Fragment: I'm in a big open convention space, with thick carpet and lots of red/gold colors. It turns out this is a hotel, where there is a mixup with where we were supposed to stay. I'm on a school trip with the cast of My Hero Academia. Grocery Store Flight: I'm in a grocery store that reminds me of one I went to as a kid. I'm running a sort of tower defense game, where people (mobs/creeps) will attempt to make it past my shelves and reach the goal. I add some bricks to a back area, forcing a specific path. I also formulated a strategy where I would add a block completing a blockage, waiting for the group to move, and then remove and rebuild it on the other side creating a loop. ... I'm seated at a small table with a coworker, face to face. I'm giving her a status on something quality related. She happens to mention lucid dreaming as a topic she is interested in. "Oh yeah! I just had one of those last night!" I pause, and with all the mental quickness of a drunken sailor, come to the conclusion that since we are talking about lucid dreaming, perhaps I should complete a reality check. I plug my nose and try to breathe. I can...but I don't draw the conclusion...then I do a second check and it falls again. "Hold on, am I really dreaming right now?" I look at my hand as a third check, and sure enough, I have five fingers plus a thumb. This is a dream! I immediately take off and start flying [1]. As I float into the air I wave to my coworker. "Have fun working!" I fly off into the heights of the grocery store, and happen upon a ledge high above the shelves. I start going through what I need to do for goals, and remember my first goal is to summon (I forgot that I already achieved this in my last lucid). I decide to try and summon a puppy. So, I wish for a puppy to appear on the upper ledge area when I land and it comes fully into my view. No puppy. Boo. However, there were vases all around, so I decide to break them for fun. I lie down on the ledge, and remember that I was trying to teleport before. New tactic: I'm going to lie down, pretend I'm on grass, and then hope the rest of the scene transforms to match. It doesn't. Boo. I also find some doors and try to use them to teleport. Nope. [1] Fly.
Horsing Around: I'm controlling a horse, watching it run across a stereotypically dreamy plain. The sky is an indigo-blue color, and the grass is a highly saturated green. I feel some sort of emotional connection with the horse. I'm playing a game of hide and seek with other horses. The controls are similar to controlling Epona in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I'm navigating through a section with fences, and then later up a hill. Alllllwayyyyyyys I want to beeee with you....and make belieeeeve with you... Running: I'm at a bar with a big group. Z from the game night group is there. We're sitting at an outdoor both. Z seems to be the star of the night. There are a couple of dark-skinned guys talking with my brother. They are talking about me. ... Later, I'm running away using super speed along some train tracks. There is a bus that the group is trying to get me to go on. Flash: There is a documentary about my nephew, W. My childhood cat Oreo is also part of it. The various parts of the video show my Grandma's previous homes. Something about World of Warcraft makes it into the story. Flash forward, and W is watching the video in present day.
Updated 07-15-2024 at 07:43 PM by 99808
Nostalgia Band: I'm in a highschool gym at indoor band practice. I'm a senior who will be graduating soon, so feeling nostalgic. I walk over to our saxophone cases and join the group. I feel the familiar rush of uncertainty. Where are we going? What are we doing? Gotta do it fast! ... I'm with the same group, this time outside. We have our instruments and backpacks. It's a grassy mountain hike, spiraly. I see PK, a senior from my 2nd year. He is talking about burying time-capsules for future years. There are already a lot of time capsules buried in the ground waiting to be opened. ... We're in a large, cylindrical, dimly lit room now. There are pictures of previous band members along the wall. My brother's picture gets pointed out. It is his picture from 1st or 2nd grade. Sunny Day Lucid: I'm in my childhood neighborhood on a sunny day. I'm running through the backyards, with the grass being typical vivid dream green. I have a sense of urgency to get somewhere soon. There are some horses up ahead, stabled at somebody's house. I'm on a garden path moving toward them. I try to leave the path to avoid alerting the horses, but I can't. I eventually pass by them without a problem. I stop and stand still, realizing that my childhood neighborhood and sunny days are some of my top dreamsigns. I perform a nose reality check and I can breathe. I check my hands and I have 4 fingers and a thumb. That's strange, shouldn't they be off in a dream? I keep checking my finger and nose, and eventually conclude that I must be dreaming. I try to summon somebody, but it doesn't work. I feel the dream start to fade.
Updated 02-12-2024 at 08:15 PM by 99808
Party Memories: I'm at a wedding party, but I don't know whose it is. The party is being held at an outdoor venue, and it looks like a mixture of IM's (from the Tots) and MM's (from highschool) backyards. It's night-time, and there is a hot tub on my right. I see BY from highschool in a full suit, and wonder if he got the memo that this was supposed to be casual. There is a sliding door on the left, and it goes into the sitting room from my previous home. I set up an area there, sort of "my spot" where I can feel less socially awkward, and gather up the people I know at the party. ... I'm in a local bar called Cornish Pasty. I'm sitting at the bar with MW from highschool. We're sitting where I sat a few months back with JV in waking life. He's there because I am getting married soon. MW tells me that there might be something in the mail for me, implying he's bought one of the wedding registry items. I'm feeling awkward, looking for a conversation topic, when I remember that I was at his wedding party recently. I bring it up, and he remarks how drunk everybody was, and how we are all singing. I tell him I remember that, but I don't. Stuck: I'm waking up in my bed, and I remember that I had just returned to sleep from my 6hr/20m WBTB. I do a nose reality check and I can breathe. I'm dreaming. I'm in bed, but I can't move. I try to blink-teleport, imagining that if I can just change the dream scene I'll regain my movement naturally. So, I close my eyes and imagine a vast blue ocean. I open my eyes. Nothing changes, still stuck. The dream fades and I wake briefly. Loki and Oreo: I false awake into my bed again, knowing to reality check. I'm lucid again, but still can't move. This time I try something else. I imagine my old Doberman Loki (rest is peace, he was the best boy). The idea is that he will jostle the bed enough to kick my body into gear. I call for him "Loki! Are you here?" and he comes bounding into the bedroom and jumps into the bed. He, of course, lays down next to me because he always was a big lazy boy. He looks up at me, inquisitive as ever with his dopey eyes and large snoot. He looks so real. I laugh, and wonder if my girlfriend can hear me laughing in waking life (I asked later, she could not). My plan worked, when Loki jumped on me, that was enough to give me my movement back. I looked back down, and now Loki had changed into a different childhood pet. My longhair black and white cat, Oreo (also rest in peace, she was top-gangsta thug). I get out of bed and say "C'mon! Let's go!" and Oreo gracefully leaps off the bed to follow me. I see her characteristic "gangsta-prowl" as she moves and marvel at how well my brain is recreating my old pets. Finally I leave the bedroom and realize that I should stabilize the dream soon, worried that it might fade. The dream is a near-perfect recreation of my house, but it has blue hue to it. Otherwise, the best way I can describe it is "thin". I think to myself, maybe I am low on REM sleep. I start to narrate what I am doing as I do it "I'm walking in my hallway, I'm stabilizing the dream, I'm touching the walls..." It occurs to me that I need to spend less time in my own head, or the dream is going to fade. I make a concerted effort to engage with the environment, and not internalize too much. As is tradition at this point, I lick the wall to help stabilize. It tastes like wall. All this seems to help a bit, but I believe that I was simply low on REM, so the dream was going to be unstable no matter what. Then I remember that it was the last night of competition, and I had defined some goals. I recall my first goal of the three-step is to "summon" and then "ask for advice" so I go to summon Jordan Peterson. But wait, I changed my mind earlier on the plan. I struggle to remember, but then I do. During my WBTB 20 minutes, I decided instead that I would summon Daniel Love, because he would be able to assist me with a teleport. I start to imagine Daniel Love in my house. I call out to him "Daniel! Are you here? Daniel?" For a moment, no response. But then a head pops out from behind a door down the hallway on the right, where the bathroom is. "Yeah yeah I'm here!" he says, a bit flustered. But, before I can ask him for advice on teleporting, the dream fades out.
Updated 01-25-2024 at 03:55 PM by 99808
The Bulldog: I'm sitting on a patio chair looking out to a sunrise. I'm high up, a few stories above the ground. The patio is made of large wood pieces, similar in style to Frontier Land from Disneyland. Within the lore of the dream, we had just built it (my Dad, sister, and I). I looked at my left hand and noticed that it had three fingers, and I looked at my right. It had four. I become lucid. The very next thought is that I want to learn more about my dreamworld, to serve me better later. So I decide to keep looking at my hands. They keep changing in finger count wildly, not fast or as if morphing, more like my brain kept trying to convince me that they had 'always been' said count. It was more like my perception was in flux than the actual visuals. Tough to describe. This activity doubles down on the fact that I truly am dreaming. I decide to get up and look around. I see a man down below in a pool, he's singing on a platform in the middle. Also, across the way there is another man singing. I listen to them for a while, but I can't recall the tune now. I noticed a bulldog down by my heel. I feel a massively comforting presence. I don't recognize this dog but I feel the comfort anyway. He is wearing some sort of skin(or should I say fur) tight dog-shirt. I remember that I should be stabilizing the dream, so I run my hands across the wood railing a bit. I notice that the patio is missing some pieces, and get concerned about the stability of the structure. I decide to go the the side of the house, and once I turn the corner, it represents the side of the house I'm living in now. The bull-dog is sitting in front of the gate that leads to the front yard. I go up to him and start to pet him. "Are you a bulldog?" I ask. "Yes, I am!" the bulldog replied with a British accent. "Can you tell more more about you so that I can find you in my world?" I ask. "Ohhh you shouldn't do that...because I issue." the bulldog replies ominously. I notice he is drooling a bit. "Well, what is the issue?" "I....tend to wet the bed." the bulldog admits with some shame in his voice. I start to comfort the bulldog, but then I begin to lose lucidity. Instead, I start telling the bulldog a story of a recurring dream. It's about not making finals for marching band back in high-school. I try to recall the name of the girl who was our drum major who broke the news, but I can't remember her name (just her face). This isn't actually a recurring dream. An Asian girl appears behind him as if in response to the story, but she doesn't resemble anybody from it. At this point I seem to get my bearings, and I start to narrate what has happened up to now, to the bulldog. "So I've spent a lot of time in this dream letting things flow on their own, observing, doing RCs, keeping it low-key. Do you think it is OK if I try some dream control now?" I ask the bulldog. "Yes, that seems reasonable." the bulldog replies matter of factly. I walk forward and open the gate leading to the front yard. It's night-time over here. I remember that I want to try the teleport-sprint from another dream, so I position myself on the street with plenty of runway space in front of me. But there is a festival happening on the street. Lots of people. This prevents me from having space. I get the impression that the dream characters are not fans of what I am about to try, slightly hostile. They don't stop me when I went to find a new position, but one guy did bump me as I passed. I don't visualize a particular place. I break out into a sprint with the night-road in front of me and close my eyes. I feel my body shake, similar to the first time having a WILD transition. Feels like going through a wormhole. When I open my eyes, I see blackness. I assume I have woken up. ... I'm back on the patio with the sunrise, but this time I think I am awake. "Wow! What a cool lucid dream, I'd better go record it before I forget!" I think to myself. I enter the house through a doorwall and go to a computer. This home does not resemble one I have lived in. The computer has three or four monitors all setup, and looks super cool. Dream-me has a program setup that will record my dreams as audio, and then auto-tune them. So I narrate the previous dream as it happened in its entirety. I mess up the recording so I have to start and stop a few times. As I recorded it, the computer generated an animated movie, with the audio, as a musical. The graphics resembled Final Fantasy VII: Remake's. I'm invested in making the video good. ... I'm back in my actual bed. My girlfriend is by me, and so is a dog. It may have been a german-shepherd. Strangely, my sister is at the foot of the bed. We're awake because we are concerned that there is an intruder in the house. I felt safe, because the dog would be able to alert us if there was a problem. My girlfriend tells me I should give my sister the larger pillow, and I tell her that she is already asleep so there is no point. I reflect that the dog with us is not giving me an allergic reaction, so maybe I can have a dog after all. ... I'm back at my childhood home, and I'm talking about the intruder with my Dad. I look at the thermostat, and it reads '60 degrees'. I think it is low, but my Dad tells me that this is how it has to be. I look over to the living room and see my Mom playing a video game. She's losing so she calls me over to help and I do.
Updated 11-27-2023 at 12:48 AM by 99808
Went to bed around 12:00AM. Messy Awakenings: I have a false awakening on my couch (where I currently was sleeping in waking life). My uncle J is sleeping nearby. My dad is there and tells me that I should move to the bed so I don't hurt in the morning. I heed the advice and head to my bed. When I entered the room, my sister is in my bed and there are some blankets and pillows on the floor. The room is larger than I recall in waking memory but I don't pick up on the inconsistency at the time. So as not to disturb my sister, I lie down on the floor and go to sleep. While I don't recall exactly, I think this is where I must have reality checked and became lucid, because I realized that I had just gone to sleep, so I should reality check. I'm now lucid in this larger version of my bedroom. My first thought is to take a deep breath and try to stabilize the dream. But I'm not lucid enough to follow through and start engaging the senses. I only get through the deep breath. While I do start to think about the dream being 'biological virtual reality', I don't truly engage with the question deeply. I see a window at the end of the room and remember that I want to go to a new landscape. I recall the blink-and-snap method for traveling from a Daniel Love video. I close my eyes, imagine a grassy forest environment, and snap my fingers. The ground underneath me has transformed into AstroTurf, but no forest. I lose lucidity shortly after this. ... Sometime later, I've regained lucidity and I'm with a girl that I know is my sister's friend. We're at my Grandma's condo. Spoiler for Spicy Content: She's angry with me about something. Out of pocket, I say "Well obviously the solution is to blow me." Surprisingly, she agrees. I'm pretty excited about this. Another girl shows up and joins her. I can see the details of their faces...and what is on them. When the activities are over, I consider whether I actually did finish in waking life. I'm concerned about that, but it also transfers to the dream. I hurriedly try to make my way to a bathroom to inspect myself. I'm now at the top of the stairs at my grandma's current condo. As I head down the stairs, it makes a lot of noise to my dismay. But luckily it doesn't alert anyone. I find a side door that I think leads to the bathroom. There is an in-between passage that has another set of doors past it. There is a black poodle dog in here. My sister is hot on my heels, and she chases me into the room. But I hide behind the door as it opens (that's a classic trick of mine) and she doesn't find me. The dog gets a bit crunched as the door opens, but it doesn't mind. After this I sneak my way to the bathroom to inspect, but I lose lucidity along the way. Recorded at 1:08AM. War Games: I'm in a war. In the moment, it felt like a training camp, but later the dream treated it as if it had been actual combat. I'm with a group of people, perhaps a platoon. The area is sandy and surrounded by wooden walls on all sides. We're running forward trying to reach cover. The cover is on the left, and there is an enemy soldier sitting on a chair on the right. I can't recall, but I may have attempted to shoot the soldier in the chair as I ran for the cover. ... I'm in a room. We've lost the war, so I'm being held there as a prisoner. I'm thinking about whether my friends are OK and what will happen to us. TH from somewhat recently at work in waking life arrives at my holding area. He is there to tell me that the others are OK. Then, back to isolation. ... Sometime later my niece shows up at the back window (the window is up high, since the room is partially underground). I try to hide under a desk in the room because I don't want her to have to deal with her uncle being imprisoned. She doesn't find me. ... A phone in the room rings and I answer. The person on the line tells me that there might be a chance of me getting out. There is a form that I can fill out and if done correctly I can leave isolation. I pickup the form and go outside to where the guards are outside. I approach them and ask what my options are. One part of the form is asking whether I actually killed any enemy combatants. I honestly couldn't recall if I had killed the man in the chair, and the guards seemed compassionate to my memory inaccuracy. ... I'm in a cafeteria eating, so perhaps they let me go. Recorded at 7:53AM. Bathroom Wonder: I'm in my childhood home, it is about highschool timeframe. My friend DR is visiting, and my brother and him are across the hallway playing Super Mario Bros Wonder in the basement living room. I'm in the downstairs bathroom, trying to rub one out. I recall thinking that I had been playing Zelda Twilight Princess recently (but I'm not sure why this detail is here). The toilet I am sitting at is on the opposite wall that it should be, I can hear my brother and DR talking about how good of a game Wonder is, in terms of the level design and how the music interacts with it. Recorded at 7:53AM. 940 words for the night.
Updated 11-10-2023 at 06:06 PM by 99808
Went to bed around 12AM. Chaos Bird: I'm flying around an upscale looking restaurant as a red bird. I'm creating a scene. I see my therapist at a table, and see that he is eating a bowl of beans. I divebomb and flip the bowl on him so that it stains his clothes. I fly back up out of reach and search for my next target. People are yelling at me, trying to do something about me. I notice Jordan Peterson. I divebomb his food as well and mess up his day. I feel embarrassed, but at the same time justified. I get the impression that these people deserve it, and I should ignore feeling embarrassed. Recorded around 6:30AM. 111 words for the night.
I'm in the back yard and suddenly my cat walks through the gate. Her intestines are hanging from her butt and I suspect that she has done this herself. She walks into the house and I try to walk to her but I can't handle the smell and I feel a warm thick liquid in my throat, I need to puke. I run out and puke by the flowers but I never see the puke. Mom is also present. I'm in some dream and notice it's a dream but I don't want to become lucid because it seems very tiring. I wake up by the alarm (It was just a FA because I didn't set any alarm that night). Someone shuts of the alarm and I resleep.
I'm in the swimming hall and about to jump in with some friends. After I have jumped into the water Albin holds me down with his feet. I hear him clearly even though my head is under water. He says that he will soon let me up. I am pretty calm and trust him but I still think that what he does is wrong. I am released and swim some more. A new person tries to drown me but I recover. I walk up and try to find my glasses. I look around and think that I see them in a bag. I pick the glasses up but notice a difference. These glasses are strechable and have built in lamps in them. I put them back and keep on looking. I find a new pair of glasses that looks just like mine. After closer inspectation I notice that these ones have light iron frames with holes in them on the sides. I look some more and find more glasses that almost looks like mine but there is some kind of deviation. I can't find my glasses. I'm on a warm island and the sun is shining. There are two camps that fight each other and I'm on the left side. Most people have bow and arrows and shoot at the other side. I dodge some shots and try to advance. I am able to reach their beach and there is some cute girl present. I take care of some small birds in a cage on our back yard. New fragment. Our cat is sitting one the table and she is eating one of the birds! I am a bit chocked but think about how this is nature. I'm one the back yard again and reinforce the cage so that they will be more safe. I use two wooden planks to protect them but there is some dirt in the way. I inspect the birds and notice that they are very ugly. They have the body of a hen but with a duck's beak. I'm with a girl and we are about to leave two boys. The girl is angy with me and I try to show her that she doesn't need to be angry. I talk with her and say one of boy's names wrong which triggers her. I fix a ride with a buss and she understands that I am reliable. The bus is riding through a tunnel and suddenly a lot of good looking women appear on the sides like a movie scene. Rainbow colors are starting to appear and I understand that I am lucky.
I'm in the guest room downstairs with mom. I realize it is a dream and walk out. I look up at the sky and scream out "sky, take me with you!". Gravity is turned upside down for me and I accelerate towards the sky. There is a thick layer of clouds and gravity is centered by the layer. That makes it so that I first go upwards over the sky but slowly turn down to it again. When I hit the clouds on the way down I notice that the clouds have changed location and are right above the ground by my home. That makes it so that it is very foggy. I climb the gate and it is bigger than in reality. When I'm on top I fly away to town. I walk on the street and try to remember what I wanted to do in the dream. It's frustrating because I can't remember. I think about how I can ask my dream characters a joke. But since they are my unconsciousness they would know the answer if I told them a joke I knew the answer to. That's why I ask them a joke I don't know the answer to. "How did the cow and the wheat meat?", I ask a man. He seems confused and I tell him that I tell him the joke because he is a part of my mind. There are now three DC:s and they seem to accept that truth. I keep on walking and see a girl in my age. She is very prominent and start to talk with me. She is self independent and do as she likes. She is a bit shorter than me and we start to walk home to me. We talk a lot. When we come home we meet my cat Isa. The girl talks about a dog. After some time I leave home and fly away. As I fly over the gate gravity is changed again and I reach the clouds. I fall to the ground fast after I have touched the clouds. I remember that it was a long time since I opened a window to enter a new dream scene. I fly to a window that is transparent. I smash the window with my fist and succeed. I try to open the window but I'm not able to. A boy is inside and I ask him if he can take the key and open. He doesn't want to at first but as I struggle to come inside he says that he can fix it. He opens the window and I climb in. There is a big table and four old ladies enter. They ask me if I want to join them in dinner. I say okay and sit down by the table. They lay the table with tacos but they only have cucumber, tomatoes and corn which I find kind of dull. I start to eat and the flavor is mostly of cucumber. The lady next to me asks me if I can visit them again in a hostile tone. She reminds me a lot of my physics teacher now. I tell her that I can't because I'm only visiting this dream and won't be able to return. She pushes me harder and asks me if I don't want to visit them again. I stand up for myself and tell her that I don' want too. During the conversation she stood up from the chair and I had to back up as she came closer to me. I run for the window and try to fly out. She grabs me by the legs and holds me so that I hang from the window. She starts to swing me and tries to swing me back to their flat. As she is just to throw me in the dream becomes black. Notes: I really have to train how to retain my memories from reality in the dream. A recurrent theme through my dreams are evil old ladies, I wonder why.
Updated 05-03-2021 at 06:46 AM by 97565
I'm by Håkanssons' dinner table and Peter is playing Starcraft 2 on a laptop with a touchpad. After some time I play and he looks at me. It's really irritating to play on a touchpad but Peter is very impressed. I play on a very small map I have never seen before without any minerals. Somehow I've already got a big base but a lot of production structures need tech labs and reactors. All the buildings are bunched up so I need to fly them away in order to fit all the add ons. There are firebats which I find odd because they don't exist in the current update. Peter is telling me that I'm very good. I try to multitask and set different groups and to be checking the map all the times in order to impress him. new fragment. I now have some marines and attack the enemy. The marines do oddly much damage and I'm able to win. The opponent starts to write in the chat that he didn't keep track on the time and that it was not his fault that he lost. I'm at a farm with a lot of sheep and some hogs. There are fences with some small holes in them. A sheep jumps up and fits it head in one of the holes so that its feet don't touch the ground. I'm afraid that it will get hurt so I scream for help. A person laughs and tells me that it's all right. The sheep goes out of the hole without any problems and isn't hurt. We walk foreward and suddenly a big hog comes. It starts to run against a person in front of me and they collide but no one is hurt. The hog comes against me and I feel its slimy nose against my hand. New fragment. I'm thinking about what to ask the leader what to eat. I'm thinking about eating the hog's tounge but then I see an ugly picture of a tounge and I regret my choise. Notes: I watched a video about sheep that can fall on their backs and can't get up. That's why I was worried about the sheep in the dream.
I've had some longer dreams the past 3 nights which feels good. They always leave me with some kind of impression when I wake up. I'm in a big tent and there is a lot of snow and some wet spots inside the tent. There are a lot of grown up men with sacks in there that are about to sleep and me included. I tell them that if it is going to get any worse I'm going to walk back in the night. Some of them say that we shouldn't do that. I tell them that we should sleep closer together not to waste any warmth. Everyone thinks it is a good idea. We pack together and it doesn't feel as cold anymore. I'm sitting in a car with my cousins. William and Sara are there. Everyone is holding small crabs that are important for something. William cracks open the shell of a crab and loses it. I tell him that we need the shells and I try to find it under the seats. New fragment. We arrive at some kind of big house where a woman stands in front of. She has some kind of drone and Therese has hired her collection so that we can play with all her drones. She flies with one of her drones on the ground to me. I walk in to the house and spot a white cat sitting on an empty shelf. It looks like our cat but older and not as well kept. I pet it and it really enjoys it.
I had one of the longer dreams that left me with impressions when I woke up. I'm at a college and walking around with two girls in my age. A man a bit older than us guides us and starts to chew some kind of thing. He tells us that he is a test person and that the thing he chewed can have a side effect of making his vision go bad and asks us if we want some. One of the girls says that it is undercover drugs and the girls do not want any. The man says yes and laughs. I take one and when we walk over a big height my vision goes bad so that I can't see that it is a big fall. It looks as though it is only 1 meter down but before it was maybe 10 meters. I understand that it is the drugs and that it is understandable that many people die of jumping of heigh places when they are affected by drugs. I'm outside with some schoolmates and a teacher. I run away with two girls. Both are supposed to be my age but one of them looks just like my physics teacher that looks like she's 70 years old. There comes a car with a teacher in it and we hide by a corner. The teacher could have seen us if he looked closely. I'm walking town with Claus and dad. Earlier in the dream there was some kind of time traveling and the prime minister changed place. I asked Claus and dad about this but I became very bad with words so I could not say what I meant. I do my RC and tells them that this probably is a dream. The RC doesn't work so I keep on walking with them. I'm in my brother's bed and we are changing clothes. I pick up some socks but they all have holes in them. When I leave the bed some other kids about 11 years old take the bed. It's some kind of computer game but I'm in a school. I run around and I'm apparently late to school. I am able to choose which school I want to go to and I choose the one with a girl I met earlier in the dream. She makes some kind of joke and I laugh at it and makes a joke too. I don't really understand them but she seems to like them so I laugh too. There are two more people in our company and they also join us. There is a big school disco and everyone starts to dance. New fragment. We're inside and sitting on a sofa. There comes a guitar and a girl says that she wants to show us her new song that is called "My Song". She starts to sing but it ends very quickly. I want to take the guitar but it is transformed to an acoustic bass instead. I say something about it impressed but no one seems to notice. I'm in a different country and there are some news about a man that has sewn snakes for some mad purpose. I watch some videos where he uses a sewing kit and sew a living snake. He uses some other tools and brutalizes it until it's not much left of it. He cuts a part from it in order to eat later. I am disgusted and think about how there are crazy people in the world. He takes a big crocodile about 3 meters long and cuts a piece of the middle. He walks out with the crocodile and holds its distance with a long plastic stick. The crocodile screams in pain and tries to kill itself by banging its head against a wall. The crocodile enters someone's house and a big lion attacks the crocodile. They fight for a while but the lion wins. I'm now in my own body and the woman in the house thanks us for something. I walk back to home but we are on an island. My family sits around a round table outside and they ask me if I can grab something to drink from the fridge. They also say something about the woman from before. I walk inside and it looks nothing like our home. I open the fridge and find some good looking drinks. I grab one and walk out. Notes: I didn't excpect to remember this much. The school theme was prominent in the dreams. There were also three girls that intrested me in them.
I'm at home but everything is not alright. There is a big monster in the jacuzzi. The monster is like a big pile of slime but more structure and an outer layer of skin too. There is a body part that is going out and there is a big eye on it. There is slime leaking next to the eye. The monster's gang is called the spider gang. The monster is having upsight over us so we don't take the secret thing on the upper floor. Me and dad are going to take it anyways. Dad gives me a key that is able to unlock the door to the next floor. I try to but the key hole is very deep so I have to put the key in to it's maximum length. It doesn't work at first because it is reverted too. After I have turned the key to the other way it works. I look on the jacuzzi and notice that the monster is aware what I am doing. I quickly walk to the lower floor instead. I talk with dad and he says that there are other openings with a voice that tells me that we are being eavesdropped by the monster and he looks in the direction of the windows on the lower floor. I try to climb out through the first window but he says that he meant another one. I walk to the window next to the kitchen and open it. There are many details and a vase that I have to move before I am able to enter. I climb on the gutter and reach the roof. I keep on climbing on the roof until I reach the front of the house. There is a ladder and the roof is getting unstable. Dad, who is already inside tells me to jump to the ladder. There are some tense moments where I don't think that I am going to make it. Everything I grab is unstable. I grab the ladder and it starts to move in another direction. I grab the roof on the other side of the house and I am able to drag myself up. New fragment. Dad and I am running from an angry mob. I think Rick (from Rick and Morty) is the leader of the mob. New fragment. There is a spider and a fly on a wall. Dad says that the spider is tougher than the fly. He pinches the spider and squishes it. He puts back the broken spider on the fly. The spider is given life again, or it was never dead and hunts the fly as it runs away. Notes: That was eventful. I watched a video of a spider eating a fly some days ago. I'm driving car with William from middle school. I know that he is annoying but I think to myself that if I am nice to him we can be friends. We go faster than the allowed speed. William tells how I drive wrong when I make a mistake on the road. I have to put my hand on the road in order to increase the friction so that I don't go off in the sharp curves (I don't know how I was able to do that in a car). William and I come to some kind of park where families are. Another friend of William is there and we talk with him. Notes: I don't think I have ever dreamt about this William. Some days ago I talked about him with mom. I'm in a barn with hay, other humans and dogs in it. I go down on my knees and cuddle with a golden retriever. It is trying to use me as a height so it can jump over the obstacle that is holding it in the barn. I go away to the other dogs and cuddle with them instead. Notes: Dogs have been a theme in my last dreams.
Updated 11-22-2020 at 09:08 AM by 97565
I woke up by myself 8 am and thought about going up because I've gotten my 8 hours sleep. I wanted to get a lucid and know that I easily get lucids when I resleep in the morning. I'm in church and go sit on a chair 2 meters fromt the main entrance. I'm playing nonogram and there are some people playing a game and running in front of me. Linda from my class approaches me and wonders where I got my socks from. I notice that I have a pair of my Happy Socks on me. I tell her that Elina (?) gave me them. She says that she got her's from Elina too. She walks away awkwardly and I think it is weird of me to have my phone and playing nonogram. Notes: I had a dream earlier about Elina but don't quite remember it. I'm by Hemköp and walking home. I see a chair on the ground with wheels on it. I take it and keep on walking home. By the slope I sit on the chair and ride on. The chair is spinning counter clockwise. I meet Albin and say hi to him. I start wondering if this is a dream but I wake up. I lie in bed and decide to walk up. I just woke up and I'm in church. My pants are dirty and I wonder how I'm supposed to get home to school, I don't remember how I got here . My arms and hands are white and I know it's a dream. I do my RC. Yep I can breathe even though I pinch my nose. I start to fly away and notice how I don't have full control. I see a man walking the street and I want to test something. I imagine that I have a rope and pull him in. He starts to do weird motions but not accordingly to how I do it. I fly away in search for something fun. I find a house and walk in through the window. I meet a man and I ask him where his family is. He says that they are in the dark room upstairs. I walk up and open the door. It is pitch black and my vision is gone. I think about how I am going to wake up if I don't do anything. I imagine how I grab the wall and walk down the stairs again. My vision is still gone but I have a small sense on my hands against the wall. I try to open my eyes gradually and it is a success. I walk to the outer door. The man from before greets me and the sheriff enters. They talk a while about how everyone has guns and the houseowner jokes to the sheriff that it is because he is so bad with guns that everyone else needs guns by themselves. The house owner talks about how much the clock is and I tell him that he doesn't need to worry. The clock is 10 am in the waking world I tell him. He doesn't reply to this. I fly on and look into different houses. There are dogs in all the houses. The dogs have some sort of bad aura over them. I walk into different houses and see some families. I keep on flying and come to a spooky house. I fly through a window and notice that there are many children there. They are having some kind of spooky party. I fly to the back of the house and exit through a window. There is a flying witch there. I show of how good I am at flying and think that she is only using a thread or something fake. I fly back to the house and see some kids again. They jump over a hinder to come to the next floor. A boy, about 6 years old, throws a big wooden wheel at a small girl and she starts to cry. She runs to me and hold my hand. She drags my hand as if she wants me to carry her and so I do. I carry her and feel a bit stressed out at first because I haven't done anything really fun in my lucid but feel comfort in comforting this little girl. Notes: I didn't have that much control over the dream but it's okay. I haven't had a lucid in a long time. I read How to Kill a Mockingbird and studied the chapter with the sheriff yesterday. I woke up 08.55 am so I was actually wrong when I told him the clock was 10 am.
Updated 11-18-2020 at 09:57 AM by 97565