's mostly flat, maybe with some downwards incline. I'm with someone I know closely, maybe J or L. There's something about a lan party of some kind. Walking through the town, maybe food or fast food is mentioned. There are eight of us in total? I am carrying a laptop around in one of the laptop bags we have here at home in waking life. In the dream, I am aware of my laptop being inferior to everyone else's. Something about eating beans? There's some kind of sauce, maybe chilli, but no rice. There's a familiar taste. While reading the exercise on p.78 of Dream Gates: I'm sitting down and reading this exercise thinking about desert, then beach and then home. From the windows of many of the flats people are banging pots and pans, my awareness or focus on this quickly fades and then I'm focusing on the cars parked around the cul-de-sac, which are warm to the touch from the sun, but there is a morning light so actually most were in shade. Suddenly S appears, her lead is in my hand and she licks my face; I lick her back for good measure because I always feel she needs to have perspective of how it feels. She reels a little as she would. Then she starts pulling hard on the lead, barking or growling at some passer-by and making me trip over and fall to the floor, vaguely feeling myself being dragged along but without any of the friction I'd expect. She makes her way to the hills behind the garages, it looks as it did after the shanties were removed but before the supermarket built. The scene changes to be next to the eucalyptus on that hill. Then, I have a vague intent. It changes to unfinished highway that would be visible from the hill. I'm under the unfinished underpass of a concrete bridge. I know there's a door to my left but I cannot turn or see it from my point of view. I feel it's a metal door, painted a deep blue, maybe a little rusty. Like ones I've seen somewhere before in my childhood. I sort of unintentionally break away from this and then just continue reading a bit more and then write some notes down for this. Notes: - Although the exercise asks for thinking of natural places and afterwards I found that my old home felt natural enough, because there's vegetation and bush in several parts and the building of where I used to live has always been pretty much on the edge of town, so nature of some kind has never been very far. - The visualisation came about mostly unintentionally but it was pleasant, especially because although I couldn't see S very well, I appreciated the fact that she was there as some kind of animal guide. I was always told by mom that black dogs are considered luck charms in certain cultures, so I suppose that was present in my mind on some level. Thinking about it now, S appeared very well and despite vague visuals, she seemed just as I have always known her. - The concrete underpass was shady and the unknown door could be a such a figurative entrance to the underworld and so on as the exercise suggests, even though the door might not lead down, it would go through earth.
Another dream on the verge of being lucid without quite being there. In the earliest part I can remember clearly, I’m on a computer: I’m looking up some band I’m interested in, trying to find more of their music. But the dream shifts to another scenario. It still isn’t lucid, but it’s pretty clear I’m not actually invested in it as real. I’m initially in an outdoor farm-like area with flamingos some distance away, observing interactions between characters. I only identify with one when she’s asked a question, changing to her viewpoint and responding as her. There’s a sense of making things up as I go along. I need to go somewhere now, and so I call to the nearby leopard, which I call Arthur, telling him to come with me. (I use the German pronunciation. I am about 90% sure I decided to name it after Schopenhauer.) It doesn’t want to get up, but I pull it to its feet, which it tolerates, and we walk away. Next, I remember entering a building. It’s somewhat reminiscent of a building on a campsite, just a long rectangle, possibly something like an uninsulated metal frame, and has no interior divisions. It’s mostly empty and white, and there’s an even stronger sense of almost-lucidity here. It’s as if whatever plot there may have been has definitely gone off the rails by now, and I’m driving things, though not in a fully conscious way. I go over to the bed in the nearest corner – other than the one by the door I entered from – and sit down on it. What follows is maybe best described as a strange kind of visual thinking – a little like reading a picture book, where I cease to really be present in the room and am absorbed in the stories that are playing out in mental space. It’s hard to describe since it isn’t exactly like anything that happens while awake – but it’s almost like there’s another presence there telling the stories. They seem to be some kind of philosophical parable, and also a sort of story-behind-stories, representing something that was once commonly manifested in literature from an earlier time. The first one was so utterly bizarre that I can’t remember a thing about it now – but in the dream, I understand it perfectly since the meaning in all its facets and interrelations is just a part of it as it is presented. I can see it all mapped out, like a complex constellation. But some of the points are placed in the wrong locations for it to reflect reality. It’s something I was already aware of, but it’s a little sad to see it laid out like this so clearly. There’s enough of a gap for the room to enter my awareness again before the second story begins. This one is apparently communicating the same thing as the first one did, but in a different way. I can remember the beginning of this one – how the wolves were all howling at the moon, but the moon had fallen asleep and couldn’t hear them… 5.30.21
Forgot to document this one. Nearly lucid There is something related to the movie the dark tower. I am younger. There is some sort of man with a spaceship, and we had an adventure and it was time to say goodbye as we stand on the sidewalk next to the place I live. We have a sort of discussion. Scene change. In my room. Am on the computer at night and there is some sort of loud screaming coming from my computer speakers and I felt something was about to happen. I frantically went to mute my audio, but it didn't work. This made me wonder if I am dreaming, so I pinched my nose and breathed through it, but I either tried teleporting away and it didn't work, or I just didn't understand the result of my reality check and just planned to continue on with the story. Either way, I woke up because of a noise in real life. I thought of reality checking because that is actually a recurring situation in some of my lighter nightmares, and the feeling was familiar as well. It was also pretty surprising since I didn't do my routine for a long time now. There was also a recurring scene, where I anticipated that I'd meet a screaming female character that has a horrible amount of terror associated with her; I think I had dreamt about her when I was little.
27th March 2021 Scraps: (recalled after I sat at my desk) I am at my computer. I'm checking on Steam or some other similar program and in there I see that AH messages me saying that I "was right, it was a joke", which she then starts to explain in more detail. I feel a mix of anger and mistrust but also relief. A possible false awakening where my alarm was going off and playing music; but something about the music didn't seem right each time. The environment looked accurate to waking life but foolishly I didn't think to do any types of checks, as I felt quite sleepy. Notes: - While in bed last night, had another dialogue with Data as I was falling asleep. This time I could use my own voice and not the captain's. But Data seemed unable to communicate very clearly this time. We talked about dream signs and my inability to either notice them or have them appear, lately, as well as how I have been doing some RCs too routinely sometimes. - When I recalled the fragment about the conversation with AH, some of the dream feelings described were temporarily present. I proceeded to check that this conversation hadn't actually happened and really was just from a dream. - Although the environment looked accurate while I was hearing the alarm, I also recall it seemed brighter than it should have done for that time of the morning. I've had dreams where the environment looked so accurate that it was easily acceptable for them to be waking life locations/situations.
26th February 2021 Fragment: (didn't make enough effort to recall after initial awakening) I'm in a town or city of some kind. I am trying to find presidents, from Russia and the USA. In a parking lot, I see a limousine and check there, but they're not there? Or maybe the Russian one is. Fragment: Another dream, with H. I'm sitting at a desk and H is standing. H sort of slaps or flicks a mug that is on top of a speaker or a screen and it flies my way with a rotating motion and lands perfectly in my hands as I sort of try to catch it. I become upset in some way at H for doing this. Notes: - It's not the first time I've had a dream about politicians, though because of the vague recall I can't really say how they related to me in the dream. - The second fragment probably relates to one of those things I can imagine H doing on a whim, either for fun or as a prank of sorts.
Long dreams but poor recall again. Dream vividness/in-dream detail has been fairly high. 29th December 2020 Fragment: Was getting out of a house, getting ready to go somewhere. I climb some roof or something like and for some reason I get something really bad in my left leg, it's very painful. My leg gets amputated below the knee. Then I'm in a classroom? I walk around, dealing with phantom limb sensations. I tell some therapist I'll try the mirror box theory later when I get a chance, to try and teach my leg/brain that things are different now. I see B from school and talk to him about some drawings he'd made. The phantom limb can somehow still hold or move a sandal at the end of where my foot would actually be. I can see the old missing bit of my leg, as if it was phasing in and out. 30th December 2020 Dream, fragmented: Driving on a motorway/highway. J and my siblings talking to me in a street? I'm in a city of some kind, it's day time. It seems quiet but not overly so, just like not a lot of people actually live here or lead peaceful lives. J was comforting me in some kind of parental way, but I don't remember about what. At some point my view changes and it becomes top-down. Things look a bit like Factorio. I launch a nuke ICBM from a silo and after going up out of sight it comes back down only a few structures away from the silo. The silo is OK after this but most of the rest in the area gets destroyed; robots quickly start replacing most of it and I try to manually place some alternate structures. (transition gap) At a castle, there with mom and T. We take a walk around the outer area of the castle, close to the walls. At some point I climb up some tower. It's really high up and I can see the sky and the sun, as well as distant mountains. Sunset. Later in the same area, something about a couple of roofers. I take away a couple of carrier bags and T helps me. I ask if they have some drinks because I'm taking the cola away with me. I accidentally lose grip and drop the carrier bag with it down a flight of worn stone stairs. I don't worry and let out an "oops". T gets slightly upset, or annoyed. Then at ground level in an inner courtyard area. I look around and see limestone? yellow-ish stone, into which there are relief carvings and sculptures. I feel compelled to clean these carefully, they're covered in moss and general dirt. (transition gap) Then I'm on a bus with aunt B and mom. B is telling a story about ravines in Germany and how they are very popular attractions. The bus driver is sort of at the middle/back of the bus. It has a weird layout but looks standard otherwise. I think the driver struggles with seeing where he's going and it feels like there's a lot of traffic around us. It's an overcast day but I remember we go through a tunnel at some point. I remember seeing the ravines my aunt was on about, but partly in my mind, but as vividly as if real? (then, many fragments) Views of animated scenes with M/M themes. I think something to myself, a kind of feeling of envy (about the authors?) but the specifics are lost. I look up images of Zor'Drak for some reason. The same themes again, explicit in some cases. One picture is of him with an open maw and a tiny creature on his tongue, pleasuring itself; they both seem to be enjoying the activity. There's a light and warm glow coming from deeper inside the mouth. The description mentions "Ezekiel" and it seems this has something to do with the smaller character.
20th December 2020 Fragment: Last bit. Building some new Ryzen computer. I'm struggling to put in ancillary wires on a boxy thing on top of the case, which supposedly has the new CPU itself. I wonder why it fits so badly and I think that I'll need H's help for this. Just before that, I'm in a reality that has Sims-based rules or something like that and I'm in first person and building ourselves a house together with H. Before this I'm in a church walking up the aisle at a quick pace. I think it's day time outside and there's a nice sort of yellow natural light indoors. The altar area looks like a semi octagon or hexagon. The church is filling up and when I was walking up the aisle I was doing so with my eldest sibling, apparently a bishop in red garments with white undercloth and a red cap. He goes to sit where bishops are apparently supposed to sit, on some sort of commode things by the altar. There was more but recall was lost.