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    1. An Island, A Ferry, Old Friends

      by , 07-30-2024 at 06:44 PM
      In light of recently reconnecting with an old school chum in waking life, I found myself in his presence within my dream. He was sort of guiding me along a path on some island where he lived. We came across a ferry that took us a short way across a very narrow river. On the other side, we met up with a few of his friends, some of whom I seemed to know, others I did not. I remember having packed an excessive amount of clothing, and fussing over what I would change into. I think my little sister showed up at one point as well. There was some important crux to this dream I am forgetting, but I really hope to start journaling regularly again. I need a greater sense of spiritualism and synchronicity in my waking life, and I used to obtain often those from my dream life. Here's to hopeful, consistent Dream Journaling once again.
    2. 24 Sep: Home invaders and meeting a friend at an antiques store

      by , 09-24-2022 at 09:19 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      There is some stormy weather and can't close my living room window. I keep grabbing my cats to keep them inside while I try to fix it and they seem intent on getting out. Then my house is taken over by some bad people. They want something and I keep pretending I don't know anything about it. Eventually I grab the thing they want from my office and while they are distracted elsewhere and the lights go off because of the storm, I sneak out to the kitchen and leave through the back door. Luckily my dog Hachi is quietly asleep and doesn't make a sound. I hope to get back for my animals soon, but so far I must leave. The bad guys eventually notice I escaped and turn on some floodlights outside trying to spot me. But there is someone else just arriving and getting in the way of the ligths and I take advantage and run through the fields. Much much later I encounter a group of friends and I think I am safe. Except don't seem happy to see me and proceed to hide under some tarps in some construction site. I join them there to find out what's up.

      Something about an expedition and a UFO.

      Shopping with my familty for some crazy but beautiful clothes. I literally get lost in it as my family leaves me there. I decide to check the second floor of the shop, which I never visited. First part is lingerie but then all sorts of antiques for decor. I am amazed with what I find there. Then some crazy obsessed guy is melting down because he collects something and they no longer have new items for him to buy. My first reaction is to think bad of this guy, but then I realiz he has a serious mental condition and he is not guilty of it, so I feel compassion instead. Then decide to take some pics of some items and of the shop itself. Some cute guy seems happy that I find and expose a wooden piece that was hidden under other pieces and he calls his mom to come and see it and asks my help to set it up straight. I do, but the wood starts breaking apart since it's so old. We decide to put it back. He still considers buying it to restore it, it but every time we touch it, it breaks more. Then he flirts with me and I think he wants to go on a date, but I don't. Then I encounter Sevi and she is glad to see me. Actually too glad to see me, considering she's been mad at me for years. We hug and we talk and the other dude disappears. Then she gets a bit too warm and she whispers in my ear she'd like to invite me to go with her to an hotel nearby and I immediately say no and that she got me all wrong.
    3. 18 Aug: Attending teachings and my clothes go down the drain

      by , 08-18-2022 at 07:43 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Attending my guru's teachings in some resort somewhere. The architecture of the place kinda reminds me parts of Greece or Turkey, with white buildings in rammed earth. I am taken to my dorm, which is a really bizarre very narrow room with shelves sticking out of the wall that are supposed to be sort of bunk beds, but with no stairs to climb up and no guard rails to prevent falling during sleep. Besides that, they are really high up, some are like 2 or 3 meters high and I wonder how people get up there, or how they come down if they need to pee at night. The only way is using someone else's bed as steps to go up and down.
      I then go back out to check the registration table for the event and it is a bit chaotic with people arriving and making a lot of noise. I spot my teacher arriving. I look absolutely exhausted and don't want him to see my face so I kind pull my hair to cover my face. I think he spots me anyway and he looks puzzled with my hairdo. I look like a mix of a sexy mysterious gal and a crazy lunatic lady.
      I return to my dorm to refresh and change clothing, so I take my travel bag to the bathroom with me. As I prepare to shower, I retrieve my hygiene products from my bag, but I hold it in the air over the toilet, which has no lid, and the unthinkable happens: my bag is open and all my clothes fall into the toilet. For some reason they don't just stay there, the water is running a little bit, so the clothes are sucked into the pipes. In despair I try to retrieve them, and I need to get deeper and deeper into the toilet bowl until I get my last clothing item from inside the drainage pipe, my whole arm inside it. I feel disgusted and completely defeated that I have nothing to wear that didn't fell inside the toilet.
    4. 22 Nov: Get an MRI when applying to a course, excursion and my parents in Lisbon

      by , 11-22-2021 at 10:23 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At an office to apply to a course and a scholarship. I pass all tests but they say they'll give me the scholarship because they did an MRI while I was being interviewed and they say I have tumors in my left boob and need support. I am speechless and tell them I actually have cysts and tumors everywhere but not on my boobs and that makes no sense. Classes are all day on fridays and at first I am happy with the schedule, but then remember I am already going to another school and have a packed schedule on friday.

      Some excursion to the north of Portugal. On arrival to some town there is a feast prepared for us. I am starving and jump right in, but others are quicker than me and all I get is some bread dipped in olive oil. There are some activities later, kids playing and adults picking fruits. I am flirting with some hunk who is into me, but at the same time is keeping his distances because he seems to not want others to know. I get bored and go for a walk and all of a sudden I am walking in Lisbon with my mom and aunt Lisa. I don't recognize the streets though, they look so good. Lots of glamorous cafés and restaurants. I see Tatiana dressed like a pinup, blond hair, looking gorgeous, entertaining some customers sitting on tables outside a café with her name. I can see she is doing really well. I think she sees me, but I pretend I don't and just keep going. I feel ashamed that I am a bit jealous of her. Meanwhile, we come across my dad who looks pissed, because he was kicked out of a store for not being well dressed enough. I think he looks ok, not posh but also not ragged. He speaks to my mom privately as they walk ahead and then he leaves. I ask her if he was trying to open a bank account at some posh bank and she says it was just a famous kitchenware brand store. And I was like wtf. Also commented that if it was Elon Musk in rags they would welcome him with open arms. She says he asked her help for shopping new clothes. Then mom and Lisa transform into Margarida and an old Japanese frail lady but I haven't adjusted to that change, so I treat the old lady as if she is Lisa and I make some joke and slap her hard in the arm. As a result, the old lady almost falls down and when I realize it, I apologize a lot. But the lady smiles gently and speaks very softly and tells me it's ok.
    5. 3 May: I am a criminal escaping a police chase

      by , 05-03-2021 at 10:21 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      On some big ship with Riverstone, I think illegally and we are being looked for by the security on board and policemen awaits us on arrival. The ship enters some water elevator, like those in canals and we use that chance to escape through service areas and service latches into a concrete ramp that will soon be flooded. I run up the ramp but there are police waiting on top of it. I yell to Riverstone to run the other way, not sure there is another way, but I think there is. The leading detective then keeps me secure while he sends out the rest of the men after my guy. He takes me away through the crowded terminal and I claim I need to go to the toilet. He denies me that first, but turns out we have to wait a lot for the other men who are not succeeding in catching my BF, so he says ok.
      I think I see Riverstone in the crowd and think I know where he is heading. In the toilet I find some passed out tourist napping against the wall and she has some bag with a t-shirt, a sweater and bermudas, plus a small purse with some change, so I take it and change clothes and hairstyle. The detective is not really by the door, he is slightly distant, keeping an eye on the door, so I sneak out quickly the other way and he can't tell it is me. Doesn't take long though for him to go check on me and learn that I stole things from the girl. Later on he spots me at a ticket office trying to buy some ticket and he catches me again. He takes me to his place, which I feel is unprofessional and wonder what's happening, but he just wants to have some heartfelt conversation with me, wanting to know why we are outlaws and keep committing crimes. I really ask him what we did so wrong, since we haven't hurt or killed anybody and the worst I did was steal some clothes and some change - as I don't recall doing anything else before. I tell him anybody in our position would do the same. He insists if we do small crimes we'll do bigger ones and I explain I could eventually knock him down unconscious to escape but would never deliberately beat him in order to seriously injure or kill and I mean it. He seems to believe me and cuts me some slack. Apparently we have some waiting to do. He says his men caught Riverstone but they have to meet at some exact hour at some door to a police station where they'll bring him. I pretend I have given up and just want to enjoy my last hours of freedom and he relaxes and serves some drinks and we talk and listen to music. He doesn't tie me up, I am free to move around. I sing along and he is impressed with my voice. He starts really enjoying our time together, like we are on a date, singing and drinking, but I am making sure he drinks way more. At some point he is losing control and I manage to tie him up with some S&M gear that he has. My plan is to leave him there comfortable while I go to the meeting point to rescue Riverstone,
    6. clxxxv. Supermarket, Red creature, Alien

      by , 11-01-2020 at 06:30 PM
      24th October 2020


      A bit in a super market about buying toilet roll. I wanted the same one as we had last time but I couldn't find it. I found some Cushelle branded roll which was apparently cotton but it looked too thin anyway.

      I think HD was a cashier, I seem to remember her ponytail.

      (Recall gap.)

      A monster creature of sorts. I remember he spoke and said something. He was a very vivid red colour and sort of made up of tendrils. He had to be defeated by some specific means by I've forgotten the details.

      26th October 2020


      In the earliest part I was in some kind of tower block. I was there with someone else at some point? I tried breaking into a flat from a maintenance area, looked like ventilation ducting but on a large scale. I took my boots off here, for some reason; but some goblin or gremlin came and stole my boots and I couldn't react in time but just carried on. I remember noticing I did have my regular clothes on and for the rest of the dream I was in bare feet. It had bothered me at first as it would in waking life, but I ended up getting used to it as I simply had no other choice.

      I remember going up to the top level of the building. Reminds me of the stairwell at the old home. I met two admin-like people who worked here, there was an office. I wanted my boots found and tried to demand that they do something about the creatures like the one that took my boots.

      In some later part of the dream I'm on a ground floor and there are quite a lot more people around. It's some kind of large lobby area. Reminds me of big hotels and airports in some way. I met a priest and he was corrupt somehow but I don't recall the details about it.

      28th October 2020


      I'm apparently stranded on some high tier corrosive planet. There's a purple tinge to the atmosphere and I'm in a semi-cavernous area. I try to contribute to someone's build with some rock blocks but Xenomorph-like creatures come out from a lower area and I deal with them one at a time, but I'm not sure what I used. They each looked like a mix of between a Praetorian and a Drone.


      - When I woke up from the tower block dream, I was a bit surprised by how consistent the dream had been with the detail of my boots being absent. Lately I have noticed that dreams are having more consistency in terms of "continuity" (like on TV shows, etc.) I remember in some other recent dream I made a non-lucid comment to a dream character about how what they were doing wasn't abiding by dream consistency or something like that; I can't remember if I did already make note of that dream or not. That dream I had recently in a desert area with the troops was particularly consistent with itself too, for the most part, I think I may have made a note about it there too.

      - I've recently had thoughts about an old Alien game which may have been part of why they featured in one of these dreams. I have been wanting to get that game working again but haven't really given it the time of day to manage it. But there are other reasons they may have featured in that dream; I often think I should go and look at more of Giger's work but rarely actually do, as other things end up taking prominence in my mind. I suppose there's a theme here of things getting pushed back in terms of priority...
    7. lxxxix.

      by , 02-24-2020 at 05:30 PM
      Morning of 23rd of Feb.

      Dream Fragment:

      Not sure where to start. I was in a church, but I remember a feel of RTS game to things and I was preparing an assault on the priest or something. Details are missing. Then I was ready and water appeared and partially flooded the church? Previously, me and someone else had replaced the trousers the priest was going to wear. Then the water was more like bed covers or something.

      Eventually this bit is over and I'm outside walking around. I walk on cobbled streets, meant for pedestrian use only. I reach some place like a parking lot. Mom is there for whatever reason.

      She starts telling me off about the trousers thing with the priest. She tells me all about how he can't get out of bed easily now and how depressed and sad he is... He has to call for a bucket of boiling water to be poured on his legs to get up each morning? I remember that scene vaguely, visually.

      Apparently he can't feel them anymore either. I think it's all a bit ridiculous, just because he was without his trousers for a while in a cold church...

      Mom and I get into an argument of sorts. She won't see reason and how there's something weird about priests story. I ask rhetorically "how miserable can he be, with his fancy BMW" but she gives me the old "money isn't happiness" crap. I comment "good riddance" if the priest doesn't return to the church, because he had a monotone voice that made his sermons completely boring, regardless of how interesting they actually were.

      Eventually we can't agree on anything and mom gets into this old and grey VW van? I walk away and put my hood up. At this point I'm keenly aware of what I'm wearing. My working trousers, my old cream hoodie and my black boots.

      I feel moody after the argument and walk back from where I cam from on the wide cobbled paths. Some teens are about, up to no good I feel. I feel moody and I am aware of my face doing that thing where I look so grumpy that I just end up looking nasty and violent to anyone who sees me.

      I message H on my phone, which feels bigger than it actually should be. My message is about mom and how it felt like she was being unreasonable. While messaging I am distracted and I take the wrong turn. I see a barrier of some kind along the path and a kid's park beyond it. I feel annoyed. In the dream I knew this wasn't the way and turn back around and cross some bridge.

      The surroundings are odd along these paths. It's like an old town area but there are no buildings properly speaking? Just some walls, not even building walls. A transition?

      I am back at the church. I realise it's more like a chapel really. There's a service and the priest is nowhere to be seen. There's a small black man. It almost looks like he suffers from some form of dwarfism. People in the church aren't paying full attention because they are reading something on the pews about the priest's current/latest condition.

      The small man invites me to stay, and I nod or something. I try to find somewhere I feel comfortable about sitting. When I do sit, he starts singing. He has a beautiful and sort of deep voice, much more than I'd expect for how small he is. I think to myself how I'd much prefer to see him all the time at the services, over that priest.

      Then everything finishes, and we're outside. I find the priest at some stairs going into an underground area, where I was going to leave through. The priest is wearing what looks to be an overly warm coat, even for a cold day and he seems to be pretty much fine in terms of his health.

      For whatever reason, an old school friend of mine is in the tunnel too, but I see him as if I'd see him every day. But he's carrying some stuff, including a toolbox like H has. I give him a hand and bring the toolbox. We quicken our pace and move away from the group of people behind us. I want to tell him something about what's been going on, but I forget what it was.

      Some transition again. I'm at the priest's house for some reason. He and his wife are there. They're not aware of my presence? They talk about how their plan worked and how they could now swap hairstyles or something. It didn't make much sense at all even in the dream, but I felt it proved I was right about something weird going on with the priest.

      No notes for now.
    8. Monday, September 16

      by , 10-08-2019 at 07:27 PM
      I am at the lake (Tahoe, I’m pretty sure) with some family, I think Granny and Mom and maybe Makayla. We are at a beach that is not sandy, but more rocks and pine needles. There is also a fair amount of trees coming down all the way to the waterline. I have some clothes that I think have just been washed, because they are still damp. I am looking for a clothesline or even a string, but I don’t find anything. Now I’m at work with either Melissa or Laynie, still looking for a clothesline. We can’t find one anywhere, until we ask Carolina. She takes us to a stockroom, it being the only place she can think of that would have one. Sure enough, we look to the right and I see some green lines hanging from a hook near the ceiling. I tug on one, not sure how to get it down. I flick it a bit, and it comes off the hook. They look somewhat surprised, and I joke about not knowing how I just did that. Though the line had reached near the top of the high ceiling, it is barely even a foot long as I am holding it up I’m just slightly disappointed. I guess I’ve settled though, as I’m back on the beach. I’m walking back to our spot and noticing towels and clothes simply draped over the lower tree branches. I think it occurs to me that I could’ve just done this, but I seem pretty set on the clothesline.
    9. Friday, April 26

      by , 05-07-2019 at 07:29 PM
      I am at work when I notice a shorter, pudgy blond boy holding a shirt and standing right by the mall entrance. He is sort of obscured by the racks of clothes, but i still see him conceal the shirt somewhere on him and then exit. I know I’m not cleared to stop people by myself, and I don’t know where Lainey is right now, but I run after him anyway, feeling that it is justified. I go up to him and just tell him that he needs to come back. I let him lead, staying pretty close to him, noticing how young he looks. I ask his name and he tells me. I ask his age, and he tells me something like 13. I think about how old kids are looking for their age these days. At some point a girl has started walking with us, like she’s with him. When we get to the door, I tell them to put their bags and phones up on the desk. I recover the merchandise, hanging it on the wall. There are Nike sweats, two things from Pink, and something from another store. Now, there are three 20-somethings sitting in here, in three chairs facing the desk. They have grabbed the paperwork and are filling it out themselves, nonchalantly. The guy in the middle is even reclining and has his phone set up and playing a video or something. I take it and set it on the desk. Now, it is the boy and girl again. I look over and notice the girl playing a game on her phone. I hit it out of her hand, saying “Get off your fucking phone, I’m not fucking kidding.” Now, it seems a little later, and I’m being invited into a house by a slightly older looking Nathaniel’s dad. I get the impression that the two earlier were Nathaniel and Beatrice and he wants to talk to me about it. He plays a tape or recording and I hear myself saying what I said earlier and hear the phone hit the ground. He politely tells me that he thinks I was being aggressive. His mom is here now too, and I tell them that I’m very quiet and so I have to try to be more assertive. I tell them we never try to be mean to people there, that we tell everyone it can be easy and we want it to. They seem understanding. I also tell them that like half of the people we get are homeless and that it’s saddening.
    10. Wednesday, April 10

      by , 05-03-2019 at 10:52 PM
      I am working, though this place does not look like work. It almost seems like something at the Legends, like a department store at the edge of a shopping mall and its large parking lot. Laynie and I are watching cameras when we notice an old lady stuffing jewelry into her purse in a deserted aisle. I think she is with 1-2 others, and they may be doing so also, but we only see the lady do it. We go out into the parking lot after her to stop her. She comes back, and now I’m alone with her in what looks like a large, empty fitting room stall. There’s a desk in here, on which are all the stolen items that were in her bag. There are about 3 to 4 boxes of different shapes and sizes. I am asking her questions and filling out paperwork, confidently. I ask things like why she did it and if she’s done it before. I feel in charge, but I am also being nice with her. I can’t really read her, but she seems to not care.

      *The following seem like fragments, but are probably part of this dream since the fitting room and parking lot seem the exact same.

      Laynie and I have gone out into the parking lot to stop a few teen girls. As soon as one sees me approach and try to talk to her, her face reddens and she turns hard to avoid me. They try to run from us as we yell that they could come with us or we could call the cops.

      I have brought a teen couple back into the fitting room with the desk. I am being funny and friendly but serious with them. They don’t seem to care that they’re in here. I have them turn over the stolen merchandise, and they start stripping off tons of clothes and concealed clothes. I’m almost impressed with how much they have - I think I tell them this. It seems like they do this almost professionally.
    11. Red & Black

      by , 04-25-2019 at 08:50 PM
      22 Apr 2019

      I appear in a dream scene which is just building around me. My awareness is high and as if I am really ready for this. (I have been thinking about having an ld but not much other induction that night, although I did check the task of month in order to have a purpose in case a lucid happens).

      As I look around the shaky environment, I recall the Red & Black clothes task for this month. There is a female DC with whatever original clothes she was wearing. I change them to red, then to black. One's a T-shirt with something in white written on it, the other more like a robe. I realize I can't recall whether we had to change from red to black or vise versa, so I change the color of her clothes multiple times just to be on the safe side. I make a note that this color change wasn't as difficult as I had for some reason expected.

      End of memory
    12. Monday, March 18

      by , 03-19-2019 at 06:41 AM
      I am in what I think is a Kohl’s (though I’m not sure it really looks like one). I’m with a familiar? guy and bringing some clothes to the fitting room to try on. They seem to all be on hangers. The fitting room is a stall set atop a little raised platform. The door is sized so that one can see the occupant’s feet as well as just above their head. For a moment, I am watching either myself or someone else; the clothes can clearly be seen hanging. I ponder the result of this on theft, thinking it probably lessens it. I don’t think I end up getting anything.

      I am in what I think is a movie theater. It seems like it is a much older building, or like I am in the past. There are mostly middle aged hippies filling in and into the theater. I’m in a sort of hallway outside the theater; I pull back a curtain over an opening and get a glimpse of the theater. I then go find a seat. Looking around, I’m very surprised I don’t smell pot. It does look hazy though. This film that is being shown is very psychedelic, not in an overdone or hackneyed way, but in a very synesthetic way. The clips or scenes are disjointed and cause visceral sensations. It seems the film is being shown to elicit collective response that becomes the spectacle itself. The whole thing is very phantasmagorical
    13. 18 Mar: Mom, boars on train station, bully in train

      by , 03-18-2019 at 01:23 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      With my mom, separating and displaying clothes on hangers for selling. I am upset that she put some dress that I like for sale and I remove it. Then we are balancing ourselves and the clothes on top of ironing boards balancing upon other ironing boards. An iron falls to the ground, almost hitting one of our cats. I tell her that it was due to her being distracted, but she didn't even notice. We come down to the ground and we are now on the platform of a train station. On another platform she spots a baby boar and I say "na-uh, it's a pack of boars walking in line." I wanna take a picture but also want to stay at a close distance to the exit, in case they cross the train tracks to our side. My mom is unafraid and walks 'till the edge at the far end of the platform. I notice now that she had Hachi by the leash and ties his leash to some door handles. I run to it as soon as possible, because very likely she didn't tied it well and he might escape. Indeed he gets lose and is about to chase the boars when I get hold of him. Then we get on a train to do some long travel and there are no doors on the wagon, it's very cold and dangerous. We discuss what to use to cover the doors, like a wooden board. Then a fiscal comes by and asks how people are doing and says that this will be solved. Next stop my mom does something stupid like hanging from one hand and swinging outside to pick up something while the train is still in motion. New passengers come in and comment how she is crazy and I agree. Then the doors are finally covered and the train is getting full, so no more cold. Instead some couple of kids with no manners start causing discomfort among passengers and one decides to smoke a fat cigar filling the place with smoke. Everybody complains but he is a bully and threatens everyone. People fear him. I don't. I take his cigar out of his hand and put it out. He is angry and says he will beat me. I say I am not afraid because he is smaller than me and I can kick his ass. Then I recall "oh, and I am purple belt in Kenpo" but immediately feel scared that I don't remember one movement how to fight and may look silly, since I don't practice for a while. But he actually shows respect and wants to know my school. After a while we are best friends. He has a gypsy look with fabulous blue eyes. I end up going to one of his kids birthday party with my cats.
    14. Monday, February 25

      by , 03-02-2019 at 08:40 PM
      I am at work and entering the fitting room. I am not alone either; at least four other people are also entering at the same time. I notice a fairly dirty looking guy in his 20s and his female companion. He has long and shaggy brown hair (or dreads) and baggy clothes, and she has dark hair and pants and a somewhat skimpy purple tank top. The guy, with a sort of detached fervor, starts grabbing anything in reach on the folding tables (I notice a folded dress shirt) like he’s going to take them into the stall and steal them. I think he has not noticed that I work here. I say “hey man” kind of casually, which startles him and causes him to look guilty and remorseful. I think he leaves now, and I start checking the stalls. Most have a floor completely obscured by tried on and tossed clothes. One contains a man passed out or sleeping on the floor and amongst the clothes. I don’t even know what to do. Now I am helping ring up customers, and I notice the guy what was going to steal. He is actually buying a pair of black slacks.

      I am with Melissa in a bed. I think we are just cuddling and talking. Now out of nowhere it begins to snow. Almost immediately the roads are covered. (It looks like downtown, like the street parallel to the river and behind the movie theater). I offer to give her a ride wherever so she doesn’t have to drive in it. I think it’s out of the way or will create a problem with where the cars are, but I don’t mind going out of my way. Now, I am driving us somewhere. I think Melissa says something about the speed, as if I’m going too slow. Right after, the car violently slides out and then corrects itself after a tense moment.

      (I think this one was part of another dream that I can’t recall. It has a weird feeling to it). I’ve been watching a movie that is or is very similar to Hereditary. I have an image of Charlie’s decapitated head in my mind. It looks more animated and like it has more skin on the face, around the eyelids and lip areas. I think there is some distinct, enigmatic, seminal plot to this movie that I can’t stop thinking about.

      I am sitting at Melissa’s kitchen table in the seat facing the sliding door. At least Carlos and one other family member is here. They’re talking about late puberty? (like in their early 20s). I lift my bare leg up so they can see the hair on it and say “I haven’t seen my legs since like fourth grade.” It elicits some chuckles. I then feel slightly self conscious about putting my bare foot on their table.
    15. Wednesday, February 20

      by , 02-24-2019 at 12:06 AM
      I am at work when I discover a huge rack of clothes that need to go back. (This place doesn’t look like work, but more like a store’s vestibule for shopping carts crossed with, now that I think about it, the women’s fitting room that I brought clothes to yesterday. Their rack was very full). Upon closer inspection, the myriad pants? look new, like they’ve just gotten here and are ready to be put on the floor. So I instead enter one of the fitting rooms, instantly disappointed that I do, finding a small sea of tried-on pants left on the ground. I notice a lot of their tags - Levis? As I filter through them, I think I find evidence of shoplifting. I end up finding quite a few fake bills (20s and 50s I think). I hold them up to the light, making the ink on them appear to have been drawn on. This and the crude renditions of the faces on the bills is quite humorous.

      I am at work? (it seems to be the area above the escalators that is still near the clothes but is mostly now the area for appliances). I seem to be in a large kitchen model. I think there is an island counter surrounded by a large L of counter space and a plethora of cabinets. A middle aged couple and the mom of one of them come over now. The wife tells me she is looking for a cookie cutter. I start looking for her, genuinely trying, searching every single drawer and cabinet, left to right. I come across a total of three circular apple slicers, one of which I offer as the closest thing we have to a cookie cutter. She politely declines, but genuinely thanks me for looking, then tells me to have a nice day and leaves. I consider bringing one of the apple slicers to Dad’s. I now look in a drawer very close to the ground and find a bunch of newspaper clippings. They are ads or sales. One is offering a pizza for a certain price contingent upon you reviewing some place. I see a 13 near the top, leading me to believe that it is from 2013. I also discover a few black shirts - Marilyn Manson and Nine Inch Nails band shirts. They are marked down with turquoise clearance stickers on their tags. I think that Mom is keeping them in here so she can give them to me as (Christmas?) gifts later. I think about how I don’t even really know NIN and how the prices will probably be expired by now. There is also a soft looking, navy blue Grateful Dead shirt that I think is going to be for Dad. Makayla is here now, on the phone, and she asks what we should get for Dad. I tell her I don’t know.
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