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    1. Makar's Request for a New Branch for His Violin & Trying to Apply for a Job Position

      by , 04-11-2014 at 04:12 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Makar's Request for a New Branch for His Violin (DILD)


      The feelings and sensations in dreams recently are getting so real, along with the virtual experiential reality becoming more tangible, and less of a blurry dream-like state of being.

      Makar from the Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker requests that I get a new branch so that he could play his violin. Seeing how it shouldn’t be too difficult to find a random branch somewhere from a tree, and cut it off, I easily accept this task.

      The dream environment was first dark, and then it lit up as if it were a sunny afternoon. I go into an area that seems to resemble a University I went to, seeing how the trees there that seem kind of dead, or just saturated from rain in general resembles some of the cherry blossom trees after their leaves fall off.

      I can hear the slight cracks, and other sounds while stepping on the dirt, grass, and small twigs on the ground. I believe I had a machete, and I finally found a tree that I could get a branch from. Apparently, Makar wanted the branch to be at least 6 feet 8 inches tall, which seems kind of odd with the size of the little guy in general. Maybe it could be so he could have multiple branches to play his violin if one goes bad, I guess.

      I take a ruler, or some tool for measuring the branches length. I measured probably around 3 feet, or a bit more, and placed my finger on the end as a reference point so I could extend, and measure the rest of the required length needed for Makar. And when I finally get close to the length needed, I prepare my machete by lifting it in the air with my left hand.

      But before I could cut the branch, I’m feeling as if things are crawling on my left hand, and arm as well. I tried to ignore it, and tried to presume these are merely psychosomatic experiences that won’t bother me if I don’t fixate on them being an issue. Unfortunately, the sensations of crawling become stronger, and I look and find that small ants are crawling on me.

      Out of reflex, I try to shake them off frantically, worried if they’ll bite me, but it doesn’t feel like they’re trying to inflict pain on me, but the crawling sensations is just too creepy and weird that I had to flail my arms to get rid of them.

      I don’t believe I was able to finish the task, seeing how more swarms of ants could be in that area.


      Trying to Apply for a Job Position at Competitors’ Location (DILD)


      Things start out where I’m entering the back of a supermarket, and it seems that I’m looking for a job position as well. The experiences so far made me presume that I was already working at another store that’s probably this store’s competition. I’m wearing a dark blue shirt, and probably faded black jeans while navigating through the area, looking for anyone that could be working in this place for any job positions.

      I see a man that’s directing a few individuals somewhere, and I felt as I had to join this group, seeing how it looks like a job orientation process. There’s a man wearing a hairnet, Hispanic, looks like he’s in his late 40s, curvy mustache, and parts of his visage that looks drooped down diagonally from top left to bottom right.

      I ask him if the job offer is still available, and I conflated the questioning with wondering if that even though I already had a job at their competition’s location, maybe I could still get a job at this area as well to at least fill in part time gaps. The guy shakes his head horizontally to affirm “no,” and I tell “Alright, thank you,” and left.

      I was wearing a watch on my right wrist, and I quickly checked the time, and it was 7:53 AM apparently. I had the presumption that I had to get to work for 8 AM, including implications that I would have a 14 minute grace period after 8 AM to still arrive on time. It seems I had my red shirt ready, and all I needed to do was go to a random restroom, or somewhere private to quickly change over.

      Updated 04-11-2014 at 04:29 PM by 47756

      lucid , memorable
    2. A Machete to The Thumb, And Various Odd Happenings In My Room

      by , 08-27-2012 at 04:08 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was somewhere with my mom. We were inside, and I remember the colors being bright tones of purple, blue, and there was some darker red in there. She was showing me how to cut things with a machete. I don't like knives or things like that, it's kind of an irrational fear I posses in waking life, and apparently in my dreams too. I wasn't really too scared though, more just worried that she would slip up and hurt me. I kept thinking that a machete blade was so sharp, it would slice at the slightest contact.

      My mom was showing me some way to cut where you threw it in the air and it would come back down. When she did that, it grazed my left thumb. It didn't hurt, and I looked at my thumb and didn't notice anything immediately weird, but then I saw a slight line that went all around the pad of my thumb. I told my mom I needed to go to the hospital right away. I touched the cut part of my thumb, and it was barely attached. It then started to ooze some blood out the sides of the cut. Then I noticed the pain. I held the piece of my thumb to the rest of it, worried it would fall off and I wouldn't be able to save it. I knew there was a time limit on reattaching digits and limbs, and I wasn't about to let that piece of my thumb go.

      We were then at the hospital, which had the same color scheme as wherever we were before, and we went up to the counter. I was holding my thumb, and telling the ER nurse that we needed to get in quick. I hoped she thought it was enough of an emergency to send us back right away.

      Thankfully, she did. We were sent back, and my mom told me that they would put this clear gel stuff around the cut that would "dissolve part of the nerve". I thought they were going to kill my thumb, but I think it was designed to seal the wound quickly, kinda like a heavy-duty liquid band-aid.

      I sat down, and a man with messy brown hair that was a bit shorter than mine and a mustache sat across from me and started to doctor my thumb. I couldn't watch as he lined the cut with the gel. My mom was sitting to my right getting the same thing done by a woman doctor I think. She didn't have a cut though, so I wasn't sure why she was doing it. Oh well.

      When the doctors were done, we got up. My mom showed me the veins in her wrist, and how the medicine was causing some of them to look a white-ish clear color. I then put my wrist out and noticed the same thing. Apparently, that was a normal reaction to the medicine.

      I looked at my thumb, and it looked like it was healing well enough. No blood, and I could barely see the cut anymore. Then, I saw my cat underneath a kitchen table and some chairs, and she was messing with something that apparently was supposed to be my thumb, but looked nothing like it. It was this small white thing, maybe it was the cat's paw or something. At any rate, part of it came off, and some string thing extended from it, like that's what was holding it together. I then saw that the pad of my thumb has fallen off, leaving an indention where it had been before. Well crap, that sucks. I accepted it, however, since there really wasn't anything else I could do about it. I examined the thumb, and it looked like someone had just scooped a bit from the middle. It still had the lines and creases of a fingerprint. I felt alright about it, I knew it was something I just had to get used to.


      I was in my room, and my mom came in and started to look through my stuff since the people painting our house had to do something in my room (IWL we are having the house painted). I went into my closet and watched her do it, hoping she wouldn't get into my top dresser drawer where my pipe was. She then headed over there and asked something about the dresser. My POV then switched to me being behind the dresser. She started to open the drawer, and I ran out and shut it, saying
      "You don't want to look in there. Please don't look in there."
      She didn't argue or anything, she just opened another drawer instead.

      Then, I remember walking out of Peck Hall, a building at my old college, and I was with some other people, my friend JT being one of them. He had his arm around me. In front of me, I saw the back of a girl in a cute black sun dress with grayish flowers on it. She was wearing a headband in her straight blonde hair. It looked just like my good friend Kacey, whom in waking life moved away to another town last year. I asked JT if it was Kacey, and he said no. I knew it couldn't have been anyway. We kept walking.


      I remember a brief fragment about Gabriel texting me saying he was busy or something.


      I was in my room again, looking at some painting that The Sandman apparently did, of an Indian girl getting fucked by a white dude on my bed by the closet...I could hear him explaining it to me. It wasn't his original plan to paint that, he had just started to paint a hand on the closet door, and he was inspired to paint two people fucking. Lolwut.

      Then, there was some weird black contraption in my room. It was a dolly that the painters were using to carry packages or heavy loads, but at first I thought it was a weird sex toy. I touched something that protruded from the center, which I assumed was used for, well, sexual purposes. Hmm...interesting. I then saw the wheels and realized what it really was.

      I then saw this guy laying on the floor next to this girl I had some classes with in waking life named Natalie. At least I think it was her. Anyway, she was giving this guy shot after shot in the leg, right where it bends, a little below the side of the knee. They were supposed to be steroid shots or something. Natalie was giving the shots like a professional nurse would. They were talking as she gave him the shots. I said something about my mom getting steroid shots in her shoulders for her pain. He would occasionally say it hurt, but they would keep talking.

      She finally finished giving him shots. I have no idea how many he gave her; it was quite a few. I saw the part of his leg that was getting the shots was slightly swollen in the spots the needles had gone in.

      I finally got to sleep last night after struggling for hours to do so. I take ambien to sleep now, and I guess I've built up a tolerance, or this batch just sucks. Either way, it's not helping me sleep right now. I had to take an allergy pill to even have any hope I would fall asleep, which I obviously finally did after sitting up half the night watching documentaries on Netflix. Hoping that a visit to the doctor will straighten out the sleeping meds problem. I do eventually need to get off the Ambien, and I will once my life slows down a bit.

      Updated 08-27-2012 at 04:37 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Off With Their Pineapples Under The Sea!

      by , 12-17-2011 at 05:45 AM
      Non-Lucid Part

      It's a little blurry, but I remember stealing something from a slightly cluttered store. All of a sudden, a bunch of police officers were trying to beat me with sticks, so I stole a machete and started cutting them up.
      Ah, I don't have anything against police officers in real life, but I am much less...reserved...in my dreams.
      They were starting to alarm me in the same way I get alarmed when I'm playing a racing video game and the other racer is about a second behind me and the finish line is approximately thirty feet away. As I pushed over a rack of clothes on some other cops, I suddenly became lucid.

      Lucid Part

      Suddenly feeling stupid, I looked around and saw that various customers were laughing or smirking at me. So, I cut off their heads in a vengeance. Once again, I assure you that I would not behave so heinously in real life.
      I walked up to a pretty cashier, who was also grinning at me. This also pissed me off, and I slit her throat and cut off her right hand.
      Right, so anyways...She continues to smirk and now I'm interested. I will never forget this woman. She had pale blue eyes and fair white skin with a pink tinge to it. Prettiest of all was the creamy blonde hair tied up in a ponytail. Seeing me eye her hair, the cashier put on a brown cap.
      "Why did you...Arrgh...Well, it will displease you when I tell you you're not real and this is a dream!"
      She smirked and I noticed that her hand was back in place and the neck wound was beginning to heal.
      "Are we? Are we really in a dream,"she said with that same annoying smirk and heavy sarcasm in her voice.
      I gazed long and hard at her and replied in a flat tone,"Yeah, we are."
      She didn't respond to that and she didn't need to. I knew that she knew it was all a dream and that she was only making fun of me. I didn't bother to do any reality checks--not that I ever have to, given my personality--and decided to talk to this rather interesting DC.
      "Um, sorry about that..."
      She looked at me with false innocence.
      "The cuts, moron."
      "The cuts are healed, as you can see."
      She held up her hand and pointed to her neck. I briefly thought it was good, because it meant the others had healed as well. My thoughts were interrupted as the woman exclaimed,"It wouldn't matter anyways, since you were the one who wanted the wounds on all of us healed. Ah, you and your odd way of looking at things."
      She looked at me with a fierce intensity.
      "You know what we are."
      I returned her fierce gaze, and was about to respond, but she cut me off with a wave of her fully healed hand. The sarcastic smirk back on her face, she asked if there was anything I needed.
      "Uh, yes. Take off that ugly hat. Your hair is too pretty to be kept up in that."
      "Not after the commotion you caused."

      The next thing I know, I'm with two of my three younger siblings and I'm cussing like a sailor.
      It all involves the cashier, but I get over it really quickly. I glance at the television with delight.
      "Yes! Yes! Yes! I can complete my most important dream goal!"
      I turn to my brother and sister and exclaim," We're gonna see if Spongebob is on, kids!"
      I turn on the set and faintly realize that I have cable in my dreams. I flip through the channels and I am more and more irritated.
      Would you like to know what on?
      Nothing but American football games and jewelry infomercials. Though, I must admit that I was pleased that my favorite team was winning on one of the channels.
      Finally, I get to a channel that is talking about a new episode of Spongebob involving Mr. Krabs. I clench my fist in triumph and turn around to give Katie and Ross the good news.
      "We're watching Spongebob and I don't care that I'm too old for it!"
      I turned around and...
      ...I woke up.
      Oh, believe me. I was not happy.