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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. Pushy Classmates and an Obnoxious Teacher

      by , 01-26-2013 at 07:18 PM
      01-26-2013 -- [This was the first dream I had of the night, after only about 3 hours of sleep, and less than four hours after I took my 5-HTP, which is probably why the first part was so fragmentary and hard to remember. I shouldn't have been dreaming quite that early, anyway. So most of the best parts of this are gone.]

      I was wandering around the outside of a sort of shopping mall or something, I think. I was thinking of heading inside, but wanted to use a certain door, because it would somehow give me rights and ownership and stuff. There was somebody kind of shy and unassuming (think Vir from Babylon 5) who I was trying to kind of help, but as I led him toward the door, and he figured which one it was, he suddenly ran ahead, to get there before me. I was annoyed, but not worried, as his getting there first wouldn't change anything that I would get.

      So I open the door and walk inside to a classroom, where it turns out I am to attend a class as a kid. Complete shift of dream. Anyway, I walk to maybe the second row, and walk down it to the third or fourth desk, and start to take a seat, but almost immediately I find myself (and my desk) at the front of the row. One part of what the teacher seems to be doing it rearranging the desks and having us shift about here and there right in the middle of class.

      It is a female, and it isn't Delores Umbridge, but she kind of reminds me of her in personality and looks. We each have about four pieces of colored construction paper on our desks, and we are supposed to use one each for each thing we are doing today. The first thing she does is give us a test that seems to involve some sort of mnemonic phrase to remember something, but it is something really long and confusing that shouldn't be, like KISSOYRCEFNRYBI for keep it simple stupid or you'll really confuse everybody for no reason you bloody idiot, or something like that. You're supposed to write down each letter, what word it stands for, and how you are going to remember it, or something.

      I don't really get it, as it seems rather stupid to me, so I haven't managed to keep up completely, and suddenly the teacher is mad at me, and takes away my test paper, rips it up, and tells me I will have to redo it later as make-up homework on my own. Meanwhile I am worried I will be short a piece of paper, since she took mine.

      Anyway, she moves on to the next test, which is something to do with bacon, and we all now have a slice of bacon. She is warning us that if we lose our bacon, we'll have to replace it, though we might make things work out with something like Sizzlean or something. And I am very protective of my bacon. But while I am protecting mine, a tall blonde girl who reminds me of Tina H. from Hickory steals the bacon from one of the other students, right in front of the teacher, and she doesn't do anything about it, and the class just continues.

      Next thing I know, as I am sitting there, the same tall girl comes up, and just pushes my desk back about three or four seats worth, then places her own desk in front of me. What? I shove her desk out of the way and move mine back to where it was. As the girl starts to push mine out of the way again, the teacher notices the fuss, and comes over to see what is going on.

      The girl starts to explain the spot at the front of the row is the best place to be, and she is going to be in the best place, and since she lives on the same block as I do, I ought to know better than to try and stop her, but I keep doing so, so she has to keep pushing me out of the way, until I will stay out of her way. And the teacher just kind of smirks at me and walks away, as the girl starts to push my desk out of the way again.

      I have had enough of this stupid class, and I no longer care. It may get me thrown out, but so what? I keep pushing the girl's desk back out of the way, and call her a bitch, waiting to see what will happen next.


      Some sort of really brief fragment where I see a picture of all of the current Doctors still living, and suddenly have the perfect idea for a multi-Doctor story involving all of them, and go rushing off to write it, so I can submit it to the BBC.
    2. 26th January 2013

      by , 01-26-2013 at 02:10 PM
      Sleep – 11:55pm
      Wake ups – 1:44am
      Finial Wake up – 8:30am
      WBTB – N/A

      - I was walking down a street at night. It was snowing and I was in a time before electricity had been invented. The street was quite busy and a lot of people were stuffing things under their house to stop it sinking into the floor I heard someone say. One man was carrying a pumpkin around. The pumpkin was carved out and had a lit candle in it like Halloween. He walked past me and into a house. I heard behind me “They’ve stolen the family coal.”

      - I was at a big wooden house in the middle of nowhere. I climbed onto the roof and then proceed to run and jump onto the different levels of roof there was.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Joke of me

      by , 01-26-2013 at 08:23 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      I think I took a shower. Then I was wearing my capri khakis and grey shirt with the blue flower logo, but apparently I needed to be wearing a more formal shirt. I told my sister I was going to the store to get one.

      There was some kind of dinner thing going on and my sister made a joke about me. Off to the side, I got upset and asked her about it. She said something about never knowing what I'm thinking or if I was upset, and I tried to articulate that it bothered me a lot.

      Also something about eyeshadow and there was an old man?

      Notes: I need to type up this stuff sooner so I have a better chance at remembering things. Also, I'm making a table to categorize/track my dreamsigns.
    4. 25th Jan 2013 Being VIP and some Akashicverse

      by , 01-25-2013 at 08:31 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall is taking a break today it seems...

      Fragment 1:
      Something about gang wars, almost zero recall on this.

      Fragment 2:
      I was an VIP and i was in very decorated building, i think it was restaurant of sorts, then i decided to move to a different one.

      Fragment 3:
      Playing Akashicverse with some different attacks/patterns than original, also special attacks(methods) were upgradable.

      Updated 02-04-2013 at 07:05 AM by 59854

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    5. 24th January 2013

      by , 01-25-2013 at 06:45 PM
      Sleep – 10:45pm
      Wake ups – 2:45am
      Finial wake up – 6:30am
      WBTB – N/A

      - I was installing something called ‘e-wires’ into the ground.

      - I was round a friend’s house. I was looking at what books he had and they were really strange looking books.

      - I was teaming up with someone to steal car keys from a person’s house.

      - I was at the zoo with a couple of friends.

      - It was snowing lightly but the floor was already covered with snow. I walked up some steps and sat at a table up there. The floor starts moving and it turns out the table was ontop of a van that had started driving off.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Kids Going Crazy at a Thrift Store

      by , 01-25-2013 at 03:15 PM
      I’m at a thrift store. I’m wandering around looking at dresses. There are a lot of sleeveless dresses with cool patterns on them, and I’m thinking about trying on some of them … but then, suddenly, there are all these kids running around in the store and I guess it turns out I’m supposed to be playing some kind of game with them. So, for some reason I have to hide under a clothes rack. And I’m just lying there on the floor, and then kids keep like, leaping over me and I’m afraid I’m going to get trampled.

      Yeah, that’s all I can remember.
    7. Homestuck dreams but no recall, bluh

      by , 01-25-2013 at 06:17 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      When I woke up this morning I was convinced that I had had two dreams about Gamzee, but since I don't remember them, I'm skeptical about it.

      But it actually did remind me that I had a dream about Dave and Dirk yesterday, but they were just mundane DCs in it I guess.

      Also had a dream about being mind-controlled or something by an older witch woman?
    8. Marvel vs DC, James Bond and Future Knowledge, Risk and Mind Reading (Fragments)

      by , 01-24-2013 at 06:58 PM
      01-24-2013 -- [Was sick yesterday, and dozed a lot, which means a very bad night of sleeping last night. Seems like I was waking up every 10 to 15 minutes. Because of this, though I had some great dreams or dream fragments, I couldn't take the time to write them down, or I'd have never gotten back to sleep. So, all I could do was memorize a general setting, so we'll have to see just how much of these I can manage to recall.]

      Playing some sort of computer game, hints of maybe Runescape or Roller Coaster Tycoon, but its a live version, not playing on the computer. Anyway, I am running around and planting some seeds or placing some flowerbeds or things like that, and I soon find myself running through some odd rooms that kind of make me think of the flash powder factory.

      Buried deep in this factory, something is going on, and people's lives are being threatened, and suddenly there is a super hero there to help save the day. I am thinking it might be Aquaman. Darn it. This was the earliest fragment of the night, and also one of the most interesting, but more and more of it is gone.

      Anyway, we're now doing things in this area (not that I spend enough time in the flash powder factory to be sure that is where this is, but it is a place with odd rooms, obstacles and traps to make your way through) and there are a soon two or three heroes to help us. But if there are super-powered beings to help us, surely that'll mean there are super-powered beings against us, as well.

      Sure enough, as we continue to fight through the area, we start being attacked by other super-powered beings. For our protection, the heroes are loading us into a sort of shuttle craft and launching it, hoping to get us away to safety ... if it can withstand the attack of the bad guys. I think there was some throwaway comment about Doctor McCoy not having a chance to test it because of the timing.

      So there are super villains surrounding the shuttle as it takes off, and almost immediately the floor is buckling from multiple hits as I *think* Doctor Octopus is under there pounding on it with all his mechanical arms, and as the floor breaks in, the entire shuttle shakes apart. Suddenly we having flying or powered heroes (Superman, Iron Man, the likes) grabbing us and trying to fly after us, while similar heroes and villains are trying to stop them and catch us, all as shuttle bits rain down on the Earth. It was a rather cool scene.


      I was down at the corner house at Hickory and Greenleaf, and we were in the process of putting up some Christmas decorations without the owner's approval, when the owner came bursting out with the cops. Somebody had been doing something bad around the place. I was afraid I would be in trouble, but the owner of the house says he isn't worried about the people that add to his Christmas decorations, even if he doesn't understand why they do, and I explain that we just like the two houses on the ends of the block to be really well decorated as they help to represent the neighborhood and draw people in to look at the decorations. Weird.


      Half watching, half living a James Bond movie, that may have a small bit at a super market (I can remember just a hint) before a chase started. James was chasing the villain through a long tunnel in a mountain, while we're kind of watching the chase on some kind of monitor. We can see they are about to exit the tunnel, and we're right about the timing. But suddenly things shift to a meeting room where M and a couple of her people are meeting with another high government official, and it turns out to be the guy that James was chasing. He's within the government, itself, and they don't yet have the evidence to bring him down.

      Soon I find myself standing in what half feels like a class room, and half seems to be a store in a mall. I have just finished watching the James Bond movie, and in a discussion about it, I end up winking at a sort of cute girl. Unfortunately, just about that time I start to recognize some things, and realize that I have been through this before, and some crooks are just about to attack this place.

      Sure enough, four or five thugs burst into the room and start shooting. I act like I've been hit and collapse to the ground, while everybody else is running around screaming and getting shot. I start grabbing other people's legs and telling them "Get down, you fools!" and some listen and some don't. Eventually the bad guys quit shooting, and start to check on who they have and what shape they are in, and begin making threats for the information they want.

      I've bided my time, and when they aren't expecting it, I strike back, knock some of them out, and me and some of the others make a break for it. As we make it out of the building we were in, but are still crossing the lawn to the parking lot, we see an attractive young woman still pushing her grandmother's wheelchair away from the scene, and we'd hoped they would have already gotten out of here, but I remember from the past time that they don't have anything the bad guys want, so I urge for us to keep on running, and tell them to continue fleeing as I can.

      As we reach our cars and start driving off, I'm shown to have known what I was talking about, as the crooks run right past them, to reach their cars and continue chasing us. Soon we're driving through the streets, being pursued. I think eventually we have a confrontation in a mall parking lot, along with the cute lady, her grandmother, and her kids, who have been dragged back into things, but most the details are gone. Still a fun dream, though.


      I'm not sure which came first, the game or the diner, so I'm just going to put the game first. I am sitting at a small card table somewhere, with a game of Risk before me. I am considering playing a game with myself, but find each color only seems to have 15 or 20 army pieces which aren't going to be enough to play with. So I am looking for the box, hoping it will contain more army pieces.

      As I am looking, a couple of other people decide they are going to play, also, and sit down. But if we are going to play, there are things we need to do, including deal out the cards to claim the territories and roll dice to decide who is going to go first. So one guy, who might be Dave D., rolls his die, and I roll mine, and since I only rolled a one, it looks like he'll be going first. So I am in the middle of dealing the cards out into two piles, and two more people decide to join, so Dave grabs another stack of cards, and starts dealing them out for the other two people, and we have to redo the rolling to see who goes first.

      Soon I find myself sitting in a diner, right as my food is being brought to me. I think I have a burger and some nice, crispy french fries. There is a guy sitting next to me, clean cut, seems friendly, very unoffensive. Seems like a cross between a Jimmy Stewart character and the 'Happiest Man in Springfield', just a really sweet, easy going guy.

      Who doesn't seem to be from around here. He has ordered a meal and is waiting for it, but he doesn't seem to know what it is he is getting. He points at my fries and asks what they are, and I tell him they are french fries. The waitress comes up and asks him if she misunderstood him. Maybe he wants a baked potato instead? No, he says, some of these 'fries' should be just fine.

      It's an old-style diner, which may make some sort of sense, because soon the buildings are shaking and bombs are falling from the sky, and it turns out to be in the middle of a battlefield somewhere in World War Two. I'm running out of the diner and looking for places I am needed, and I guess 'Jimmy' does as well.

      Soon I see him standing near a soldier crouched with a radio (looks much like one of those little green army men from when I was a kid). It seems he can kind of read minds, even if he doesn't have nearly any clue of what it is he is hearing. So he is just babbling random thoughts and sentences in this guy's ear, of the various thoughts he is picking up, most of which are worthless, until suddenly he starts reading the orders that the enemy troops are being given, as they are being given, which is some very helpful information.


      Probably at least one or two more fragments from the night, but I simply can't remember them at this time.
    9. Parking, Daniel's Truck, Convience Store, and Being Naked

      by , 01-22-2013 at 11:39 AM
      I was in Universal, Driving my mom's car, trying to follow how to Park in the giant Parking Garage. My mom was in the passanger seat, being a mom and stuff, and I was just trying to gain the expereince of parking by myself.

      I woke up early to go to school, had breakfast, and went outside the front door to see how cold it was. My mom was inside the living room with the cat, and when I went outside, Daniel drove his truck into the Rose Bush and Flower Box at my front door, nearly hitting me, and flashed his front lights, signaling me to get in. I got inside, and he wanted to go buy lighters.

      I'm getting out of the truck, walking to an odd shaped convenience store, and Taylor Volkema walks past me, but we pay each other no mind, and continue on our way. I get in, and walk around. I find myself forgetting about getting lighters and such, and notice some cloth's I'd like to put on. I take off my shirt, and am shirtless, then my pants, now pants-less. Before I know it, I'm on the floor, naked, in a convenience store. Luckily, I was in an aisle where no one could see me, so I was quick to put my cloths back on before anyone came by, except my parents, Mom and Dad, who just appeared in the same store, who saw me, and alerted me of my new exposed situation. I love Family!

      Updated 01-22-2013 at 11:43 AM by 60251

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    10. 21st January 2013

      by , 01-21-2013 at 03:51 PM
      Sleep – 10:40pm
      Wake ups – 2:15am
      Finial Wake up – 7:20am
      WBTB + WILD – 3:25am-3:53am and 6:30am-7:00am

      - I was sat at my computer looking at the news for anything related to children escaping from being killed. I felt immense joy whenever I did. One I found was a royal Japanese family escaping from execution.

      - My sister was talking to my parents about buying some walking boots in the kitchen.

      - I was in my kitchen talking to my brother. He was talking about how he bought loads of chees. He told me that him, my sister and my parents all bought 800g of cheese.

      - I was sitting in my room when I got a phone call. I answered it and a male voice came through asking me if I wanted to be part of a secret group that would be called into emergency situations .I accepted. My brother, me and someone else were chosen to form this secret. We got called into somewhere in the north of Scotland and we were in the middle of England. We decided to drive there. I was wearing a shirt that was slightly transparent.

      - I was watching Vegeta and Nappa (from Dragon Ball Z) land on an alien planet. They got out of there space ships (that were the same ones they used in DBZ) and they started to explore the planet. The planet was mostly red and the water was slightly red but not much. Nappa fell into a small pool of water that was quite deep. Vegeta helped him out with a large stick that he found nearby. They were the attacked by some aliens. The aliens were about half a meter tall, black with red writing on them. Vegeta seemed to know that the writing on them were passwords to everything. The aliens could morph into any shape they wanted to. One of the aliens morphed into a creature with 8 legs in one row along its body.

      - I was in Tesco with a couple of friends buying some food. Also in the shop were quite a lot of people I know from school. On some of the shelves they were selling dolls about 10cm tall of people I know. I picked up a bag of sweets. The bag was black and it contained sweets that fit together like a puzzle. I put them down and picked up something else instead.

      To pay for an item you had to go up some stairs and onto the roof. Then there would be a staff member sitting on the roof facing you and you had to wait until they called your name. When they did you had to the walk up to them and pay for your food. I thought this was stupid and pointless but I was feeling nervous about it at the same time.

      - I was in Morrison’s and I was buying some food for dinner. On random products someone had stuck a piece of paper with a picture to them. Stuck to all cans of cat food was a square piece of white paper with a picture of a velociraptor on it.

      I picked up something from the shelf and started walking past some checkouts that had long lines. I found one that didn’t have anyone queuing for it. I walked up to it and behind the checkout was a woman flipping a 50p coin around across the checkout. I gave her my food to scan and it came to £1. I gave her a £5 note and she gave me my change. I walked to the exit where for some reason my parents were waiting with a staff member.

      I instantly felt nervous and wondered why they were here. They had a look on their face like I had done something bad. I walked up to them and they asked what I had bought. They also asked about the meal deal. I started to explain it to them.

      - Me and a couple of friends were at some sort of theme park. I could see other people walking around. We walked around for a bit. We came to a strange object. It was a sphere on top of a pole. The pole was about a meter wide and a meter long. It was about 10 meters tall and the sphere was about 3 meters tall. The pole was grey and made on concrete and the sphere was blue with white strips around it. The sphere had smaller spheres (about the size of my fist) sticking out of it. The pole had small circles cut out of it.

      I jumped up and managed to jump high enough to grab one of these. I let go and fell back down. One of my friends said this was all fake. I looked through one of the circles cut out of the pole. It showed me the theme park we were in but without any one in it but us. I then knew that this was fake.

      The manager walked through a door and was really angry. He confirmed that this theme park was indeed fake. He pushed a button and the sphere on top of the pole started moving. It was a nuclear bomb. Just before it could be launched, a woman appeared and kicked it. This disabled it.

      - I was melting gold in acid baths. The gold had to go through 5 acid baths before it was fully melted.
    11. 20th Jan 2013 Mystic Forest, Moving to other house

      by , 01-20-2013 at 07:58 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Had hard time to get up today for some reason, basically forgetting to do dream recall until later on.
      I still have remembered 2 dreams though(somewhat).

      Dream 1(memorable):

      Can't remember most of the dream, but i remember part of the dream where i was running from gorilla(which looking surprisingly like Donkey Kong) and ending up near the forest entrance. It was some sort of mystic forest with all sorts of weird creatures around. I was wandering in it but i had an specific goal, which i think was to make specific creature my friend/partner or something.
      Soon i found the creature i have searched for, it looked like deer in general, but had rather predatory characteristics and their legs were structured more like the ones of big cats. Their fur was dark violet with dark dots. As soon as i approached they growled and ran away.
      After more search i have found another one of them, but this one had pure white fur and looked more amazing in general. It didn't ran away when i approached, but as soon as i tried to establish telepathic link, it growled and ran away as well.
      I exited the forest and somebody asked why i haven't got one, to which i responded: "I don't seem to be ready yet, i need more practice" or something along this line.

      Dream 2:

      Apparently we were preparing all stuff possible to move from our house to the other one, the reason was that that the house was slightly on fire, though fire was rather static and not spreading or anything. Most of the time we were just figuring out what to grab next. Dream ended at some point.
    12. 20th January 2013

      by , 01-20-2013 at 02:04 PM
      Sleep – 10:40pm
      Wake Ups – 1:25am, 6:20am, 8:10am
      Finial Wake up – 10:27am
      WBTB – N/A

      Dream Fragment

      - I was talking about repainting the house with my dad, brother and sister.

      Updated 01-25-2013 at 07:27 AM by 60314

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Between worlds

      by , 01-20-2013 at 05:54 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      I was on a porch and it was raining. There was a cord hanging down from the roof from one end to the other, and a white cloth was hanging on it. I knocked it off somehow and was trying to put it somewhere to dry, but couldn't find a place. Someone showed up.

      May or may not be separate dreams:

      - Someone thought I was lying about something.

      - I jumped out of a window(?) between worlds that were in the form of two bodies of water in forests, choosing the right one. I think there was a small dog there?
      Tags: forest, porch, rain
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Randomness

      by , 01-19-2013 at 08:35 PM
      I knew I was dreaming in this dream but I could not control it. I don't remember that much but I'll try to write as much as possible.

      Dream Fragment #1: I was sitting at a table at a workshop sort of thing. There were two other girls there at the table with me. One I didn't know and the other one was my friend K. The unknown girl was flipping through a magazine and was looking at a band I liked. K was talking about her favorite members and I agreed with her and she looked at me weird for no reason.

      Sign this was a dream: The chairs were really odd.

      Dream Fragment #2: I was in an office-school setting. It looked like a normal place, other than the fact it was all outside. My friend H and I (as in me, not another friend ) ran up to a computer and started googling random stuff (I don't remember any of it). The teacher (who was quite attractive ) asked us what we were doing and I made up a bullcrap excuse and my friend and I ran away laughing.

      Sign this was a dream: The fact that the office/classroom was outside and what H and I googled didn't appear as what we searched.
      Tags: semi lucid
      dream fragment
    15. First lucid failed badly! D:

      by , 01-19-2013 at 10:55 AM
      -First lucid fragment? I realize I am dreaming on a beach and proceed to touch a palm and spin a little to stabilize it. It works, but is not very effective. I look at my hands, and shortly after that the dream collapses. It was no more than a few seconds. Wai. Is this the way it works for first lucids more often? PM me please!
      -Watching a TV show where a big pterodactylus throws a little rhino onto a smaller pterodactylus that was laying on the ground.
      -A girl strokes my leg. Then I kicked her. What.
      -I am in the testing room from the Incredibles movie. It faded to black, so I probably died.