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    1. 1,492 Words

      by , 07-02-2018 at 01:22 PM
      I went to bed around 9, feeling very exhausted. Yesterday I didn't do my waking life recall as much. I watched at least 10 episodes of DB Super and played back to back Pokemon Battles.

      My recall level was still pretty good though. It didn't seem like I dreamed much more than what I remembered.


      Round 1 of Dreams.

      In another scene, I was with C V, O A, and some other people. We were doing some food preparation. There was also something about a meeting. I think some women were saying about what they would or wouldn't eat.

      I was making rice with peppers and other vegetables. I realized some people might want the rice and vegetables separate, so I started to separate them. I was near a fridge.

      Someone else came by and took a bunch of ice. The ice maker looked full and the fridge was full of ice too. I think I worried we'd run out of ice, but then there was some idea about how we could add water to the ice maker, and I wasn't worried any more.

      I saw someone's bowl for food. They had something with sprinkles along the rim of the bowl.

      I had some Pokemon Battles in my dreams. One had to do with a Dragon Pokemon in the mountains. I don't remember everything about that. What I do remember is that I had a Gengar, in the lower left. The opponent Pokemon was in the upper right. It showed our HP meters like the battle screens.

      However, in this one, my Gengar could move freely. So I ran around the battlefield. It was a brown, earthy terrain. I got to a bridge and saw two orbs. Those were energy orbs. 'Wow! Free energy!' I thought, and collected them.

      I was thinking something about how they put the word "Toxic" near my name. "Toxic" is just a status condition in Pokemon but I think it was more of an insult in the dream, which is silly.

      I remember a part where a person had hired big groups of people to do experiments on "scape goats". I don't remember all the experiments, but the last one involved basketball.

      Everyone was running around the basketball court, playing. I think the person was observing the one he'd identified as the "scape goat" of the group.

      There were also some parts in that about telekinesis. Using telekinesis to push people back.

      I dreamed that I felt really tired. I was out, walking around, and decided to just walk into someone's back yard and hang out near their fence. They had a white fence. I wasn't invited and I didn't even think I knew the people. I just thought I could walk into their back yard and hang out for a while.

      I felt so embarrassed when B W came walking towards me. Apparently, B W lived there! He asked about what I was doing there.

      I didn't really have a good explanation. I watched some cars drive by, and thought about stuff. Also, a big bus drove by, and I think it related to a prom.

      B W said something about how I always do certain kinds of things. I forgot the exact phrase. He had very thin brown eyebrows and brown eyes which I think is different from waking life. I haven't seen him in a while, so I don't know.

      I woke up from that, pretty relieved it had just been a dream! I was able to recall it and keep it in my mind until later.

      Something with weight lifting or RS/RM comes to mind but I can't quite place it.

      It felt like I had slept a long time, so I took my Huperzine-A 100mcg and Alpha-GPC 300mg before going back to bed. I am trying to get the timing of that stuff right.


      Round 2 of Dreams.

      I remember something about two people jumping out in front of a moving bus. I forgot why. They let the bus sort of push them along the road. Maybe it was a kind of protest.

      I remember dreaming about someone who had defeated Goku. I felt sad. I think it was Trunks. Goku seemed sad and depressed.

      I remember being on the road, but maybe walking instead of driving? I think I was with W N. We were turning left to go somewhere. I got a bit ahead of him. I think there was stuff with people from my college house, too.

      I remember more Pokemon Battles. In one battle, I was against a Rapidash, who was using Calm Mind. I figured their plan was to get at least 2 Calm minds before doing anything. I kept using Extremespeed and got them down to 1% HP.

      There was another Pokemon Battle where they had Leech Seed. I forgot who the Pokemon were but one had Recover. I was trying to take out their HP before Leech Seed took me down.

      I remember getting inside, and there were these platforms. I think there was a little spot I teleported to, also. Like a portal.

      I was supposed to walk back up. There were a lot of ramps and steps, and the platforms seemed to be floating in space.

      I had these rocks that I was able to do telekinesis on. I wasn't aware it was a dream, but I had some powers. I had some conscious control of my actions, too, and felt myself using the abilities first hand, but just didn't know it was a dream.

      I was able to put out my hands and pull the items to me while breathing in. I had a sense that pulling went with breathing in. One rock was a little heavier and I had to put my hands closer, but I could still pull it to me.

      I headed up the stairs and platforms, excited to show everyone what I could do. When I got to the top, someone from my college house was talking. He wasn't talking from a religious perspective but he still used the word "sin". I felt kind of ticked off at the religious language.

      I walked by someone else who said, "I hate when they use that word." I was like, "Me too!!!" And felt much better.

      I walked to the back aisle between two rows of seats. The place was kind of like a church. I remember the guy said he didn't like people to speak while he spoke. Normally this would tick me off, the authoritarian attitude, but he was younger than me, so I yelled, "Sorry!" As loud as I could. The place was so big, I could hardly hear myself.

      'I know! I will fly up over the middle row to the other side, and back towards those platforms,' I thought. So, that's what I did. I was able to fly up and over, but it was a little hard to aim for the door. I ended up flying into a white wall that hung over the place. It wasn't a crash, I just gently flew into it and then let myself down to walk from there. Still, I flew!

      I might have gone down into that room again. If I did, I don't remember what was there. Maybe another Pokemon Battle.

      I woke up from those and recalled them. My recall was good. I was happy with the recall. It's kind of a relief to be done writing so early. It's only 7:41 A M and I'm done.
    2. 1,569 Words

      by , 07-01-2018 at 11:56 AM
      I went to bed around 9, after a series of Pokemon Battles which I stopped around 8:14. There was an annoying noise, like someone was playing music in the distance.


      Round 1 of dreams.

      The first time I woke up, I remembered a lot, and thought through them a few times. The next time I woke up, I couldn't re-remember most of it. That was sad! It works most of the time.

      I remember one part when I was in Nana's living room. K S was there. We were talking about reading the meeting format for our group. She said, "You wouldn't want to do your will," and it really ticked me off. I said, "Yes, I want to do my will!" And went into this whole thing about how "I'm not going to keep saying I will do the will of some imaginary diety," with a lot of anger at K S and the other TWNMBD people there.

      There were some parts I wasn't sure if they belonged in round 1 or 2 of dreams so I will put them in round 2.


      Round 2 of Dreams.

      I remember a part where I was on a cell phone app. And on a page where someone was asking if certain functions of the app don't work on other peoples phones. It had a black and white interface.

      I remember going into a gas station or 7 11 kind of thing. There was an Indian man at the counter. I went in for a free slushy but didn't really want the slushy. I opened my wallet to donate a dollar anyway.

      There was this part with J T and blue solo cups. Something about how the solo cups needed to be cut into strips. Also I remember a frying pan being used. J T had cut the cup into jagged and dangerous strips. I knew they were supposed to be straight.

      The manager came along. He was like J from SWT. He didn't approve of the way the cups were cut. I realized he would assume I had been the one to cut them wrong. So I made sure to make it clear that J T had done it. I felt bad for this, but I would be blamed my default, and that wasn't fair!

      There was a part in a class room. I remember the teacher said that A R liked something about my writings or other work. So I talked to her about it. S S was there. I forgot all the details, but I remember telling everyone the importance of recovery from religion and the importance of resting and relaxing. Everyone seemed interested.

      I remember walking around and going into someone's house. It was someone like T M. She had a beard though. I forgot some details of this scene. But I remember she had boots on. In order to hide her height, she had bent her feet up into the leg part of the boot, not put them into the foot part. I could see them poking out. I wondered if that actually reduced her height, since her heels still touched the ground at the same place. Maybe she wanted me to get something for her.

      I remember being at the big food store and looking at some display with adjustable lighting. It may have been the produce section. I wanted to adjust the lighting down a bit. There was a reason but I forgot why.

      An electrical engineering woman, whose name I forgot, came out to tell me not to adjust the light. I said I needed it to be dimmer. I remember being on the phone with her, and going over her website. She was very busy with electrical engineering, but wanted me to review her website and then we could talk. I was embarrassed about the fact that I was an electrical engineering major in college, and yet, didn't know these things.

      At first, we were talking about the lighting, but I asked her about EMF's. She had a whole page about that, too. So I looked forward to our conversation. Her website was like the ones that sell the faraday cages.

      She also told me that she had a condition where she grew fur, like a mouse. It became part of the plot later in a minor way.

      I remember I had a friend in real-estate who gave me a property to sell. It was a big brick building with a huge glass window that looked out on a nice grassy field and other brick buildings. Someone was definitely going to buy it, and I would get the commission. I wondered why they would do something so nice for me. I remember looking at a cell phone, thinking about it, maybe sitting at a table by nana's pool.

      I remember sitting in a restaurant with some friends. We were doing some kind of I-spy thing. Part of it was to find two furry people. We found one and my friend was like, "They have rat fur!" Then the electrical engineer woman walked in. She had on a dress, showing that her back had lots of white-grey, curly hair.

      I didn't want her to be dragged into our game, since I knew her personally, and wanted her help with the electricity stuff. My friend said, "Look, she has rat fur/hair!" She said, "It's not rat hair, it's human hair."

      Then from a table behind me, someone said, "I hate smokers! When they spread their poisonous fumes out the window while driving, it's worse than a drive-by." I was so happy to hear someone say that. I said, "Yeah! I hate smokers, too!"

      Someone else was yelling at me. Apparently I had ignored them before. I yelled back at them in a yelling voice, but saying apologies, and that I wished we could be friends. They left and kept yelling at me as they left.

      I remember some Pokemon battles. I had to re-play each of them. In one, I was deciding whether to leave a certain Pokemon in play, based on whether or not it would one-hit K O the opponent. I decided to go for it. They sliced the opponent in half. But then it showed the opponent in one piece, laughing and walking off to the side. Showing that it was just a game and no one was really getting hurt.

      I remember another Pokemon battle scene where I had a Steel type Pokemon. At first, my steel move did like 50%, so I expected to K O next turn but it only did 25%. I didn't know why. That was the second time I had done the battle. I also noticed I had a move with 10 base power and 25 PP in the bottom right. I was like, 'Why would they include that??' The Pokemon I was using was like Golem. I wonder if I will notice differences between my Pokemon battles in dreams from the ones in waking life and get lucid. So far some of the differences have been, repeat battles, move damage seeming random, and silly moves.

      I remember the kid who had been yelling at me met up with me again as we were leaving. He said that my sister had gotten into a bus or train with their friends and left him behind. I remember seeing a mental image of the bus driver and a red stop sign. He tried to run after the bus/train but they wouldn't stop.

      I told him he could stay with my friends and I. He thought we were lame because we were an older crowd, and declined the offer. I thought to myself, 'We might be older, but we know each other well.'

      I thought I saw N M, a friend from school, but his arms weren't bodybuilder sized. So I figured it wasn't him. I got all excited to say hi but then kept talking to my other friend.

      I remember a part when I was driving my car to leave the city. We had been in the city for some kind of celebration, like new years eve. We thought it would be too early to leave, and traffic would be very congested. But still, I was tired, and wanted to go home.

      I got to one street and it was closed down, so they could run street sweeper trucks. I turned around and went the other way. While doing a U Turn, I thought about song lyrics which rhymed the words "love you" with "snorkle".

      I woke up and recalled those, then found I couldn't fully re-remember round 1. I remembered something with a part where I was gonna write, "[something] with another word after it" in quotes with the word something in brackets because I forgot that half. It was just OTTOTT though.

      I finished the outline by 6 A M and the entry by 6:50 A M. I guess it's nice to have the dream journal entry all done a little earlier, since yesterday's was over 4,000 words and took until 10 A M.
    3. Flying to the moon and battling MadMonkey

      by , 08-13-2016 at 03:24 PM (AndresLD's (somewhat) Crazy Dream Adventures)
      Flying to the moon and battling MadMonkey (DEILD)


      I was waking up from a dream and realized it was a dream. I held still and went straight into SP. I stood up from my bed and plugged my nose. I could breathe. I wasn't sure if I was in my bedroom, in the room I've been for the past 2 weeks, or in the bedroom from the previous dream as it was really dark. I sat on the ground and rubbed my hands. The dream felt stable but it was still dark. Instead of shouting, I just calmly said "Clarity" and the bedroom lit up. I opened the door, I was in the house I was in the last dream. It was an unfamiliar house but it felt peaceful. It was a luxurious house with marble floor. I was on the second level and it was some kind of indoor balcony. I thought of what I should do. Given that I haven't scored many points for my team.

      I looked up and jumped towards the ceiling. I kept my eyes open and flew straight through the ceiling. I looked down and the ceiling was intact. I looked towards the sky. It was a full moon. I started flying as fast as I could. The moon wa bigger and bigger. I stopped and looked down. I was already outside of Earth. I kept flying and landed on the moon. It felt desolate. I was going to move on to my Three-Step Tasks but then I heard something behind me. "I can't let you do that" said a voice. I turned around, it was Madmonkey. He was in his monkey form. "Good to see you here" I said, with a grin in my face. "Haha you'd wish I wasn't here, not tonight" he said mocking me. "Ready to fight?" I asked. "Always ready" he said.

      "Pikachu I choose you!!" I shouted. A pikachu leaped over me and took a fighting stance. MadMonkey shouted "Lapras, I choose you!" and threw a pokeball. Lapras came out, it was huge. We were in a crater and I thought it was silly to use a water-type pokemon, specially since there's no water in the moon. Suddely the crater started filling up with water. We were ankle deep thereas lapras was in the deepest part. I Shouted "Pikachu, Thunderbolt!" but he didn't move. I did some quick thinking, looked at my hands, and spawned a PS4 Controller. With it I started controlling Pikachu. I jumped in the air and sent a thunderbolt towards Lapras. The shock hurt us all and the dream destabilized. I rubbed my hands and sat on the ground. My vision came back.

      I was still in the moon but MadMonkey was gone. My brother was with me and I explained to him what was happening. I Told him about the tournament and how I needed to score points. I told him I needed to move something big with telekinesis but there wasn't anything in the moon, and asked him if he had any suggestions. He didn't say anything, but simply lifted his arm and pointed towards the sky, at the Earth. I smiled at the thought of how helpful he always is, not just IRL but now in LDs as well. I lifted my hands and put Earth between them. I fouced on Earth and moved my hands towards the Sun, I sent Earth flying into the Sun; I felt slightly guilty because I technically just killed all life on Dream Earth. I started talking to my brother and the dream faded.
    4. Pokemon Game Thing

      by , 10-16-2015 at 04:36 PM (Dimension X)
      I feel like this deserves its own entry. I had this one last night, the same as the "Pizza Supermarket" dream. While in this dream, I felt like I was on the brink of lucidity once more, but it just didn't connect.

      I was playing a Pokemon game on my 3DS. Only it was very strange... It didn't seem like it had the normal bird's eye view, but rather a common third person character view. I was turning a corner on a dirt road, heading to a small desert. There were boulders in the sand, and when I went up to them, they shook a little. I continued on the path and made it into the desert. It wasn't long before I triggered a random encounter, and a horde encounter no less. I was facing 5 Pokemon that were bull-like. They looked like Tauros, but in a way, they weren't. It was just like a horde battle, except I was using 5 of my Pokemon when in the games, you only use one when facing hordes. I remember my shiny Klefki and Umbreon were 2 of my 5. I currently have them both in my team right now, so maybe the others were supposed to be the rest of my team... Anyway, I thought everything was good, but then I realized every single enemy Pokemon was level 64. Oh God. I thought I was doomed, but then I looked down at my own, and they were around the same level. One was level 70, another was 60-something, another 64, Umbreon was 40, and Klefki was 64. Umbreon is the lowest level in my team right now... Maybe there's some accuracy in this dream? When I was reading the levels, I felt the 3DS in my hands, and that's when I felt like I was going to turn lucid the most.

      For me at least, lucidity seems to be nearly triggered by holding/touching objects.
    5. Zelda Crossovers with Everything

      by , 08-29-2012 at 03:17 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I was playing Spirit Tracks. It was at the part where Link and Zelda play the sacred duet before the final battle. Afterwards, instead of going onto the final battle, I was taken to a map screen (not the rail map). I had to choose one of three places - stay and fight Malladus, go to some place I can't remember now, or go to some strange tower (not the Tower of Spirits). I selected the tower.

      When I entered the tower, it turned into a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon-esque game, though battles worked the same way as in the main series games (judging by the graphics, I'd say G/S/C). I can't remember what my main Pokemon was, but I ended up entering a battle with 1 HP left. I was afraid I might have to switch out to Zubat, which I really didn't want to, as I only used Zubat as an HM slave (I suppose I was on a one-Pokemon challenge).

      Just as the other Pokemon had started to attack, I yelled out, "Stop!", pausing the battle. I searched desperately for any healing items I may have. Nothing. I reluctantly allowed the battle to continue. The wild Pokemon finished its attack, causing mine to lose its remaining hit point. However, it wasn't defeated, despite its remaining HP being displayed as "nil". It also gained a new move in the top slot (overwriting whatever was already there, I guess). I can't remember what the move was called, but it was a special move, only usable by Pokemon with no HP remaining (kind of like how Struggle can only be used by Pokemon with no PP on any move). I used this new move to restore more HP.

      After the battle, I found myself in Vermillion City (you know, I think this may have been Pokemon Blue - there was little variation in colour, save for a bluish tint on everything now, and it had 8-bit graphics, of course). My Pokemon forgot its new move, which was replaced by Clamp.

      Some point soon after, I woke up. I looked at the time - it was already 11:00! I got up, and, in the living room, I found a book that read "Oracle of Ages" on the side. I picked it up and looked at the cover. It appeared to be some crossover between The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages and... Star Wars. I decided that was ridiculous and not worth reading.

      I woke up again and looked at the clock. It was actually almost 7 AM.

      I went back to sleep and had another dream in which I was in the car, thinking about another Zelda game - Minish Cap this time. This one happened to be a crossover with Vocaloid. I was trying to remember who I'd decided to play as (since I'd only borrowed the game, so I don't still have it). I had a feeling I'd picked Len, but then I thought I may have chosen Rin instead. I knew I'd picked one of the Kagamine twins.

      Soon, we arrived at home. Inside, I saw my cat, Princess, sitting happily inside a large cardboard box (she loved boxes). I remembered that Princess died last fall and, realizing that it couldn't be her, asked my mom where this cat had come from. She told me she'd taken it in; it was a stray she'd found on our porch.

      Next thing I knew, there were now two of these cats. At first, I thought that Princess had come to see the new cat, but, like before, I remembered that it couldn't be her because she was dead. Again, I asked my mom where the second cat had come from. Before she answered, I decided it would be a good idea to do a reality check, given the strangeness of the situation, but I woke up before I could.