Graphic warning I was at the grass field of my old primary school with my friends, hanging around and observing the sky. We all appeared to be students again, either at our own age or as teenagers, but we we having a break outside.There were more people outside as well as teachers supervising. My friends and I observe the planes in the sky when I notice one plane in particular moving around oddly in the sky as if it was a stunt plane of some sort, except it was a legitimate airplane of which the captain seemed have to lost control over the yoke. The plane then seems to curve to the right and fly closely over the grass field before flipping forwards into the forest into the distance, crashing and leaving an enormous explosion coming out of the trees in the distance! This causes everyone, including my friends and I, to run away as far as possible while screaming, seeking shelter in the building as we fear getting hit by debris and airplane parts. This all went by so fast that I didn't even have a moment to grasp what was going on. Things finally cool down and we are going outside. A teacher is speaking to the students to calm them down. For some reason my journals, stored in a fancy looking folder, were lying on the table as if I foreshadowed something scary in my notes. However, the teacher does not address this, or me. While this was taking place, I wonder where my phone is. I walk into the classroom and notice my phone in the closet, charging. I check my phone and discover that, to my surprise, I had filmed the entire plane crash and accidentally posted it to Snapchat. I check the story and it has over 400 views, my first thought was if some news reporter has come across my footage and used it for the news. I try checking my WhatsApp or anything for messages, but there's no signal. The interface of my WhatsApp is the 2000s / early 2010s Mac OS X Aqua style and there's even an option to change how much "water" the scrollbars can contain. A middle-aged grumpy looking Dutch woman messes around with these settings in the metro asking "Well, who wants some more water?" to which a dog jumps up and excitedly walks up to her. I then get home, my mom and a friend of her who owns a big dog looking like Scooby Doo for some reason are watching the news about the the crash featuring a clip of the crash in slow motion as seen from the city. The shockwave causes a climbing frame from the McDonald's to fall over with people still hanging on it to lie underneath it. To my relief the people survived that fall as they're showing crawling out of the climbing frame. We then go to a spa where the big dog from my mom's friend gets a comically cartoonesque massage. At this point it finally hit me that I was dreaming and woke up automatically. Dream was in Dutch.
I snoozed several times as I set my alarm hours before work started. I sit on my train to class, and a bunch of girls sit with me, giggling. I skip class and end up going to the Bahamas instead, I meet an American internet friend whom I share memes with every day as well as my friend from the Bahamas. We have a deep amd personal conversation together with a lot of laughs. we have our our photo taken together, but the guy we ask to take a pic of us Snapchats himself instead. A photographer then takes a poor quality pic of us. I then go home. My mom asks where I goes because my teacher from 3rd grade said I apparently went to "Monaco" that day, I laugh as I knew she'd say something like that, giving a speech about how I'm misunderstood by the people while cycling home, but she's too far away to hear me and stopped listening as she came across a friend and had a long conversation with them instead. My imaginary friend Elise makes a cameo and takes a photo of me as a robot part, saying "You're my little screwdriver, aren't you?" while winking at me before I wake up.
I am outside and walking through a neighborhood with a few others. It seems like we’re doing something for a school assignment. We’re looking for a certain house and come up on one that I think is right because it looks familiar. The house is white with a light blue trim. It’s slightly downhill from the street and is placed horizontally on the lot. The garage is open, revealing all of the stuff inside that looks familiar. The number is something like 150105. I look on the map on my phone, and it shows us about halfway down this street. Looking to the left, I see that the street starts to incline somewhat significantly, telling them I don’t remember going uphill. I tell them I can also search Canvas to see if it’s the right one. I do so and don’t think I find anything. We end up deciding that it’s the right house. We go inside, and it’s kind of empty and dim. The others take an open riser staircase to the second floor. I stay back and then walk back to the front door. The owner has arrived - it’s David from Discology and his son. They’re walking up and I meet them at the glass sliding door. I don’t think much is said, and I guess he doesn’t find it weird that I’m in his house. I say something about the others, and I think he goes to look for them, using a flashlight. I think it is somewhat intense. I’m at work and going on a break. I need to use the bathroom, and we have to use Sani Huts. they are scattered all around this parking lot, and I head for a line of them up against a fence. There is a handicapped one, which I take because it is larger, because it is not busy out here, and because there are more in case someone needs it. I am relieved when I step in and find it clean and without much of a scent. I use some toilet paper to put the seat down. I think I am just sitting on top of the seat now, and I notice a window in here. Through it, I see a bed, upon which sit several people. I notice two girls, a couple, what look very similar if not almost the same. They are reclined, tan, and naked from the waist up. Currently, each has her arms above her head, which gently lifts her breasts and perky nipples. They begin taking off each other’s underwear and kissing, so I take out my phone and start taking a video on Snapchat. I can’t believe I can see this from here and no one can see in. I briefly contemplate its potential. I end up in another Sani Hut now, and it has the same kind of window. This one seems to be at the end of a dirt road or parking lot. To the left is an old station wagon with an open back. There are one or two women and some kids (maybe on a sports team?) approaching it - it must be theirs. One of the women, Asian?, is wearing a Grateful Dead shirt I’ve never seen before. It’s black and is tasteful; it also looks like it could be homemade. I think it’s cool that she’s into them, I think because it’s a change from the typical white male. They all start getting into the back of the car, which has blankets and I think string lights. They start playing music and smoking weed out of a lightbulb. One guy, Asian, takes a quick but large hit. I know that I don’t smoke, but they seem to be having a great time, which is fine by me. Now, I’m walking out to the Sani Huts again. It is raining fairly hard, which I barely feel. I’m walking over the rocks in a median and notice it pooling up here as well as along the sides of the road.