I dream I'm on a bus going to a rundown mining town. The bus is relatively unremarkable, as most buses are wont to be. The seats are a little uncomfortable, and at various points, the interior resembles the cheap seats in an airplane; so now I'm cranky (both in my dream and also right now) because context: I'm going on a work-related trip to Buttfuck, Nowhere via bus, and I'm NOT looking forward to any of it at all. ANYWAYS, the bus breaks down, and I have to go out and push. I'm able to push the tour bus by myself, meaning a) Brah, I'm totes burly! and b) Thanks for the help, everyone else on the bus. I'm also able to take in my surroundings at this time: The landscape is a desert landscape, with sun-blistered rocks and a whole lot of nothing. It reminds me of the mining town in Tremors, and wouldn't you know it, I'm now being chased by those desert worm things. Now, the worm is coming at me at the speed of a pissed-off badger, while I'm inching along at the speed equivalent of, oh, I don't know, a guy who is pushing a bus by himself. Yet somehow, I manage to keep ahead. But eventually, I grow tired of this supposed "chase," and I turn around and kick the worm as it emerges from the ground. There was a brief moment of doubt where I was thinking "do I really want to stick my foot into its ugly maw?" That doubt disappeared when I soccer-kicked it into the sky. The dream fades, but my ego does not. I next dream of being in the music video of Coma from Guns N' Roses. I am unaware if an official video exists, but in my version, it's just trippy lights that pulsate to a pleasant heartbeat rhythm. It's actually quite soothing. Weird thing is, I have no proof that I'm in the music video except for Dream Knowledge, but otherwise there really isn't any particular sign. This goes on for a while and eventually just fades. The last dream I can remember has me in an amusement park at night. They are closing, and I'm trying to get to the exit. As I pass by the Merry-Go-Round, I get a thought along the lines of "hey, this is like the opening to that Silent Hill game," and my brain makes the executive decision to go "YEAH! I'm gonna freak you the fuck out!" And just like that, I'm in the Silent Hill world. Well, shit. The dream fades pretty quickly after that, so I never encountered any of the horrible abominations that I knew were lurking around; but I was still feeling apprehensive the whole time. Dream Knowledge ALSO tells me that these monsters, had I been able to approach them without being noticed, has singing and dancing scripted into their AI behavior.
Updated 11-11-2013 at 09:21 PM by 66359
DJ Log: September 11, 2012 – 7:00AM (USA Pacific) • NON-DREAM • NOTES • DREAM • LUCID • (Note: This entry was found in the middle of blank pages in my DJ notebook. I only found it because the corner of the page had a slight fold to it.) Hanging out at a large farm house with several other people. We're talking about these creatures who move under the ground similar to the movie Tremors. They can detect low frequency vibrations from things such as: vehicles running, people walking/running, loud music, machinery, etc. There are several large dogs who can detect when the creatures are coming close. One of the guys wanders off to find a working vehicle when one of the creatures comes racing toward him. He jumps into a dump truck and tries to get it started, but it won't start up. The creature pops out of the ground near the truck and tries to attack. One of the dogs runs up and is able to distract the creature long enough that the guy can run back to the farm house. A few minutes later, I wander off quietly with a couple of other guys and two dogs. We walk away from the house and approach one of the large bank barns. On the left side of the barn, we can see some dirt moving as one of the creatures is moving around. We step gently and approach very quietly. Once we step into the barn, we quickly climb into the loft. There are shelves along one side wall which are full of guns and boxes of ammunition. I pick up a large box and fill it, then look on the floor and find a case of flare guns. Deciding to test the flare guns against the creatures, I fire one toward the ground where it was moving. The creature comes out of the ground and raises its head into the air, growling at us. I fire a second flare directly into the creature's mouth and after a short struggle, it drops dead on the ground. One of the other guys picks up all of the flare guns he can carry and we quietly walk back to the house. We get back to the house and start loading all of the guns. One of the guys walks off to find a vehicle. Gets into a red trash compactor truck and drives it back toward the house. Two creatures follow him closely, waiting for him to get out.
I felt my dream slipping, too, so I did the time dilation trick I learned from Allura, causing the dream to stabilize. Good… at least that seemed somewhat consistent… So my next goal was to go see MoSh… I focused on opening a portal… I opened a portal and went through it into MoSh's inner world… I stepped out into MoSh's inner world and looked around for MoSh. I looked at his house which was where I have come to expect to see it. I instinctively knew it was his, but it didn't seem to look the same. It was hard to describe the differences… and it wasn't negative in any way, everything was still very nice, it was just a bit different. I didn't have to go over to the door, MoSh came out to me. He asked if I was ready to go view the scene with Castaneda. I said sure, but I did need to be sure of where we were going. MoSh said that was no problem, he would get us there. I could open the portal, and he would guide it. I said that was fine with me, and then I opened a portal, focusing on letting MoSh guide it. When it opened, both MoSh and I went through… On the other side we were in a desert. I looked around the desert. The sun was bright and hot. I was a bit surprised at the surroundings. I told MoSh I thought there was supposed to be a waterfall or something… MoSh said there was. I said I didn't see any water anywhere near us… He looked perplexed. He said we must have ended up in the wrong place. I told him we could just try again. I was going to focus on another portal when the ground started to shake. Some big things erupted out of the ground. They looked like the graboid creatures from the movie Tremors… and there were two of them. What the fuck? MoSh looked up at them, and they completely distracted me from opening a portal. One of them tried to grab me in its enormous mouth, apparently thinking I would make a good snack. I formed Witchblade into a sword and attacked it back, getting up on top of its back by flying. MoSh had changed into his naga form and was attacking the other one. This thing didn't have a head to cut off… but it also didn't appreciate being stabbed with a sword that increased in length to be long enough to go all of the way through it. The thing took off at full speed across the desert with me on its back, holding on to the sword to keep from being thrown off. I pulled the sword out and jumped off of the graboid, hitting the ground and rolling before returning to MoSh. I didn't see the other graboid, but I didn't know where it had gone. MoSh was in his human form again. I asked if he was ready to stop playing with giant underground worms and go do our viewing. He said yes. I was about to open a portal when I saw something around MoSh's feet… a smaller graboid?! It wrapped around MoSh's foot, but I just cut it off . A couple more of them reached out of the ground for us, but MoSh and I quickly took care of them. Now MoSh was looking at something behind me. I wondered what. He wasn't saying anything, he was just pointing. I turned around to look behind me and I saw the granddaddy of all graboids was rearing up and towering over us… that thing was about twice the size of the other ones, and it was pissed off. It was towering over us about as big as the tower at the biodome… which is quite tall… I was considering what action would be best to deal with this… most likely to just open a portal and leave it be, after all, this was the graboids' home, not ours… when someone appeared… and he created some kind of spinning disc blades from the air, cutting the graboid down… He asked if we were ok, MoSh was staring at him like he thought it was an alien from space. I looked closer and thought I recognized him… but I couldn't place it… I thanked him for helping, then he disappeared. MoSh wanted to know what the fuck that was. I said I wasn't sure, but I thought I had recognized that guy… I said let's go before we draw the attention of every single graboid on the planet. I opened a portal and we went through it… we ended up back in MoSh's inner world. Ok… let's try that again. I focused on opening a portal, trying to remember what MoSh had told me the location was like. I remembered a waterfall… but that was all I remembered! Dammit! A portal opened, MoSh and I went through it. MoSh and I were back on the desert planet. Ok… I hadn't been completely sure of where I was going, but I had absolutely not focused on coming here again… I looked around, wondering if I could find any reason why we were here again! There were more graboids. I didn't really want to fight more graboids… I had drawn the conclusion this was their world, and we were the intruders, so I thought avoiding them would be best. I got MoSh's attention as the graboid attacked us, also apparently thinking we looked like a tasty morsel. I pulled MoSh out of the way. The graboid turned and was coming at us again… then it got nailed with a bunch of ice spears, and it disappeared. Wtf? I looked around and saw the same guy I had seen before, giving us a dirty look. I focused on recognizing him… Walms! I did know him! I was about to say something to him when he asked why we had been attacked. I was going to say we looked too much like graboid snack food when the scene around us shifted… MoSh was getting quite frustrated. He was upset that we hadn't ended up viewing the Castaneda scene we had been aiming for. I wondered what kept getting in the way. I wondered where Walms had gone… or rather where we had gone. I wondered if whoever had teleported us had also teleported Walms… I looked around, wondering if there were any graboids here… then Walms was there with us. Ok, well at least he was in the same place. He came over closer to us and proceeded to give me some dark energy… um… I didn't really need any dark energy, but ok… He put dark energy in MoSh… "Hey!" I said to him, "What did you do that…" and then he was gone, "for… um… Never mind." I went over to MoSh and focused on taking the dark energy out of MoSh, replacing it with light. Why had Walms attacked MoSh? That didn't make any sense… I thought MoSh and Walms had been friends since quite a while before I started talking to / sharing dreams with Walms… MoSh looked a bit disoriented. He asked what that had been. I told him he'd gotten dark energy, I had taken it out. It felt like the dream was slipping again. I remembered that last time I had been unable to do a second time dilation, so this time I didn't even try. I told MoSh I was waking up. I opened a portal back to his inner world. We went through it. MoSh said maybe he could dilate time… I told him I had already done that in this dream, and last time it hadn't worked twice… He said he was going to try anyway. I don't know if it worked for him or not because I woke.