Well my recall has been terrible for the past... 2 weeks? I just got back from 5 days in New York and was hoping for some good dreams there since I had a hotel room all to myself. But alas, nothing. Perhaps shifting my sleep schedule had a bigger effect than I thought since on the first night back I already got a non-lucid AND a lucid dream (isn't that exciting!). The lucid will follow in my next entry. In a church, I'm singing in choir. The spacious room has Victorian dark wood panelling about half the height of the wall and the double doors (also panelled) are rectangular, rather than the portal shape I would expect. They are set in a heavy moulded stone doorway. The masonry is all white, but the church is brick on the outside. I see several items of old gothic furniture, including an elaborately carved wooden lectern. I head to the exit and see papers, leaflets, posters pinned on a door and piled on chairs by the entrance. A man is standing with a profound expression next to a stand of green leaflets by the open door, and I think that he will sing if I ask him to. I go out. I walk back with another girl in choir. I ask if she is going back to 'choir boot camp' with me on Monday and she affirms that she is. We talk more, laughing a lot - though she doesn't remind me of anybody. I ponder how the camp lasts 6 school days (although it might be 7 considering the timeline in my head) and I can't believe the headmistress let me miss that much school. Later I arrive at home with a Japanese woman, older. I see a black cat on my doorstep and point it out to her. She seems to look right through it for several seconds before noticing. I feel annoyed because 'she always does that'. So I try saying 'there's a cat ' in Japanese to better attract her attention. This causes her to freak out - she screams and grabs me roughly (seriously - it hurt!) by the shoulders, telling me not to 'say there is a kitten' or I will scare her. I think that she misunderstood me, and now she thinks there is a kitten under the nearest car. Fragment: I pick up one of my dresses and find that on one side, the fabric has ripped all along the zip and hangs open. This dress doesn't actually have a zip. I am distraught since I only recently discovered a rip in my other favourite dress (this is true) and now I can't wear either of these until they're fixed. See how it took me more than a week to post this? I'm getting lazy... Too lazy... Too lazy to dream journal. Which isn't great. But finally I'm getting back on track and practicing awareness more during the day, so hopefully some results soon.
Non-lucid Notes lucid Interpretation Karen and I are lying in bed and we are getting friendly touching one another. She then turns very angry and decisively try and perform oral sex on me. She is very angry and is trying to bite me, though I don't get the idea that she is trying to mutilate me. I try and fence her off a little as I am not interested in having sex of any kind in this emotional state but she keeps making her advances, and I keep trying to fend her off until I awake. Immediate Interpretation: I have experienced a fear that Karen is engaging in sexual activities with me in a forced manner that is she is doing it either to avoid confronting an issue or to please my expectations. In this dream I see the aggressive push for oral sex as this fear of her trying to stifle communication of an emotional/personal problem as she is blocking her throat chakra and I feel irritated and misunderstood because she doesn't seem to understand that I am more willing to listen to her concerns regardless of what it may implicate for our sexual relation. Note: When we had sex the night before and we were lying naked next to one another, looking into one another's eyes she looked away timidly and said the bodily unrest is back now and after looking at her and asking where it was, she went on I had it silenced for a while there in a cheeky tone. For this reason I think it is rather pointless looking up things and frankly this interpretation makes so much sense to me. Also the anger she is displaying in the dream is representative of my own budding anger at her not feeling comfortable with opening up to me about this bodily unrest, also because it might have implications for my actions however she may simply not be aware of what it is. Looking up themes: Willingness to receive pleasure talking about sex. We are talking about sex and I am explicit about my attraction to her. It could represent the recent fascination with anal sexuality.
3/16/14 6:39 am non-lucid Dream Part 2 I overhear a school's presentation in another class after hearing Japanese coming from the class. I decide to join in and watch and the scene transitions to outside at a Japanese concert with Japanese music. I find my friends and cheer. Then, it goes back to the classroom, in which I'm cheering for the presenter. Not sure if this was the same presenter, but one of the presentations is about Conan O'Brien. Student dresses up, looking like Conan, has red hair. After the presentation I bump into him on the way to the parking lot and congratulate him. I'm charmed by him and almost forget that I'm headed to the wrong parking lot, supposed to be going to a satellite parking lot further away. The guy is actually some sort of witch that kills its victims when he gets them to go back to his hotel with him. He is male, but has a evil female presence. I realize this. My friend is worried about me, but I tell her not to worry, I broke away and left for my car. Somehow we do end up at the hotel. Me, my friend (female), my husband and that guy. I remember my love for my husband to avoid getting charmed by him, but I'm worried for my friend. All of the sudden, we're running from him and we go down to the basement (my mother's) to escape, but it's too late for my friend. She tells us to go, she'll hold him off. Her fingernails dig into the archway of the entrance to the basement stairway. He gets to her and kills her. This is when she comes to the realization of what the presentation really meant. Conan O'Brien was just a cover. The aspect of wanting to see him stood for loss, mourning and missing one's loved ones who have passed away. This dream didn't make my heart pound or terrify me, but I still think it's a nightmare because I'm left creeped out, lingering into my waking life. Was scared to go to the bathroom alone after I woke up and brought my husband with me. Scarily enough, the mirror to the medicine cabinet was open! I had him close it. I also had this feeling towards the end of the dream that my own fingernail was digging into my skin (I don't know if it actually was in real life) and needed to wake up to stop it.