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    1. Well, I guess that was lucid...

      by , 09-12-2012 at 02:03 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      In my first dream last night, I was playing Wind Waker. I was trying to get to a certain place (somewhere in the southern part of the Great Sea), but it was hard because I kept nearly getting swept up in one of those cyclones. It was kind of annoying. When I finally got there, there was no island, but the Flying Dutchman's ship was there. I boarded the ship.

      Here, the dream switched to first-person, and I was also myself now. On the ship, I ended up in a kitchen. In the kitchen, I had to help wash cups and mugs. I happily complied and thought it kind of reminded me of being at camp, since part of a volunteer's job is washing the cups we use for lemonade each day.

      I woke up from that dream but soon went back to sleep. In the next dream, my computer was acting all weird and I didn't know what to do.

      In the NEXT dream, I was in my room. I could hear a bunch of kids outside, so I peeked out my window. There were a few of the younger kids from church and a bunch of kids I didn't know. Then, I got a phone call. It was from a girl who I guess was an acquaintance of mine in the dream. We talked for a few minutes.

      After I got off the phone with her, I decided to have a lucid dream. I sat down and closed my eyes, as if I were going to meditate. I soon started getting vivid hypnagogic imagery (I was still consciously aware of my body the entire time), which my dream self interpreted as a dream. In the "dream", I was playing Pokemon Blue, but it was all glitched up. Since I knew I was dreaming, I decided to have fun with these glitches. I know I was in Cerulean City, but I don't really remember much of what happened. The "dream" started to fade, so I opened my eyes to wake up.

      I got up and headed for my laptop so I could update my dream journal, but I woke up on the way there.
    2. Zelda Stuff

      by , 08-16-2012 at 03:58 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I can remember four dreams from last night. In the first, I was at a summer camp. It was just a day camp. I'm not sure what kind of summer camp it was, but it was indoors, in a building that looked kind of like my basement. There were a bunch of other kids and teenagers there. I recognized three people from last year - Zelda, a girl with copper-coloured skin and dark, wavy hair, and a girl and a boy whose names I couldn't remember. Zelda was wearing a yellow dress and had her hair, which fell almost to her shoulders, partially pulled back into a ponytail. She was pretty.

      Anyway, the group split into two. One group went upstairs, and the other stayed downstairs. I stayed downstairs, but the people I knew went upstairs. Soon, though, I found out that I was supposed to be with the other group, so I went back upstairs to find them.

      After a while, we went back downstairs into a dining area. We were seated at tables. Each person was supposed to have a "date". I hadn't known that, but I assumed my date was going to arrive anyway, even though I had no clue who my date actually was. Someone else came to my table (each table could seat, like, six people, I think), also waiting for their date.

      Someone came over and handed me a piece of paper with everyone's names on it, so I could choose who I wanted as my date. I checked off the box next to the name of the boy that I knew (I can't remember his name, though). Instead of him, though, four other boys came over.

      I don't remember the exact transition, but we somehow ended up on a bus, where the boys were bullying us. I figured it wasn't really a big deal, though, since I know taekwondo and felt confident I could defend myself if necessary.

      In my second dream last night, I was playing Petz 5, but it was nothing like Petz 5. It didn't even have any pets in it. I was scrolling through a list of minigames. In the thumbnail image for one of them, I noticed Deku Link (from Majora's Mask). I accidentally clicked on that game. It was like a platformer, except it scrolled down (and the scrolling was automatic, so you couldn't go too fast, or else you'd fall off the bottom of the screen). Before long, I'd fallen off the bottom of the screen. Instead of restarting the level, going to a "Game Over" screen, or anything else logical, it cut to a different scene (which looked like it was from a COMPLETELY different minigame, probably the next one) in a saloon.

      That's when I got that sudden "click" to lucidity.

      "This isn't Petz 5, is it?" I said, not exactly asking a question but, rather, declaring it out loud.

      "Nope," my brother answered. It turned out he had been behind me. We were in my parents' room, he was on the bed, and the "computer screen" was just projected onto the wall.

      Even though I was already certain I was dreaming, I did the hand RC just to double-check. Six fingers. Yep, I was dreaming.

      My brother said something about having been up at three in the morning to get on the bus (presumably, to the summer camp from the previous dream, even though he wasn't in that dream). I corrected him, telling him we got on the bus at seven and that I would know because I was there.

      I was still lucid, but I think the dream was trying to go back on autopilot, since arguing with my brother was apparently more important than any of my LD goals.

      I woke up soon after. I felt awake and fairly refreshed, even though it was still dark out, so I think that must have been the end of an REM cycle that woke me up.

      I went back to sleep and had a dream which fits neatly between the other two. This time, I was on the bus back from camp. The bus had one backwards-facing seat, so I decided to sit in that one. The bus stopped in a parking lot somewhere, where my mom was waiting. I was the only person to get off at that stop. After getting off, I realized I'd left my glasses on the bus, so I ran after the bus (it was already leaving), holding up a sign that said, "You forgot someone!"

      The bus stopped and let me back on. I boarded the bus, took my glasses, and left.

      I had one final dream last night. I was playing Wind Waker (I think) and came across an enemy that I think was either a Darknut or an Iron Knuckle (well, one of those things with a heavy suit of armour). When I got close to it, I noticed that it briefly turned red, then blue, then attempted to fire lasers at me. I figured out that red meant deactivated, while blue meant activated.

      I started fighting it, but this game had a weird control method. Like a DS game, it was controlled with a stylus. However, I was using a toothbrush (the back of it, not the part with the bristles) as the stylus... and I could somehow reach the screen just fine, even though I was sitting on my bed, and the screen was where my window should be (it was the same size, too.

      Anyway, I defeated it, and it turned red. However, it turned blue again shortly after, making me have to fight it again. This kept happening every time I defeated it, except it would only get partially revived most times.

      Eventually, the toothbrush got ruined from being used - rather harshly - as a stylus. I came up with a better idea for how to defeat the Darknut. My mom was in the room, so I said to her, "Get me a weapon, but nothing too sharp, so I don't accidentally damage the screen or hurt myself." What I really meant was for her to go to the kitchen and get a knife. For some reason, I thought that would make the Darknut easier to defeat.

      Then, I realized that whatever I used as a controller wouldn't matter, since it was the sword I had IN the game that mattered. Realizing that, I figured I could just use my hand, but not as a stylus; the game was apparently motion-controlled now, like a Kinect rather than a DS.

      However, I decided that would be a bad idea, since it could reach out of the screen and attack me if I used my hands.
    3. Zelda and Ponies

      by , 07-28-2012 at 03:02 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I was playing The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. Well... it was supposed to be Wind Waker. I thought it was.

      Anyway, I was somehow playing as Zelda, but she was wearing Link's outfit (I know there was a reason, but I can't remember why). Soon, the dream switched to first-person, like I was in the game.

      The first dungeon of the game was a school, and it was very easy to get lost. Also, I had apparently teamed up with the Mane Six, who were with me now.

      There were hints as to who the first boss was. One of the hints had something to do with Girl Scouts, and the other was that she "hates kindergarten". For some reason, I briefly suspected Rainbow Dash, but I doubted it was her because she was on my team.

      Suddenly, I was back in my room (and out of the game) My mom told me that she knew who the first boss was - Bekah.

      All of a sudden, all I could see was the image of her against a white background. I recognized her as one of the NPCs back on Outset Island.

      Actually, she looked exactly like a six-year-old girl from my church, who is also named Bekah. She even had an older sister named Hannah, just like Bekah from church does.