Fragment: I am inside a certain (named) church with some family, looking at some old coloured maps of it. The interior reminds me of a regency building from a period drama, the walls are freshly painted white and I can see in the corner of my eye an antique-style sofa with green upholstery. The exterior is like a Greek temple with columns (the front at least) - which actually looks a lot like said church in real life. Which is surprising since I have never been there. I look back at my sister and it seems we are both wearing regency dresses. Looking out from the entrance at the side of the porch, the church is surrounded by green fields as far as the eye can see. They look like they've never been weeded or mown, the grass is growing up tall and I see many clovers popping up amid the grass. The field is dewy and a light mist obscures the view further out. The weather is fresh and chill, and we are leaving. Maybe this is because I watched Sense and Sensibility recently? Dream (this is also quite vague and fragmented): I am inside the school common room. The space feels much more enclosed and cosy than it is in real life. It feels warm and welcoming. I am sitting working on something when I get up and go outside. Outside the school is a wide grassy field, much like the one described above - except there are trees here, too. There is a high wooden table standing on the grass where two of my friends sit on tall chairs. One is a real friend of mine but the other I don't know - a dark-skinned boy with dark straight hair. They are talking over (I think) her current sewing project, and I mention that I do some sewing, too. We show each other some photos of our work and talk for a while longer. After some time I begin to feel like I'm being called - there's somewhere else I need to be. Then I remember - I've got to go now. I take my phone and rush away from my friends but leave my bag behind on my seat. Next thing I remember, I'm boarding a plane, though I only remember seeing it from the inside. The plane is very long. The low light level compounded with the grey-black carpet, upholstery and even walls make the interior extremely dim. I hurry past rows of seats (all facing to the front of the plane) until I reach in the middle of the plane two rows of fold-up seats facing one another. All the rows behind are also facing the front of the plane - only these two are strange. A music teacher is standing in the aisle telling some other students where to sit. She mentions my stranger friend (who is not with me) and says there is room for him, too, pointing to where I am standing in the backwards row. Then she tells me to sit down. I hurriedly fold down the seat nearest the aisle and sit, clutching the edges of the seat for balance - since there are neither armrests nor seatbelt. I feel uneasy. My friend hasn't arrived yet and the plane is about to take off. Then a real-life memory comes through: I remember that my phone has only 30%, it won't last long and I've forgotten my bag and portable charger. Frantically I tell the teacher about my bag, but she turns away and ignores me. I jump up and am about to turn and run out of the plane to get my things. But... I glance to the side and am shocked to see trees rushing past the window, blurred. The plane is already racing through the field and I didn't feel a thing. It tilts up, about to take off. Went to bed at 11:14 PM; began lucid attempt at 11:37 PM. Lucid FAILED and woke at 6:20 AM.
Graphic warning I was at the grass field of my old primary school with my friends, hanging around and observing the sky. We all appeared to be students again, either at our own age or as teenagers, but we we having a break outside.There were more people outside as well as teachers supervising. My friends and I observe the planes in the sky when I notice one plane in particular moving around oddly in the sky as if it was a stunt plane of some sort, except it was a legitimate airplane of which the captain seemed have to lost control over the yoke. The plane then seems to curve to the right and fly closely over the grass field before flipping forwards into the forest into the distance, crashing and leaving an enormous explosion coming out of the trees in the distance! This causes everyone, including my friends and I, to run away as far as possible while screaming, seeking shelter in the building as we fear getting hit by debris and airplane parts. This all went by so fast that I didn't even have a moment to grasp what was going on. Things finally cool down and we are going outside. A teacher is speaking to the students to calm them down. For some reason my journals, stored in a fancy looking folder, were lying on the table as if I foreshadowed something scary in my notes. However, the teacher does not address this, or me. While this was taking place, I wonder where my phone is. I walk into the classroom and notice my phone in the closet, charging. I check my phone and discover that, to my surprise, I had filmed the entire plane crash and accidentally posted it to Snapchat. I check the story and it has over 400 views, my first thought was if some news reporter has come across my footage and used it for the news. I try checking my WhatsApp or anything for messages, but there's no signal. The interface of my WhatsApp is the 2000s / early 2010s Mac OS X Aqua style and there's even an option to change how much "water" the scrollbars can contain. A middle-aged grumpy looking Dutch woman messes around with these settings in the metro asking "Well, who wants some more water?" to which a dog jumps up and excitedly walks up to her. I then get home, my mom and a friend of her who owns a big dog looking like Scooby Doo for some reason are watching the news about the the crash featuring a clip of the crash in slow motion as seen from the city. The shockwave causes a climbing frame from the McDonald's to fall over with people still hanging on it to lie underneath it. To my relief the people survived that fall as they're showing crawling out of the climbing frame. We then go to a spa where the big dog from my mom's friend gets a comically cartoonesque massage. At this point it finally hit me that I was dreaming and woke up automatically. Dream was in Dutch.
For a reason I've forgotten, I'm being held hostage by someone I know's cousin or brother. Him, a few other people and I are in what I assume is his house out in the bush in the middle of nowhere. I'm sitting with my arms tied in a room with glass walls, and I'm watching the sunlight filter in before I suddenly hear shouting. Then, as if the place were being raided, smoke begins to fill the hallway outside of the glass room I'm in, and I watch as people are running past. Realising this may be my only chance at escape, I get up and try to find an exit from the doorway of the glass room. I see a man run past me into another room, and then out a backdoor, before seeing the man who kidnapped me emerge from his room. I'm not sticking around to get captured again, so I dart out the backdoor onto a porch, looking around to see only forest surrounding me. I run around to the front of the house where I find a dirt road cutting through the forest, and I start running down it. Behind me, I hear the kidnapper getting in his car to chase me. I run down that road like I've never ran before in my life, (which is a little unusual as in dreams running is normally very hard to do). My hands are still tied behind my back, but I'm booking it. It feels so real, like I'm actually running for my life. Every time I feel so tired that I might cough up my lungs from the exhaustion, I push myself to keep running, not waiting to hear the engine of the man's car behind me. Everywhere I look, I see trees and more trees, until I finally come across a clearing with a very small, airport like facility. As I start admiring my first look at civilisation in what must have been a very long time, the man pulls up behind me and grabs me, dragging me down a hill towards the airport. The place is completely empty, not another human in sight, except for a young woman who I recognise as this man's sister. When he spots her, he lets me go, going up to argue with his sister out the front of this makeshift airport. As soon as I'm released, I begin looking for an escape. About 100 metres from where I'm standing, I see a small plane parked with a pilot climbing in it. I assume he's about to take off, so as the man continues to argue, I start running once again. The man notices and starts chasing after me, but I reach the plane before he can catch up. As the plane takes off, I wake up. I should mention this is not the first dream I've had about being kidnapped this year, which is slightly worrying...
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP With mom inside some big building with a glass façade. Looks like an airport in the 50s or 60s, but I think we are waiting for some doctor appointment. A noisy fighter jet flies over the building, narrowly missing it. It's clearly not from our country. Then we see lots of smoke and everybody wonders if it crashed nearby. Then an helicopter lands right outside and some military come out of it. People rush out to ask stuff, but they are elusive. Rumors spread that the jet was russian. Nobody knows if the pilot died or was caught. The military then tell people to go home and that war was declared. I guess they mean WW3 is official. We go inside the waiting room, because we wanna know more and there are 3 tvs, so we expect to see something in the news. Some idiot distract us all with a silly stunt in the lobby, climbing on top of the staircase rails and threathening to jump like 2 floors. Security guards come from all directions to grab him and people applaud, but he gives up and jumps to safety. In the waiting room again, some black lady instructs me to put on channel 95 where supposedly is CNN. I try, but the channel doesn't match with what she says. I finally find it and one reporter is clearly in distress while another is in sheer terror, sweating profusely. They say the news is absolutely shockcing and scary. And end of the world scenario. But then it has nothing to do with WW3. Instead they mention some earthquake swarm and volcanos erupting in Brazil and that due to the tectonic plate movements, all the energy from the movements there is expected to be transmitted and affect the whole of Europe. They show a map with volcanos popping up all throughout Central Europe and fires everywhere. They say it is unpredictable where it will hit, but Switzerland will be the worst hit. My mom asks me if it is dangerous to us. I say we can't be sure, since it is likely that a huge quake hits Lisbon and the Tagus faultline. I tell her from now on we need to be alert at all times, study our surroundings and check if there are any safer places around us if we are hit by a quake. Then we are at a very old café in an old town and I see cracks all over the walls. I tell her it isn't safe to stay here, so we go outside as soon as we can and tell her to also look for open spaces outside. Then I recall I need to go back inside and pay for our drinks. Meanwhile she is looking at a street market and she is really interested in something, but I tell her not to go there until I come back. Watching some story like a movie. A lady who is dying with a terminal cancer wants to sing one last time to an audience, so she goes see her former agent, accompanied by her lover. Her agent had stopped working with her because she meant troubles and his company was going through financial difficulties. Her lover advocates for her. Makes some promise to bring lots of people for some jazz nights at his derelict building, if he allows her to sing. He agrees. Then I am her and I am leaving the place. I am walking the streets of Lisbon and doing some artistic performance as I walk. I stamp red flowers on my skirt and also on walls and roads for some reason. The kids enjoy and are curious, but the adults not so much. Some woman makes a comment that I am vandalized a house. I don't care. I am on my way to the botanical garden, but I am a bit lost. I look for the closest metro station to check where I am and maybe take a ride. I find one, but not sure how to gro from here to the garden, so I check a map on my phone. At least I know now where I am. On my way there, I meet an older guy, a very tall slender guy, and for some reason we start talking about miracles and odd stuff. He asks me about my beliefs and I try to explain I don't believe as much as I accept possibilities. I explain my view on how we interpret the outliers of reality and we call it paranormal when they are just outliers within the curve of possibilities of reality. Then tell him about how my brain could not recognize the sounds of foxes the first time I heard it on a camping trip and therefore my brain filled in the blanks and made it sound like dolphins. Therefore hearing dolphins around me on a mountain could only be supernatural, but turns out it was my perception which wasn't equiped to see the natural phenomena for what it was. He agrees and tells me a story of how he was blind for many many years and for no apparent reason one day symply regained his sight and everyone considered it a miracle. He believes it was a natural recovery of his organism, which appears as a miracle because it is a rare event. We get out of the subway and we continue walking towards the garden.
I’m at work and going into the breakroom. John is here with a plate of food - chips and something else. I start making a plate as well. There are some chicken nuggets set out and a tray of what feels like leftover french fries. There are only several chicken nuggets, and I only leave one or two. In the process of making my plate, things on it seem to disappear, so I have to do it again. A couple others now show up, some of which are unfamiliar. They are a couple of women that seem to be visiting for work. One of them tells the employees that they’ll be needing the breakroom, that they can’t eat outside or they’ll be fired. I glibly say it’s fine when I really think it’s ridiculous. I put BBQ sauce and a sour cream dip on my plate and walk outside. It immediately looks like I’ve walked into a backyard with a large lawn. I see most everyone else is sitting in the sun; I veer right into the shade. There are some camp chairs set up with a dog lying under one. I go pet the dog. He accepts it but also nips at me, though not in an unfriendly way. In the chair, Jessica is now to my right and Dad in the chair to her right. We are watching a lightning show on the horizon behind the house. There is some sheet lightning and bolts that aren’t all that close. I notice Jessica’s hand naturally resting between her legs and subtly fidgeting with the seam of her jeans. I initially take it as sexual, though it could just be itching. She also quickly adjusts her bra; I see the cup move beneath the shirt. I glance over to read her shirt and I’m not sure if she takes it as me checking out her chest. I think about explaining myself but don’t. Now, a plane flies fairly close overhead. Another appears and drops two projectiles. They fall for a moment and then start flying this way. They pass overhead, continue on, then explode on the far horizon. In my mind, the far horizon is somewhere like the East Coast, and it’s crazy that I can see it from here. I’m outside somewhere with Melissa. We’re on some road and approaching a long and steeply inclined overpass. Everyone (I think in cars) slows and stops. Apparently it is closed off suddenly. A man down here is trying to explain the situation to us. I become very angry with him, shouting ‘who are you to tell us what to do with our animals?!’ I guess the scenario has something to do with animals - horses? I end up hitting the man several times but he never reacts.
comment lucid dream The postman woke me up. Back in bed, I remembered that I wanted to try lucid dreaming subliminal music. After a while, I was quite uncomfortable being on my back, so I found a position on my side that was compatible with headphones. But it still didn't suit me - I'd probably fall asleep, but it bothered me how my entire headspace was taken up by the music, even though I had it on minimum volume. I checked the time - half an hour had passed. I tried to fall asleep normally - changed position a few times. There were some visualizations - I imagined moving along a path and subconscious added the scenery around. It was quite nice, the landscapes were detailed, but it wasn't immersive and it wasn't going anywhere. I was on my left side and very close to falling asleep and felt very light vibrations. I remembered that I wanted to be more aggressive during WILD and get up right after the vibrations. So, without a single thought of my real body, I tried to get up and sit on the edge of the bed. And it worked. It had a real feel, but it was surprisingly easy, no duvet putting up resistance or anything like that. I did a nose-plug RC and could breathe. But at the same time it was unstable and I couldn't see anything. As I continued to get up, my head got dizzy, and when I tried to open my eyes, I saw my bedroom for a moment, the "dream filter" was on but it was confusing, and it felt like I was opening my real eyes out of the corner of my eye (probably an illusion), so I closed them again. And everything was shaky. I grabbed the curtain and used it for support and to stabilize - it was very fine, almost silky, not like IRL. I'm standing upright now, but still with my eyes closed. I walk carefully around the bed - I don't want to kill myself on the pile of clothes lying there. But in the dream, there's hardly anything there. Things are more stable, so I want to open my eyes, but I realize I'm starting to see, and instead of opening my eyes I blink and everything starts to become clearer. It's still confusing though and doesn't feel much like a dream. I leave the bedroom, hoping it will give me more stability and mental clarity. I go to the cat room. The furniture there is similar to real life, but it's tidier, and my cat is sleeping on the couch at the end of the room. She looks normal. When she sees me, she starts to stretch. I decide not to go any closer because I'm worried I might step on the real cat IRL (forgetting that my real body is in bed). As I leave, I hear a grunting sound, like something is bothering her, but it's a dream and I decide to ignore it and close the door. I'm going to the living room. It looks like it should - I guess - I don't look around too much and stay by the door. I still find it hard to believe that it's a dream, everything is so realistic as if I'm really there and I think how it doesn't compare at all with the visualizations. I do a nose-plug RC and take three breaths just to be sure, and I can breathe without a problem. I feel really weird because I haven't needed in-dream RC in months, but the dream feeling is so subtle that I can't wrap my head around that. I decide to try Tiktaalik's "focusing on the spine" RC. Spoiler for Result - don't read if you want to try it too: Nothing happens. I don't know what to expect, but everything seems normal (within the limits of my dream body - but with my level of lucidity I probably wouldn't notice any subtle dream body - real body difference). For some reason, I realize I'm naked, but I don't think it's RC related. I decide to go outside. I'm still aware that I'm naked, but it's a dream, so what. When I go outside, it's a strange feeling, being naked outside, but I don't see any neighbours. The street looks roughly like my street, but I don't examine the details. I want to try flying like an airplane (as I've imagined and incubated). I run down the street and call out in turn "Airspeed alive", "V1", "and rotate" and jump into the air with my arms spread wide. It doesn't work, I don't climb, I fall flat on the pavement, but I don't feel anything. I decide to try again, but this time I swap the lines, start with V1, but then correct myself and say them in the correct order and jump into the air again. I'm on a street corner somewhere and there are 3 guys, they look British and have Peaky Blinders haircuts. As I'm trying to take off, I jump on one of their backs (still naked). He doesn't look unhappy. I say "hey, handsome". He gets me off his back and takes me in his arms. He opens a door that apparently leads to a pub and puts me on a table. I'm not sure if he wants to hand me over to their care/get rid of me, or if he wants to share me. I start to feel myself waking up. Notes: - I am fairly confident this was a WILD, even though I was just barely aware when I felt the vibrations. I don't think I dreamt that, although it's hard to be 100% sure. Anyway, the continuity of going from being in the bed, trying to sleep, and then standing in my bedroom, lucid dreaming, was a total mindfuck. - I want to give that "flying like a plane" another try someday, maybe really focusing on the sensation of taking off and imagining it, rather than just saying the words. I have enough real-life flying experience to make it work. - I don't know why I steered it towards possibly sexual content, even though it wakes me up.
Arriving at a restaurant, I meet Brooke at a booth. The restaurant seems opulent and large, but almost like it’s inside something else, such as a shopping mall. I’m pretty sure Melissa is coming too. The waitress, cousin Renee, comes over quickly for our order. I think I tell her we need some time. Her interactions are hurried. Looking over the somewhat short menu, I decide on the ‘women’s dinner.’ I don’t care what it’s called - it comes with a few things that sound good. I also look over the drink menu - mostly frilly cocktails. When she comes back, we order. I think about asking if there might be a good beer that’s not on the menu, but decide against it, thinking it kind of desperate. I am in what seems like a highschool, showing up late to a class. Looking through the closed door, I see almost every seat (~20+) occupied. The teacher must notice me, as she tells me to come in. There is a project that’s due and is being presented today. Mine is a picture or sculpture of a dolphin? with drawn white lines on/below it. (*This reminds me of the painted dolphin sculpture I made and had as a kid.) With a lurch of the stomach I realize that I’m missing a large portion of what I need. I think these things are different line weights and an explanation of the typeset (*This is now reminding me of Dance, Dance, Dance and the Dolphin Hotel). I think that gets communicated to her, and she gives me time to do it. *Typing this a few days later, I’m remembering that sculpture as a whale, not a dolphin. I am in a plane that has just begun its descent into Reno. I notice that we are very close to the ground already; specifically, it looks like we’re above the riverwalk. Quickly, I begin to think we’re far too low for not being anywhere near the runway. This sentiment is apparently shared with the pilot, as, with an ominous mechanical groan, the plane slows and seems to try to begin reversing. At this point it is all but futile. The plane almost comically collides with a ballard and begins spinning. The pilot works to correct the spin, and we then land not too abrasively on the large sidewalk. The ride was enough to set me a little on edge but not enough to terrify me, seeing how close to the ground we already were. At one point, I saw peoples’ shocked expressions as they watched from behind the curtain wall of a taller building. After the plane has settled, we unbuckle and disembark as if this is not too uncommon.
Oh man, this was an interesting one. I dreamed that my family and I got free plane tickets, but the caveat was that it was a "social engineering flight" -- so, the flight crew was essentially going to try and manipulate us to do or buy stuff the whole time. I vaguely remember them using a little girl to cry and try to bribe us to buy something. I'm taking a cybersecurity course right now, so that's probably why I dreamed about this, lol. I don't remember too much about the visuals. It was a smaller plane, but I do not think we were the only passengers on board, and there was certainly an attendant crew. The main colors I remember are blue and gray. If we can learn one thing from this odd dream: if something's too good to be true, it probably is.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP With dad and uncles, near their hometown, looking for a place to lunch. They tell me there is a place where they have vegan empanadas, but on arrival the restaurant employees try to convince me to eat fish and they have nothing remotely vegan, so I am upset. We all hear a big noise of planes in the sky, something beyond normal, so we all go outside to the town square and look up to the sky. It's cloudy and we can't see anything. Almost feels like we're at war and we will be bombed. I honestly start feeling afraid. Then one plane comes down through the clouds and starts making strange maneuvers at very low altitude. Actually it looks more like a UFO, not like any plane we know. It's triangular, but not solid, more like a tube structure with two cylindrical deposits on each side and a kind of spear in the front. It hovers over the square and seems like it is scanning us. Then makes loops and plunges into the middle of the people, almost killing some with the spear in the front. We are starting to think this thing is trying to kill us. I am like in Brussels, but not the actual city I know, more like a conceptual version of it. My mom is visiting me. She is upset, because she saw a puppy in danger in the middle of a road nearby but could do nothing to help him. We get on a bus and we pass by a roundabout close to that location and we see the puppy innocently playing in the middle of the traffic. Then I spot two other puppies on another street and then more dogs. Seems there are a bunch of stray dogs around here. Something I had never seen in Brussels before. There is nothing we can do with so many dogs. I then go stay at some guest house. My mom is not with me anymore. The place is really posh and all guests are highly educated civilized people. I feel a bit awkward among them, but all the people are nice to me and I make good friends there. Then some lady in a white suit, played by Kate McKinnon, comes by one day and gathers some of us. I learn that some of my friends have extraordinary powers and she is coming to ask them to join forces, Avengers-style. I am also being called in. I am ok with that, but she wants us to leave immediately, and has a van outside waiting for us. I claim that I still have to pack my things and need time. She says there is no need for that, snaps her fingers and a servant comes with a small trolley with stuff for me. I claim that's not even 1/10 of my stuff. She says it is sufficient. I argue I won't leave without my stuff, at least I need to take more than a couple clothing options and a few more shoes, if we're going on missions around the world. Also, I need my gadgets and all my personal irreplaceable items. So they allow me to go pack, if I am fast, but then I take ages.... I find a bunch of food rotting in a lunchbox I forgot about, lots of half consumed chocolate bars. I take it all to the kitchen and start throwing things away. Then a couple of my friends who don't know I am leaving, invite me to some things and I have to decline and explain why. I offer them the chocolates. And then I think "it's been a lot of time and I still haven't packed a single clothes, the others must be gone by now".
I’m going to be flying to London? At the last minute they switch my flight from one that stops somewhere to one that goes straight to London. I’m not sure I’m thrilled about this. I’m now on the plane which is about to take off. I’m in the bathroom which is a line of a few stalls. I think I’m in one of the end ones, and I can tell there are people in the others (with a momentary birds eye point of view?). Just as soon as it feels we’ve taken off, the plane stalls and bumps around turbulently. The turbulence worsens until we are completely upside down. Somehow none of us in these stalls fall from our position and even more incredibly the water in the toilet doesn’t even move. For a moment I’m seeing the faces of everyone in their seats; they seem to be fairly unaffected and even laughing it off.
22nd November 2020 Dream: I was sitting at a desk and there was a piece of paper; it was blank or had something recently drawn on it. I wanted to practice doing buildings and started off with a very simple rectangular one. I wasn't being able to keep the lines steady in any direction, which annoyed me. Then, next to this building, I started drawing another building starting with a sloping roof and then drawing in some windows but then quite soon I was drawing these small cross sections in parts of this building and these sections started draw themselves full of complete scenes of what the rooms were like. I kept drawing cross section bits and adding in small details and finding details adding themselves to the drawing. As I kept my focus on drawing, perceptually, it started to feel like I kept getting closer and closer to the paper. Very gradually and seamlessly, I entered one of these scenes but I could somehow still see things sort of in cross section, like in a 2.5D platformer game or something. I remember a few characters, there was an elephant lady on a bed in a room above or adjacent to the main view/focus; she had some lights on but it was otherwise dark in her room and she was sliding the end of her trunk on a grating to a ventilation shaft; this made noise that scared another character in a different room and I think that character became angry out of embarrassment or something. Later on, some bit where there was a nurse character, whose details I don't remember so well. I knocked her on the head with something massive and she went down (through the floor or over a mezzanine?) and something broke her fall, I think maybe me. I remember telling her "you idiot, this is my dream!". In the dream this was meant as some sort of explanation to the confusion she displayed when she realised she was fine after the hit and the fall. Nearby up some steps on a flat tier was a giant cobra, but in the dream I thought it was an adder, for some reason. Fragment: An earlier dream focused on NCIS, but which I don't care enough to make full note of the details. The dream focused on McGee and he was flying a small private jet and then someone is with him passes him a phone, with Gibbs on the line. In the dream it was like in the actual show, in terms of witticisms, humour and timings. McGee was more self-aware as a character than any other and questioned how could it be possible that Ducky and Gibbs were already at the scene in this other country he'd now be landing in at. Notes: - In the first dream, the whole thing reminded me a bit of the type of crazy and silly drawings in "finding Wally". I went through a few of those books quite often when I was younger. I don't know where those books are or if they were thrown away. - A lot of detail was missing from my recall but the from the moment the scenes started being filled in as I drew cross sections and windows, there was a huge amount of ornamental detailing to the scenes that made them feel overly complete. - I haven't seen a snake in my dreams for a while and I don't think I'd ever had an elephant in a dream before (hm, which also has a "snake" on its face?). - There was some kind of dark and red-ish lighting to the room/area the giant cobra was in. - The nurse did elicit some type of pre-lucid awareness, especially considering my remark to her confusion. - I slept quite poorly. My neck and lower teeth were aching as I wrote my notes and afterwards.
It was night time, I was in a neighborhood, it might've started at my old house in KC but I was walking down the sidewalk and looked left to see a very small house with a small porch, Anna n was sitting parallel to the sidewalk and I thought Liz was sitting with her back facing me. They both came down and I gave Anna a hug, then went to hug Liz. She embraced me and hugged me close, I kissed her but when she pulled away from me it was not her but Celia who looked very shocked. I was shocked too, I started apologizing saying I thought it was Liz and Anna started laughing and I felt that she was trying to sabotage me. I freak out because I'm trying to explain the situation and I'm trying to find Liz. I end up at what I assume is Liz's house which is a big house in another neighborhood, I really can't recognize this house and I'm not sure where it is IRL. But I'm inside looking for her, I open up a door to find pizza boxes with Domino's pizza in it spread out in a room. I see Nate on a bean bag chair and Liz on a couch, I say "hey you guys" or something like that, I then ask Liz to talk alone. We go up to the attic and I start explaining what happened but there's other people in the room listening too. At some point we're outside and people are shooting on a lowered basketball hoop, Liz turns to me and says that I can still stay the night if I want because she wanted someone to sleep with, she explained she wanted something for 5 minutes so that she could go to sleep quicker. I felt really guilty and was freaking out the entire dream trying to explain it was an accident and I thought it was her that I had kissed, but logic wasn't serving me because it actually had been her when I went in for the kiss. Another dream I'm looking at what is supposed to be different Mario games, the style switches when the game switches. It looks like a 2-d world with a wheel spinning clockwise and notches inside the wheel, someone had been playing the level but falling down and dying. They tried to do a wall jump near the bottom but just missed a platform and died. I'm thinking how I could get a workout if I was inside the wheel running one way. I'm now in the wheel but it's more of a hangout spot, Kev d is there and Kyle s is there as well. Kev is talking on the phone to somebody but he's using a different name, I think it's Milton. My dad is there at some point with some other parent's I think Thomas r. parents too. I'm laughing about something and jokingly say "we drink to drink" and then I started to get nervous because I wasn't sure if the parents wanted to hear that but my dad and the other parents were laughing. My view switches to being in a plane, I'm jumping out of the back like a secret agent with a parachute. I fly through the clouds and see an expanse of light blue water. I fall straight into it and Lauren w. uses her parachute to land gently in the water. I pull my parachute in the water and it brings out an inflatable clear floating boat that we try to get into but only get a little ways in. I'm wondering if there's going to be any sharks out here. I look around to see where we're going and I see shorelines with tropical trees on two of our sides. We start paddling towards a direction and see a giant whale shark fly out of the water and back in, I point and say "woah a whale shark." We start to go under these overhangs of rock and now I'm sliding through a tunnel with a smooth rock underneath me. I almost went lucid here. I realized this was a dream. I call out to Austin p "hey Austin this is a dream.... this is a dream" and he sort of acknowledges it from up ahead like "I know" but it wasn't convincing. We're now in a river of this water with cliffs on the sides of us. My family is up on this tall rock to the right of me motioning me to come up. I slide around a smooth dark green and blue rock and make my way up this tall rock. At the top is my sisters and my mom with her phone in her hands trying to take a picture of us. I'm holding onto this small tree that's at the top of the rock too, the wind is blowing me off the rock as I look down to see my feed are dangling off the rock and I'm holding on to the tree but it wasn't scary. My mom takes the pic and shows it to us, my hair is really messy and long. There's some random people up on the rock with us too.
Had a lot of dreams this past night and while recall in itself was decent on waking, didn't make note of anything at the time because I felt too tired. On a slightly different note, lately I have been continuing to try and incubate the dream about painting; but again not really had any luck with actually dreaming it yet. Last night I did try to add the visualisation of a guide-type character, such as the black lizard dream character or the researcher from a short story I wrote a little while back. I tried to visually include other characters first, such as people from waking life that might be related to painting in some way, but I ended up feeling like I wouldn't connect with them in a dream sense or that some of them would be uninteresting/cliche, which is why I ended up picking these characters from within myself. Scraps: A lot of the dreams I had were about travelling, especially by plane. There was a relatively long dream sequence that had something to do with my old high school class and going on a school trip of some kind, but also something about me being famous in some sense? In some form my high school class is related to painting, but the associative link is so deep that it goes beyond being related to just that. A lot of these dreams seemed to be more about the social aspect of life, and also about adventure in some sense.
I am in a fairly large used bookstore. The shelves are dark wood, tall, and full. The aisles are large and grid-like, but the place seems dim. It has a cluttered but homey atmosphere. I’m looking through the large ‘H’ section for Aldous Huxley. There is a couple looking at this section too; I politely step around them, but I think they are right in front of where I need to be. I think they move and I find a couple of Huxley books. I am now looking at a narrow shelf at the end of one of the aisle shelves. There are two cassettes? and their covers are two different pictures of Makayla and some guy on the beach. They are both in swimsuits and standing next to each other, arms around one another. It looks like Hawaii. I find it slightly odd that these are here and wonder why they are. There is also a haphazard stack of small, square, used notebooks. I flip through one, intrigued by going through someone else’s writing. I notice a date - 2000 or 2001. At the end, there is a picture of a hand holding a pen or pencil. (I think this may be a part of the last dream, but it also may not be). I have arrived in Hawaii. I think it is the big island and I think I may be meeting up with Jim and Rhianna. I’m walking through some foliage, toward the beach. The plants thin and give way to an expanse of sand that slowly slopes to the ocean. The sun is shining languorously on the interspersed people enjoying this space, and the whole scene is peaceful and beautiful. Now, I am on a plane back. It is very dark out, but I notice buildings that are dangerously close… until I realize that this plane is graceful landing on a wide freeway, on which I think there are still cars. It looks like the bay area.
Jamie dreams. Kept having a handful of dreams with Jamie in it. In them she kept meeting me at a motel or something. She had a very serious tone with me. Not sure what about wether it was something she was mad about me doing or she wanted to get serious? Not sure. In one of the dreams I saw a flash of words, "Message me,". Hmm, Let's see I was really stressed out messaging her in the first place and then the long weeks of waiting and not hearing from her were kind of rough... So that kind of kills the motivation for me. Is She does really read these I would like to hear from her. 100% chance I would respond back. V another dream about V from work. don't remember much just she was hanging around and smiling a lot. Video games. Was playing fortnite with a controller that was big and clunky. I opened some mail with a new controller but it was the wrong kind. Fast forward to playing the game. A girl was playing with me. It either was Asuka or Jamie. Anyway she handed me her controller and it went very smoothly. The games BTW. The TV screen would project out at you in 3D, like VR, and I would transition from holding the controller to actually being a character in the game. Plane I was hanging with some girl I seemed to know but have never seen her IRL. We were planning a trip to Texas or something. And I was saying how the air pressure in the plane was going to wreck our ears.