Rollercoaster: I'm in my local downtown area, inside a restaurant. It looks like an Oregano's Pizza. I'm looking out the front door. I see my girlfriend with another guy. His hair looks big. I remember (within the story of the dream) that me and girlfriend had recently agreed to "take a break." The pain of seeing her with somebody else is immense. It feels like the real thing. ... I'm in a hallway that looks like one from my highschool. My girlfriend is there. I tell her I want to get back together, and she agrees. Happy embrace. ... I'm with her at a hotel pool. We are doing naughty things.
Updated 03-04-2024 at 02:53 AM by 99808
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I was having some kind of revelatory dream, something that was making me feel amazing and then I felt a strong burning and radiating pain on my left side of my stomach, as if stabbed by a knife. I woke up in agony with a pain I couldn't identify. I feared my spleen may have burst or something, but I grabbed a cold water bottle I had on my nightstand to put against my skin and it eased the pain after a couple minutes. I still don't know what happened. I am outside my house, combing my hair after having had a shower, observing someone on the other hill. The person looks like my teacher but it is a woman. I feel sad and wish that he actually comes, then I look at the road leading to my house and I see him walking down the road followed by an Indian band playing music behind him. I smile and wait to see what will happen. My teacher goes sit on a chair that's at the end of the path close to me without saying a word and just looks at the landscape. I ask him how did he find me and he says it was hard because my address leads nowhere. I explain my address is correct but does not yet appear on the maps. I realize the cardigan I am wearing is wide open and exposing my breasts, so I cover myself up embarassed, but he is totally unfazed. I say I knew he would find me anyway and that I had been waiting anxiously. Then we stretch our arms to hold each other's hands and as we touch hands I wake up feeling blissful.
1st October 2021 Fragment: I am in T's room. We're sitting together at his desk, which is facing the window. The curtains are open and it's a sunset outside. The sun keeps glaring in my face and I struggle with the brightness. At the same time, I can't get comfortable at the desk. I have a square monitor and my arms and wrists hurt with the way they rest on the desk, partly because my chair is too short. T says to do something about it then, and I get some pillows to stack on the seat. In the middle of all this struggling, I end up at first missing the fact that the sunset is now over and the light is on now, but the curtains are still open. (recall gap, the following are scraps from the same dream) In WoW, I am mailing an item to myself. Some kind of developer marriage is interrupted by fans. I am then in a Star Trek universe and am with an away team. End up in a room back on the ship where I try to use a replicator but I end up pooping myself in the room's bathroom or something. Notes: - The Star Trek locale was very reminiscent to the sets and layouts of Voyager, which I've recently been watching. -- In that part of the dream, I remember feeling confused at several points and many things were going against me, in terms of events playing out. I think I may have been confined to some quarters. The replicator I tried using didn't function properly, at least for anything I wanted, but I can't recall what that mighthave been anymore. - In the WoW segment, I was mailing an item to the same character I was playing and not an alt, something that's never been possible. -- I have a faint recollection of the locale being some altered version of Stormwind. - During the initial segment of the dream, I am struggling with issues that typically T would be more likely to struggle with, at least in regards to his room and layout. I would not have so much of an issue with the sun and would probably be appreciating it, in waking life. In a way, this dream moment is a window into my perception of his experience, on some level. - The experience of struggling against the glaring sunset reminds me now very strikingly of the time I was walking back home with mom, at a time of a sunset but during which I hit my head on something metal and started bleeding, all of which was caused by struggling against a glaring sunset directly ahead.
Fever dream Something like having forgotten something, along with some sort of pain associated with it. Right before I went to sleep I had taken a medication against allergy symptoms which made me horribly tired as a side effect.
Harry Potter fragment The dream started out in my flat. I'm not sure what happened there, but eventually, the whole scene and story of the dream changed. I was apparently at Hogwarts, and a death eater applied the cruciatus curse on me, which, as expected, caused a lot of pain. I don't remember much else.
Monday, 9/14/20, Core 2 I resembled my waking life self, although I was in a strange place. I seemed to be underground. The dirt floor was damp with pools of water and there were various discarded items strewn about. I removed a bird from a wicker cage. I think it was a white cockatoo. I was thinking of it as my pet, despite never having had or even held a bird. I wandered around and the bird sometimes rode on my shoulder, sometimes on my hand, sometimes flew short distances away. At one point the bird landed on my hand and I tried to pet it on the chest with one finger. It decided it didn't want me to and started gently biting my finger with its beak. At first I thought it was cute and was playing, but then it began to bite my finger harder. I realized I knew nothing about handling birds. I stopped attempting to pet or play with it but now it latched on hard to my finger and it was pretty painful. I regretted not bringing the cage. After some more traveling, we ended up at a pool party, perhaps in someone's backyard. Other people had brought their pets as well, and I had my camera to take pictures. DV member MoonageDaydream made a cameo! She was recording video of a small white terrier dog, then she switched to taking video of all the animals. She shrugged semi apologetically, and told me something like, "I have plenty of footage and I want to get the other pets too. I only was focusing on the one dog because my mom was worried there wouldn't be enough footage of him." Spoiler for Additional Notes: Upon reading back this dream, I finally put two and two together and realized that the wicker cage, the bird, and the underground place with water and debris meant I'd been in the old text adventure game, Colassal Cave!!! So it turns out "get bird" is not so simple in practice, okay? Definitely use the cage. Maybe I'll XYZZY on back there sometime
My school does a career presentation on space. However, the presentation is actually just a three minute YouTube video that I’d supposedly previously seen in (third?) grade, so I do not pay any attention to the video. My princip comes up and scolds me rather harshly about this. Later, I see a claw machine at the entrance to the school. “Clever bastards,” I said. They had made he claw machine so that you could only view it through one place, preventing me from judging the location of the claw if I were to choose to play. My science teacher and I go outside. It’s raining. I stick my tongue out, and it begins to genuinely sting as though it were beginning to freeze. I say something to my science teacher, and and run to the entrance of the school, open laptop in hand. It gets wet, and the frame begins to bend. I wake up. ************************************************** *********** This dream, though unspectacular, was interesting to me for a variety of reasons. 1) The dream basically called me out on my laziness. 2) It was a rather logically set story 3) I actually felt pain, which is the first time I’ve ever actually used any sense other than sight and sound in a nonlucid dream.
Non-lucid parts Lucid parts My comments #10 LD - Wings and realistic vision During a NLD I was high on a tree or something like that (maybe it was a bed?). I was thinking that I should be brave enough to jump down because I was sure it's safe. Then I started to be lucid. As usual I was trying to fly. This time I imagined that I have real wings instead of arms. It worked somehow because I felt them. Didn't see them tho. I'm not sure if I was able to fly with them. It started to be dark and I 'woke up' in another scenario. I was in the car, looking through the window. I was pretty sure I woke up so I tried to not moving much and I did RC with my nose. Everything was clear and realistic. Even sunlight was reflecting on cars naturally so I was surprised that it's indeed a dream. Then scenario changed again. It was night and I saw some (3?) boys on the street. For some reason I was trying to hit them with a bucket. 2 of them ran away but 1 of them was throwing something back. Like something small and sharp, maybe screws? Because of this bizarre action I'm not sure if I was lucid enough. I felt pain when he hit me. Pretty realistic. I stopped this 'fight' and went in another direction, trying to fly again and ran away (I wasn't scare much tho). I was moving my arms again like with wings but there were still my arms (I wasn't trying to make real wings). Then darkness. I don't remember if I woke up or maybe I was still dreaming. It wasn't long dream, I would say 1-2 min. Anyway that's nice because I wasn't even trying to have one!
Still no sleep for over 2 weeks now. I'm going non stop w/ cleaning & duties of all kinds that it is surreal. I had to wreck the grand kids room in my house cuz the Dish Network guy needed to go through that room & I had to move heavy shit for him cuz he was too fat to fit under my house. After which I could've saved time by not dealing w/ that aftermath of cleaning if only my daughters had told me the kids weren't even going to be here this year. I'm sorry but those installation guys need to fit in a fucking crawl space. Then yesterday I had some sort of emotional breakdown in the middle of making Thanksgiving dinner yesterday. I'm in so much pain, utterly exhausted, I'm sad my uncle just died, one of daughters didn't come & none of my grand kids came. I'm just fucking glad it's over. All of those who were there did understand though in the end & were grateful for all I did. Of course I get to do all of this again for Christmas, how exciting~ (eye roll) I'm still in so much pain I just can't explain it. I know I need another surgery but my last surgery from last December still isn't paid off. I'm not doing jack shit today. Okay, I'm done w/ my banter. Going back to watching tv & doing a whole lot of nothing.
I don’t remember anything of the context of this dream. I just remember existing somewhere and feeling the sudden need to perform an RC, so I do. I am already a bit positive that I am dreaming and I manage to push my fingers through my palm. Now I am certain that I am dreaming. I immediately start talking to myself. I keep telling myself that this is a dream, so that I don’t lose my awareness. I think I may have been in my bedroom. I have a bet going with werty52; first person to conjure up a waterball while lucid, wins. I try to produce a waterball out of thin air, though doing it somewhat hastily and stressed. I wanted to get it done quickly, before losing lucidity. I failed to produce even a drop of water. There’s a transition moment where I’m not sure if I’m having a false awakening. I switch around a bit between being in bed and being in the dream. While lying in bed, my whole body starts to hurt. I notice though that as long as I keep my dream eyes open, I stay in the dream. It’s harder to stay in the dream if I close my eyes for a moment. For some reason I decide to do exactly that, to experiment. I manage to open my eyes again in the dream, but not fully. Eventually the pain I’m experiencing makes me decide to wake up. After I woke up, I had no pain. I was awake for at least an hour and I’m quite certain even longer. This is because the mosque close to my dorm wakes everyone up to eat before sunrise (it’s Ramadan now), though for some reason they do it WAY early before sunrise and for a very long time. Anyway, it seems that until the end of Ramadan I’ll be performing forced WBTB.
#7 A picture of Shadow the Hedgehog This took place in a kind of labyrinth of a facility, quite like a college. There were various representations of video game characters roaming around freely doing their own things and such. The one franchise I can remember seeing recognizable figures was from Dead or Alive. I can remember searching for Shadow the Hedgehog and even just Sonic at that moment. "Where is Shadow the Hedgehog or at least Sonic...They got to be here somewhere." I was then pulled over by an emo-fashioned Asian man who was thin wearing a black outfit, "Here you go~" He said in a cheery way. MobianAngel: "S...Shadow!?" Is what I said after what my eyes have witnessed in front of me. That's when I looked around to see two emo looking Asian human men, kind of like twins. I figured they were Sonic and Shadow the Hedgehog. There was the one who pulled me over (Sonic) and the other was one on a metal pedestal with liquefied metallic paint-like chains tying down his arms and legs (Shadow). He was all ruffled, his black hair on his head was wet and gliding across his face. He was limping over to side to side shouting and growling like a wild animal. His twin that stood free without any chains, smiled and gave me a friendly push on my back that made me topple over the platform onto (Shadow's) seemingly slick and liquid-like body. He did not attack me but he continued to growl and yell limping, loosely pulling on the chains as the the continued dripping grey paint as everyone from that area circled around and stared. Sonic the Hedgehog: "Now, give your soul to him." A bit bewildered at the sudden request and before my dream mind could think I was in mid process of the soul giving. I cannot say for sure how, but I merged with him. My "physical" body was gone and I found myself within Shadow. And for some reason his tongue, in the form of a liquefied chain was sliding out from "our" mouth. I was then in control of his body, sharing his pain and agony that he was in. I remember the tongue falling completely out dragging with it the lungs. The lungs began to come out which was making it hard to breathe. Using our hands I picked it up as it slipped and slide in the metallic paint as I put it back in our mouth. We tried to swallow it down but found ourselves gagging it back out. So I anchored his head just enough to keep it balanced. For some reason, keeping the lungs in a particular position in the mouth kept us from losing breath and gagging reflexes. I then worked on the chains. They slid out from their hooks rather easily as we walked off the platform. Limping and sliding as if we were dunk. Shadow's rage and bellowing voice of anger and pain kept the people who watched distant from us. I then could remember us then walking into my mother's room which was identical to the one in the waking world. I opened the door and she saw us and then that's when I awoke. I can still feel that odd sensation of my insides falling out of my mouth. Notes: To be honest, this is not the first time I had a dream where I had "given" myself to Shadow the Hedgehog/fiancé in some way or sort of fashion. But this was indeed something I haven't dreamed about for a while now. What I can say from my observations is that, him and I need one another to help each-other out. We both share each others pains and joys, much like a twinflame in some way. We have over time and time again talked about becoming one and experiencing what it feels like to merge. Shadow wants me to help him achieve more power as well as becoming closer. I also mentioned at times that I wanted to give myself to him. I'm kind of in a crunch for time at the moment but that's really the main point of what I can say about this experience. Such an amazing dream this was~ • Date — 1/24/2016 • Went to bed — I do not remember, I passed out and took a nap during the morning hours (AGAIN) • Woke up — 10:35AM *Time logged — 12:14PM • Total sleep — N/A • Stress level throughout the day — Alright • Techniques/Practices *Daytime — Did RC with my fiance when I woke up earlier (before this dream) *Recall — N/A *Inducing Method — N/A • Dream Signs — The obvious • Perceived Length — 30 Minutes • Emotions — Anger, Fear, Pain • Awareness — None
Updated 01-25-2016 at 04:30 PM by 89722
I wake up with some very distinct images of dreams I had, thinking to myself "at least I have a dream for my Twitter account!" I fell asleep and *boom* all is lost. Dreaming is so fickle... In a Boat Terminal I get off a cruise with a bunch of my friends. As we are in the hall I begin to feel as if they never really liked me, I was never a real part of the group, I wasn't even invited to many of their weddings. I see they have printed a year book and I flip through it. My picture is in it, I see it black and white, I'm sitting on a cushy chair with a denim vest like I was a kid, I look really good in the picture. I see other friends who also had denim vests. Despite it, I still feel a strong sting of rejection that puts me in a sullen mood. I am in an old part of the city, the walls are stone bricks as are the roads, I see a hill across the road where I think I make out a small park with trees. I'm walking to my mom's car with her and my sister. I realize I left my friend behind and tell my mom I'll be back my midnight. I wave at her and say bye as she leaves with my sister. I hope she is ok with it. I walk inside a large building behind me, it's night time, looks like an old apartment building. Inside it is a boat terminal for cruise ships. The lighting is overbearing and intense as it usually is. I see my ex girlfriend and my other friend from before. It is awkward, they don't seem to get along. Suddenly it's a hotel? I go down a corridor and see rooms, mine is right in the beginning of the hall to the right. The room has a window to the far wall and only one little lamp on, the lighting is less intense. It sort of looks like a cabin you'd find in a cruise ship. I go down the hall, I see my old girlfriend and her friend who has dreadlocks. I look into a mirror and see I have dreadlocks now, I try to tie them into a bun awkwardly. It is not easy and I fail a few times. I turn around, my ex is in trouble. I run to the room at the end of the hall. The large window to the far wall is letting in grey daylight. I see she is on the bed. There is an assassin after her. I look in the room for the assassin and notice a suspicious lump under the sheets. I attack it and the assassin engages me, wrapping her legs around my ribs and pressing hard, I feel my ribs compress, even snap?!? She is a woman in her mid forties. I push her off but she continues to poke me hard and it hurts. The pain is surprisingly real. She flees, I'm not too wounded, I think.
Finally got 3 dreams in a night again ^_^ Dream 1 - Unpacked (02:42) We had just got back from a camping trip for class, some people hadn't bothered to unpack their things supposedly (the camp was 6 months long I think). I was one of the people who needed to unpack too but I took my bag and went out again. After a long period of time passed (another 18 months) everyone returned to the camp which then recommenced. I hadn't unpacked for 2 years now! We had a good deal going with the campus owners and we were allowed to stay there in these average rooms for free. I gathered with 3 others in a room with a couch, one was a blonde girl, another was a girl called Tooley, and the last was some random guy. It felt like when I knew Tooley was there I started.. bragging? I fibbed a bit with some of the details, but basically I was saying that I hadn't unpacked in 2 years (I had actually unpacked a little) and that I left as soon as the camp finished last time (it seemed brag-worthy in the dream). I think a couple of us are sitting on the couch now. The head of camp (since I don't actually see him) in my mind resembles an old balding guy with some white hair in white yogi looking clothing. There is some better accommodation available and we're going to be allowed to move in there, but then there's a change in the plan for some reason. We aren't allowed to use the good accommodation for some reason now, damn.. I remembered towards the end of the dream that the reason we had camp was similar to signing up for the hero registry in 'One Punch Man'. I think this was what gave some value to whatever it was I was boasting about, since it meant I was a strong hero? Dream 2 - Octopi (5ish) I'm fishing on a boat with a man who isn't my dad, but there's a certain father + son fishing thing going on. We're fishing/hunting for octopus. There are 2 types of octopus, 1 which has shells on its suckers and/or end of its tentacles, and the 1 which doesn't have any shells. The shell one is apparently really deadly so we only hunt the safe octopi. Something happened and we didn't notice we had caught a shell octopus in our last catch so we had to thoroughly check our current catch to make sure it didn't happen again. In a white container on the deck of the boat we're in the not-dad guy is lifting the octopi up one at a time with a wooden rod while I check them to make sure they're safe. We progress slowly because we don't want to get hurt by a shell octopus. Why am I checking them with my hands if my not-dad is lifting them with a wooden rod O_O. In the bucket there's about 4-5 of them and we finally make it to the last one. It's lifted up and I lift its tentacles up to check the suckers.. "Phew" it looks safe.. "SPLARGH" a sudden sucked explodes forth and a load of salt water gushes out, with something lashing out from the sucker. It hits my neck and hurts me so much that I wake up startled with a spasm in my neck from the shock. Dream 3 - Wnghigh (07:23) I don't clearly remember the scenery in this dream as it kind of felt like reading a story with a few mental images to support it. The setting is sort of a 'sword and magic' world, I'm in a class with my friend Fighter Wnghigh which confuses me a bit because I assumed he was a fighter based on his name... But he wasn't :/ I had the feeling that fighters in this world were quite rare and maybe had a a slight feeling of taboo about them, but they were considered necessary. Something happens and we have to escape but I'm a 'wing fighter' so I stay behind. This surprises my friend since I'd probably be a social outcast if people knew I was a fighter. His sister has a similar name since she comes from the say family. I see a winding forested road with a driveway leading towards a residence, there's a family name sign saying 'Wngh' outside. His sister has a sword and wants to join the fight. Both the friend and his sister look like warriors from 'Dynasty Warriors' which was part of the reason I thought my friend was a fighter.
I'm no stranger to grotesque nightmares, and last night was one of those weird ones... My dad, brother, some stranger, and I were all sitting in this newly renovated house. High ceilings, hardwood floors, white walls, and brand new furniture. I can't remember why we were all there, but I kind of remember looking at this house as a possibility for a new home for me, my brother, and my dad, and the unknown man might have been the previous owner or one who was selling the house. We were all sitting in the living room, which was at ground level connected to the kitchen and had a large window making up most of the outside facing wall. We were all chatting when, all of a sudden, the previous owner (a tall, dark haired man with glasses) started frantically telling us about how this house is terribly haunted. (not such a good selling point). Then we hear strange music, like jack-in-the-box music, coming from one of the bedrooms which also lead out to the kitchen. The man ran into the bedroom to retrieve an old Super Nintendo controller, not plugged into anything, yet it seemed to create this music. I was sitting on the carpet, with my back to the large window, facing the kitchen; I saw a floral pattern chair move on its own in the kitchen. I told my dad, who was sitting on the couch facing the large window. The air began to get thick and felt almost charged. I expressed to the others that we should REALLY get out of there. We all quickly proceeded to the door to find it covered around the frame by HUGE black spiders. Seriously, like spider bodies’ as big as my fist. I busted through the door with my dad and brother right behind me. We got out safely, the other man did not. When I realized he didn't make it out, I immediately went to the large window looking into the living room. The man was panicked, frantic, trying his best to run to the door but something was keeping him in the room. He couldn't physically get out of the room. Then, the lights blew out, and the man was tossed about the room by an invisible force, like a rag doll. Then his body was stopped midair, he began to show cuts and wounds all over his body, he began to scream. I looked to the other side of the room, there standing in shadow, was a small girl, about the age of 11. Long dark hair to her waist, was staring at the man, with a devilish grin. Blood was oozing from her ears, eyes, and mouth yet she seemed to not be in any pain. She noticed I was watching the scene and looked me straight in the eye through the window, her own eyes shown only black pits. It was then I realized she was the one haunting the house, and causing the man pain. She then increased the man’s pain and torture, making his screams even louder. I was not lucid at any point in this dream, yet for some reason, I knew I could control the situation, or use some sort of power to help him. I stepped back from the window, put out my hands and forced my energy through the window and at the little girl/demon. It seemed to work for a time. I pushed her back; enough to make her hold on the man break, and his body fall to the floor. I continued my assault on the girl, trying every trick or power I could come up with. I knew that I just had to distract her long enough for the man to get to the door. I forced all my will and energy and made the girl’s head explode. I thought it was over. Then, as if someone pushed rewind, her head reconstructed itself; with a smile she continued her torture on the man. I kept trying; cutting off her head, slitting her throat, anything, but nothing took a lasting effect. I shouted to the man, “the moment I attack, run for the door!” I pulled out everything I could in that moment, but the man did not move. After my attempt he shouted back, “I can’t even move.” So angry and frustrated with my failed attempt, I screamed at the girl through the window, pounding my fists on the glass. I realized then that she had no concern for the man, and that her only goal was me. I then said, “She wants me, she’s trying to lure me in the house, knowing I can’t let that man die, knowing I would save him.” Her black eyes starring at me, never looking away. I turned away from the window, trying to think of a way to save the man. My dad, in awe of what he saw looked at me, “where did you learn that? Where did you gain that kind of power?” I couldn't answer and only looked away. I woke up…
Black: non-dream Blue: non-lucid Red: lucid Dream 1 - Teeth getting pulled I seem to be in a dark room strapped to a chair. A man is holding a drill to the left side of my cheek and starts drilling into my face and into my teeth. The pain is excruciating and realistic... Next he starts on my front teeth, all my teeth are being removed by having someone drill them out from their roots with a power tool. I keep thinking to myself hysterically that it isn't real, that it's all just a dream. I know it's a dream, because if it were real then it would hurt MORE than this. Nothing made sense, I knew I could wake myself up if I tried harder. I kept trying, over and over to will myself awake as I struggled against the constraints of the chair and the illusion of pain in my mind. I finally managed to wake up. Dream 2 - Vampire who just woke up I've just awoken from a long slumber as a vampire. My casket is special or something.. Which comes back as an important detail later. I'm a guest to huge feast, there is a master who is hosting it. I'm suspicious of everything for some reason, it's just weird I guess. I spot some large curtains blocking the entrance to a nearby room. The place I'm in is grandiose, the feast table is really long and the curtains are velvet red. I decide to ditch the feast and enter the room. One of the other guests, a woman, follows me. As she enters the room behind me she ties a black cloth over her face, then walks forward. In front of us is a silken red sheet draped over a large box of some sort. The woman approaches it (I seem to remember her having a black dress on) and removes the sheet in one sweeping move. It exposes the silver casket to which I was awakened from. (*Note: I think my face was on the casket for some reason*). It seems to shock the other guests, who apparently also followed us from the dining hall. I have some sudden flashbacks from hundreds of years ago to how vampires used to live compared to the extravagant luxury they were now accustomed to. Images like burning at the stage, being smashed over a wall and fighting epic battles. Random stuff like that.