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    1. #249 - Free the ghost and burn the bridge

      by , 06-20-2016 at 09:39 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      The dream begins with me and someone else running towards a house at night. We're trying to free the ghost of a girl who was murdered, she haunts the house we're heading to. We go inside and walk around for a while, I can't remember how but we avenge her spirit. I'm in the lounge with the ghost while my friend heads off somewhere. She looks about 17-18 with medium length Egyptian style black hair, she's quite attractive but I'm nearly 5 years her senior so I have an 'eh no thanks' thought going through my head. I sit down on the couch, it's a pretty simple square room which has either a beige or light yellow wallpaper to colour. She wants to thank me for helping her, so she flicks the lights off... It's pitch black and I can feel her getting closer to me, she kisses me but I have a feeling she's up to something. I turn the light back on and tell her I'm not interested, I say something like "I'll go check to see if my parents are ready to leave yet". I still felt some kind of evil about her, I didn't want to fall for her seductive ruse.

      I head into the next room, it's a lounge that resembles the one in my parents' house. My mum is sitting on the leather couch with my dad sitting on the arm of the chair, between them is a damply lit lamp that sets a heavy tone. It feels like they were talking about some adult problems before I walked in and interrupted. "Are we leaving soon?" I ask, "yes we're just about to head out" my mum replies. I get changed into my pj's, they have dinosaurs on them I think.. I feel like I'm a little kid and we're heading home after being out camping for a week. We're in the car now, I'm sitting in the back seat, my parents are in front with my dad driving. It's still dark outside, though not completely. There's a torrential downpour too... The road we're on is coastal, to the left is a rocky cliff rising up high while to the right is a rocky seawall with big waves lapping up against it. We drive around a bend on the road and an epic scene awaits, a huge shape bursts from the water. At first I'm unsure about what it is, but I recognize that it's something from Avatar the Last Airbender (it isn't...). I think to myself that it must be a multi-legged bug monster or the evil mecha episode, except it's happening live (it strikes me as odd that it's only just happening yet I've supposedly seen the episode). I get a closer look and realize it's the evil mecha episode, oh fuck. I remember how in the episode it gets chased by a good mecha and they collide near the bridge crossing, breaking the bridge. Fuuuuu... It would take forever to get home if the bridge broke :/. "DAD! Speed up! We have to get across the bridge!" I yell, hoping that I've convinced him despite knowing that I'm a kid and that no one believes kids.. He speeds up though, we're flooring it and the evil mecha is accelerating with a huge gush of water jetting into the sky from the speed its going at. We come to the turn at the bridge, my dad does a turn and break to skid the car to a stop (no easy feat with slick of water), we bump into a side wall slightly before accelerating again. The evil mecha has arrived at the bridge and turns around to face the approaching good mecha. Our car crossing the bridge, the torrential rain pelting the roof, the huge mechas shrouded by a thin mist as they charge towards each other. Everything happens in that moment, the mechas collide as the car touches the otherside of the bridge, a huge force explodes outwards and obliterates the bridge behind us. I'm thrown out of the car as it skids to a halt by the edge of road. I fly through the air and land in the ocean, there's something else that flew out with me though and I try to swim and get it. Fuck, it's too far... There's a dinghy nearby, I'm anxious about the water depth so I swim over to it. It's almost completely submerged, but atleast I put it under me to ward any sharks away. There's a rope attached and my parents start pulling me back to shore.

      There's a minor scene change, instead of heading back to the shore I'm in the water again. My parents are in the dinghy and I swim over, my dad wants to show me what to do in this sort of situation and is being all like "Oh so just in case this ever happens to you and you're on your own I'll show you what to do". He was just inferring it was good time to practice. The dreams ends here .
    2. 21st Sep 2013 Tournament, Infiltrating building, Matter manipulation

      by , 09-21-2013 at 11:01 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was playing some shmup which was horizontal and had lots of organic enemies and hexagons, there was some scoring system with collecting energy orbs and an player weapon that was like aura from Hellsinker. I almost went lucid at one point.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      Some kind of management game followed by brief false awakening.

      Dream 3:

      I was with someone and we were traveling through forests, then we came into some city and there was some virtual tournament we entered or something. We got some points that i spent on various things, some weapons and upgrades, also there was weird card system where one could pay fee and see half of the cards in selection and then get random one of those which gets turned into proper item and one could buy it, i've got some special ability 'card' from it. Then i looked through gamemodes and noticed one that haven't gotten played much, who i was with explained that it was pretty unbalanced. I got into one game and it was class based combat on pretty big arena in fog between two teams, there were also alot of mechas.
      Upon returning i've used the rest of points and we went infiltrating some very guarded place for some reason. It was building with alot of expensive looking stuff in it, like home of some millionaire. We were going through some rooms and there was one big open room with lots of seats and a bridge. The building was guarded by guards in black suits, who could be roughly split into three types: Rather short ones with melee weapons, average ones with some throwing weapons and fat ones that fired pool balls of all things from his hands and they were pretty quick and bouncy, but i could deflect them back, but they could too. We were mostly going stealth, though fighting at times, i've used claws and apparently some cannon while the person i was with used sniper rifle or some kind. Soon we were found and rather outnumbered, so i had to use some power that transported us between dimensions or something.
      Now we were in small enclosed area with tons of garbage, we have lost our inventories, but i've still had power. I managed to turn some garbage into generic 'matter' that looked like multicolored spheres and then caused some reaction making it multiple at rapid speed, turning into rainbow cubes, each of them had 999999 'matter' and i just kept multiplying them until we had infinite 'matter'. Then i've managed to craft some weapons out of that, teleporter device for myself and ultimate sniper rifle for person that was with me. Then i've teleported us somewhere, which were ruins of some city. I told person that it's too dangerous and that he should get out of and that i can finish this mission alone now, but he decided to be with me. Some huge mechas attacked us and i started using teleport device to summon armies of various creatures that rushed the mechas.
    3. 17th Sep 2013 The descent, story, massive mecha battle

      by , 09-18-2013 at 12:44 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragment):

      Something about dragons.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was on some kind of hot air baloon/zeppelin kind of vehicle with a team and there was one dude that was shouting on everyone. We were descending towards enemy base. We got attacked by a huge barrage of rockets and were trying to defend the vehicle, but ended up constantly getting hit whatever we did, some of crew were having some abilities, like forcefield, that temporarily stopped attacks. Soon though we didn't had anyone left but me and shouty dude, he started complaining about things and then i figured out that rockets can be easily shot down, i've started firing my rapid fire machine gun at them and holding off nearly whole barrage that way. I told dude to start doing things and he apparently got rapid fire rocket launcher of all things and started helping with barrage, that definitely stopped it.
      As we landed we had to deal with some enemies in some kind of small fort.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was in some kind of multiplayer FPS game, the level was some kind of underground metallic complex and was pretty mazey. It was more or less classic team deathmatch except that there was some kind of crafting system for custom weapons/items. I ended up crafting bottle of some poisonous liquid at one point. Also there was one room housing the core of the complex which was kind of metallic thing and it was beating.

      Dream 4(fragments):

      There was some kind of story involving mechas, some 'high beings' and searching something, which ended up with the fight of massive mechas, they were extremely powerful and there were also striders from half-life 2 participating in the battle on our side, the problem for them was though that enemy mecha was alot more powerful than them and could down them in single hit. Also there was much huger strider, but it was damaged and just stood out of battle. The battle between two mechas was pretty epic, but then dream kinda switched to something about Gordon Freeman's mom exiting the house, she was invisible due to having no model. Then there was alot of talk between all characters and a dying 'high being' about some kind of truth or something.

      Dream 5(fragments):

      Yogscast were playing some game which was kinda FPS, they were fighting some robotic enemies through the level and it was pretty hard, especially in the end with big and powerful 'generator' enemies. They managed to 'skip' past them though and press end of level switch.
    4. 9th Sep 2013 Video game dreams

      by , 09-09-2013 at 11:29 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was playing some game with SilentEternity where we had power to create things.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was watching some yogscast video, they were playing some kind of RPG.

      Dream 3:

      I was checking out some custom level for some game, as i was selecting character the level stated that quadruped-type characters are not allowed and it was highly disappointed, either way i've continued with the level. There was some female character with psionic abilities that i had to escort through a garden and there were other various characters that were talking about story and there was some old man following us. Then we ended up in the underground crypt and there had to do some platforming to reach the exit.
      Ofcourse it was just the first level of the mod and the next one was some kind of japanese temple, this time i was controlling some different character and there was platforming on rooftops and solving puzzles, in one of which i had to find some gems and insert them into statue in place of eyes, all while getting attacked by two monkeys who had some kind of special abilities.
      After finding the exit of the level i've finally found the team which then captured the monkeys into the bag, but as we continued the way further they've escaped literally through the bag and one of them said that something is about to get attacked. There was city ahead and soon buildings start exploding, we hurry up here and soon join the battle along with an army of wolves led by some girl in the helmet, enemies are various and include some huge mechas and apparently dinosaurs. In the end there was a boss fight versus even more huge mecha.

      Updated 10-03-2013 at 03:39 PM by 59854

    5. 23rd July 2013 Long dream, Mission, Weird school, Underground Complex, Tanks, Battle

      by , 07-23-2013 at 11:37 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      I was a dragon but i was hiding in human form because i was doing investigation of some stuff happening. The traces were leading to school that looked like school from my past. I was exploring it, going along with the crowd, it was full of weird technology stuff and many people were wearing some weird costumes. I checked some of it and it raised enough suspicion and i needed to switch to stop hiding in this form, but there were some materials that i haven't gotten, rendering form change impossible, i almost got caught while searching if there are any nearby by any chance but managed to still stay hidden. I decided to explore it more.
      While talking to someone i found way into the underground part, there was large facility, complex of corridors and rooms, very mazey. I was going through rooms with various mechanisms and then through some kind of laboratory. Then i reached some hanger that housed some huge futuristic tanks. I went out of underground, back to school part and started getting more info and talking with some people. I found out that someone was hiding some huge tentacle thing in underground area. Then i went back to underground area and found that tanks were relocated to some submarine, i was going around the complex trying to use mechanisms to sabotage the progress.
      I was talking to somebody and some people apparently found out why i was here, so i had to retreat outside. Massive battle started between tanks and four huge creatures, one of which was a dragon and another was a gryphon, tanks were destroyed and i was talking with dragon and others, during the talk gryphon got affected by some force and went crazy, but i had to continue figuring out stuff about that facility, so i went back.
      I went back to the complex and at one point it kinda turned into 2D video game where i had to do some platforming over spikes and activate path for some slimey creatures. Then i found another place, which turned it into FPS game about zombies, the section was fully underwater and i had to reach some organic place and fight tentacle boss that was causing zombification apparently. Then i went back and outside, there was some place with crashed helicopter and it was now apparently STALKER-like game where i had to fight group of bandits using a pistol, i got low on hp but i had medkit that i used to recover and then finished enemies off. It caused some flying tentacle squid things to appear which fired something like telekinetic blasts, i dodged the blasts and managed to take those enemies out as well.
      Suddenly those futuristic tanks from earlier arrive, only to get destroyed with some blue flying mechas, which apparently were yet another new side in the conflict. We decide to form alliance with commander of the place(Weren't we were just fighting?... ) and went back to complex. We were trying to think up some new ideas for tanks.
    6. 30th Mar 2013 Race, Discussion, Mecha game

      by , 03-30-2013 at 11:50 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from non-lucid naps, fragments.

      Nap #1(fragments):

      I was on some kind of island with volcano and i was racing with someone and there were some weird creatures. Later i was back at home discussing pokemon games with family, but then dad got randomly obsessed with the idea of turning off my pc for no reason, and as soon as it got turned off dream ended.

      Nap #2(fragments):

      I was playing some game where i was controlling various mechas to get through level, which looked like some kind of forest area. Then after that i was discussing with LV which mecha from that game was better, i voted for red mechacrab because it obviously had superior range and damage, even though it was slow, and also it's preupgrade form, which looked like green mecha grub, had good characteristics too. LV was voting for mechawolf, i can't recall why.