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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Dream - Odd Cars And Confusing Roads

      by , 05-17-2019 at 08:02 AM
      Date of Dream: SUN 14 APR - 2019

      Dream No. 576 - Odd Cars And Confusing Roads

      I don’t remember how the dream started. I cannot recall the location I was in, only that I was with my brother and that I had two lecturers for my current law subject. One the lecturers was Edward (Ed) Bosco who is a voice actor in real life and the other lecturer was actually a distorted version of Tony Barrett who in real life is now deceased but had a minor connection to Ed.

      From the first full scene, I can recall, were were supposedly at this dried out farm for some sort of party. I didn’t exactly know what was going on, only that I was naturally inclined to hit the study materials since I was on the scene with Ed, Tony and my brother. For now, Tony seemed to be looking after me and Ed seemed to be looking after my brother. As I was going through the book, Tony came up to me and said to focus on the topics that he had set out for Week 7.

      Later in the scene, I was talking to Tony and Ed came behind us. He ended up putting his left arm around Tony and his right arm around me; my brother was watching from a distance. From here on in, the atmosphere now felt more informal and Ed and Tony felt more like makeshift friendly guides than law lecturers. With the way Ed was acting, it’s like his enthusiasm was above a natural tendency. Rather, it felt like he was trying to spread some comradery between the three of us. For this scene only, Tony wasn’t dressed the best; he was wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt with a hot pink skirt, subtly printed with stars… I was wearing the inverse, my skirt was dark blue.

      We were then on the local roads back to my house and there seemed to be a different split. Tony was now with my brother and Ed had taken to me. Our outfits were back to normal as well, Tony was wearing a black collar t-shirt and I was wearing my high school summer dress. I have forgotten what Ed and my brother were wearing. The car was arranged in a weird way, so much so that I wasn’t aware of who was driving and so I asked Ed. He explained that Tony and NB were in the front end of the car and that Tony was driving. Ed and I were actually facing towards the rear and sitting right at the back (the other front in this case); this was a bootless car.

      For the next scene, it was Ed and I and he was driving in my mum’s car. He wanted to go to Fountain Gate shopping centre and the route he was going to take was some really long and obscure route. I suggested to him that the Monash Freeway would be the most convenient and effective route. Ed had successfully turned around on Wellington road but now he was confused about which lane to be on in order to enter onto the freeway. At first, I was sure it would be the left lane, but after a while, my mind was telling me that it was actually the right lane.

      At a later stage of Wellington Road, right before the entrance to the freeway, the driving rules seemed to change so now I was required to drive on the right side of the road like international driving laws. There were five turning lanes but apparently only one led onto the freeway. There were two lanes that would lead onto these rollercoaster tracks that could take you all the way to Luna Park. As Ed mistakenly went into one of those two lanes, I started freaking out as I did not want to go on those rollercoaster tracks in this car. After telling Ed, he managed to do a sudden u-turn at the last minute and then he was finally on the freeway.

      Still like international laws, we were driving on the right side of the road. Only the problem was that Ed was driving too much to the right of his lane and so this meant that he ended up slightly scraping the car against the noise barriers. As soon as Ed had realised what he had done, he wanted to pull over. We got out of the car, Ed going to the boot end to assess the damage. Meanwhile, I went to the end of the lane marking and gave myself the job of diverting traffic, pointing for all cars to go to the furthest left lanes.

      There was an African lady driving one car who seemed to slow down when she saw the sight. She had this look on her face like she was somewhat disgusted with what went down. At the same time, heaps of police cars had driven by to examine the scene but none of them actually stopped. The African lady drove off when she saw me getting back into the car. I told Ed, “Don’t worry, if my mum didn’t get angry at me for what I did, she won’t get angry at you for scraping the car”.

      The dream scene changed. It was now night time and I was by myself. I was calling out for 18-Volt across the Yarra river. My dad appeared to make this ridiculous claim about 18-Volt, fooling my mind. A supposed green blobby figure of 18-Volt was approaching but I woke up.

      Dream No. 576

      Dream Guide: Edward Bosco & Tony Barrett
      Lucid?: No
      non-lucid , memorable
    2. Dream - Looking For The Wrong Guy

      by , 05-17-2019 at 07:59 AM
      Date of Dream: SAT 13 APR - 2019

      Dream No. 575 - Looking For The Wrong Guy

      I don’t remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was at this unknown place, the first part of the scene claiming that I was in the dream world. There were swirling images of these random, distorted faces on a billboard. The scene then shifted and the dream ridiculously claimed that I was now in the real world. I was to remember the faces from the previous billboard and choose one that I wanted to meet. I couldn’t remember any of them though as I wasn’t aware about the task back then, so I assumed that one of the faces was a girl with a cowboy hat. There was a later part of the scene but I don’t remember a lot about it.

      In a later scene, it was pitch black at night and I was at my old house, I was living in the shed in the corner of the backyard. I was trying to switch the light on but no matter how I flicked the switch, the power didn’t seem to be working, yet I didn’t seem to be led into a lucid dream either by this weird phenomenon. I rather decided that I would try and find 18-Volt. I carefully found my way out of the shed and into the dark backyard, calling not for him but rather I seemed to be calling out “Ed Bosco!”. The first three times it was that, then it was just an elongated “Ed!” as I peered my head around brick walls to see if I could see the guy I was looking for.

      I found it odd that I was looking for 18-Volt yet calling for Ed. I thought to myself that if I was calling for 18-Volt, would my parents hear me? I had the weird feeling like I was in waking life. Eventually I got upset and distressed when I couldn’t get a hold of 18-Volt. Later on in the dream, I was on one of my local roads and there were the Mario Bros. Killing off each member of the Warioware crew one-by-one. 18-Volt was the last person to be killed off but this was done just before I could reach him.

      Dream No. 575

      Dream Guide: None
      Lucid?: No

      Updated 05-17-2019 at 08:04 AM by 93119

    3. Dream - An Interesting Job

      by , 05-17-2019 at 07:57 AM
      Date of Dream: FRI 12 APR - 2019
      Nap Time: 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

      Dream No. N574 - An Interesting Job

      I don't remember what happened at the start of the dream. From where I do remember, I was in this unknown building and one of the university lecturers SA-O was there. There was talk about him being promoted to this job but I have forgotten what it was. While he was going to be away working, he gave the class questions that they had to do from the textbook so they couldn’t have a break either. I didn’t end up doing the questions though, rather, I ended up doing some sort of investigation into SA-O’s situation.

      At one point, a lady, who seemed to be his supervisor, came up to him and said that he could either choose from some further work experience at Killester College or that he could go on this retreat with a group to Daylesford. I was saying to myself but aloud, “That’s my high school! I should be the one to clean it!”. In the end, SA-O decided to go to Killester.

      In the next scene, I was following after him in my own car. Only though, the place didn’t look like it does in real life. Rather, it was a barren surrounding and the road led to what looked like airport hangar sheds. I don’t remember what happened after this.

      Dream No. N574

      Dream Guide: None
      Lucid?: No

      Updated 05-17-2019 at 08:04 AM by 93119

    4. Dream - I Don't Want Your Therapy

      by , 05-17-2019 at 07:55 AM
      Date of Dream: FRI 12 APR - 2019

      Dream No. 574 - I Don't Want Your Therapy

      I don’t remember much about this dream. From where I do remember, my mum was badly pressuring me into getting help for my elevator phobia. She was doing the paperwork without my permission and was demanding for me to go and see this psychologist. At this point in time, there I was nothing I could but sit back and cringe, hoping that my mum’s attempt would fail. Thankfully, it ended up failing. The person in the dream rejected the paperwork and said I wasn’t eligible for that type of assistance. I gave a sigh of relief and said to myself “Thank God I didn’t go with MW, I’d much rather have 18-Volt helping me”. That’s all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream No. 574

      Dream Guide: None
      Lucid?: No

      Updated 05-17-2019 at 08:04 AM by 93119

    5. Dream - Teddy With A Garden Hoe

      by , 05-17-2019 at 07:53 AM
      Date of Dream: MON 8 APR - 2019

      Dream No. 573 - Teddy With A Garden Hoe

      I don’t remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was at home and my mum and dad were insisting that I return to high school but to another one than I was originally at in real life. Not only that, but I would be starting from year 7 as an excuse for ages of full time study. I didn’t like this idea bit I reluctantly accepted. They then left for Apollo Bay and that’s when my grandma told me that the name of the high school was something else. I get upset knowing this and now I say no furiously.

      I am then mentioning 18-Volt as I groaned and walked towards my bedroom. Each time I mentioned him, a short burst of his energy was perceived. My parents did come back later on and they saw me home. They had asked my grandma why I hadn’t gone and she told them that I was upset. I don’t remember how my parents reacted to this.

      For the next scene of the dream, I was in this unknown suburban area and I can’t recall whether it was within, Australia, America or somewhere completely different. I was heading towards this big house as I was seeking out Edward (Ed) B. Something told me that he wasn’t in the front-end of the house, so it was assumed he would be in one of the back rooms. The weather turned and it started pouring outside.

      At one instance, I was hesitant and nervous that Ed would get angry at me because I had supposedly turned up without notice. At the same time, I had to run to the back door before I got completely drenched. As I was trembling at the doorstep, the dream camera peered through the window and into the kitchen and it showed Ed and his friends Timber and Calico (Calico was in his fur-suit, Timber wasn’t) within a big circle of people, talking to each other.

      Ed turned his head to the back door and walked up to it to open it for me. I was now nervously anticipating what he was going to say to me. I think he could tell what was going on inside my head as he said that he was expecting me, which surprised me. He was struggling to recall who it was but earlier, apparently someone had spoken to him and had pre-warned him of my arrival. After some muddles and hesitations, he paused, putting his finger on his chin in a pondering fashion and then went, “It was some guy with a hoe”. As he said that, a sub-scene showed a teddy standing on top of a hill with a garden hoe over his shoulder. I gasped in amazement and piped out to Ed, “The teddies!”. The teddies were then indicated to be at the local Kmart store, waiting for my return.

      We were still in the very back room and Ed had engaged me in some more casual conversation. Though still, I didn’t have answers for some of his questions. Eventually, he suggested we join the group in the kitchen. Once we joined into the circle in the kitchen, the dream only visually showed the group chattering and then the dream had ended.

      Dream No. 573

      Dream Guide: None
      Lucid?: No

      Updated 05-17-2019 at 08:04 AM by 93119

      non-lucid , memorable
    6. Dream - Continental Market Stall & Drowning In Africa

      by , 05-17-2019 at 07:50 AM
      Date of Dream: SAT 6 APR - 2019

      Dream No. 572 - Separated Sections

      Dream 572 A - Continental Market Stall

      I don’t remember how the dream started. From where I can remember, I was in the car and in there, RC was calling me weird endearments. She had good intentions but I felt very awkward and creeped out and didn’t like these endearments at all. On the streets, when we got out, I was complaining to my brother but he told me to shush immediately as apparently RC would be able to hear me. The family ends up at a distorted version of the Dandenong Market.

      The dream ends up skipping to another location but I have to make my way back to the market. I am in a long corridor and it is full of elevator doors. I felt very uneasy about this and was subconsciously wishing that 18-Volt was around to keep me calm. I thought to myself that I had to get past them and hurry before they would open. A couple of students from my high school, EGo, MKa and someone else was there but I even avoided them to save myself.

      Finally I was back in the market when I came across Peter (now deceased) at one of the stalls. He was working there and he told us (my mum, grandma and I) that this was his favourite stall, the continental deli. He had a uniform on and was actually serving us himself. I can’t remember anything else about this dream.

      Dream 572 B - Drowning In Africa

      I don’t remember much about this dream. From where I can remember, my mum, grandma and I were apparently going to the poverty stricken grounds of Ethiopia along with a primary school group for their school camp. For the time being, it was just a very small body of water, almost like a large puddle that we had all gone into, even though the water was very dirty. It was then though that the dream changed my perception for this to be a very large and deep lake.

      I found myself drowning as the thickness of the water was pulling my down and I was vigorously treading my arms to keep myself afloat. At the same time, I could see the rest of the school kids and the adults struggling as well but they seemed a bit distant and out of the main focus of my sight. I felt really scared, as if I was going to die. I waved my arms vigorously as I called out to the far end of the lake for Dreamy WB.

      Dreamy WB came promptly, her hair in a symmetrical afro and wearing her black slit dress. Interestingly, she was actually seen walking on the surface of the water! Eventually though, she submerged up to her neck and swam over to pull not only me but two of the school kids out as well. That wasn’t all though. To a pleasant surprise, once Dreamy WB had gotten us out of the water, 18-Volt came in his Warioware Gold appearance and took three more school kids out. Dreamy WB and 18-Volt ended taking turns until everyone was out of the water, with the three adults; my mum, my grandma and the teacher coming out last with 18-Volt. That’s all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream 572 A
      Dream Guide: None
      Lucid?: No

      Dream 572 B
      Dream Guide: Dreamy WB & 18-Volt
      Lucid?: No

      Updated 08-11-2019 at 01:15 PM by 93119

      non-lucid , memorable
    7. Dream - Discriminatory Pageant & This Is Not Elvis

      by , 05-17-2019 at 07:43 AM
      Date of Dream: THU 4 APR - 2019

      Dream No. 571 - Separated Sections

      Dream 571 A - Discriminatory Pageant

      I don’t remember what happened at the start of the dream. From where I do remember, I was at my high school for another event. There was supposedly a whole school beauty pageant taking place in the library which guests could also be a part of. I was a part of the guest crowd and apparently we had to wait for one of the teachers, Ms Hack., to escort us to the library. For some time, Ms Hack. had not shown up and I ended up going outside because I had to go to the bathroom.

      As I was walking across the main courtyard, there was this micro sized green goo-like boy that was standing right in the way of the steps to the footpath. I gently put my hands on him to escort him out of the way but as I had done this, a group of unknown teachers came up to me and started yelling at me, accusing me of an illegal interaction with the supposed minor. I thought I hadn’t done anything wrong as how else was I going to get the little boy to move?

      The teachers had walked away but I was still scared that I was going to get into some serious trouble, and so I started to call for Dreamy WB. My calls were loud and spaced, so although I was in a panic, I put in the emphasis, hoping she would hear me loud and clear. A few times I had tried and nothing happened, for some, I had even used her alternate name, Miss T. I then thought I saw her heading out of the year 12 corridor but she looked preoccupied and had the illusion as if she was carrying some books around.

      When I noticed her, I no longer called her name but instead, called out some long and exaggerated sound like “heeeeeeeeeeey!” which frantically waving to catch her attention. She finally turned her gaze towards me and then started walking in my direction, weirdly though, she all of a sudden wasn’t carrying the books anymore. She had a very stern look on her face and said in a serious tone, “Don’t worry about it”, telling me not to worry about the prior event with the boy and the teachers and to rather just focus on going to the bathroom. She spread her arms out though and gave me a lengthy hug.

      I was then in the bathrooms but the weird thing is that the toilets were over flowing with urine, so much so that it was spilling out onto the floor. I can’t remember anything else that happened in this dream.

      Dream 571 B - This Is Not Elvis

      I don’t remember much about this dream. From what I can remember, some family friends were at some unknown place and were singing for some of the elderly residents. For the first time, Jayde was singing a song and I could easily follow her. A bit later in the dream though, she seemed to be singing “I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You” by Elvis Presley but then it wasn’t that song at all. It was something totally different and I was mucking up the words massively. That’s all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream 571 A
      Dream Guide: Dreamy WB
      Lucid?: No

      Dream 571 B
      Dream Guide: None
      Lucid?: No

      Updated 05-17-2019 at 02:34 PM by 93119

    8. Dream - Lost In The Cemetery & Studying About The Bullied Boy

      by , 05-17-2019 at 07:39 AM
      Date of Dream: TUE 2 APR - 2019

      Dream No. 570 - Separated Sections

      Dream 570 A - Lost In The Cemetery

      I don’t remember much about this dream. From where I do remember, I was preparing for a family-wide celebration; whether it was for Christmas or my birthday. I do recall that I was going to sing a few songs at my other grandparents’ house and was talking about this with my dad at home. Later on, I did some shopping with my mum to see what cake we wanted to pick. At the grandparents’ house, there was a scene with my aunty and my little girl cousin but I forgot what happened in it.

      In a completely different scene of the dream, I seemed to be in this unknown but civilised area. As I walked further and further though, the place seemed to become more empty and feel more like a ghost-town, apparently I was in the vicinity of a cemetery. There was then this guy, similarly aged to me that started chasing me and when he got close enough, he was going to throw some sticky, sponge-like thing at me which I was scared of being hit by.

      As this was a cemetery, I thought that there would be the presence spirits and God around and so therefore a sacred place, so I resorted to calling Dreamy WB for help as she is the more spiritually-centred guide. I called for her at a frantic pace as I typically would in a stressful situation. No matter how much I called, she wouldn’t come. The guy was getting closer and I could now see him aiming the sponge at me, so I tried calling for 18-Volt; that didn’t work either.

      Dream No. 570 - Studying About The Bullied Boy

      I don’t remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was reading my Corporate Reporting textbook. In the next scene, outdoors in the streets of some unknown suburb, 18-Volt was getting bullied by Waluigi. For the first part, I wasn’t in that scene; it’s later on that I actually come into the scene. Then though, 18-Volt also starts to get picked on by 13-Amp. I said something in defence, in relation to my textbook but I forgot what it was. That’s all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream 570 A

      Dream Guide: None
      Lucid?: No

      Dream 570 B
      Dream Guide: None
      Lucid?: No

      Updated 05-17-2019 at 08:05 AM by 93119

    9. Dream - Ballsco Is Triumphant

      by , 05-17-2019 at 07:35 AM
      Date of Dream: SUN 31 MAR - 2019

      Dream No. 569 - Ballsco Is Triumphant

      I don’t remember much about this dream. From where I do remember, I was in some unknown complex and was interacting with all three members of the Cooper gang, all in their Sly 2/3 appearance. Sly and Bentley didn’t say much but Murray was talking about what was going on inside the glass cage, which he was in as well. Apparently there was a match fix where it was “Edward Bosco” vs “Edward Ballsco”. Murray told me that he was barracking for Ballsco. I asked him why and he told me that he just had a feeling that Ballsco was going to win. As this was supposedly the case, I barracked for Ballsco as well.

      Inside the glass cage, seemingly lined with newspaper like in a pet store but not shredded, Bosco was wearing a white business shirt and Ballsco was wearing a casual army-print denim jacket. I couldn’t recall what Bosco was doing but Ballsco’s basketball head had detached from his body and was flying impulsively towards Bosco with a piercing glare from his cartoonified glasses. The impact had knocked Bosco down and Ballsco was declared the winner. That’s all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream No. 569
      Dream Guide: Murray
      Lucid?: No

      Updated 05-17-2019 at 08:05 AM by 93119

      non-lucid , memorable
    10. Dream - Not The Real Volt & A Photo With Fame

      by , 05-17-2019 at 07:32 AM
      Date of Dream: SAT 30 MAR - 2019

      Dream No. 568 - Separated Sections

      Dream 568 A - Not The Real Volt
      I don’t remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was in an unknown area, trying to find my way out of this building. Along one of the corridors, I ended up seeing 5 elevators and then a set of stairs at the end. I ended asking Dreamy WB to come and help as I headed up the stairs towards the outside. When I was at the top of the stairs though, I said to myself, “Stop being lazy” and actually went back down in order to attempt elevator practise.

      A fake 18-Volt came out of one of the elevators and asked me who I was looking for, I told him that I was indeed looking for 18-Volt. The dream ended before the real 18-Volt could come.

      Dream 568 B - A Photo With Fame

      I don’t remember much about this dream. From where I do remember, there were these Santa photos on offer at MYER instead of being with Santa, it was with 18-Volt and this was the case at all MYER stores across Australia. I made the decision to do it when 18-Volt would be at MYER Knox; my dad ended up taking me.

      When I got there, I noticed something off about 18-Volt, he was not the real deal. Rather, he seemed very rude and stand-offish. There was a point at which I felt like was getting to the real 18-Volt but the dream ended very soon.

      Dream 568 A
      Dream Guide: None
      Lucid?: No

      Dream 568 B
      Dream Guide: None
      Lucid?: No

      Updated 05-17-2019 at 08:05 AM by 93119

    11. 16 May: Earth after our civilization collapses

      by , 05-16-2019 at 02:21 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I am being shown future human civilization but not sure if it is on planet Earth. First is just an overview of what seem like an industrial exploration on another planet, similar to Earth or one that has been terraformed.
      There is a huge plateau with giant machines like trucks with in built platforms, and they can pick up shuttles and carry them to a place near the edge of this plateau and then tilt the platform they are on, so they are launched into space.
      Below this platform, the planet is green and luxurious, but this area is covered in roads, machines, big trucks and shuttles, just like an interface to ship materials in and out of the planet.
      I wonder if people live there. And then past this plateau and entering the forest I do find people and settlements. They live in small, almost primitive looking villages, with houses that look like Mayan and Incan pyramids, but then seen from a different angle, they have large panoramic windows, like bioclimatic houses that blend in the environment. They farm, but the way they have their plantations integrated in the natural environment is so beautiful and artistic that it makes me cry. People look like Celts and I wonder if these are just the hippies of this era, yet they have just the right amount of high tech facilitating their way of life, which is very discreet. People are gathering and walking towards a stone path, made with large flat basalt stones going uphill and I am told it's some kind of religious celebration day and they head to some kind of temple. But what I find is an old city, with the old buildings, the beautiful ones from 20th century and before, totally preserved and being used, alongside avenues of old uglier buildings abandoned, in ruins and apparently just being displayed as an open air museum.
      I recognize one street as Avenue João XXI in Lisbon, still with some billboards from banks and other institutions hanging behind their glass walls, but the outside is very decrepit, the concrete is worn out, paint is gone, walls look very grey, covered in dirt and metal parts are rusting. Then I am invited to sit at a nice café in one of the recovered building where they serve cookies and cakes from the past, according to recipes they have preserved. But all this left me emotional and I have no hunger. They insist that I sit and just enjoy and they start bringing me samples of cookies and I do feel so much better.
    12. 15 May: Feeling trapped, weirdo victorian musem and enemies at a foreign land

      by , 05-15-2019 at 02:08 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      At my mom's apartment, something happens and I need to escape. I run for the door and in the stairway I jump all floors through the empty space in middle of the stairs. I expect the chasers not to be able to do so and gain some time with that. But it is one of those recurrent dreams I have in which the ground floor has no exit to the outside and I just hide in one apartment that had the door open and a key inside. I lock the door behind me and look for a window. I find an enclosed balcony but then I open a window and jump, just to find I am inside another balcony and this repeats several times until I decide to control the dream and focus that when I exit the window I am really outside. Funny though, I am back on the top floor and not ground floor, but I fly away and hide behind nearby buildings so my chasers don't see me in the distance. Then I fly to the mountains nearby. I reach them at dusk and find a weird place covered in stone ruins and some people walking among them, like pilgrims, they don't seem dangerous, but they all are a bit mad. They let me be, but some are a bit too curious and pushy and I need to stay flying above them because I don't feel comfortable when they approach me.

      Then I am with Zilla and some other friend on a cruiseship, when we're hit by a huge storm. The ship gets dragged to the coast, enters a canal, ends up in the city of some foreign country. We are in our cabin, getting dressed to go out. It's night and it is a hostile place, but we chose to leave the ship and hide on land. We hide on some hill and we are found by a couple enemy guys. They are armed and I make a bit of a theatre that we are "defenseless confused little girls so please don't shoot us". Instead, they decide to have fun with us. One of them, a big guy, gets on top of me, but I punch him in the throat, then kick his balls, slightly slide down through his legs and apply all my force to throw him over my head and we manage to escape them.

      Then we are ok and safe and visiting a museum related to the Catholic church and full of Victorian things and morbid things related to death, all in silver and lots of lace and velvet. There is a section with a dead mummified dog in an exquisite coffin. It smells like a crypt.

      Me and the girls have settled at a home and we are living in peace. But one day we hear strange noises and we think we saw some guy moving around the house. Suddenly a very old police car stops at our door but the cops are dressed as prisoners with striped jumpsuits. We first suspect of them but they say they came to protect us as they claim to have followed a hired assassin that came to kill us and then we believe them.
    13. Cold Water Casino

      by , 05-15-2019 at 03:06 AM (The Fourth Factor)
      I’m on a trip with my parents and an unfamiliar young man. We were all supposed to go to a casino—and they did actually go. But I didn’t care much for that plan, and so I’ve been off doing something else and only arrived back at the hotel room in time for their last trip there, late on the final evening.

      I have the impression that this is a place they’re familiar with, but this will be my first time there. I’ve been told not to bring my purse with me for whatever reason, but I don’t like going around without writing materials on hand, and so I say that I’ll just take my wallet out before I go. But it seems my parents are so eager to get back that, rather than waiting the couple of minutes this will take, they go on without me, leaving the young man to drive us there.

      Outside, it’s raining hard, and has been for a while, judging by all the standing water in the streets. As we go on, it only gets deeper, until the car, which is a fairly low one, starts having trouble moving forward. Some light on the dashboard has come on. He curses at the car—and quite probably my parents, who would have had no trouble handling this in theirs. I suggest that we just pull off the road onto higher ground, as some other cars seem to be doing, and walk the rest of the way there. It isn’t very far. He agrees to it.

      The next part I remember clearly is being inside the casino, in a large room with a grand staircase, crowded with fancily dressed people. On the upper floor, near a restaurant area, I meet up with my parents again. It’s sort of like a buffet, with tables in a horseshoe shape, each one with an attendant behind them, offering samples of various kinds of foods to the guests. Mother is going to get a chocolate milkshake—apparently, a favorite of hers there—but my father isn’t interested. The idea doesn’t appeal much to me either, and anyways, this is all new to me: I want to try things out before I order anything.

      He heads off somewhere else. I get some kind of a soup, and then head over to where they’re serving white wine. I try the sample they have there, which is pretty good—but they have all kinds of interesting drinks here, and this would be a good chance to try things I wouldn’t necessarily want a full glass of. And my mother is trying to get my attention from across the room, so I leave the table without ordering anything and head over in her direction.

      Then, suddenly, I feel a spray of cold water—and the people around me do as well, judging by how they’re crying out. It seems someone is spraying people with a hose. I move out of the way, wondering what that was about. Maybe the casino staff themselves are responsible. The whole reason this place exists is to take money from people, after all—I think it’s best not to lose sight of that—and it wouldn’t surprise me at all for one to start charging people to keep things going nicely, once they’ve got them used to it.

      Once out of range, I pause and kneel down to make sure the cat is still with me. He is indeed still there and comes to get pet. He’s an orange cat, an adult, though on the small side, and has been here with me this whole time. So far, nobody has noticed him—or else they just don’t care. But it’s still a little dangerous for him to be here with me, and so I’ve been making sure he stays close, waiting until I feel him against the back of my ankles before moving on.

    14. Miss-Oh-So-Loud-And-Rude

      by , 05-15-2019 at 12:13 AM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 05-14

      Regular Dream -
      Semi-lucid Dream - Lucid Dream - Notes

      I am at a party of some kind. Everyone is dressed up fancy, though very old fashioned. I look around to see what is going on. There is an old man sitting near me and he's getting a bit grabby with his hands. He reaches over and puts a hand on my thigh and starts sliding it upward. I push his hand away, giving him a dirty look. This guy is old enough to be my grandpa! What a pervert! He looks at me strangely, as if he'd expected me to not only allow his touch but to like it. He tries it again, but I just find it too creepy. I push his hand away again and excuse myself. I look across the room and I see a man enter, he is also dressed up but seems to stand out from the others. There are two others with him who look so young they might still be counted boys. For some reason my eyes are held on that man. And it seems he is having the same situation with me, he is staring straight back at me.

      I am distracted from the man by the woman who had been sitting beside me before. She looks pissed. She asks what I mean by rejecting poor Mayor Thorin like that. My first thought of who Thorin is brings to mind a dwarf with a long white beard from The Hobbit. That makes no sense, I don't see any dwarves anywhere in the area. But the woman is angry. She asks what I mean by staring at that affiliation boy so openly. I figure she means the young man my eyes had been drawn to, but since I don't know why I was staring at him I don't answer. This makes her more angry. She calls me "Miss-oh-so-young-and-pretty" which really annoys me. I interrupt her and ask her please not to call me that. She says she will call me whatever she wants. I say that's fine, I tried asking nicely, so now I will call her "Miss-oh-so-loud-and-rude" whenever she does. She turns beet red and for a bit I think she might strike me. I say noting, but the primary thought in my mind is, "Bring it, bitch!"

      I think there is going to be more to the party, people are bringing food out now. I don't feel like staying. I head for the door. The woman calls after me, calling me "Miss-oh-so-young-and-pretty" again and telling me not to dare walk out that door. I call back to her, calling her "Miss-oh-so-loud-and-rude" and I tell her I'm really not feeling well, I'll be in bed. I think the fact I actually called her "Miss-oh-so-loud-and-rude" left her speechless. I get out the door without another word from her, then I wake up.
    15. 14 May: School reunion, climate catastrophe and surviving in a future deserted world

      by , 05-14-2019 at 01:45 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Going to some reunion party with my old school mates, but although we grew up and got old, we all look the same. I am getting ready at my mom's house, have my old room there with my clothes. She is very worried and tells me she is afraid of boys' behavior. I laugh and say we are grown ups now and last time I was with them, they behaved like adults. No need to worry. She doesn't want me to wear short shorts, I do anyway, but complement it with a very modest blouse.

      On a boat with a large group. We are on a lower deck, because the upper deck is taken by some alien or mutant beings. We have a guard with a machine gun on the stairs, keeping them away, but sometimes they attack. They can regenerate missing organs and tissue but become still they are vulnerable after a few shots, so we have been able to keep them at bay.
      A group of us wants to reach the shore, but others in command prefer staying on water , despite the mutants danger, so we are plotting our escape in secret. My dog Soraia is on board and she is friend with a whale that takes her for a ride on her back.

      I am staying near my parents, who are still living together in an apartment. At dusk, they go to sleep, but I stay up looking through the window. There is some nasty weather. It's snowing and a lot of wind, like a cold hurricane. Then from the mountains comes an avalanche of ice and water. Some people are running in front of it and trying to warn everybody. I run to my parents, try to warn them. An abandoned ship passes by, dragged by this flood and we get in it.

      Then on the ship I have a brother and two younger sisters, besides my parents. We consider where to go. Europe is a no no, as it is now covered in ice. We decide for west North America. It is supposedly warm there. We have some accidents along the way, one day the boat is flooded with red water, like blood, but we manage to pump it out. Then we start seeing a little girl, we think she's a ghost, but not. Turns out she is an orphan who was on the boat already. She carries a tech device with her (sort of a tablet) where she shows us a film of her parents talking about how they were on a re-population mission and had a lot of gadgets to help survival and ask us to take care of their child.
      She then shows us the gadgets that are on board. First thing is a device like iron man's hands that allows someone to fly. My brother becomes the user and once we land in America, which is dry but deserted, he goes around exploring with this flying device. We assemble a high tech lab where we grows plant and have all sorts of gadgets to collect geothermal energy and grow fruits and we even have a high tech juicer, because juice is our staple food. I come to see my brother's latest plant acquisitions and I wonder what he is doing, because lots of plants don't seem edible, and seem of little value, except a weird bamboo plant that I rescued and is developing beautifully. Lots of weird insects are populating our greenhouse and I get tangled in a spider web with a nasty looking spider, but fortunately the spider falls to the ground and runs away.