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    1. Cops hide & robbers seek - or wait??

      by , 03-12-2015 at 01:51 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      This one could be a piece of the previous dream (Stucco-walled bedroom) and it’s a bit jumbled. I’ll put it in the order that I’m guessing it happened.

      I’m lying in this big bed talking quietly to mom while three men sleep off to my right, including my dad – here’s nearest to me. To my right is wall where a soft light is emanating from somewhere, possibly a lamp.

      The men are part of some special program (felt something like they were being trained to be soldiers and some genetic engineering was involved).

      I think it’s kind of weird that I’m sleeping with three guys, but dismiss it because of the situation.


      I’m standing somewhere off to the left and a little boy no taller than my knees asks me to play with him. People are sleeping so I think of saying no, but surprisingly even to myself I say yes (I felt like we were doing Hide & Seek and saw a mental map of how far we could go in the house). But I tell him we have to be quiet and not go too far.

      He says we’re going to be play Cops & Robbers, and as he designates me the Robber he calls me ‘lady’ or something similar.

      I go find a place to hide. As I’m going down some stairs, I suddenly get an idea. It’s so dark here, he won’t be able to see me. I stop in the stairwell flatten myself up against the wall. As the boy comes running down, I leap forward and grab him around the waist. “Got you!!”

      It’s now my turn to ‘seek’. I wait a few seconds before going after him, trying to remember if there was some rule about waiting before going to find them.

      I look around and in places before I get to a bathroom. I hear a shower running to the left and realize someone’s in here. I’m quiet as I make my way to another room up ahead. I think that the person showering must be in a room on the other side of the wall.

      I look around the room for a second before my eye is caught on a dark grey curtain way up on the wall to the left on a shelf. ‘Could he be…?’ The room is kind of narrow and pretty tall but I somehow get right up the where I need to be.

      I grab the curtain and yank it, and there the boy is, crouched down onto the shelf. He looks even smaller, tucked in on himself. “I knew you were up there!” I exclaim incredulously. I grab him down.
    2. Stucco-walled bedroom

      by , 03-12-2015 at 01:41 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      I’m looking around my new room. It’s kind of weird. The walls are made of stucco. There a big frosted window behind the bed, though you can see this big post around it on the other side that has graffiti written on it.

      I’m reading writing on the walls and am enjoying what it says (can’t remember what it said now though), but am wondering what’s going to happen when room to write more on it runs out? Do I have to erase it?

      I realize that there’s no door on this room, I can see out where some people are walking around, including my old school friend Ella’s mom, Lauren.

      She comes in and talks to me, asking me something to do with my room, and I start to mention that I want a door put in, but I get interrupted. This happens once more and then she just leaves. I think to myself, surely she would have heard me and asked me to elaborate once she realized I was trying to say something?

      Mom’s in the room asking me if I like it, and she has material for the windows. I say that I do, but I need a door. I’m grateful for the window stuff, but I can’t sleep until I have a door. There’s a scene where as she was coming in, she stopped and read a bit of the graffiti on the post, shaking her head at what it said.

      She gives in, and I remember her doing some extreme thing to yank a door right into the room via a chain or something. In response to my look she says that it’s convenient to do it like that.
      Tags: bedroom, mom, reading
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