I was walking down a path with pretty plants on either side. I look to my right and see a dinosaur of some kind giving birth. Someone next to me starts a short small talk "Isn't it beautiful?" I respond with something like yeah something like that. I then continue down the path and I'm holding 2 frames with squares cut in them. There's a slug on the bottom frame and I try my best to not squish it. I manage not to, and I'm about to deposit it on one one of the potted plants on a shelf I'm approaching. I'm in my cousins house. My favorite cousin asks my aunt where the margarita thing is. "It's in the cupboard with the candy. But you better not be using it for what I think your using it for." I'm in a house, I look to my left and there's a shelf full of guitars. I see a beautiful brown bass with 5 strings, so I grab it and try to play it. The body is like a foot thick so I have a very hard time playing it normally. I set it down on the table, and pluck all 6 of the strings. They're all out of tune, so I decide to tune the first 4 EADG and leave the rest how they are. I turn the tuning key while plucking the first string and I realize i don't know what it's supposed to sound like. I find an amp like device in front of me so I plug it in, and try t tune the string again. I failed, and now I feel like I'm trespassing, so I go to the fridge and grab a coconut water, and walk to the door. [COLOR="#EE82EE"]2 nlds 1 fragment- 2.5 rc's-2 total-4.5 comp total-17[/COLOR]
[HR][/HR] [B]Thursday, August 15th 2013: "Music store" (Non-lucid)[/B] Not much to write down. I'm in some music store with friends looking at instruments and speakers. It is a huge building, and I also see some familiar people I knew many years ago. I'm not sure if it is day or night, because I don't see any windows. At one point I'm standing on an escalator going up, and I talk to some of these people. Later I'm with a cousin of mine walking around in this same store, and trying out some of the pianos and synths.
I'm forgetting how some of these dreams start. I can only remember a few. I'm inside a music shop, one that I thought of. The music store was filled with so many different types of musical instruments but the only instrument I was interested in was the piano. The piano was all I could play while living in my house. This store looked a lot like the one near the park where I used to walk whenever I found curiosity in the city. I imagined it while dreaming. This place was also seen as a dangerous part of town if you're walking alone. I never liked this place in real life or in this dream. But this music store was the only interest I had while dreaming and while I was dreaming of it, I thought of my beautiful piano. I never actually played one in the dream but I thought of it. As soon as I was done finishing up, I walked in to the back room of the store and begin making an exit towards the waking life. The next room I entered was very quiet, not for long though. I saw one of my favorite rappers who is obviously Eminem! Well, at the time he was only Slim Shady. I also saw one of his friends, I think it was Proof too. It is sort of hard to explain this next part. Eminem wanted to make a song about his father at the moment, a good song, and they were performing the song now. Proof was in the background while Eminem was moving his arms gangster style. This whole thing was all inside my head. I saw a screen of them both performing it but never saw it in that room. When the dream ended, I realized I was now in a paralyzed state. I noticed because I felt very sleepy at the time. I was laying in bed thinking it to be real until I found out I had no power to move my feet. I was in fear and it only got worse when I felt a sensation of an upcoming terror entering the room! I tried my whole best to get up from bed. My eyes begin to close and the more they tried to close, the harder it was to try and stay in the position I was. After this, I woke.
#003 | A Terrible Ensemble | Parking at School | Day | Short-Medium I strolled around the parking lot of our school with Mary (a good friend of mine), when I got the spontaneous idea of performing Godot’s theme from the Phoenix Wright games (see below) with a mini-orchestra right on the spot. (I should remark that Mary often plays that piece on the piano when I’m with her and that it’s one of our favourites.) Okay, so… I gathered some pupils from the school grounds (which are right next to the parking) and gave each of them an instrument (such as drums, strings, etc…). I don’t know where I got them; I assume they just turned up when I needed them. Also, a piano emerged in the middle of the road. Then I started handing out songbooks, which had also appeared out of nowhere. I took my saxophone (I’ve never played saxophone before, just so you know. So this is pretty unusual.), counted to three and everyone began playing at once and terribly wrong. Except for Mary. But you couldn’t her play because of the boisterous noises the other people (including me) made. After realizing that this couldn’t work out since no one was able to play those instruments, I was desperate to get them to stop. But my voice was too soft, so Mary harshly yelled “STOP!” instead and everything went quiet. The people slowly disappeared and the instruments vanished – except for my saxophone. Exhausted and also kind of disappointed I took my instrument, gazed at it and leaned on a parked car. Mary approached me and we started talking. “I guess we all make a terrible ensemble.”, she said while giving me a soothing look. “Yeah. That was a stupid idea…” I sighed. “Let me see…” She picked up a few songbooks which were still lying around. “No wonder! Look, this one got the wrong chords in it and that person got the wrong page.” She showed me the books and giggled. “Plus, none of us can really play any instruments, so that probably was what caused this chaos to begin with.” I smiled, too. “Well, maybe next time it’ll work out. Until then we just have to practice a lot!” We both started laughing (not sure why). But then something distracted me. First, there was a bee flying around and since I don’t really like bees (or anything with a sting, really.) I avoided it, leaning myself further on the car. After a while it flew away leaving me being able to relax again. But once more, a fly came to bother me and as I tried to shoo it away I touched it and woke up.
1-10-12 Nothing much. At one point, I was talking to this old guy, and later I was at a weird sort of musical instrument store. Not weird enough to warrant question, but how the guitars were arranged was weird.