non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Some girl and two guys are doing some investigation. The girl sometimes is me and sometimes is someone else and I just watch her as in a movie. The guys, one is a ginger pale tall dude and the other is a brown hair guy, both cute in very different styles. They gather at a park and then head to the house of an asian-american guy whom they want to join them solving some mistery. He lives in a mansion with high security and they know his family has lots of guns in a safe. He is forbidden (by his parents, maybe?) to go out, but he sneaks out through a back door and somehow tricks the security system. But doesn't bring any guns. Anyway, the girl is the leader of the group. She leads them to some cliffs and while they are doing recons in their separate ways, she slips and falls. In reality there was no real danger to her life, but the pale guy somehow appears right away as if he has a 6th sense and helps her very heroically. Then the other guy comes by and clearly is upset that the other one scored some points with her. I am watching this from the outside and get the feeling that this is a cheap imitation of Twilight love triangle and I think to myself: "Really"? Then I am her again, and walk in her body as they all enter a car and leave. Then I meet my mom and first we're talking in her kitchen but suddenly we are at some doctor's office. Along with us, many people await in the waiting room to be called for an appointment. While we wait, I am checking my social media and Zilla invites me to collaborate on her new blog. I feel like it's a waste of time as she wont continue it for long and I have long stopped deluding myself with such projects. I then recall a blog I left hanging, but maybe will return to it some day. Then I hear someone announcing something in an intercomm somewhere outside the waiting room. I go to the corridor to check if they are calling someone for the doctor appointment, but all I find is many other waiting rooms each one with intercomms and many names being called. I am confused and go one by one trying to understand if my name is being called in any of them.
Updated 08-29-2022 at 10:11 PM by 34880
Metapsychology I am in some sort of doctor's office. There are multiple patients. Some seem to be suffering from some form of psychosis or schizophrenia, others I am not sure about. There is a doctor there, male and of older age, and he needs my assistance to perform a sort of metapsychological technique to help or cure them of their disease, though he does not explicitly label it as such. He puts me and the patients into a sort of dream state. In this state, we sort of float about in the room in a sort of OBE. He communicates with me by just talking into the room. The patients are invisible to me and him, so he just gives them instructions. He systematically cures their fears by putting them in such a fearful situation and then making them simply float out and show them that their fears can't hurt them. At one point, I somehow follow a patient exactly in their movements, and we fall into something like a golden vase. This time, the patient can't really do it, so the doctor panics a little but I somehow grab the patient and we float out, and I tell the doctor, who is relieved. Later it is shown that the doctor used something like game discs to activate the fear scenarios, which are on illuminated pedestals. Next up is a deep ocean scenario, which I try to delay because I have thallassophobia. Disappointing lucid After shortly waking up, I find myself in a dream. I am at home and wonder what happened in the last few hours. I remember the previous dream and wonder if that could've really happened, so I do a nose plug RC. I was surprised to see that I could breathe through my plugged nose, but, because I forgot to stabilize the dream, as I was thinking of what to do now, the dream collapsed and I woke up.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP In Romenia, visiting some hospice with a couple friends. We are on a mission to retrieve something that was left behind or kept there in a specific room. We are welcomed by some people who look like retired Hogwart teachers and not doctors. They guide us through a labyrinthic sequence of corridors and strangely low ceiling rooms full of old books and show us a large map on a table, pointing to where the room we are looking for is located. Apparently it is not marked on the map so the mystery persists. We stay for a while until they figure it out. I get bored so I go explore a bit on my own. I take a path that leads me to an exterior passage to another section of the building. It has a wall to my left and 30 mt below is an inner patio with some trees and the access gate from the outside. I enter the next section of the building and start climbing some stairs but there is literally a trap door on the floor in a platform between 2 flights of stairs and I see a greenish light coming through the gaps of the door and I hear growls and bangs on the door. I run away with fear. I then meet my colleagues at a cafeteria on the patio below but then I sit at one table while they sit at another, because they are meeting some other person and need an available seat. They welcome a fascinating young guy who works there, maybe a doctor or an intern. I watch as they talk and then they point to me and he comes to join me at my table. I see immediately by his style that he is narcissistic and thinks I will fall for his charms right away. I can tell he is used to have the girls at his feet. I am indeed very attracted to him but I play a different game: when he sits and says hello, I just give him a nod and a slight smile of acknowledgement and keep on drinking my coffee kinda ignoring him. While he talks I pretend not to be interested or impressed at all. And I feel like he is actually getting aroused by me being a challenge and also that he suspects that I am playing with him and he is enjoying. He then invites me to go with him inside the halls of the hospice again to show me something and I feel like I will ruin my strategy the minute we walk alone through those corridors. I feel like either him or me will throw the other against the wall and start kissing and neither one will offer resistance.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am coughing a lot. Feeling lots of mucus down my throat. I go to the bathroom and spit a lot of mucus out and then feel something coming out up my throat into my mouth and I grab it. Turns out it is some kind of worm and I have to pull it hard and I think I rip it apart and only get the head out. Disgusted and worried, I go to the doctor and while there I have another cough attack. I explain what's going on and the doctor mobilizes a couple nurses to help me with puke it all out to some container. I puke a lot of mucus again, but no more worms. The doctor analyses the worm that I brought in in a jar and says it is really just the end of a long tapeworm still inside me. He prescribes me a pill to kill the worm - although probably already dead without the head - and for my body to expel the rest of ot, but even the doctor isn't sure if that's gonna work. I am with Riverstone at some foreign country to help a couple scientists who we know and are in trouble. The world thinks they are dead, but turns out they were just hiding. They are an old gay couple and look cartoonish, with big curly mustaches and strange shaped heads, also one is tall and thin as hell and the other is basically a dwarf. Thy also wear early 1900s clothing style. I have so many questions, but what matters is that they are ok. They have been staying in the house of a lady scientist, who gave them shelter. We meet them at some mall but then they take us to her house and when we arrive there, her kitchen floor is flooded with water. But apparently it is on purpose, she is fostering some odd looking ducklings and leaves the water running. She tells us on the phone that she has a drain under the cabinets that keeps draining the water so it doesn't go after a certain limit. They then take us along with them to the university, where she is presenting the discovery they made that is the reason they went into hiding. Nobody in the audience knows what she is going to show. It's just some lecture about cell biology. She basically shows microscopic videos inside cells and everyone is amazed at the quality of it, totally mind blowing. People want to know the technique. Then she points to some very small structures I have never seen in a cell and ask us all if we cab guess what that is. Riverstone jokes that it is the Instagram logo and in fact it looks like it. Nobody else seems to have a clue to what it is, but I do. I say "it is an eye!", to which she confirms it is in fact a synthetic microscopic eye that can be planted at the cellular level, is totally organic, functions like an organelle and can watch anything inside the human body at the cellular level, but also somehow sends out an input to a computer interface so that we can actually see what they see. Everybody is mind blown. I go out to eat something with someone, but everything around is so expensive, we decide to go to a small fast food deli with good vegan burgers. One of the cooks is Beta, a lady that was one of my educators when I was a kid. She and a colleague are baking some delicious orange cakes and they get a bit annoyed when we order burgers and fries, like that was not on their plans. But they manage actually pretty fast. They ask if we want dessert to complete a menu and I say I want one of those orange cakes. They say no because it is some important order for someone to pick up and are not available to other costumers. I insist on just a small piece but Beta is adamant and very protective of her cakes so I settle for something else. I also notice somehow the cost of the menu is now 3x higher than what they said it would cost at first, but I don't say anything.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Visiting some island and something is off. I am heading to the local library and the streets are deserted. When I get to the library, I am almost kidnapped by aliens. I hide behind the shelves but they kinda mock me saying they can see me using infrareds. Some lady comes out of nowhere and rescues me, She takes me to a decontamination shower saying that I got radiation because I contacted with the aliens. Then she takes me to an area not yet taken by the aliens and she reaches out to the police. My foot hurts but I still go on a trip to the US with some friends. One of them is doing a documentary about the health system and takes us all to a hospital to inquire about costs. We use my own case to ask how much they'd charge for an appointment and right away they ask for $1000 just for just a blanket to wrap me up as I await consultation. I then show my foot to a doctor and it is swollen, two small toes feel numb and my veins are red and popping. I am freaking out that I can't afford treatment but also afraid I can't go home like this either. The doctor says I seem to have a liver problem and I am like "What? I think I just broke a bone." Again at a doctor office, but for some exam in which I need to fully undress and they have no other place for me to do it, but at the waiting room. I do it, but then spot some old pervert trying to film it on his phone. I yell and take his phone away but other people are sympathetic with the old man, who claims he was just messaging his family.
Updated 04-14-2021 at 09:20 PM by 34880
Some more DJ catch up. 24th June 2020 Fragment: Dream about going into a doctor's office, either alone or with H. Doctor said they needed to do a biopsy and that it was going to be in one of my shoulder blades?
Strange insects Somehow, in a sort of void which is seemingly somehow between some sort of piping in my flat, I find a bunch of strange spider-like creatures(*). I know, in the dream, that their presence near somebody damages their mind like black mold(**), so I thought of ways to get rid of them. I went away from the bugs to laying on the living room couch, telling my mother about the insects. I then notice that the bugs are walking around behind the couch. Back to the void, I find a sort of mushroom and eat it(***). In my "inventory"(****), which suddenly appeared, it was marked as something with a name beginning with "Momma". For some reason, this mushroom was supposed to help against the insects. I then find myself at a doctor, with him assessing what damage the insects did to my mind(*****). Most of the room was a very bright white color, a strong light above and a sort of chair which could be set to have somebody in a more laying or more sitting position. He pointed at an MRI image of my brain, specifically at an abnormal part of it, using a sort of long stick. My father going insane I'm in my father's car, my mother sitting behind me and my father left of me. We were driving along a long road towards a sort of small shopping street and a school. I didn't know where exactly we were going, though. Suddenly, for some reason, my father gets so mad he just somehow launches himself out of the car at low speed into a sort of field at the side of the road, somehow from the right side where I was sitting but not, even though he was just at the left side. I and my mother were panicked. I asked her which pedal was the brake again, but she was so panicked she didn't answer. A turn was coming, so I steered into it as hard as I could, nearly losing control of the car. We then heard police sirens. Then the dream ended. *They appeared because I had a startling encounter with a very, to me, gross spider I had encountered a day before. Before I went to bed yesterday, I had looked at it again, which was the reason it appeared in the dream in a stylized fashion. **As I fell asleep, a sort of crime documentary show had an episode running about babies becoming infected with an unkown disease. In the end, the episode concluded by revealing that black mold is what made them sick. That is what created this part of the dream. ***Inspired by an addon in Garry's Mod. ****Reminiscent of the Rust inventory. *****This scene was inspired by when I went to a doctor to check on a possible pollen allergy.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Visiting the GoT set with the cast, been snacking with Daenerys (I don't even watch GoT!). Night is falling and people are going to sleep, right on the set, like a big camp. One actor challenges me for a jazz dance on the floor. I also try bonding with a cat who cuts my face real bad with his claws. As I clean the wounds I start swelling. I panic, but there is an MD and he examines me. He removes something from my neck that is kind of a yellow jello foam. I enter into shock and he lays me down, turns me over, injects something in my buttocks, then inserts a probe up my ass until I feel it reaching my throat and I start vomiting more of that yellow foam like there's no tomorrow. I feel relieved. He says that's what had been hurting me for some time. At a campus in London I re encounter school friends. We attend and art presentation, I spot Mara with a friend. I talk to someone from my university who is telling me stories about all the troubles he is getting with job interviews. Then I take a bus, it only costs 12 cents, find it cheap.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening With Zilla and other people. Her German cousins are visiting. She tells me her cousin, for whom I had a crush, is this fat guy with a squeaky voice. He already has a daughter, he is very friendly, but it is a disappointment for me. We are at a fortified town and at night people go indoors and warn tourists about a werewolf, but tourists either don't believe or are excited with it. I am hiding at a high view point of the fortress, I notice some movement, some people are outside and sound the alarm and the creature climbs to rooftops and terraces and tries to escape. I follow it. Goes inside the castle where there is an event happening and people are still there. He attacks and a couple of persons are bitten, adding to the chaos, as at least one starts turning. I hide at a locker room where some ladies are changing, unaware of it, and then a few more people hide and lock doors. I don't want to stay put, as I find an exit leading to an old hospital. It is not empty, it is just quiet, cause it's night and some hallways are closed to the general public, but I dress as a doctor and wander around and no one suspects. Then I can't find a way out and becomes surreal. I hide from some female doctors in an area with rooms or apartments for doctors to rest. They sense my presence but I sneak out from room to room and they don't see me or just have glimpses of me and think are hallucinating. Then I find a secret door leading to a chamber and then another door to a toilet and god knows why, I have to climb inside the toilet and flush to open up a passageway to exit this place. But I hesitate, I am afraid of doing it and look for some normal exit. End up by the side of a bed where one doctor wakes up and sees me again but assumes I am in a dream, so I just lay down by her bed and pretend I am a character of her imagination and wait for her to fall asleep. I finally exit this place. Go to airport where the security stops me and I lose my plane.
I had a twisted involving meeting my dream dad who I hadn't seen in decades. I had to see him because I was working on a criminal case where a baby was locked into a safe for a length of time. I was able to solve the case because he had done the same thing to me when I was younger. I do not recall if he was doing it to stop the baby from crying or what, but I believe it had a medical connotation to it. He looked kinda like Shaun from Fallout 4 (Spoilers). Apparently he was a rich and famous actor or something. I ran up to him holding some sort of evidence of what he had done. I was about to question him for what he did to me and others and he asked me to come closer. He then pulled off my thumb and the joint. I was in shock. It didn't really hurt yet, but I just couldn't believe he would do that. He just sat back in the car and smiled and said he was not ashamed of what he has done. He was then put into the back of a police car. The police officer then told me they didn't need my evidence, they had all the proof they needed that the man was a psycho. Another fragment involved a D.Va racing game. I was watching my brother play with 2-3 other people. Think sonic racing for how it is played. You're constantly going forward and you can use the boosters to jump up and hover a bit. They all were doing pretty bad at the course and it prompted me to want to try. I hooked in a controller, n64 if I recall correctly, and gave it a shot. The course was much more difficult this time around. It had many more jumps and curves and obstacles. Before it was pretty straightforward, but this one had many parts of the track that led to a void requiring you to boost over. (Dad in this dream looks like he does irl, the previous dream dad and this dad don't look alike.) My dad was going through a very drastic midlife crises. He bought a fancy new car and started to disappear for long lengths of time. The dream picked up with my dad picking up some stuff from the house and going on an unspecified vacation. He had transitioned into a female, sortof. He sounded and looked like a woman, and had lost a little bit of weight. You could kinda see his original appearance and hear his original voice, but he had clearly gone through a lot of changes. I am sure he had started HRT. I was so confused and scared. My mother tried to support him but was afraid she was losing him. He said he had a boyfriend on the side and was trying to figure out who he was. I asked him if I should still call him dad or if I should start calling him mom. I didn't want to have two mothers this late in life. I asked him if I need to call him male or female. Despite his appearance he said he was still male and dad. I wasn't ready to accept such drastic changes, and I kept in mind that he could still reverse the process and be like his normal self again, but I just didn't know what to think.
Updated 08-06-2018 at 08:59 PM by 57282
Fragment The program director for the program I am in called me, said my doctor wouldn't be in today and asked if I wouldn't mind doing a video call with him instead.
I had this dream about 7 years ago and it haunted me for about 4 years, ENJOY! I was in a cameraman perspective on the show Fetch watching as the dog handed out assignments. One of the boys got an assignment to go to the hospital. We had suddenly teleported to the hospital and the boy was in a sink sitting and crying in ice water. The doctor walked up to him and said, `OK bud time to lose the shoes!` but the kid had no shoes on `NO PLEASE!` the kid cried. The doctor said `Come on you need it` the doctor walked up to the kid with a large pair of scissors. he then cut the kids feet of! The child squealed like a pig and ruff said `are you OK Jimmy?`Jimmy didn't respond. The Doctor said `wanna lose the gloves?` Jimmy said ` I lost the shoes I might as well lose the gloves the sleeves and the leggings` the Doctor walked up to him and slowly cut off his hands. I then dramatically woke up! Does any of this have meaning? If so please tell me!
First dream I saw it from top-down view. I was wandering in some dark corridors of a dungeon. I searched for some loot, and then a powerful warrior attacked me. I slashed him with a scimitar, but he was much stronger than me. If not for life draining properties of my scimitar, I'd be dead. I defeated him - his name was Korsak - and moved on. I found some more loot and doors to a huge chamber. I opened them and archers immediately shot arrows at me. I jumped back and then Korsak appeared again - this time with some magical barrier around him. He chased me, but when his barrier stopped working I cat a shrink spell on him and squished him like a bug. Second dream It was an evening in a city. I saw a group of people near a building that have suddenly collapsed. I came closer, picked up debris and started chewing it while watching a couple talking about marriage. The man had quite long facial hair, his hair were brown. The woman was a redhead, they were both in mid twenties. Third dream I was in school, it was some kind of lesson I can't quite recall. There were only few people. I left my desk, teacher didn't minded, and went to speak with a redhead girl with a pale complexion. She was wearing a pale pink blouse and jeans trousers. I asked if she'd go on a prom with me, she smiled and agreed. Later that day I visited doctor for some reason. Fourth dream I was in some apartment in a flat, searching for something important and valuable. It was in a secured block of flats - there were security guards wandering around. My family was there too, searching through other apartments. Mistakenly I kicked a flower pot and had to do something with soil that fallen out - I opened a window and thrown it down. This alarmed security, I left the apartment and started searching for a way out. There were security cameras in a corridor I was on, and there were entrances to other apartments. There was also a locked door to staircase, lit by red lights. I ran to elevator and pushed a button - a wall moved and I stood in front of a huge hole opened to flat's exterior, and after a while the elevator appeared. I entered it and among hundreds of buttons I pressed the right one, going to ground floor. After a while a voice said through speaker "Welcome in age when elevator users are screwed!". And elevator moved down with speed of a rollercoaster, taking different angles all the time. I finally got to ground floor and got to a corridor same as upstairs, but this time closed doors led to exit. There were also windows, I jumped through one, smashing glass pane and getting out of the flat. Security reacted immediately - one dude started shooting at me. I slowed time down, grabbed bullet and thrown out back, but guard managed to dodge it. Then another guard appeared, I punched him and got his pistol, then shot another one.
Oi, oi, I'm back from the shadows of a five day slump of upset emotions and sadness. Things have cooled down now though, and I've brought two dreams with me for this entry! This first one was from the morning before this morning. I was in a school (who would've thunk it), or more specifically, a choir class. We were all singing some song, and for some reason, all the kids around me were 5th graders, while I was the only young adult in the room, aside from the teachers standing around watching our performance. Suddenly, alarms blared! Doctors came in from every which way! What was going on? The answer to that question appeared in the form of the head of the doctors, a nurse with a demanding presence but kind demeanor. She strolled her way in, feet clacking on the floor as we all stared in a mixture of confusion and horror. She stopped walking, waited a moment, and explained to us that a virus was going through the school. Not just any virus though; it was a lethal, fast-spreading virus, and all of the kids had to be quarantined immediately. With a snap of her fingers, the doctors began rounding up the kids and escorting them out of the choir room. For some reason, nobody came up to me, making me the last one in the room, along with the teachers and the head nurse. There was some more to this dream involving me questioning the nurse about the outbreak, but I don't remember it. Next is my fragment from this morning. And it's real sparse one at that; only specific scenes and characters remembered. A school was involved. (this may as well be a dream sign at this point along with K and my ex). My ex was there. For some reason I was viewing the dream as an observer, but another me was in the dream, or rather, my middle-school-aged self, as one of the participating DCs. My dad was in the dream too, and he was running for president, campaigning through the school. Lately I've noticed a trend that whenever my emotions get upset or sad, it tends to dip my recall the following mornings, whereas if I'm feeling happier and more clear-headed, I tend to have more consistent recall. Don't really know if there's anything to that, but it's been an observable enough pattern that there may be something to it, at least for me.
First dream I was in my house. It was late evening, I was working on a history essay til midnight. Next day in school, that crone of history teacher didn't even wanted to check our essays and wanted to make an exam instead. Second dream I was a writer, writing a story for a horror movie. I've written about a zoo with deadly, mutated animals. The complex has closed down for some reason and nobody was able to leave. The only way led through crocodile pens. A group tried to escape, while manager stayed to wait until the way is open again. The group was eaten quickly by mutants, while manager was still inside, playing hide and seek with them. As I was writing, I could see everything like in a movie. Third dream Dark late evening. With my sister we were carving something in vegetables for a big party that she was organizing. I carved out some letters, as she wasn't able to carve properly. Then we were out of fruits and vegetables, so she left to get some. I waited and waited, a few people entered the house and told me about some horrors incoming. I noticed that doors were taken out of their hinges. I went outside and stood on stairs, watching as ominous fog was getting closer. I decided to put doors back on their hinges, but when I touched them, bought turned into day and fog disappeared. Them sister came back with others and I had to help them bring furniture inside. Next day I was working with father in his workshop, but then siblings with pals and a girl from Finland that once stayed with us when I was in a student exchange a few years ago. We were talking and laughing. Fourth dream I was wandering a city, heading to hospital to get some important papers from doctor. I noticed a woman really similar to my previous teacher, and she was heading to hospital too. Crossing the road I heard someone calling me, it was my sister with her classmates. We went to hospital, but there was enormous crowd and no one was able to get to a doctor. I decided to take my car and drive to her house. It was raining, doctor lived in a village inside a jungle and had a cottage made of bamboo. I entered it as doors were open and looked at a desk. At first I looked at ringing phone and saw that my mother was calling. Then I found my papers on bamboo desk. Research showed that I'm not a male, but a female. My body started shifting and I woke up. Fragnent I was back at drivers license course, driving around a city. I talked with someone who said that I have only an hour of driving left.