23rd August 2021 Fragment: Meeting L, mom's old friend from teaching. We're in the ramped bit going out of the cul-de-sac just in front of home. She comments that she taking some interest in me. I comment that it's nice for someone to take interest in you and she agrees. T is with us and it feels more cramped than it should feel, even considering this bit of pavement isn't that wide; it seems smaller than it should actually be and I think there's some clutter nearby too. (gap) Seeing T's room, it's a bit Japanese in style and actually quite big. Apparently it's his own flat. Notes: - Rest of recall was gone as I woke up to the sound of the doorbell being rung many times within a second or two. I got up from bed and went to check, nothing. I ended up concluding that it must have only been some kind of hypnogogic hallucination from still being sleepy, it wasn't a false awakening and there are no pranksters in the street, plus it would be way too early for it. - I'm not entirely sure what could have brought on L as a dream character, I'm also not sure whether she's ever appeared before or not.
Japanese learning fragment There was something about apparently being close to done with learning Japanese at home. I also had to use the bathroom, but, for some reason, my mother was in home office there. My home was also quite distorted, in a way. It seemed much larger, and different, also in comparison to the start of the dream to the end of the dream.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am a guy who can become invisible. I see some guys bullying some kids and I follow them to see if they get violent. Instead, they take the kids to a house and I worry they are going to abuse them. One of them sits on a bed and calls the kids over. That's when I use my power of invisibility to attack them. They are confused but after a while of taking beatings, they realize it is an invisible being and develop a plan to catch me. I have to climb things and hang from places to escape them. This goes on for some time. Then I learn they have a sister and I fall in love with her at first sight. I become visible to her and she also falls for me. She helps me to get out of there and we talk a bit outside and become friends. We depart and I go to a grocery store. I notice the prices are ridiculously high, supposedly because this is a very chic neighborhood. I can only afford a tiny bag of snacks for 2€. At the counter, the cashier is insisting with two ladies that they have to wear mask, but resist and are rude to the cashier. I remember I am also not wearing one, so before I get closer to the counter, I put mine on. I get pissed at the women's attitude justifying their carelessness with pseudo-scientific arguments, so I scream at them that I am a biologist and all they just said is BS and tell them to wear the damn mask. My mom picks me up by car outside and we pass by some of the fanciest buildings in the area. Namely a big fancy hotel with only expensive cars outside and fashionable people hanging around. There is a couple heading to some sports car who are basically naked, as their designer clothes are just weird avant-garde black underwear. The guy has a thong and his basically butt naked. We make some joke about it and they hear it and they seem offended that we don't appreciate their high end futuristic naked suits. Further ahead I see lots of young aspiring models and just fashionable youngsters aspiring to fame, who hang out in a square waiting to be "discovered". Some are vlogging, others are being filmed for some reality show, but it looks like a freak show. Then my mom says she needs to go to this address of a Japanese man who makes knifes. I am pretty curious. We arrive there already late evening, he lives in a modern Japanese style house. There is one door to his residence and the next door is his shop, which has a window display with his work. The shop is dark and closed, so we ring the bell to his residence. No one comes and then we see some movement on an enclosed balcony on the first floor. We see a man moving and then half a dozen men in suits attacking him and being neutralized. I wonder if we should insist on talking to the guy. He clearly is more than a knife maker. But then his wife shows up at the door and welcomes us warmly. We say what we want and she takes us to the shop. There are lots of kitchen knifes and traditional Japanese crafts. Even some katanas, but all decorative. I ask her if her husband also forges swords and she seems upset with my questions. Claims he does not and never did. I sense that she is lying so I insist. Then realize either he no longer wants to or he just doesn't sell it to anyone asking. I want to know more so I try to show her I am not just someone. I ask from where in Japan they are, tell her I have been there some time myself. Unfortunately I don't know their village or town so I can't break the ice with that. But I start telling about the places I've been. She doesn't seem impressed. But she likes my mom and offers her some cakes. They sit at a table that has no place for me. I feel awkward but my mom, she tells me to sit down on the floor next to her and hands me over bits of the cakes.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA/AP I am at some old industrial offices or at the bridge of a ship, really unclear, but there is a Japanese guy I know and for whom I have a crush. He is the captain and he is studying some charts. There is a sense of urgency and gravity. The place is a mess, it hasn't been working for years, most stuff is boxed and pilling up without apparent logic. But I worked here before and I know more or less where some things are. Right now the captain needs desperately some millimeter graph paper sheets to make some navigational calculations on it. He is out of his mind because it is impossible to find it in this chaos and no other person has a clue to where it could be. But I say I can find it. He puts all his faith on me and I follow my intuition based on where I saw it last time and most likely places where these blocs of paper could be. I try three places and he is starting to lose faith, but at my 3rd attempt I open a cabinet and below some boxes with bottles of wine, I find a box with the blocs he so needs. He is beyond thankful and I immediately enter into his very restrict circle of trust. I am jogging across an industrial area. I come across a couple teenage girls playing with a ball. They decide to run alongside me and I realize they wanna race me. But not in a friendly way, they kinda wanna mock me by making me feel old and out of shape. But I accept the challenge. I control the ball they left behind with my mind and I make it jump around and follow us just to creep them out. At the end of the road there is an abandoned toll booth and I make the ball shoot across the window and break the glass. They freak out and go after the ball because they don't want to be caught by the security guys. I use the chance to disappear. I cross a warehouse that opens to the main street but there is construction work at the street where I usually go out to take the subway, so I have to go through another exit to be able to enter the street. The subway is inaccessible but there are replacement shuttle buses. I meet a friend (I think it's Zilla) at the bus stop and we look for the right bus for us, number 3 I think. I realize I am not wearing a mask and look up for one in my backpack. After I put it, I look for seats but all are taken and I spot a couple of our friends right in the first seats. They are actors, most are not famous, except for Paul Rudd who is among them and managed to stay incognito because he is also wearing a mask. We salute playfully and then we overhear a couple ladies talking something about Laura Dern. Paul looks at me like "I need to say something". He will expose his identity if he does, but he doesn't care. He addresses the ladies to correct the story they were telling. Says he knows her and was there on that occasion. They freeze in embarrassment but they are also excited because it's Paul. They recognize him but can't name a role he played. I want to tell them he is Ant-man but he looks at me like "please don't say it". On reaching our destination we make an appointment to meet at Govinda restaurant. I am supposed to go there for some business meeting and then they will join me afterwards. It is important for me, I think I will be offered a job. I just need to take a shower and change clothes. But I cross paths with Marco in front of a building. He looks very good and he is adamant that I have to come drink a coffee at his place. I say I can't right now but apparently he lives at this high end building right ahead. He does not accept a no for an answer so I go, but insist I need to be quick. At his place he starts seducing me and I don't want to fall for it, but I do. He is being irresistible. He kisses me or I kiss him, it is hard to tell and with almost just one movement he gets my clothes off. I insist I can't, that I have to go to an appointment, but I lose control and don't care anymore. I feel a bit self-aware as I put on a bit weight, but he does not care, he is a big guy. He grabs me against the wall with total ease and penetrates me. Let's say he is big in all senses. It hurts a bit so then he lays me on the carpeted floor and asks me if I am ok. He continues more gently as not to hurt me. I kick a popcorn bowl he had on a glass table to our left. I make a big mess. His house is intelligent so a tv screen turns on and his AI asks if he would like it to clean up the mess. He says not now, but I sense he is a bit disturbed with the mess. His house looks like an immaculate temple and I am all sweaty and covered in popcorn. When we are done, he immediately cleans up everything and I go take a shower which I desperately need. He offers me a beautiful dress for me to wear, so I can still go to my meeting if I want to. But now I don't want to go. I plan to take him to bed once I am cleaned up and just stay there the rest of the day with him.
Updated 11-16-2020 at 05:19 PM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening astral projection I am in VFX, the nearest city, heading to the bus station to get a bus home, but the street is packed with people. It's some holiday and everyone is celebrating. Then I realize I am not wearing a mask and have been walking through all these people who are also maskless. I look deep inside my bag and find a mask I carry for emergencies. The buses are not coming and people are angry. Then a group of people at the end of the line for the bus, spots a bus stopping a few hundred meters before, to avoid the crowd and they start running to get to it firs. I join them. Then a meteorite crosses the sky. We hear something on the news about incoming meteorites worldwide. When I finally get to my mom's home, another one of those meteorites flies by her building. I go to the window to check it out and realize it is not a meteorite but a spherical UFO. It comes to check our windows. I tell mom to stay still but the UFO somehow enters the room without breaking the window and analyzes us. Mom panics and collapses. The UFO is a type of intelligent drone and asks us to cooperate or else. Then forces us to have a math lesson with a hologram teacher, who for some reason is Cristina, a Portuguese tv host. She asks me to solve a math problem but I struggle with it, because she wrote it on a screen and immediately deleted it, plus they give a gadget that is some kind f calculator and I don't know how to operate it. They get upset. Meanwhile my dad comes in, doesn't realize there is an alien drone projecting an hologram, thinks the lady is real and starts flirting with her. I feel so embarrassed that I ask the alien drone to please forgive him and it actually becomes more friendly. Spending some time at some place like a kindergarten. I am friends with the teacher and I am replacing or helping her. RAP has a kid going there and at the end of the day comes to get him. We meet and we get very friendly, we goof around a lot. I think he likes me. Then his wife also comes by and he introduces me to her with too much enthusiasm and with his hand around my waist. I feel awkward and she clearly is very upset. She is gorgeous, but I get the vibe he has way more fun with me. Some woman complains the next day that her kids didn't do homework or something and that it was our fault. I am sleeping over at some Japanese friends' house. When I arrive he serves me tea. Hands me a strange package with detachable packets, each one with a different infusion. I just want to drink some hot beverage, but he claims it is important that I read the texts printed on each packet and choose the one I want accordingly, no matter if it's in the middle or end of it. I say I don't care, just detach the first one and he insists the choice is part of the experience and we end up debating the virtues of caring or not for that and I no longer care about the tea. I then spot on his tv some anime show that looks familiar. I see that it is written by a polish guy I know from the Sangha. I love it and then realize it is very similar to the story I have been wanting to finish for a graphic novel. I am back in VFX with Riverstone and the town looks totally different. The street layout is changed, one of the main roads is now pedestrian friendly and it has now lots of tourist shops selling historic artifacts and ethnic crafts. I find my dad at an Indian shop arguing with the seller that some amethyst necklace is actually made of turquoise. I try to reason with him that the Indian guy is right but he insists we are wrong. I accidentally damage a bag some with ink I had in my hand and try to hide it, but then my dad knocks down a bottle of perfume and breaks so all attentions go to him. I think I have a moment of astral projection. Starts off as a false awakening in my bed, it's dark in my room, I feel my cats cozied up in bed with me, but at the same time I realize I am not quite in my body and I am seeing through my closed eyelids. Then I hear a strange "ting ting" noise approaching and recognize it as my grandpa's walker coming towards my room and stopping by the side of my bed. I don't see him, but I do feel very clearly a presence and a darker shadow where the sound just stopped. My grandpa died a couple of days ago, so I realize I am being visited by a ghost. First I feel scared but then force myself to calm down, after all it is just grandpa checking on me before possibly departing to elsewhere. Just like he would do when he was alive, he would walk by silently and look casually without saying a word before moving on. At some area with apartments, shops and gym. I just had an ice cream at a food truck and some guys that know me and some who don't, just exchanged some comments and catcalled me. I am a gorgeous woman, with the looks of the likes of Sofia Vergara, but I am also a detective or police agent in my pant suit trying to be respected for who I am. The sun is setting as I walk across a courtyard leading to a long staircase down to a car park. From the top of the stairs I see the shadow of someone stabbing another person at the car park. I am unarmed and my instinct is to go back and see if nobody else is coming and call for backup. I enter a gym that is just right next to me and warn some women there of what just happened so they take cover and hide. I also call the police and they say they already had been warned because there are more bodies and the killer is on a spree. When they arrive, they take me to where there is a line of bodies left by the killer on a street nearby and they evacuate everybody in the danger zone to a safer place. The manhunt starts. I find a suspicious black woman hiding in a tight corner of an alley holding a knife. I tell her to stand down but she won't and tries to attack me. I remove her knife but she has more knives and keeps reaching out to it. I manage to remove all knives and immobilize her and other agents come to take her. She claims she is only hiding from the killer and has the right to defend herself because I could be the killer. I grant her the benefit of the doubt and I say that I believe her and I apologize if we are being unfair but she still needs to be interrogated because she was acting suspicious and had some 5 knives on her. The officers then tell me they have found the suspect, a male, and he is cornered on the top floor of a building with a kid hostage. We all go there but only I go inside the room to negotiate. He has a knife pointed to the kids throat but I get close enough to throw a small knife to his head. Doesn't kill him but hurts him enough so he drops the kid. The kid is taken by other officers. The killer takes the knife out of his skull and grabs more knives. We fight, he cuts me a bit, but in the end I make a choke hold with my legs around his neck, disarm him and flip back throwing him unconscious. I am exhausted and hurt. All my colleagues are in state of shock and awe and unable to say anything. I feel sad and lonely as I pass them going down the stairs.
Updated 10-12-2020 at 08:30 PM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I have a broken window and my cat Yéti escapes to outside. I go get him. A storm is coming and my mom screams when a thunder bangs at distance. I go back inside. Besides my actual cats, we have dozens more weird cats in the house. One is purple. Two black ones look like alien pigs. Also there is a nasty dog growling at mom. I growl back at him and he goes away. I put everybody and the cats on a bus and we go on a trip. A yellow cat gets out of the bus at some stop we make and doesn't want to come back inside. Seems to adopt a service station we stopped at. He finds other cats there he connects to. I accept him wanting to stay there. When I am ready to go away, I find a strange vase in the bus, with a message and a flower bouquet. I open the paper to read the message and the bouquet starts beeping and smoking. I tell everyone to run as it seems to be a bomb. It kind of explodes, but not a deadly blast, instead, it releases a swarm of tiny drones that first form a heart shape, but then start hunting us down. Most of them are locked on me. Others disperse and shoot at everyone else. I run into a building nearby, seems like a mall. The door is made of glass and does not lock on the inside. I managed to take cover inside and close it behind me, but someone else comes in and the drones take advantage of it and come inside too. I ask a Japanese girl where is the bathroom and she points me to a cabin on a corridor to the left. It's one of those Japanese public restrooms with glass walls that get opaque when we lock them from the inside. But it has some malfunction and the wall confining to the next toilet does not get opaque. A Japanese man comes in to the next stall and also realizes it. We try several things, then he says he is there just to nap anyway and clicks some button that pops out a small bed from a cabinet. I say I also just want to hide for a while, so I pull down the bed too and plan on staying there for some time. But the door keeps unlocking and opening, so at some point, I decide to get out and keep moving. I spot some drones looking for me, one comes face to face with me, identifies me and calls for backup. I open another door, it's a pediatrics clinic and a lady there finds weird that I have no baby with me, but I push my way in. I can watch through a window that outside one drone catches some dude that was not even part of my group and injects something on him. Then a kind of larvae comes out of his eye and soon his entire head is ripped apart by growing tentacles that attach to the wall with suckers, leaving his body hanging in there while being engulfed by the alien being. I decide again to face the drones outside and gather all my Jedi skills to avoid all their hits and knock them all down. I even rip them apart with my bare hands. Then I call for my friends and tell them to come out from their hiding places, because I've disarmed the swarm. They come and we gather around dozens of destroyed drones on the floor.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP In Alhandra, helping out an old lady cross the road. Then go to mom's and all the neighbors are at her door because she met Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, who are in Portugal to start a charity. They organized a cookie sale and somehow my mom got involved. For some reason I make plans to seduce Tom Hanks. On one hand I think I don't want to mess with his marriage, as they are a lovely couple, but on the other hand it is stronger than me. So I start applying my subtle charm on him. There is a fundraising lunch and my uncle Francisco is there and chokes on something. Tom goes to the rescue but I am not sure he made it. Get to a Japanese handmade clothing shop. I've heard wonders about their avant-garde kimonos. I check their catalogue but it is mostly knitted stuff and non of those kimonos. Some girl to my side is really enthusiastic about it, so I hand it over to her and go check instead a chariot they have by the wall with painted banners and dresses. I fall in love with a banner with kanji symbols and a Japanese woman and which reads on top "aqui há gato" (literal translation; there's a cat in here; meaning: something's fishy). I feel it would look awesome on my living room wall. Then they also have long hand painted dresses and I am going crazy for them. I pick one to try out and want to check the rest of them, but some other girls take over and disappear with all the dresses, leaving only cosplay outfits.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Semi-lucid jumps through different times and places. E.g. Watching some japanese kids graduation ceremony in a school. Then staying a while at a really nice place where people from my sangha are settling. There are two locations with bungalows in green hills. I am staying in one, but taking a bus to the other, out of curiosity. In there people are gathering in the garden and enjoying a spontaneous party. It gets late for me to go back to my location, so I kinda stay there, but no place to sleep. I reencounter Evangelion, he is married now, but we kiss and without much talking we plan to see each other secretly. To avoid text messages and phone calls, he subscribed to a local paper I just had with me and we post ads with appointments to meet that only we can understand. The location is a kind of a motel in a train station. We meet there. We don't talk much. We start getting comfortable, I prepare to take a shower, but he challenges me to talk for a bit. So we lay down in bed and talk. He asks me if I have any big regret. I think hard and first say no, but then start telling him the story about Wolfboy and how we were in love and he proposed to me. Someone knocks on the door. I go check and see a woman looking angry. It's not his wife, so I open, but in an angle she can't see Evangelion anyway. She asks if I am alone, I say yes, she calls me a liar, says she heard two voices talking and one was a man. I say go away and shut the door to her face. But there is another door on the back and someone knocks there too. I tell Evangelion to hide as I send her away but she just barges in with another woman, they see him crawling away but don't see who he is. Anyway they don't know any of us. They just start preaching that they are some kind of women's league for the protection of marriages and they disrupt lovers meeting.
I will color every part from now on to make it easier to figure out what is going on. Black = comment Grey = awake Yellow = non-lucid Blue = lucid [30.04.2020] Strange respirator I was in my living room and put on a respirator I own. Suddenly, it's like I am overtaken by a creature and all of a sudden I get the instinct to run around and destroy everything. I felt way stronger than usual. I ran in extreme speeds into a different room and ripped stuff off the table. I fought a bit against it, but somehow I liked it, as if it was made so I didn't want to put the respirator off. I woke up, but it was quite early, so I decided to continue sleeping. Spectating strange couple I was sort of spectating a couple. I only really remember that they had booked something like just flying through the earth's orbit, through the atmosphere. I was sort of in the camera perspective of the man. The woman was enjoying herself, but I as the observer was not really a fan and it actually scared me quite a bit. There were all sorts of strange visual effects, which, in the dream, were from scraping at the edge of the earth's atmosphere and the light being distorted because of that. I tried closing my eyes, but it didn't really work and the strange light bending made it so that you see everything, even if you close your eyes. When I opened them again, it was in reverse from normal blinking and opening them made no light reach the eye. I didn't end up actually seeing the man. [01.05.2020] Anime-like self-aware world I was in a sort of village, surrounded by maze-like hedges. I felt they were there to protect the village. It was quite early in the morning, and I saw a building in front of me. I had to sort of register myself. I think they knew I was dreaming or something like that, and that I was only visiting for a bit. I met a villager there, and we became friends. He told me something about the ancient Japanese spirits in the forest, and how you should always be inside at night, as we walked through the maze. Towards the end of the dream, I think we said bye to each other as I felt that I was waking up.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At my room, feeling horny, somehow I start having sex with a giant plush rabbit toy. The notice I have the window curtains pulled open and lights on and some neighbors could be watching, so I stop and close the curtains embarrassed. Later some cops knock on my door with a warrant, do a search and find nothing. Then a food inspector comes and finds spoiled food on fridge. I wonder why would that be a problem, then think he might associate that with the fact I used to sell some food made at home. But who and why is trying to frame me? I go out and come back by subway at night. I get out at a shady station and regret immediately when I see lots of shady guys looking at me. I decide to go back and get out at another station. But when I am going back to the station I feel a needle on my buttock. Shit! I run all possible scenarios through my head and I panic. I try to get to safety inside the station before passing out, but I start loosing my consciousness and my last thought is that I am screwed. I wake up. I run a bar. At the end of the workday, I take a look at the deck tables and chairs an I find a leather jacket some lady forgot on a chair. I go around asking the people who are leaving but belongs to none of them. I check the pockets, besides 20€ it has some papers and two plane tickets. The name on it is of my neighbor Maria. I call her, no answer. I take the jacket to my back room. A Japanese friend comes by and leaves a video we shot months ago. It is of me and other biologists friends doing some experiments and acting out for the film. Looks funny, but my mom is concerned when watching it, as we manipulated bacteria and biohazard material. I tell her we followed the protocols and that it was safe. Alex also comes by and asks me something about the graffiti I used to do. I tell him I don't do it for years. He says he is thinking about doing some activism with graffiti. Then I am all alone and decide to test my magic abilities (telekinesis and such) to tide up the room. I lift my friends jacket in the air, make it zip itself and get into a hanger all by itself. I am amazed by my level of control, so I decide to amuse myself further. I summon two characters, male and female and direct them like a movie to do this and that and they follow strictly. Obviously I end up directing them into sex. I tell the guy to undress the girl, do some oral sex on her and penetrate her. He is quite good at doing it but I notice the girl is not feeling comfortable as if not wanting it. I wonder if what I am doing isn't actually rape. I expected these dream characters to be like hollow robots, but they are actually very human and I feel very uncomfortable and stop the whole thing.
Updated 03-18-2019 at 08:58 PM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I have an android friend, Japanese looking, who I always treat as a human friend. Someday I have somewhere to go and leave her behind without an explanation and she resented me for that, felt treated like an appliance that would be just fine at home alone. She wanted to cut bonds with me. I gave her freedom to act as a human and live her life. Encountered her years later, on a boat, docked on an island, where there's a festival happening. She is still angry at me, had been living with guys who used her (I guess as a sex partner) but she had left them one after the other, tired of being constantly treated as an object. Very strong wildfires burst in the island leaving everyone in danger. In the midst of all these, there is a revelation of documents that finally show how much money Trump got from certain people and lots of people are celebrating his downfall. One lady wants to share the news on a megaphone, when a siren sounds loudly and flames approach the coast. Lots of people come take refuge in ships by the coast and becomes a nightmare to fit so many people in the boats. Chaos ensues and one guys tries to rape me in a dark corner, but I get helped by another guy whom I detest, but on that moment I even feel attracted to him. With a bunch of people, many familiar to me, still on a boat, but now things are calmer and on land there is some event with conferences and lectures. A friend of mine comes to tell me that such and such person can't make the lecture he or she was supposed to and they want me to do it instead. I ask about what and she says "Foucault" and I panic, because I know nothing about Foucault. She says they have a powerpoint on a computer and I just need to read it ahead and then follow it. I say no way, but I gotta try and help somehow. So I go running to the conference place, 15 mins ahead to try and read the material and get acquainted with the topic. People are already waiting in the lounge of the auditorium. I see an organ (keyboard) and a few chairs by the trash, go get my van to collect it and on returning I see a family emptying their house, so I ask them permission to collect the things they are throwing away. They are extremely nice and invite me to their house to see what they have and help taking it out. I am amazed with the place. I explain my work with charities and that I'd like to take all that I can, they help me pack in bags and carry it outside. They have amazing stuff. They have a weird mutant pet, like Nessie, in a lake outside that reaches inside through a balcony with his long neck. He really likes me and starts licking me. One of the kids says to let it give me a smooch, but others say no, no, because he'll rip my head off. Apparently he gets really excited with some smells and can bite someone's head off.
Silhouette Frag of leaving a room in a sort of japanese style house. I looked back and I saw a silhouette of a woman on the other side of the rice paper wall, she was sitting up in a bed and holding a sheet over her. I couldn't tell who it was in the dream. Mini rooms Dream about having to sleep in a bunch of mini rooms. A woman shows me to a room she wants me to sleep in and share ith someone else. I leaf through the TV options and notice a bunch are missing. I go to ask the woman what's up with that but she's gone. Party Dreamed I was walking in an alleyway. Some loud music was coming from my house and there were bright party lights inside. I go inside and a bunch of people are partying in my house. Bjork is the DJ. That's all I remember. missed convo I'm waking up from layers of dreams. I fall into one briefly on my way up. In it I am having a conversation with Bjork about the future. I remember hearing her say, "...And then... I don't know." Her voice is clearly hers but slightly distorted.It's like she's whispering in my ear. I wake up
This morning's recollections come to you in two flavors: Creepy and sweet. I was in a haunted house of some sort. It looked kind of like my old house a few years back, with certain rooms being pretty much picture-perfect recreations. Most of this dream is a blurry haze to me, but what I do recall is going into the bathroom. All seemed to be normal in there, but the light switch wasn't working. I shrugged and started to head out of the bathroom, but heard a sort of sinister laugh behind me. I turned, and the entire bathtub was filled with this huge pile of towels. The pile was so huge that they were spilling out onto the floor. While this may sound really random and silly (and it is), my dream self was deeply unnerved and bothered by it. I slowly stepped towards the towels, but as I did, I heard a small hissing noise around me, as if the room was filling with some sort of gas. Before I knew it, I passed out and all went dark. The spooks are real. Piles of towels. Everybody's worst nightmare, really. Now for sweet. I was in a large school building that was eerily similar to my elementary school, but 5x larger and it housed college kids instead of being an elementary school. It was here that I met two Japanese friends. Sadly, I can't recall their names (it's pretty hard for me to remember DC names for some reason), but there was one boy and one girl. The boy, strangely, looked similar to Watari from Your Lie in April if you've ever seen that anime. Meanwhile, the girl didn't really look like anyone in particular. She had long, jet black hair, and a fiery air about her. Both of them hit it off with me right away, and a lot of the dream was spent hanging out with them in various parts of the school, just talking or doing random, fun things. Later on in the dream, when we were sitting by the big wall beside the stairs, I began to grow sour, as I realized I would have to go home soon. I explained it to them, and they both acted very understanding, trying to console me and saying that I'll see them again. When it came time for me to go, I headed out into the parking lot, found a bus (which had a lot of my old high school classmates on it), and rode homewards, the environments and dream scenes all looking exactly like real life, but with an ever present gray sky and a lot less busses. Glumly, I put my head against the window in my seat on the bus and thought about when I'd see those two again. I'll throw a new lucid goal on the list for future reference: Either summon or find these two DCs again. They were very pleasant people, and I was able to converse in some Japanese with them as well, since I have a basic grasp of the language. It would be fun hanging out with them while lucid.
Fell asleep: 1:55 A.M. (with 25mg trazodone) Woke up: 8:10 A.M. 6 hours 14 minutes sleep last night 5 hours 10 minutes restful sleep 1 hours 4 minutes restless sleep 83 % restful sleep Fragment 1: Apparently my Uncle J made a surprise visit, and he transported his pool water with him and put it in a ditch. We went there to see him. The water was turquoise blue. I got upset because K, J's daughter, was there too, and no one had told me. This would be the third time my sister had surprised me with her and put me in a vulnerable position. Gap. I was in the water and trying to swim around, but it was just way too shallow and uneven for it. Note: While my sister did hurt me twice IWL, one time involved school friend A and the other another school friend (L) and her dad. K had nothing to do with it, but my dad was talking to J & K via Skype yesterday. Fragment 2: Cole (Pillywiggin on here) showed me about 7 sheets of paper. They were all from penpals he was writing to. I was surprised and like "why didn't you tell me? :O". They all had fanart drawn on them, some had a little text, some had a lot, but they were all in Japanese. -Detective Conan. Doodles of Conan mainly I think. There was a lot of text on it and I was worried Cole wouldn't be able to read it all. Some part of me asked why Cole would have this, because he isn't into DC like me. -Undertale. I remember a small Toriel doodle. -Sailor Moon. The page was mostly filled with a colored illustration of Sailor Moon. Aaand that's all the ones I remember. :'< Cole said that the art he'd sent back was all from the Homestuck game he'd been making but had never finished. I was really curious about doing it too, but I wasn't that great at art like Cole so I was worried what I'd put in my letters. Wakeup times: 7:25 A.M. for 20 minutes General notes: I find it so interesting when I question things in the dream idly. I can see where it could lead to becoming lucid if more awareness was in the picture. It's kind of amusing to be going along in the dream and be like 'but x doesn't make sense' and such and still just...keep going. Either because you make up an excuse or because you shrug it off. *smh*
Non-dream Non-lucid Lucid Fragment: Theoretical My exam period is coming up, so I've spent most of my day studying. As I drift off to sleep, thoughts about what I studied today come to me. It's a highly theoretical subject. I'm not a 100% sure, but it definitely feels like I was dreaming instead of just thinking. I remember being impressed that [..?] knows all of these things and knows how to explain it [my course material]. I don't remember there being any images. Not real sounds either. Just.. thoughts. Something abstract. Fits well with the abstractness of the course material Dream 1: Washing the laptop I'm standing in front of a kitchen sink. I'm doing the dishes, except it's my laptop that I'm washing. It looks exactly like it should look. First I'm scared for a moment (my laptop is wet!), but then I quickly start to believe that's totally fine. It's still functioning, it's turned on. It should be turned off while I'm washing it though, for safety reasons. Dream 2: Languages I'm with one of my best friends, an Asian guy. He's really into animes, to the point where he has learned a little bit of Japanese from them. I see a couple of books on his bookshelf. One set is about learning Japanese. The other.. I believe Korean. They all look similar, as if they're from the same series of books, but on different languages. I'm quite surprised by the fact that he's learning 2 languages at once. Also by the fact that he's learning Korean. I didn't know he cared for the language. Dream 3: Amusementpark I'm with my girlfriend, somewhere outside during the day. The weather is slightly depressing, a bit dark. We're near a station. We're going to take what looks like a subway. I have to help her climb into it, as the entrance is just an opening perhaps a metre of the ground. We are in the amusementpark, inside a shop or another building. We've decided to stick together with a girl and a guy. Not so sure what's going on right now. We're having fun, that's for sure. I think at one point we decide to rent bicycles. Dream 4: Wacky village It's dusk and I'm on the streets of a weird village. There is no electricity. Or any other type of modern convenience it seems. I do see an electric motorcycle driving, which makes me wonder where he gets his electricity from. Perhaps he needs to go out of the village for it. I pass two people who are sitting at a round(?) table on a sidewalk. I ask them a time related question. Something along the lines of how they know that X is open or how they know if it's Sunday if there's no way to tell time. One of them replies that every villager asks themselves if the synagogue is open today. But there is no synagogue here? Yes exactly. I find the whole experience strange and can't make much sense of it. EDIT: remembered another dream Dream 5: Bars I'm hanging out in a bar with a couple of my Dutch friends who I met in Indonesia. Something tells me that we're in Indonesia right now. I talk to the bartender in Dutch or English and this feels odd, because I'm not talking in Indonesian. The bar we are in changes at least 1 one time. At one point I see everything as if I'm watching a video, seeing myself hanging at the bar, with some friends. At the end of the dream I walk away from the bar, and perhaps 5 people make a certain move, all together at the same time, as if they're dancing. One of my friend is sat on a barstool and doesn't join in on the movement. The view sorta zooms in on her face and the way the colours of the disco reflect on it. She is sat perfectly still, staring up into the distance.
Updated 10-25-2015 at 11:39 AM by 71740