It was the last day of elementary school, a lot of festivities and performances were planned in the gymnasium, me along with three other kids, one being a girl I had a crush on during 5th - 6th grade, another being my current best friend I didn't even know back then, and I think the last one was the girl's best friend. We did a short skit, or performance that was maybe three minutes long or something followed by us dancing to either Barbie Girl or a song from the Dutch girlband K3 as ending/credits as the audience would give us an applause! However, we would just continue dancing for the entire song while they kept applauding. We would've done so for the entire 7(?) minute run of the song, but eventually decided to gather in front of the audience and bow, my theatre school instincts kicked in to say "Yes!" as we bowed. We then leave the gymnasium and decide backstage to hang out together instead of attending the rest of the event (considering it was primary school, it was literally early in the afternoon) We then decided to go to the city, my crush asking me where I live to see if it was possible. Although I was thinking like my current age self while supposedly being a prospective 7th grader, I was still convinced I lived in Utrecht rather than Berlin where I currently live so I'd be good. We went to a supermarket nearby to get some food, but I woke up. Curse you brain for finally letting me hang out with my crush ;_;
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am at some kind of hospital, but it also looks like a shopping center. The beds and medical machines are lined up at a large corridor and in between there are vendor stalls. At first I am not even aware that I am there as a pacient. I am thirsty and I spot a little faucet and I open it to drink. Two nurses come by and yell at me that it controls an IV drip of a patient and that's when I realize this place is a hospital. I find the main door to the outside and decide to leave, as I don't feel sick. Outside is a vast prairie with green grass and blue sky. In front of me is a tree which somehow is also the incarnation of my past crush BadWolf. He has a hole through his head / canopy. I feel pulled to him / it and I decide to plunge into his torax / trunk for unknown reasons. Nothing weird works, he simply disappears and I land in the prairie field which is covered in a beautiful variety of wild flowers.
Updated 06-20-2022 at 09:17 PM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am watching a Steven Seagal action movie with Riverstone and it has sex scenes that are basically porn and I feel a bit uncomfortable. The porn turns violent, which makes it worse. When a villain is caught, he is threathened with revenge sodomy and then some lady has a ganga bang on a pool and she is turned upside down on the water and is unable to breathe. The movie is also quite immersive and at some point I am actually in it. I am some business man that is the main target of some terrorists/ gang. They attack me in the lobby of a building and I run for dear life to an elevator and almost get killed by a rain of fire. But I manage to slam myself against the wall on the right side of the doors and just get a few non-lethal shots while the door closes in. I am not enjoying this dream at all, so I suddenly change scenario. I get out of the elevator as myself and the building outside is some kind of pavillion under preparation or renovation for some event. There are ladders and plastics all over. I spot Jaime sitting on a ladder. I come to him and say "Hi, I know you." He seems puzzled, like he sort of recognizes me, but can't really remember from where and when. I tell him my name and he gives me a big smile. Says that I look a bit different and he wouldn't recognize me if I didn't identify, but of course he remembers me. He says he missed me so much when we went to different schools and lost each other contact. Says he loved me and it was really tough for him. I am happy that he says it and I confess it was mutual. He comes down the ladder and invites me for a walk. There is some market outside the pavillion. We talk about this and that, we are so happy to be together again. Then we stop at some lady selling homemade belgian waffle cookies. They look yummy, but are 1,5€ each and I tell her it is too expensive. I understand anything homemade and artisanal is more expensive, but think that is excessive. But Jaime buys 2 cookies and I guess one is for me. At home, in Alhandra. I'm in my old childhood bedroom, with my present day cats. There is another cat on the balcony of the room next door and it is peaking through my window, barely stable on its ledge. I recognize it as my neighbor Carla's cat (although she never had one in RL). A chubby turtle cat with a mutation that gave her four ears. I wanna be sure she is safe and wanna show Riverstone the mutation, so I open the window and allow her to come in. She is friendly but not a big fan of being held. So I let her walk around and my 3 cats seem to be ok with her. But soon after Buddha goes nuts and mounts her, despite him being neutered. I think she must have really strong pheromones. Luckily he can't really do anything but he is annoying her a lot. So she finally let's me pick her up and I go to the kitchen with her in my arms to show her to Riverstone. I then decide to take her back to Carla. My father joins in, saying he also has stuff to take to her. I notice he his just wearing a shirt and underwear and I insist he should get some pants, but he refuses. He has a bag with a small vase with a plant and a couple of herb stacks. He comes with me down the building staircases, but then wonders "Shouldn't you put on some shoes instead of coming with your slippers?" and I say she lives just a couple floors below, why would I bother? And he replies "But didn't she move to the single house of her grandmother down the street?" And I remember she indeed moved to her grandma's house. But then I also wonder if he knows that, why would he go on the street with no pants on? Anyway, we reach the second floor and the apartment on the right side of the hallway has the door open and I hear her voice inside. I don't question anymore where she lives. We go inside and she is having a party with friends. I think it's her birthday. She is surprised that I have her cat and then looks a bit uncomfortable with my dad and his gifts. I look at the supposed herb stacks he brought to her and I see only grasses and yellow oxalis with no nutritional or medicinal value and I wonder what's his thinking.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some beach house with Riverstone and a couple of my cats and some friends, like Tânia. I hear that Jonh Blacksmith is also around and for some reason I am asked to accompany some kid to the place he s staying, to deliver a message. After doing so, I stay there to chat a little bit. But John is so very busy, going back and forth and in out of the room. Then he says he needs to go shower, but will come back, so I interpret that he wants me to wait. I stay but I fall asleep on his bed. I notice him coming in later on and getting dressed. He knows I am there but doesn't want to wake me up. He lookdearingly to me. I play with it and pretend to be on a light sleep and reposition myself to a cute sleeping pose. Then he goes out again and I think maybe he left because I was alseeep, so I get up to clear that up. I see myself in a mirror. I have a cute yellow ruffled dress and short hair, which all messy. So I tidy up a little bit and then he comes back again. He sees me picking up my stuff to leave, so he calls me on to stand in front of him and he says something nervously. I don't understand half of what he says but I feel the emotion in his words. He is saying that he loves me and wants to be with me and apparently he is free to do it. He starts crying like a baby, with snot in his nose and I also start crying and we embrace each other warmly. He points to inside the wardrobe and says something that I again have trouble understanding. I ask him to repeat and he says there is a portal in the wardrobe and we can jump through it and get out at some other place where someone he knows can marry us on the spot. I am like "Wait, no!" But some people we know start coming into the room to speak to him and they see him hugging me, so before they see my face and go spread the word about it, I agree to jump. So we jump. On the other side is a large room like an attic and there is some lady there. He explains that she can marry us right away and we can leave everything behind. That's when I get away from him and say "I am sorru but I can't, for better or for worse, I need to go back to my life." And all his plans shatter and I see all hope abandoning him. I loved our cathartic moment together, love the idea that we could have had it differently in a different life, but in this life it is not meant to happen. I am friend or sister of Ana, who dates Christian Grey. One day she is helping me and Riverstone put stuff into our van and one of her exes passes by on the sidewalk with his snobbish new girlfriend. Ana says "Oh no!" when she sees them, but puts on a smile and says hello to them. The other woman mocks her, by saying she looks good but in a condescendent way. Ana plays it cool and says she is doing good. But the bitch laughs and replies "We can see you really moved up in life". We are really irritated, but we try not to bring up she is dating Christian because that would lowering to her level. In any case, I walk up to her and get my face near hers and say "Bitch, you have no idea. You'd be crying if you knew." She scoffs me off and they walk away. I know she'll eventually find out what I am talking about. Ana is about to get married to him and she'll be on every papparazzi magazine. Then it's her wedding day and it is very bizarre. First we gather with some of his family in the UK, because his family is full of British nobility. They dress and behave funny, but all of them seem to be nice people. Christian finds Ana hiding in a corner, crying upset and wants to know what's going on. We tell him what happened some days before and how she is still struggling with it. He immediately wants to go confront the woman, but we talk him out of it. Instead we explain how it is to grow up poor, and no matter how much you work, you still never getting enough money to get out of poverty, and the anger that comes with it. And how it isn't remotely ok to shame others just because now you're rich, not due to any accomplishment, but just through marriage. First, because it ain't your money and second, because money should not define your worth in the eyes of anyone else. Therefore Ana is crying out of frustration because she wants to feel self worth for herself. Christian and a friend are listening to this attentively. Then I leave them and join some other family members wbo are playing silly games. They say they are traditional and I mention they seem totally absurd. All the ladies, one by one, have to try to catch something that will be thrown, but it is not a bouquet, it can be anything else. I get hit by a cloud of sewing pins. I spend like an hour removing them from my chest and face. And even from some poor cat who got in the way when that happened. Then some other girl gets covered in darts, but she is ecstatic. I just think "What in the hell?" Then there is a feast, but in the end there is so much wasted food, so I stay behind separating what is good to eat and compacting and separating packages for recycling, because I don't know if the servants will do so. I distribute wet bread outside in the garden for pigeons and other birds to eat, and I start putting packages of chips and other snacks in carton boxes and plastic bags and wondering how am I going to take this all on my plane trip back home.
Dream #1: My friend and I were in the army, it looked like we were deployed in Iraq. We were clearing a house to make sure there were no hostiles. Dream #2: We were at school in the middle of the night, except it wasn't really like learning school -- also we were in my neighborhood at midnight, waiting for a bus to pick us up. Dream #3 My friend, a random guy, and a girl in my neighborhood all went biking together, and I'm pretty sure it was the girl that I like IRL, and I don't think she has a mutual feeling lol. Dream #4: My family and I were walking through this very nice city, it looks like it was somewhere in Italy. We brought our pet dogs with us and that was fun. Dream #5: I went to my cousin's house in Pennsylvania, and some of my friends from my old school were there, it was odd. Then I saw my cousin which I hadn't seen in like 3 years, so that was nice.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some team building event. I am with Zilla and I also see other familiar faces from high school, like Filipa, who tells us that Claudia died some time ago. There is also by Bad Wolf, my pre-teen sweetheart, who ended up hating me. But he seems cool about me now. We do our team building exercises and the ice breaks between us. I actually think he is into me and I wonder if maybe the universe is offering us a chance to have the relationship we never had in the past. He looks youthful, keeping is highscool looks and he is now divorced or something. And apparently I am free too. So we become good friends and plan to go on a date. Now I realize we are all on a ship, looks like he a fisher boat. One night I get up amidst a chaos, the boat is in a storm, there is water and debris everywhere and Bad Wolf is looking for me, concerned. He meets me on the deck and says it's not safe, a giant whale is attacking us. Then I see a giant flipper hiting us and I fall into the water, losing consciousness. I am in and out of my senses as I sink into the water and at some point I notice someone swimming nearby and pulling me into some other ship wreck below us. We can't go up, as the whale is still hiting and now some orcas have joined in attacking survirvors. Luckily, the sunken ship is almost intact and is turned upside down which created a giant air pocket inside it, so we can actually breathe and walk through a big part of the ship. Zilla managed to join us and we discover a pantry and it's packed with food. I know the air won't last long and we will eventually have to go to the surface again.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening With Zilla and other people. Her German cousins are visiting. She tells me her cousin, for whom I had a crush, is this fat guy with a squeaky voice. He already has a daughter, he is very friendly, but it is a disappointment for me. We are at a fortified town and at night people go indoors and warn tourists about a werewolf, but tourists either don't believe or are excited with it. I am hiding at a high view point of the fortress, I notice some movement, some people are outside and sound the alarm and the creature climbs to rooftops and terraces and tries to escape. I follow it. Goes inside the castle where there is an event happening and people are still there. He attacks and a couple of persons are bitten, adding to the chaos, as at least one starts turning. I hide at a locker room where some ladies are changing, unaware of it, and then a few more people hide and lock doors. I don't want to stay put, as I find an exit leading to an old hospital. It is not empty, it is just quiet, cause it's night and some hallways are closed to the general public, but I dress as a doctor and wander around and no one suspects. Then I can't find a way out and becomes surreal. I hide from some female doctors in an area with rooms or apartments for doctors to rest. They sense my presence but I sneak out from room to room and they don't see me or just have glimpses of me and think are hallucinating. Then I find a secret door leading to a chamber and then another door to a toilet and god knows why, I have to climb inside the toilet and flush to open up a passageway to exit this place. But I hesitate, I am afraid of doing it and look for some normal exit. End up by the side of a bed where one doctor wakes up and sees me again but assumes I am in a dream, so I just lay down by her bed and pretend I am a character of her imagination and wait for her to fall asleep. I finally exit this place. Go to airport where the security stops me and I lose my plane.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At a house with a long corridor, like my grandparents' home in Moita. I'm going around locking up the windows. My dad is there. I also have my cats and a cougar. The cougar was raised by us but seems not to like us or the cats, and picks up fights. The cats are afraid and bite me several times. The cougar then bites a cat but lets him go, clearly not with the intention to kill. Still I yell at him and throw him out in the street. A couple of twin old rich ladies, my neighbors, see it and come to rescue the "poor thing". I try to warn then that he is behaving badly, but they don't care as they always loved the cougar. Staying at a hostel, changing the sheets in the bed. Someone caught a mouse in a jar. Go to school and I am looking for my classroom. I am late, Ana Sofia and others also are just arriving. Not many places or chairs available. I sit in the back, can't hear the teacher. A girl in front row is an ass kisser to the teacher. Then in the middle of the students, I spot my guru as a young boy, he is being teased by a indian kid pretending to be fishing. A guy who's been stalking me disappears, but I think he faked his own death and will come back to haunt me again Start dating my childhood crush Marco. We've been flirting for a while, I sit in the back of the classroom and so does he. One day he sits at a piano to serenade me and I sit by his side, feeling warmhearted.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Slipping through an underground garage with someone. We need a trick to distract a security guard, so we attract the attention of another female guard outside and we manage to hide. We walk through a train track and we get caught by soldiers. They don't know us, think we're just lost, so we obey their orders and walk the direction they take us on. But we are on a mission, we have something or we know something and we need to escape. Then some other soldier who identifies us, sees us and starts shooting us all, including the soldiers. He's got a machine gun. I survive by pressing myself against a wall as I watch others going down. I manage to get closer to the soldier and I ambush the guy. I knock his gun out of his hands. Giant killer alien outside. One has to move carefully around town. I go to some place but it is not safe. The alien infiltrates the building and we have to be masters of disguise to escape him. A friend of mine has no bones (?). I am a researcher at a university. I write a letter to a teacher about a theory I have and want to deliver it in hand. I am a bit afraid of the elevators, so I enter a tower of stairs that leads to the lobby of his department. When I arrive there, there is a bunch of noisy guys coming out of an elevator and I get mingled with them as we walk to the entrance of the department. We need a card or someone to let us in. A man unlocks the door and lets me in. The other guys also want to, but he says one at a time. I arrive to the office of the teacher and he asks me about my theory, but it is a different one from what I want to deliver and she is puzzled. She asks her assistant something and they realize there was some mistake. She was expecting the other guys outside who also had sent some email with some theory and that's the ones she was expecting. They come in. I explain I didn't want to fool anybody, just wanted to hand my letter. She looks at me with contempt but I hand the letter anyway. I am sure once she reads it, she will be just as excited as with these guys' theory, but I don't know if she will even read it. They kick me out. I go back to my dorm room. It actually has great space, several extra beds like bunk bed and sofa bed, I can sleep in different beds everyday, but I clearly have no friends to make use it. It is so sad and pathetic I feel sorry for myself in this life. Helping two guys who are being chased by the police. Actually the cops don't know they are two, or three since I'm helping them. They are looking for just one guy, so they keep passing by us and letting us free. We are not simple thieves, it's something for a greater good and the cops are at the service of a corrupt system. Walking through some artisans crafts market. Meet Zilla and her friends and tag along. Then meet Riverstone and we all head for a building. We find the elevator not working and two maintenance guys come. One of them is my pre-teen sweetheart Marco, don't know if he recognizes me, so I don't say anything, but he calls me by my name and asks for help. I leave my friends and go help him. He has to dangle from some cables and needs me to push him in a certain way, I help but at some point he swings out of a window and I see him falling to the ground outside. I am terrified to go check on him, but he is fine, just hurt. He fell on something soft, he said he knew it was there since he knew this could happen. I go downstairs and sit on the sidewalk as he recovers from his soreness. Zilla and the others are passing by again and also sit to show me some cool things they bought at the market. Lovely boots and glasses, very steampunk. Marco also loves it, he is also into steampunk. As we talk I feel we have so much in common. Then some people come take a car that is parked by our side and we notice they have a dent on the side caused by his fall, but we don't say anything. Something about a vampire community and a bad vampire that has the power to kill others and is wiping them out. He just blasts some energy field and they are reduced to ashes. And I come to help them, because some of these vampires are my friends. He has two other very strong allies by his side. I get to fight the woman and I find that I can't defeat her, so I just distract her long enough so others can attack the bad vampire in the hope to win. The final fight between us is on top of a cliff by the ocean shore.
I changed my alarm back this morning from 5:15 to 5:05. I also put the 11pm a bit quieter. I got off computer at 10:30 as normal and meditated for a half hour. Turned off alarm and put on sleep mask and went to sleep. Woke up to 5am alarm. I sat up and said I would be going back to sleep very soon. I set a few intentions and tried to recall any dreams to no success. I laid still for what only felt like a few minutes. I felt some vibrations, and then I felt some more running across my body. I tried super hard to form a dream and then I remembered that was my mistake the other day. I relaxed and let it come to me naturally. I tried to tell the dream to put me at my old house. I saw the dream in front of me, but it was like looking at a small low res screen surrounded by darkness. I knew I was in the dream already because of how colorful it was, but I wondered how I'd pull myself into the full dream. I imagined I was viewing the dream through some sort of camera. (I was wearing my sleep mask which is likely the cause of all this) I took a deep breath and put down the camera on a table in front of me and my FOV expanded completely. I was now in the dream. It was extremely vivid. I could see everything clear as day. I was at a strange house that was kind of a mix between my old one and this one. There was a barbecue or something going on because my whole family was there, including cousins. I rubbed by hands together and knelt to the ground. I felt the concrete texture and then I punched it a few times to test its solidity. The dream was so real and stable. I then remembered something about keeping lucidity by playing music in the background so I tried that to no success. I didn't think to try other methods of summoning music aside from pure will. I gave up on that and went back to the house. I said to myself the house would transform as I entered the door. It would change to the house I wanted it to be. I opened the door and found it was still the weird mix of homes instead of the one I wanted. At one point I entered the void. I do not recall if I fully recovered from it or not, but I do recall taking off my sleep mask and still seeing the void. I realized I was still dreaming and tried to bring back a dream but as I said, I think I failed. Gah...Accomplished a lucid via WILD, but it was shortlived and I succeeded in none of my goals. Oh well, just another step towards my goals! I also remembered another dream throughout the night. I was doing yoga with a room full of people. There was no set routine, but a few of us noticed that the majority of the people were doing a routine in sync. They were all mirroring the exact same movements at the same time, looking stone faced in a single direction. There were murmurs throughout the people that something weird was going on. I admitted I couldn't do yoga and talked to my dream crush. I can't say I fully recognize her irl. She reminded me of a mix between a previous acquaintance and an previous coworker. Both of course I had found attractive. We struck up a conversation about the yoga people and then I asked her to dance. I said I didn't know how and she got all happy. She said she'd like to teach me and she was glad I asked. She offered me her hand and I put my hand in hers, and then I put my other hand on her hip and she started telling me what to do from there. I was in bliss while the dream faded away. Dang. I sure am lonely, but that dream was real nice. No, I do not do yoga. I am neither in the shape or is it something I am interested in. But I should probably go dancing.
Okay, that's a great title but whatever. AoT means Attack on Titan (or SnK/Shingeki no Kyojin) if you're wondering. What's important about it now is that it's basically titans versus humans. (Go watch it. Contains a little blood tho. A little). But yeah, I guess being inactive here is a habit for me now. I haven't got LDs after my last DJ entry (too long ago) but I've still been active enough with my dream recalling imo. Active enough means at least one dream per day. Last week I had nine dreams in total, a week before that it was 12, a week before that...six?? And a week before that it was 13. Good enough for me. But here are my dreams from last night: 1# I was in a game. Or "game", because it's graphics were way too realistic. My dad was there too. He had made the game. Yeah. We were on a beach. It was sunny. There was only a little water where we were standing. Like, only a puddle. I don't remember if anything happened before this, but there was a whale. It obviously wasn't under water but in a puddle if even that. It was still alive. I was looking at it. It was very small compared to a real whale. It was gray, black or blue. Not sure anymore. Then I realized that you shouldn't go too near it for some reason. It was something relevant in the game. I was too late. Somehow the whale "threw" me in the air and ate me. It had a big mouth. I saw it from a third perspective so it wasn't scary. It was a game over. I think you could respawn after that, but the dream ended. 2# I was in a forest. The trees were very big. There were supposed to be titans, but I didn't see any. There were other people including my crush and some people that were his friends. There was a "hole" in one of the trees. Like a cave. That's how big the trees were. Or then we were small. There were red ladders in front of the "cave". We were analyzing if titans could climb to the "cave". Then we went inside. There were some furniture. We did...something. I'm not sure. We went outside too.
Ok, I don't know if you understand the title but I do so whatever. I got four dreams on Monday, but I was busy. I tried to write them here on yesterday too, but website was sooo slow I gave up. But here are the dreams: #1 This was a nightmare. I remember wathching some scary pictures. There were normal people and ghosts in them. I only saw two pictures until I woke up. At this point I tried to get myself motivated to get a LD (MILD) but it didn't work. #2 There were only aliens on Earth (expect that I was a human, I think). The aliens were big and colourful. They ate something, propably meat. This dream was really interesting. #3 I was in school and had textile work. One girl (who actually didn't have textile work IRL so...) was talking about how every girl had like A for it, expect me, apparently. I felt a little sad for it. She was mean. #4 I was in school again, and talking to another girl. She talked about her crush. She described him. It didn't sound like it, but apparently she was talking about my crush. I told her that I liked him too. I think I had this dream because I'm always so jealous. So those were the dreams I had on Monday. I had two dreams yesterday, but they were a little boring and I don't remember them that much. I also tried WILD in the morning, but my siblings were noisy so I failed. Here are the two dreams for today, however: #1 I was on a restaurant. Its food was not the typical kind, but it was good. The restaurant had dark brown walls and a weird mascot. I think I went to the actual kitchen after eating. #2 I was playing The Sims 4 with my favourite family, butI then its dad made a fire so I immediately quit without saving. Then I played it again avoiding the thing (not a stove) that caused it. So, those were the dreams I've had recently. No LDs, but I guess I'm still happy.
Updated 06-21-2017 at 08:59 AM by 93459
So, I got three dreams and to make it simple I'm just going to write them all at once. None of them was lucid. Btw I'm writing all my dreams to my own notebook too and because it's my main DJ I might not write here at all if I don't feel like doing so. But here are my dreams from last night: #1 This dream was pretty short. I remember my crush being there. He smiled weirdly and was trying to get me date him even thought he didn't really like me. I knew that but apparently I still fell for him...The dream ended. #2 At first I was hanging around with some girl. I didn't know her IRL. We were at the beach and there were some random red stairs so we were hanging there. Then my companion changed to my family and relatives and we went to some house. It was round and off the ground (it had pillars). It wasn't that big and I think it was red too. The house was haunted and had quite disgusting history. Also it was swinging like a boat for some reason. Some of the walls were unstable. There was propably some secret room. I felt sick and was afraid some ghost would show up. Others had no problem with the house and seemed happy. I went outside. I puked. It was very weird but not as bad as IRL. The dream ended. #3 Another haunted house dream. This time the house was more big. It looked gray. The dream begann already inside it, I think. There were people I know IRL including my sister. Most of the people were girls and younger than me, but there was one boy who was the same age as me. Some went to a room that seemed scarier than the other rooms. Or atleast I felt like it was scarier. They got stuck for a while and the boy went to save them. I just ate salad that someone found. There were plastic forks. Weird . The dream ended. I also remember having a fourth dream, but I only remember that I was in school in it, so it doesn't count imo.
Updated 06-18-2017 at 07:48 PM by 93459 (added a category)
At first I was outside near my house and there were random people there. For some reason, they were a threat to me. I can't really remember this part. However, I realized it was a dream (there was no particular reason how I knew) and flew away. I wanted to fly to my crushes house, but one of the people at my house wouldn't let me and made me return home somehow. It was a boy, and one of the "cool kids" (or teenagers). I flew faster and then he couldn't do it because I was so far away already. While on the way to my crushes house I stopped because I realized I could do one ToTM, the recalling one. I succeeded. It was cool. I didn't know I could do that. I also looked at my environment and sky just for fun. The houses there looked cartoonish. The sky was boring. It wasn't even blue. I continued and realized I could fly faster if I was heading down rather than up. There were trees. Finally (this sounded like the trip was long but it wasn't) I got to the house. I made myself small and used some hole instead of a door (????logic) to go inside. I saw though the walls and felt uneasy. Rooms were small. My crush, his sister and his brother were there. I talked to his sister. Then the dream ended.
I am with my dad, at a bookstore in Thailand. My dad picks a large volume, "I was looking to buy this one for you" he says. I do not remember the title or the topic of the tome. There are vague interactions between me and a boy who looks like one of those kids from Mr. Osomatsu. I haven't seen that anime. He is drawn in anime style, but nobody seems to notice or care. He is cute, as in my dream has decided that I should find him cute. His behavior is endearing. He holds my hand a lot. I am a big sucker for that, I admit. My dream transitions to me being on Facebook, which I don't go on that much in real life. I add the boy (who I'm going to refer to as "Osomatsu") on Facebook. Then I invite him toe Hentai Group. I'm serious. I don't recall much interactions with him about the Hentai Group, but I recall the Hentai Group discussing everything except Hentai, and that's why this dream's title doesn't have an NSFW warning. We interact somehow, I don't rememebr what it is that we do together, but we do them in my boarding school's "Gala Day" event. He is very small. He is in a MEKA (from Overwatch) and he reminds me of gremlin (it's an Overwatch meme) I play a game similar to Dark Souls or Bloodborne, with another person who is likely not Osomatsu. An enemy warrior chases me. I don't recall much, except that they are female, and her face is covered with her helmet. She reminds me of a valkyrie, maybe. Or a harlequin. I think she wields two curved blades, or they might be fused into her. She is unkillable, her health regenerates rapidly and I can't kill her. I ran to find my friend working on an incredibly cryptic but engaging puzzle (some colored tiles on the floor). I ask him to help me pool together damage to kill the Valkyrie.
Updated 10-10-2016 at 09:33 PM by 50816