7.6 - mob chase - i became lucid somewhere outside, there was a crowd of people kinda angry at me or something, first i tried to jump trough a wall into a store but it didnt work, i thought that i just dont believe enough and did it again, now i was inside (+10)(+5) and did it again to be outside, the people have surrounded me and i was kinda fighting them off (+2) mostly forgeting about my lucidity +10 phase trough a big solid object +5 three step task part one 8.7 - clubbing with grandma - me, my grandma and my sister all climbed the facade of this building to get into a rooftop club for free, i have a memory (it was a memory in the dream) of watching someone else climb up and say they'll never find out since it is dark outside, i started talking to a dude on the terrace because he seemed familiar, then i saw my friends and a random dude started offering me molly, i declined but he convinced me eventually, we went to a table in the corner and i watched him do a line and he said its my turn, i realised i cant do this since my grandma could see me so i left him and started looking for my friends, i couldnt find anyone and went to this birthday party deeper in the club, i was still on edge because i didnt have a ticket and i didnt know anyone, the girls celebrating did a little parade and i found my friends eventually, they were still talking to someone and i tried to convince them to leave, it took a long time but we eventualy started leaving (it was bright outside now), i said i need to get back to the terrace because i may have forgoten something (i planned to leave there because i didnt want to go trough the front), my friend had keys from pretty much every door and we took a big detour trough many rooms including a room looking like an ikea with mirrors which lead outside, i said i dont need to go to the terrace since i have everything, i noticed i have my headphones twice so i did an rc (+1) and became lucid, remembered i need to fly so i asked for wings (+5) and flew (+5) up to this rock wall which had shoes on it, i then read a billboard advertiding bananas, my flight was not the best, but i kept trying to fly to space because it is my 3step task, then it started to rain and became windy, there was a mom with a son and they were struggling to hold onto this parachute, so i flew there and took it from them (+2) hoping it would help my flight, it didnt and i woke up soon after edit: i just remembered more infor from the second dream. - once i was outside and lucid, i kept thinking about where i am sleeping irl, the nightclub part was really long so i assumed that was real and i was considering that i just fell asleep inside, this made me worry for my wallet and phone so i eventually gave up and woke myself up on purpose
Updated 07-08-2024 at 07:40 PM by 101041
The DILD Fanclub: I'm in a study-room, resembling one from my college years. There is a girl with us who has pink hair. She looks like Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgrim. Within the story of the dream I fall for this girl hard. ... I'm in a place similar to a Vison-Works glasses store. There is some sort of zombie-game that the class is to play as a group. The game is a 2D-sidescroller, where the group teams up to fight the zombies. Glasses are required to play the game, but since I don't have them, I'm concerned that I'll cause an issue. I go to the front desk and try to get a prescription. ... I return to the Vison-Works later to see if my prescription is ready, but it is dark. Probably closed. ... I'm with my friend D at something like a dungeons & dragons night at his childhood home's basement. Danny from Game Grumps is sitting nearby, and I ask him if he was born in 1989. He replies with something about 90's kids. I notice D has some software open on his PC. It's an old-style big grey monitor from the 2000s or earlier. The software is showing a home-page for a fan club. There are dollar values for money to donate to him, listed into themed tiers. One of the tiers is 'pancankes' and shows a stack with some butter on it. It's labeled the 'DILD' fan club, which my brain does not connect as dream initiated lucid dream. ... Later we are outside and it is so rainy that we can barely see a few feet in front of us. Despite not being able to see, I get the impression that we are in a futuristic city area with tall skyscrapers. D is supposed to fly me somewhere. He can fly freely, and I need to hold onto him to fly. I tell him that the raindrops will feel like bullets if we try to fly fast.
Updated 11-25-2023 at 07:29 PM by 99808
I'm packing up my camping gear inside a building. Some friends are there as well and one hands me some trash to take out. As we all finish packing, we start walking out and enter a new building. This one resembles a cafeteria and has quite a few people sitting or walking around. Our group decides to do something crazy to get everyone riled up. We end up running around and eventually back outside. It feels like we're now in a car of some kind as we navigate through a construction zone towards a stadium. As we start walking again, I notice that it's rainy and dark outside. Because of the rain, workers at the stadium are limiting the number of people walking down the stairs to the entrance. I wait at the top as the other group descends and then they allow us in. The stadium is also dark and not covered so it is still raining. The stage towards the middle though is massive. I find my group sitting together on the right side actually just underneath some coverage from the rain so that the seats are dry.
I went to elementary school where I, because I apparently kicked over their drinks at one point, kept getting beaten up my this group of very big and strong men. This would occur every lunch break for weeks and I'm pretty sure people ssw me get beaten up but we're too afraid to interfere. At some point I was considering getting my strong friends to become my bodyguard and help me. I was sitting at home on a rainy day, about to have to leave for school when I told my parents, who looked like Boards of Canada for some reason, slowly what was going on, I was building up slowly to that part when I suddenly woke up. Dream was in English
Updated 07-12-2023 at 07:19 AM by 81762
Day-time (Nap) Lucid in the Manor I'm outside a manor looking place. It’s rainy. I go around the side and find the front door. I open it and it has a Mario Sunshine style doorway to jump into a level. I jump in. I'm in my living room, but it is wider and has a tall ceiling. Much bigger than normal. I put my hand out in front of me and starting counting fingers out of habit. Six fingers per hand. That’s not right…I’m dreaming! I do a nose RC several times to verify. I keep my hands out in front of me to look at as a sort of lucid anchor. I walk down the hall, but my dream starts to fade before I can save it. Night-time Sleep The Secret 10th Dungeon I'm playing Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. I'm walking on the surface and I get the "new location" HUD text for a new dungeon. It tells me that it is the Secret 10th Dungeon. I can see that there is air rising out of nowhere so I jump and activate the paraglider. It takes me all the way into the Sky with floating structures all around. I land on a larger structure and the HUD confirms again that this is the secret dungeon. I'm very excited about this and start to explore. The Dragon Roost Cup I see Toon Link (Windwaker Legend of Zelda Style) fly by on some vehicle. I understand that this is for a Zelda-themed Mario Kart game. Characters are all riding Sky vehicles. On the HUD, there is a Dragon Roost Cup title, and others, similar to how Mushroom/Flower/Star cups work in Mario Kart. Not going to say this counts for Dragon Theme, since it was just a title and reference. Not an actual dragon. I wouldn't be mad if I'm wrong on this though... Airship Dining I'm out for dinner with family. We're walking down the street together looking for a restaurant. It's a rainy night and my Dad is there with my brother and I. We are talking about diet, but still decide on pizza. We come across one, where there is an airship tied down. The restaurant logo is 1800s-ish looking gentleman with tophat. The quirk of the restaurant is that the airship lands at scheduled times and becomes available for seating, alongside standard ground-seating. There is a rope mechanic where patrons help secure the airship.
Updated 09-05-2023 at 08:03 PM by 99808
I’m with Melissa, in our house. I think we are about to go on a trip. I know it has been raining lately, and I’ve noticed a tiny crack in the ceiling that wasn’t always there. Now when I look again it is even longer and deeper. I show Melissa, and by the time she comes over it is bigger yet and the outlined portion looks unsteady. We watch as it slowly cracks more and the now giant chunk falls out of our ceiling and onto the couch. (The layout of the house feels similar but maybe arranged in the opposite direction - like the couch, and with even higher ceilings. It seems dim). Dumbstruck, I go over to it and look unbelievingly into the exposed attic. I touch the portion on the couch, as if I’m just going to put it back. It has a texture exactly like wet paint. I don’t know why it would be wet. I don’t know what to do or how much this is going to cost. I’m in what feels like a different state, at what looks like a BBQ food truck. I’m with some others who order first. I’ve barely had time to look when I’m up. I tell the man I’ll just have a combo plate and ask what his favorites are. He enthusiastically tells me, and I agree to them. Now, I’m reparking my car here. I go down a very small hill, which the spots surround. I back my car up, aiming between two parked cars. I do a really bad job and back into one of them because I haven’t straightened out enough. I don’t think there’s any damage, so I just fix it. I also end up making art for this guy (over a period of time) in exchange for food
I was hurrying somewhere by the road into the city centre, its a long one I wanted to get to something, i dont know what the weather was already but, but it quickly got worse a big storm came, things turned night time dark, rain started getting heavy but for some reason, I kept going into the dark, and rain
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At my parent's house, sleeping on the couch. Some news on tv about a poisonous spider that has been spotted in exotic fruits, mostly bananas and might accidentally be brought home with the groceries. I am too sleepy to care about it, but my dad goes around the house removing cobwebs and killing harmless spiders just in case. I later wake up and I am with Riverstone instead. I am attacked by some poltergeist and pushed and pulled through the air like a rag doll. It's not hurting me and Riverstone finds it kinda funny, but I am getting sick of it. I force myself to reach the bathroom and look in the mirror, wishing the spirit to show in the mirror. It does and it is a young boy. Slowly I realize it is a young Riverstone, which I tell him, by yelling across the hallway. He does not believe me. I splash the boy with water and smile to tease him. He does not react, he just smiles back and go away, but first, out of spite, he shrinks my cat Yéti to a hand size. I feel he is actually afraid of being alone, so I tell him to come around to play, if he behaves. I then go to attend some workshop on how to renew some license on something. It's at some office place at post-working hours. Meeting is on the 2nd floor and there are signs pointing towards the direction to follow. Up there, some people are just hanging, others are already seated at tables, I chose a table to sit at and then some weird shit starts. It seems like this ain't their 1st meeting. Apparently they all know each other and some people complain about the teacher. She comes forward to apologize for something but it felt more like a public flogging. People get up from their seats and continue accusing her of many things, others hug each other in support and others seem to just ignore it all and keep on filling forms. I am sure that I got in the wrong group and I am stimming by kneading some colored silly putty I found around. One lady starts talking to me in french, asks me if I am autistic. I raise my eyes to her and she immediately steps back and apologizes saying I am not. I reply in french "No, but I actually am". And she seems confused, points out traits she doesn't spot on me. I explain it manifests differently for every autistic and that I have other traits. Then my french doesn't go so far and I end up speaking in english. Anyway, I've decided to leave, so I abruptly get up and leave. I reach the door and it is raining cats and dogs. A couple of people who are at the door smoking or getting some air, look at me like "well, you ain't goin' nowhere". But I step out in the rain anyway and look for my car keys as I head to my car, because I don't want to stay around these people anymore. I can't find my keys, so I freak out. Soaked wet, I sit at some garden bench and dive into my purse, which is absolutely empty except for the car key in a pocket. But then the key is broken at the top, I might insert it but probably can't turn it around to start the car. I think about having to go back to the building and try get some help. I am just coming from my mom's and about to pass under the highway overpass to enter the main road, when a gate falls down and closes in front of me, not allowing to do so. There are military all over and one by one they shut down all passages under the overpass, with enormous gates between the pillars, cutting people off. They say this is the most recent quarantining measures, and I imagine my mom freaking out when she finds out. They tell me it is just over the weekend, but it feels more definitive. Supposedly we can still travel freely to East, just not take the road to north and south, but I wonder how far East we can go until we find another blockade. I also wonder if I just walk South over the hills, if they have put any other barriers ahead or if I could come through. Zilla went to space on a research project, while pregnant and everything is just unbelievable. I go visit her in her lab when she is back to earth and my dad comes along and his only comment his "I still don't like her much, but I gotta hand it to her, she achieved the highest achievement possible" and I know he means "and what have you done?". And I feel such a loser, but I decide to ignore him and concentrate on my friend. I give her a big warm hug, feeling happy that she is ok and she goes on telling her adventures, which I relive as if I was actually there. They went on a ship like a huge space shuttle, which orbited the earth for just about a week and somehow had artificial gravity. Zilla had some claustrophobia at first, especially when first realizing "I am on a spaceship!". I see her seated to eat at the canteen with panoramic views to space and then going to bed, in a common room, with lower ceiling and also panoramic windows above head. Before I leave, she takes me to see the ship, which is now all broken after some accident on reentry (not on her mission, but right after hers). There are plans to recover it, but I wonder if it makes sense at all considering the damage. The middle section is crunched like an accordion. When I am about to leave, I watch a couple, she is arabic and muslim and wearing a niqab and he is an american in jeans. She is yelling at him that it makes no sense that he left her. She says he turned a muslim for her and then started demanding she wear a burqa, while he himself continues wearing jeans and shirts and shaves just like a normal westerner. He doesn't have any justification for it, just says he wants nothing with her anymore and that she has to follow him to some place, like a court or something. She on the other hand says she is also bringing a case to court against him, so she agrees joining him to whatever thing he is also concocting. I follow then and take a sneak peak to inside the room they entered and all I can see is a bunch of bearded muslim men sitting against the wall at the end of the room, quiet and watching. Then she leaves the place through a back door, clearly upset. Unfortunately, four of those men also go after her and they carry knifes in their hands. I follow them to try to save her, but they corner her in the back of some building and I don't see anyway to help her without also getting killed. I hide under a tarp and see she manages to go through a door to some other building. But it is some dead end and they surround her and stab her. I get out from under the tarp and run towards the main street, which is just at the end of a small perpendicular street. I bump into a policeman and drop a camera I supposedly was carrying, but I don't recall taking pics. Anyway, one of the 4 men spotted me and is coming towards the policeman. By the look of the cop and the way he seems to want to delay me and not protect me, I realize he is an accomplice, so I run to the middle of the road and into the crowd. I hear the cop telling the guy I have a camera and possibly have photos. I sneak behind some panels hiding some construction work and I am thinking whether I enter a shop behind it or go down a manhole on the ground that is open.
26th May 2021 Fragment: I'm playing my dwarf paladin. I'm in a dark and gloomy world, not quite like the game and not like waking life. This area is like a volcanic area, but mostly ash. It rains and I feel wet, it's a heavy drizzle. I meet other WoW players, at one point another paladin like mine and on inspecting his gear I see he has an impossible five thousand healing power, but I'm just amazed by it. I take a screenshot to show HW later. I wander off in some direction, with some sub-conscious purpose. Later on in a different place I meet some furries, apparently some friends of H's friend M who is also in the dream in some way. Other ones are random M/M and I meet these in a city of some sort and as I recall dream reality gets a bit wonky here (phasing, incorrect perspective perceptions, etc). This is the brightest part of the dream as I recall it. I feel I'm just myself at this point, not any other specific character or form. Some other bit is dystopic, again very gloomy, cold atmosphere. There's a building, I'm inside. It looks basic, large tiles for floor, concrete walls, possibly barred or broken windows. It has several floors, maybe three, with a central stairwell or something? I am with a group of people, possibly one person from waking life. A man enters the building at some point and he tries to murder someone in front of all of us, using some kind of crude slingbow thing that can throw anything at high velocity. The man is white, tall (more than one might expect) and slender, dark haired (a deep black) and slightly hunched. I see through his eyes and feel what he feels at some point, the sling thing feeling quite rubberband-like; he fails at every attempt, becoming visibly frustrated and being laughed away by the rest of us. He was trying to murder someone specific in the midst of us, also a man I think. Notes: - The dream was incredibly long but I couldn't maintain recall for long enough after making myself more awake. - My initial thoughts are that this entire dreamworld reflects in some way how I look at the world sometimes in waking life. There was little order, it was anarchic and dystopic. Much of it was grey and desaturated. The middle part of the dream was probably the brightest and most colourful, but still it wasn't quite so much and there was an element of lacking order. - There was a pervasively blue/cold light to most of the dream. It was only during the M/M section that there was some kind of bright sunrise in the distance. - My paladin character is likely just a reflection of waking life but it does make a strong contrast to the otherwise desaturated and lifeless setting of the dream. - The tall man is probably some shadow aspect. A murder of distance, to my mind, is immediately associated with fear of contact and fear of personal involvement.
Seeing as I cannot maintain a self-imposed schedule for more than a couple days at a time, I have decided to move onto a new format. Because adding the number of days I missed to the day counter takes too long and actually requires me to use my brain (Or a calculator). I will post a new 'log' whenever I feel like, just to make things easier on myself. The dream counter will stay the same however. Fell asleep at: 2:00 PM Woke up at: 3:15 PM Dream 121: Magical Mutant Madhouse I'm in a place resembling the interior of the Spencer Mansion from RE1 mixed with a cheap Rio Grande Valley home. The lighting is both yellow and white, presumably coming from different sources. The dream is in the first person, and I believe that I'm actually playing Resident Evil 8, and that I can pause the game, save, and load a previous save whenever I can. I "spawn" in what I believe is the entrance of the house. An L-shaped counter towers over me as I crouch down behind it. A dog is prowling around behind me, and a whole bunch of crazy mutated residents (A la RE7) are wandering around in front of me. I believe that this spawn point is needlessly unfair and try to reload the save numerous times. On one of these attempts I try to sneak around the evil residents when one of them, the mother (Resembling Lady Dimitrescu AKA 'tall vampire lady') spots me. I manage to reload the save before I die. On my final attempt, I decide to just bum rush my way towards a steel door to the rightmost corner of the room. I accidentally tumble into one of the Lady's daughters (None of the family members resemble the characters from the game, by the way), a college age girl with a black t-shirt and long black hair. As she falls forward, I see that she "melts" into a puddle of gray goo as she hits the ground, and I nearly fall face-first into the puddle. I assume that this is her "power." Behind me, another one of the Lady's daughters uses what I assume to be magic to 'hulk up' as she notices my presence. I pick myself up and keep running whilst crouched as she barrels towards me. I manage to open the steel door and shut it behind me, locking it from my side. Before I say anything, I spot three more young women behind me, huddled around a steel desk (In fact, everything in these corridors seems to be made of steel). They seem to be talking amongst each other about the other members of their family. I hurriedly sneak past them, further heading into the unlit steel hallways. I take a left, and as I reach the end of this hallway, a mysterious person grabs and restrains me from behind. They claim that they're going to set the both of us on fire using the two exposed wires in their hand. I struggle and try to turn the sparking wires back on my assailant, while also trying to reload my save (Apparently, in the dream, reloading saves is a manual process, and having both my arms restrained was interfering with the process). My attacker manages to set my jacket sleeve on fire, which I shove into their face, managing to break free of the grab. I turn the wires back on them, and they are now completely wreathed in flame. I barrel through the door leading outside. I immediately throw my jacket off and lock the door behind me, and only then do I notice I'm on the roof of the building. It looks like the roof of a school or office, not a house or a castle. The sky is cloudy and pouring rain. I find myself walking up a spiral staircase leading to another roof while being accompanied by two police officers. I explain to them what happened in the house. I get an overpowering sense of dread, as I'm being reminded of Ethan Winters' interactions with the police during RE7. A while after getting to the roof of yet another building, open another door, and we see that we are inside of a schoolyard. It is here where I see a kid expend purple energy whilst throwing a baseball to another kid. I panic as I think the kid is another one of those psychotic magical mutants, and that he was going to murder the other kid. The other kid catches the ball, though, and continues playing. I ponder this, "Why is this kid not a raging psychopath like the other 'Magic Mutants?' Maybe not ALL of them are evil after all." I then turn to my right and see an already bulky guy in a tight red shirt and white shorts 'hulk up', and charge towards me. Just great. I nonchalantly walk into the gym (using the same door we used to get in the schoolyard, for the record) and see another kid use purple energy to throw baseballs. Then the dream ends. Spencer Mansion Interior: From the PS1 version because, as I said, the mansion in my dream looked incredibly cheap. Schoolyard: I swear the courtyard from my dream looked almost exactly like this, although not quite as JPEG-y.
I dreamt that after a heavy rain, a lot of water was flowing down the hill, among the streets. I didnt pay much mind to it, I went to the shop. Then encountered a big fckoff COBRA, but it wasnt any kind of cobra , it was FLYING all over the place. Its morphology was unique:Its lower half was of a light colour , cant tell which, the top, was vibrant red, with the hood stretching all over it's body, acting as a wing to catch wing, while doing this swirly motion mid air , supposedly to maneuver itself. I got really scared, it somehow flew up and charged me , I fell on the ground and covered my face, but nothing happened, it just went away. I ran home like mad while seeing a bunch of these things flying around, told mom, closed windows ,door , I was panicking like mad, then started to see reptillians even, flooding the street , and maybe even lions? Someone told me that this event will die off once all the water flows down from the mountains... Nobody was worrying that much about it..but I was furious
Morning of August 10, 2020. Monday. Dream #: 19,593-02. Reading time: 2 min 50 sec. While comfortably re-entering light sleep by choice, I summon my favorite scene - a light rain in an urban neighborhood. It is in the late morning. As I float into the extraordinarily vivid setting, flying slowly about four feet above the street, I choose to remain incorporeal, without summoning and integrating imaginary physicality. Even so, imaginary kinaesthesia becomes a factor of my navigation through the fictitious environment. I indulge in the astounding detail and beauty of raindrops falling into puddles. Eventually, there is an incidental recall that Zsuzsanna and I had briefly discussed the Netflix series “The Rain” last night while scrolling through the content. (We had only seen the first episode weeks ago.) Two people (implied to be from the series) walk into the previously unpopulated setting, strolling off to my left, eventually no longer in view. I consider whether my dream will amalgamate the backstory of the series in implying the rain is dangerous. American actor Jack Albertson (June 16, 1907-November 25, 1981) is lying on his left side on the ground (concurrent with my sleeping position). He is inside a fenced area not much longer than his height, the top of his head directed to the sidewalk. The fenced area is otherwise for either recyclables or junk from the adjacent service station. I wonder if sleeping in the rain will be problematic for him during my distracted association with “The Rain.” His eyes roll up with his visage like Elise Rainier’s from “Insidious: The Last Key” Zsuzsanna and I watched last night. Soon, the young Elise Rainier forms from droplets of rain flowing over a tree and hovers in the air about three feet from the sidewalk (typical reinduction as the Naiad factor common since childhood) and vocalizes the melody (with only tenuto “oo” sounds) of Jim Reeve’s “The Blizzard.” (My dream self does not make the association with that song or its implications during my dream.) This factor stabilizes the original peaceful essence of the dream state. Even so, after about fifteen minutes, cerebral nuances begin to activate wakefulness, resulting in text of various colors appearing on the street in paint and chalk. (Despite the rain, it does not wash away.) I float over an area where the word “leveling” features in white paint. I focus more on my usual seeking of text in this mode, but nothing relevant is in my view after this. I see what I first think might be a word, but it transforms into a series (about five of them) of the letter “i.” I see the character “o” in a set of three. Probably every letter of the English alphabet, in various colors, features at varying angles to each other on the street’s surface. Notes on this dream’s no-brainer causality: The essence of water (both summoned and spontaneous) begins the majority of my dreaming experiences in this mode as virtual melatonin. The Naiad factor is the pineal gland personification but also has mystical implications with the so-called third eye (as well as the Eye of Providence). Note the incidental play on “Elise Rainier” as “release rain” (“produce more melatonin to sustain my dream”). “Leveling” is concurrent with the transition from the imaginary kinaesthesia of floating into legitimate physicality without myoclonus. (There is probably an association of the balance between serotonin and melatonin). Jack Albertson’s role as this dream’s sleep simulacrum ties with several threads of dream state causality. Firstly, he remains in bed in the first scenes of “Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.” Secondly, that association was recalled from me posting an image of Willie Talk (a ventriloquist dummy) on Twitter yesterday, a doll being the signification of the absence of mental and physical viability while sleeping. Thirdly, his visage is as Elise Rainier’s in a trance (yet another play on sleeping and dreaming). Fourthly, the fenced area signifies both the virtual division between dream space and the threshold of wakefulness and, in this case, is also indicative of how the physical body is restricted in its movement while sleeping. Everything in this dream stems from the same causation factors as the tens of thousands of other dreaming experiences I have studied and resolved daily for over 50 years. Even so, the uniqueness each time is surprisingly admirable.
I am outside and walking through a neighborhood with a few others. It seems like we’re doing something for a school assignment. We’re looking for a certain house and come up on one that I think is right because it looks familiar. The house is white with a light blue trim. It’s slightly downhill from the street and is placed horizontally on the lot. The garage is open, revealing all of the stuff inside that looks familiar. The number is something like 150105. I look on the map on my phone, and it shows us about halfway down this street. Looking to the left, I see that the street starts to incline somewhat significantly, telling them I don’t remember going uphill. I tell them I can also search Canvas to see if it’s the right one. I do so and don’t think I find anything. We end up deciding that it’s the right house. We go inside, and it’s kind of empty and dim. The others take an open riser staircase to the second floor. I stay back and then walk back to the front door. The owner has arrived - it’s David from Discology and his son. They’re walking up and I meet them at the glass sliding door. I don’t think much is said, and I guess he doesn’t find it weird that I’m in his house. I say something about the others, and I think he goes to look for them, using a flashlight. I think it is somewhat intense. I’m at work and going on a break. I need to use the bathroom, and we have to use Sani Huts. they are scattered all around this parking lot, and I head for a line of them up against a fence. There is a handicapped one, which I take because it is larger, because it is not busy out here, and because there are more in case someone needs it. I am relieved when I step in and find it clean and without much of a scent. I use some toilet paper to put the seat down. I think I am just sitting on top of the seat now, and I notice a window in here. Through it, I see a bed, upon which sit several people. I notice two girls, a couple, what look very similar if not almost the same. They are reclined, tan, and naked from the waist up. Currently, each has her arms above her head, which gently lifts her breasts and perky nipples. They begin taking off each other’s underwear and kissing, so I take out my phone and start taking a video on Snapchat. I can’t believe I can see this from here and no one can see in. I briefly contemplate its potential. I end up in another Sani Hut now, and it has the same kind of window. This one seems to be at the end of a dirt road or parking lot. To the left is an old station wagon with an open back. There are one or two women and some kids (maybe on a sports team?) approaching it - it must be theirs. One of the women, Asian?, is wearing a Grateful Dead shirt I’ve never seen before. It’s black and is tasteful; it also looks like it could be homemade. I think it’s cool that she’s into them, I think because it’s a change from the typical white male. They all start getting into the back of the car, which has blankets and I think string lights. They start playing music and smoking weed out of a lightbulb. One guy, Asian, takes a quick but large hit. I know that I don’t smoke, but they seem to be having a great time, which is fine by me. Now, I’m walking out to the Sani Huts again. It is raining fairly hard, which I barely feel. I’m walking over the rocks in a median and notice it pooling up here as well as along the sides of the road.
Some very long dreaming overall, many fragments lost now. The primary dream is backwards since that was the easiest way to put all the memory into notes. Dream Fragment: The earliest part of this dream I can remember, I was moving a cruise liner-like ship into orbit of a pretty plain planet. While manoeuvring close, I accidentally clipped head-on into the planet, so I had to sort of reverse out and reposition. I wanted to set it up so that it would make a nice screenshot, with the system's star and the nebulae in the background. There was a relatively dark palette to this scene, dark purples and dark desaturated oranges, almost a bright brown. The planet itself was a somewhat bright but lifeless pink and the ship was just some standard dark grey of sorts. Warm light. I intended to upload the resulting screenshot onto the game's forum, I think. Despite the whole scene having a hyper-realistic feel, it was quite a lot like Freelancer but not quite, a bit of EVE online feel to it too. In actuality I was on the ground, at the sloped and curvy area near M's house in my old town. I remember using some interfaces about my ship and looking through options. I "moused over" some checkboxes that had question marks next to them for info and quickly glanced at some tooltips that would appear with lists on them. I clicked some options rapidly; the options were relating to failure/limp modes. After checking these boxes, the ship started to implode. The options had no warning or confirmation before I had activated them so I got upset and spoke angrily at the interface, swearing and declaring how it was stupid, in my frustration. On some list of ships I apparently owned, I saw the value of this cruiser drop rapidly from several hundred million to almost nothing as it imploded. I knew the ship was dead and worthless now in orbit of that planet and took some comfort in the fact that nobody would want to loot it being so worthless. Annoyed, I still felt like I could make a screenshot out of it. Dream: I woke up when in the dream I was telling H about some water-filled cyst things that seemed to be under my skin on my chest, my groin and my legs. They were hard to the touch. There were some kind of "veins" between them and at certain angles or positions the water would run down through them with gravity. It looked a bit like fresh sausages when they are cooked and have fluid built up under the casing. I remember the light at this point was a dim and lightly blue-ish morning light. I asked H what it was and what it meant and more importantly, why it was going green on some bits (lower right belly) and H just said "then you lose" which made me panic and cry, at which point I quickly woke up. In the dream I had noticed them earlier and in the dream context of having just seen a doctor recently too. I wondered why I hadn't told the doctor about them. Maybe they weren't there at the time? This was all at the end of a long and odd dream. The preceding segment, I was with H at some guy's house. We were just loading up some cabinet "from the sound of music" or something into the van. Fairly dark wood, polygonal top, gold double trim along some edges, namely the top's sides. Was a bit like an end-table/cabinet. The guy who'd sold it to us had curly hair and fit some generic archetype of a musician. He commented something like "I hope you won't use it, and just store it safely in a bank", obviously still sentimental about it despite selling it. I thought to myself that there was no point in doing that, why had we bought it then. H didn't comment, I think. I had arrived on foot at this place, having expected to actually go home before I got here but for whatever reason I had come across H in the dark street just in front of this guy's house. H's van was on its left side and H had taken the roof off it somehow. Had a determined look and was moving some reel tape boxes on a shelf just behind the bulkhead. Gravity didn't seem right, like it was working in multiple directions at the same time. Didn't notice me for a while, but it was like I wasn't there either. Pre-lucid thoughts about how the van being like this was very dreamlike. The thoughts didn't cross the required threshold however and I didn't do any reality checks. Preceding that, I had been walking along streets of some version of the town we live in now. It was night time and wet, I can remember the reflection of red traffic lights on puddles. It may have been raining too while I walked. I remember the majority of my walking time I had been looking at Whatsapp on my phone. There were messages from H and loads from other people, but I promptly dismissed or ignored the ones from other people as I noticed them. When I started walking it was day time, sunny and dry. I remember there was this garden, belonging to a bad man. I felt like burning it down just before I'd left it. I walked across the little fields to get to the pavement and there were some odd roots or vines that had a planty mouth, and they shot chocolate ice cream or something across to the other side of the street. The little fields had vegetables planted, mostly carrots and turnips? But the root of the vegetables was very visible, not just the top of the plants. I got to this place after walking outside from another place where me and a bunch of other people were. Everyone had just found out that this man who owned these little garden/field things was a bad person, because of the testimony I gave them publicly, plus the testimony of two other people in the room. I was glad that they had spoken up. This indoors place was a bit like the fun centre at the mall near my old town. Odd lighting to the place. This man had apparently been building illegal mini race track things but there was something more insidious about him. I had just come down from an indoors ramp of sorts when a girl about my age confronted me about it, she had a worried look on her face. In the preceding segment I had been helping that man build this thing. But I stopped helping him as soon as he asked me to poop somewhere, as part of the building effort or something and to do something with it. I pretended to have no issue with this and just told him there was no way I could possibly just do it whenever I wanted and that I was fairly "irregular" anyway. I thought at this point of asking for the pay he'd promised but realised immediately he'd be a bastard, so I didn't and at that point I just wanted out of there and away from him. Finally, the earliest point in the dream I can remember was something about a forest and a sort of top down view. It was where I first noticed for myself these mini race track things, some floating over some kind of black abyss void. Dream Fragment: Something about Kaiju/Godzilla? Vague visual recall of some scenes where Godzilla was walking through a city. Dream Fragment: Some mini dream sequence about the automatic act of shaving. Probably caused by a lingering intent of wanting to do since yesterday. Notes: - When I woke up from the long dream, I was sweating, which is what typically has been happening when I get long and intense or vivid dreams. - The panic-type feelings stopped as soon as I woke up and didn't carry over into wakeful awareness. This wasn't what I'd consider a bad dream, just an odd one. - The things that were on my chest and etc. seemed like the symptom of something but I don't remember them being painful or anything. - There were several other dreams that I had fragments of, but I didn't make note of them and couldn't hold them through writing the rest of this.
Me and a few others that I know are climbing a high rock wall. My GF is also on the wall but she's about 30 feet below us. Progress is slow as we have to anchor in as we go rather than top roping. Since I've never done this before, I make very cautious moves. A storm is coming in, though, so we scramble up the remainder and head inside the building on top. We are getting on the bus to take us home, when I remember my GF. I exit the bus and run back for her, only to find someone else is bringing me her stuff saying that she went to dry off. I get back on the bus and we head to a very fancy hotel/ resort. We exit the bus slightly far way from the actual entrance for some reason and I'm walking in the rain with Mom and Grandpa who I know has passed away. I know he can't really be here but I pass t off and don't think anymore on it. We reach an entrance to the hotel which opens into a restaurant. I'm so soaked that I spend a couple seconds in the doorway to shake and wring my hair out, dumping a significant amount of water on the floor. Later, I'm at the hotel pool with many friends. We come across a large pool, but it's apparently only the hot tub. I go farther to try and find the actual pool, but end up down some stairs leading to a construction area.