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    1. March 24, 2024 7:02 am

      by , 03-24-2024 at 08:24 AM
      I subscribed to a Patreon type of service from a Dutch musician I like, it came with a perk that gave me access to a wooden chair that would float up into the sky. It didn't have straps or anything, I just had to hold onto the chair as it kept floating higher. Eventually it would reach the stratosphere where I would feel the burning sensation in my body as I felt my bones freeze for a split second before the chair would turn right back down, landing as if nothing had happened.

      10/10, would subscribe again!

      As I landed, I went to a German thrift store where I apparently worked as a cashier where they still paid with cash out of a small box instead of a cash register and had to calculate the change while a large queue of people was waiting. A customer gave me €150 in cash for a €38,40 book and I had to pull out my phone calculator. I woke up before I could finish calculating.

      Cashier experience was definitely influenced by my one German speaking job in Berlin where I worked at a classical music festival as a bartender where I had more problems with calculating the change than I had with speaking German.
    2. Kids Going Crazy at a Thrift Store

      by , 01-25-2013 at 03:15 PM
      I’m at a thrift store. I’m wandering around looking at dresses. There are a lot of sleeveless dresses with cool patterns on them, and I’m thinking about trying on some of them … but then, suddenly, there are all these kids running around in the store and I guess it turns out I’m supposed to be playing some kind of game with them. So, for some reason I have to hide under a clothes rack. And I’m just lying there on the floor, and then kids keep like, leaping over me and I’m afraid I’m going to get trampled.

      Yeah, that’s all I can remember.
    3. Lucid Thrift Store + Dylan Returns

      by , 05-23-2011 at 12:55 AM (The book of mars)
      Lucid Thrift Store

      I'm in some kind of thrift store, which is a regular living room but with a rack of clothes. I see Heather's new clothes she bought for her birthday the other day (in real life) on top of the rack.

      She wouldn't donate those, I think. I am instantly lucid. The dream is difficult to connect with for whatever reason. I rub my hands together for stability but realize I have mittens on. I remove them and try again.

      I sit on the floor for a moment, thinking of what I want to do in a dream. I try to recall my goals.

      An eastern women is at a cash register and is doing a little dance. It is very simple but she acts very proud, as if it took her months to perfect it. She looks over to me and offers me acid after she's done.

      I close my eyes and she places a tab of acid on my tongue (I "know" this happened, but didn't actually feel it occur.) Suddenly my body is knocked from a sitting position to my head on the floor. I lose lucidity.

      The dream spins into a different room, a different scene:

      Dylan Returns

      I am in my ex-beloved's living room (not a replica of real life at all). It has very nice hardwood floors which I admire. We are hanging out, catching up. He offers to bring me to the ATM with him or something.

      We are in his car. I ask if he has his license and he responds that he doesn't. He goes through the ATM and we drive somewhere else.

      We are now on a beach. He is tattooing Bart Simpson onto my foot. I look at my foot a lot and think of how sketchy the lines are and if I'll regret this.

      I have a discussion with someone else on the beach of how stupid water shoes are.