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    1. My sister and I...

      by , 11-14-2024 at 04:15 PM
      So I had this dream where me and my sister would try to kill eachother every single day. We would try to do sneak attacks and such, kinda like assassins. We would use knives, pencils, screwdrivers, or whatever we could find to kill the other person.
      It always ended with one of us dying and waking up the next morning like nothing had happened. It was kinda like groundhog day, but instead of repeating the same day we just woke up the next morning.
      As days passed I mostly won the exhanges because I was physically stronger, even if it was always close. I previously remember getting shot and instantly killed in the past, which I thought was a lucky and painless way to die.

      My sister was a total psychopath. She was sardistic and maniacal, and she became more insane as she continued to get killed in intensely painful ways every single day. She reminded me a lot like "Azula" from "Avatar: The Last Airbender". I didn't really want to kill her, but I had to as a form of self defence. One day she was laying on top of me as she tried stabbing my eyes out with a pencil, but I ended up getting the upper hand and slowly pushed the pencil through her eye and into her brain, killing her in a slow and agonizing way. I can still clearly remember the hideous and awful screams from the different times she got killed.
      I was completely willing to stop fighting with her, but she was far past the point of no return. I could tell she desperately wanted to hurt me and was willing to continue trying to murder me.
      We also both had these top assassin friends who understood what was going on. I tried telling our parents what was happening but for some reason they never really understood properly.

      It might sound cool but it was absolutely horrifying. I was terrified of getting killed because of the pain, and what scared me the most was the knowledge that one day she would overpower me, and when she did she would most likely torture the shit out of me.

      **Authers note: I got all my dreams written down in a very vague note-form that I write as soon as I wake up. Usually as I read the notes and write the dream out formally, I remember a bunch of small details that I add. But this dream is from over 2 years ago and I wrote it out formally today so I might have forgotten some parts of the dream. I think this is my oldest interesting dream and I would love to hear peoples thoughts on it**

      Please comment your thoughts!

      Updated 11-14-2024 at 04:19 PM by 102033

    2. cccxiv. Underground cult

      by , 08-05-2021 at 06:41 PM
      4th August 2021

      Poor recall, didn't feel particularly motivated to write initial notes either.


      First I'm in some kind of hidden little place. It reminds me of a chapel. Arabesque. There's a woman and she helps me in some way? I stop some psycho in our midst from killing someone because I already knew he was going to try something, as I saw a hidden blade in his hand, but I wait until I can catch him in the act.

      There's some context of a cult. Cho'Gall makes a brief appearance, we speak or maybe I eavesdrop, not sure. At some point I'm getting ready to leave and everyone is wishing me goodbye. I have a lot of things to carry, two backpacks and some other items, plus my old boots to carry in my hand because I'd put away my newer ones in the backpack by mistake. I feel pressed so decided I should swap them later on.


      I'm outside, at the entrance to that place. It's a little secluded cove bit, with sand, water and so on. It's sort of below a bigger hotel complex that is on top of a reinforced hill. (certain aspects remind me of old home but details are gone)

      At some point, I start jumping from place to place, over the water. I find some secret collectible books and think that they are quite obvious finds and that they need to try harder. At the edge of town(?) or something, there are some ancient ruins, half Greek, half Elvish. On some level, I dismiss this as part of an asset mismatch or incorrect loading (as if this was part of a game).

      (another dream later on but recall was lost)


      - It's peculiar that Cho'Gall appeared in the dream. He's not a character I've ever had any particular attraction to but also not an unmemorable character for me. Considering his intellect in lore, I feel that his symbolic meaning may relate to brutish wisdom or some part of hidden wisdom, a concept a bit reinforced by the fact that he is a cult leader, both in this dream and during certain events in WoW lore (i.e. Cataclysm for one?).

      - There was something familiar to the architecture both of the hotel and the "hidden" chapel place, reminds me of some hotels I remember we stayed at when I was a kid.
    3. Accidental nap at work, the psychopath, and space.

      by , 01-09-2020 at 04:40 AM (Awake to take in the view...)
      So a few days ago, I fell asleep for a split second during a work meeting. It was at 2 PM, I believe, which is quite possibly the worst time to have a meeting. Anyway, for that split second I had this vague dream that Apple made their own smart car, and I had one. I also had an iPhone, iPad, a Mac, and a Windows PC. I work in tech, so I guess that dream makes sense. But if Apple actually ends up making a smart car for some reason, I called it first.

      The following night I had a dream that I was trying to save two guys on a boat in a river from an evil psychopath. The psychopath kept laughing as I tried to hit him over the head with a board, or something. I accidentally dunked one of the good guys under the water, as I didn't realize he was holding onto the board. This dream felt more real than my average dream.

      I also had a dream that was vaguely reminiscent of Star Wars. Or some other sort of space opera. According to my spotty notes, it including hiding behind a forcefield, different planets, and spaceships. I also had a whole backstory, as though I had been living out this grand adventure, and I was analyzing events in this dream based on said backstory. Sadly, I cannot remember what it was exactly. But this dream also felt more real than average, for some reason. I really hope to start having super vivid lucids soon.
    4. Kicking the ass of the Psychopath

      by , 02-26-2014 at 07:07 PM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      My wife and I are walking down the sidewalk in a generic Honolulu. She is remarking how my posture is improving, then laughs about how her abusive ex-boyfriend would hunch over and look like Gollum. We turn into a local drugstore, Longs, and there he is in a space between a cashier's counter, and a rack of stuff. He is hunched over looking very Gollum-ish. I want to walk past him to get to where I am going. I consider turning around, but said in my head, "Fuck it. If he fucks with me, I'll just kick his ass."
      He sees us and makes a "oh-it's-you-two-assholes", kind of a face. As I get closer, he sticks his leg out as if to trip me. I simply stop walking and look at him. He lunges at me, a kind of tackle/grab attack, and I engage tai chi. I block and sidestep, grabbing his arm and shoulder, redirecting his energy into the cashier's counter. He hits his head on the counter, and stands up, shaking it off. He charges me, and I allow him to run smack into a rack of hairbrushes. He grunts in frustration and, turns to me again. He tries to weakly kick me. I see it coming from miles away. Perceiving the weakness of the kick, I simply stand there and do nothing. When the kick lands, I chuckle in mild amusement.
      He grunts again, then kind of screams and lunges at me again. I again engage tai chi, and let him do a chin plant on the floor. Now that the onlookers have seen I am not the attacker, I decide it's time for me to reciprocate attacking. Time for some fucking Hawaiian street fighting. I leap upon his back with a primal growl as he stands up like a savage beast, and triangle choke him, wrapping my legs around his torso to weigh him down. He stumbles forward, and makes it out of the drugstore, then collapses on the sidewalk in front of the store, trying to get me off of his back. He is on his hands and knees know, coughing and sputtering. I alter position, sitting upon his lower back, and choking him with my hands from behind.
      "This is what you get, this is what you deserve motherfucker," I think without saying. I think my actions speak loud enough. I grin evilly, then awake with a smile on my face.
    5. Psychotic Doctor and Sky War

      by , 02-11-2014 at 03:58 AM (A World In My Head!!)
      February 10, 2014

      a very long dream separated into three parts, a psychotic doctor is out for blood, two agents help me, a war breaks out in the sky

      Psychotic Doctor
      My neighbor is a doctor. The dream right now is abstract and our houses are little cardboard cartons. This whole time, I had no idea that my neighbor, the doctor, is a complete psychopath. He's murdered. And after word gets out about these murders the doctor flees and goes into hiding.

      I was riding my bicycle down the neighborhood when I nearly run over a crazed man. It's the doctor! Half of his face is missing its skin. But right before my eyes his face starts to heal. Is he not human? Like a monster, he attacks my bicycle and I run away.

      Later on, I take refuge at an elderly woman's house. But this house is where the doctor is hiding in. Threatened again, I run away.

      Agents for Hire
      Me and my friends are in a large office building desperately trying to get help! A murderer is on the lose and he's after us. No one believed our crazy story about our friendly neighborhood doctor who transformed into a monster, except for two young female agents. One was ginger and the other was black with curly hair. The duo were the youngest agents and they were looking for an interesting off beaten job.

      They quickly hurry me and my friends away from the main office, their bosses, and into a private backroom. They ask me if there's anything supernatural about this case. And I explain to them his face was disfigured and then before my eyes he healed.

      The agents were kind and listened to everything I had to say and seemed to be scheming where to go from here. As I told them my story I remembered more dream scenes *possible false memories*. As I recalled those scenes they happened again.

      The woman the doctor is staying with is actually a little person, not sure why that detail was important. When I left her house I wasn't alone, I was with my friends. Afraid the doctor was after us, we transformed into tanuki and hid in some bushes.

      The agents reassure us that they are committed to our case! But then, an explosion outside catches us all off guard.

      Sky War
      A real war has broken out. My friends and I and the agents were gathered in some sort of military headquarters. But after we left the headquarters I was separated my friends and never knew what happened to them.

      The battle taking place on the ground was beyond me. Guns vs guns, not my thing. What could I do? I look up to the sky. The real battle was taking place up there! Thousands of aerial battle ships! From down here they all looked like black dots darting across the sky. I can't help but shout "Look at that!". I swear I even saw dragons.

      I'm no use down here. What about up there? Im worried I won't be able to fight if I focus on flying. But I had a sense my friends were up there in that battle. I fly up high and higher. I flew so high I reached the first tier of heaven.

      In this first tier of heaven there were computer screens watching the business of earth. I suddenly think about a DC who I know to be deceased and ask an employee if I can see him. The deceased DC was shrunken in a box, too depressed to come out.

      "When will he be better?"
      "When he's ready."
      "He's an idiot but he's really a nice guy."
      "I know" replied the man "I created him."

      The comment goes over my head. From the computer screen I can see that thousands are ignoring the war and watching useless TV like the simpsons. I get angry and start popping in and out of the TV screens and inform them about the war!

      I flew through a screen and entered an empty living room. For a moment the news on the TV screen hypnotized. And then I remembered "the war! I have to find my friends!" I fly through the TV screen again, hoping it would take me back to where I started.

      Instead I found myself on a tropical island, maybe Hawaii. I'm 1000's of miles away from the Sky War. Life here is peaceful. I meet some locals who try to tell me there's nothing to worry about or fear here. They invite me, we have lunch, life is good.

      Suddenly there is a large explosion! The locals run outside and think the volcano must be acting up. But I look up to the sky. Giant enemy battalion ships, the Sky War is here. I woke up shortly after.
    6. 2012: from Udora to Israel

      by , 08-11-2012 at 03:19 AM
      I haven't updated my journal in a while. The following dream happened this morning on the 10th August.

      It was early in the day, and as it turns out, a French citizen who Patrick Geryl, a 2012 survivalist partnered up with, was going off to Israel.

      Friday morning. I'm browsing through the Barometer Bob show. It turns out that the host was ill the previous night, and so one viewer comments on the Stormchat group on Facebook, "I wasn't planning on this".

      Well, I'm back at my high school now. Apparently this was a school day in the middle of summer, and I'm talking to this girl about something I saw on twitter the other day.

      "Say, did you hear about that article?"

      "What article?" she says, apparently full of interest.

      "That one about the fact that apparently, psychiatrists will suspect that you're a psychopath if you don't have a Facebook account!"

      "Really? That's pretty funny!"

      Now, I don't know what it was about this particular conversation. Maybe it's the fact that I never talked to her much, or that she was originally planning on majoring in psychology, or even the school she's going to. But something about the talk makes me wonder whether she really liked me. Whatever it was, she looked awfully beautiful that morning.


      Somewhere around this time there's a discovery made of a large vertebrate fossil near Udora, Ontario, about 30 km NE or ENE of a town called Newmarket. We find the specimen neatly preserved in igneous rock.

      This doesn't make any sense. Much of Southern Ontario was covered by seawater during the Ordovician, meaning that nearly all the rock would be limestone, not volcanic. And there weren't a lot of vertebrates to speak of.

      I'm compelled to write a fairly comprehensive Wikipedia article, and it turns out to be quite long as well.

      Back in Israel, I'm visiting a special agency website. As it turns out, it's offering a journalism job to "entrepreneurial Facebook users", whatever that meant.

      Somehow, I'm back at my high school again, attending a graduation convocation for band students in the music room who will be leaving for the year. Someone gives out between three and ten tips for future students, and they're quite worth paying attention to.
    7. What about pointed sticks?

      by , 09-23-2011 at 01:20 AM (Lyrics to Lunacy)
      I had a lucid last night, it might have ranked among my top ten best lucids. Enjoy. :3

      I was in the 8th grade hall of my school, having a conversation with a friend about, ironically, lucid dreaming. The dismissal bell had rung; everybody, in colorful clothes, was heading downstairs via the double staircase and to the door beside of it. My friend departed, and I didn't pay attention to where he was going, but by the looks of it, he was going to fall down the stairs.

      I was shortly outside, walking on the path to the bus loop that went along the mostly glass side of the school. Somewhere along the way I met another friend, distinguishable from his ethnicity and his green coat. Also, along the way, I became
      lucid. I continued walking, to prevent myself from getting too excited.

      I marveled at how real everything was, everything was so accurate. I took this path every day for two years, and I'm still walking it this year, but I was still very impressed. Even the ditch that had been recently filled in, only this week, was accurate. The only flaws were a giant dollar weed growing next to the filled in ditch, and the lack of chalk paintings beneath my feat.

      I was now on the asphalt road to the bus loop. Garbage trucks and other kinds of large trucks parked here. The light dimmed, mist seeped in around the sides of of the building and the surrounding forest. I just went along with it. My initial lucidity is usually followed by some sort of event that seemed to try to knock me back into non lucidity, usually I give in. Not this time.

      "He's coming," I heard somebody whisper. Sound's just about right, it always seems to be a DC trying to confront me.

      The basket ball court, a way's away, expanded to the size of a football field, and I was on top of it. The mist turned into a dark gray fog. I saw a dash at the fog's edge, chasing somebody.

      It was really fast, like a ninja. According the the blur, the attacker was white with blonde hair, and he throws his arms back and leans forward at he runs.

      I run around aimlessly, hoping for a sigh of the dream character. While running, I stuck a hand out and barely caught a pen, being thrown like a knife, from hitting another DC on the field. I smirked and said something incoherent, as it was hard to focus. I hadn't come derailed at all from the dream; concentration was just a little rough. I ran in pursuit of the attacker.

      At some point, I stumbled, and as I caught my self from the fall, a rather late idea emerged;

      I should stabilize the dream!

      (Author's note: If you're one of those people who like music while reading about fights, I'd recommend this.)

      "Anchor dream," I managed to blurt out. The dream immediately stabilized by at least five times. It had already been realistic; but it was like I was playing a video game, now I was actually there. I noticed after stabilized that my vision was about to black out before. I suppose I caught my fall more ways than one.

      A swift force dropped me to the ground and rolled me over, and the attacker was standing on top of me, a short, pointed stick pulled back in his left hand, and a dragon shaped kazoo held less then a foot from my face in his right.


      I moved the kazoo aside with a forearm, feeling it's jagged wooden texture, the feelings of the spikes on the dragon kazoo were that of the dull edge of a wooden cube.

      The attacker, no older that thirteen, thrust his stick forward, towards my chest. As I intercepted, I noticed from the feeling of his momentum that he was only applying brute force and no technique other than a few fancy stances. Many principles of waking life combat are not present in lucid dreaming, needless to say. But I could name a few.

      The dream character I was fighting was fast, but within limit. I kept his arms away from his center so he lacked protection and so he would take longer to recover. I disarmed him from his stick by drawing a circle with his wrist, and I made it burst into flames by setting my hand on fire. I reached out towards him with my flaming hand and he scampered back ten feet, and I stood up.

      The dream transitioned to a bedroom, lit by a window. The ceiling was slanted, it was part of the roof. The boy who attacked me was sitting in a corner for reason, and I made him vanish on a whim. I contemplated on flying through the window, wondering if I would fit. The corners of my vision began fading quickly. My single attempt to re-stabilize the dream failed, and I blacked out into the insides of my eyelids, which I opened. I did a reality check using the digital clock on my dresser. I was

      But then I fell asleep again, and I can recall some dream about a squad of seven jet fighters that ended sadly with a nuke and them all being incinerated.

      So that was cool.

      Updated 09-23-2011 at 08:30 PM by 49493

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    8. Everything's a Conspiracy

      by , 02-27-2011 at 06:42 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      Our school started a volunteering program in which it would pair up with other schools and exchange several students. The exchanged students would work after school in the different school, just helping to clean up and such.

      I got exchanged to a school that had 5 floors. I was supposed to be working on the very top floor. It was already dark outside and the school wasn't lit up (not uncommon for where I live). I climbed the staircase until I was at the very top floor. Each floor consisted of only a single classroom and a small connector hallway. The only light the classroom had was a tiny lamp that probably was never meant to serve as a light source.

      One of my partners was already in the classroom. He was in the closet, as we had been instructed to clean it. I opened one of the doors. Inside the closet were bunches of old skeleton keys. Some were hanging up and others were in bowls. I wondered if I could find the skeleton key from the house in which I used to live...

      "Do we have anyone else coming here to help us?" I asked my silent partner.

      "Yes." He said, with a wicked smile. He continued to look at me that way, just standing and smiling. WTF.

      This was a little too weird for me. I couldn't see past the closet so I tried to turn on some other lights, but none of them were working. I wasn't sure if there was anyone else in the room with me, besides my creepy partner. I didn't want to risk being on the front page of the newspaper for being the newest strange murder victim, so I booked it out of there.

      The next day, the school contacted me and told me that I must fulfill my duty in the volunteering program.

      I arrived at the exchange school early, so I could observe the classroom while it was still full of students. While I was standing in the 5th floor hall, I noticed that there was a green square that was mildly raised from the surface. It looked like a simple tile decoration, but I had a very strong hunch that there was something buried underneath it.

      The school let out for the day, and the students piled out of the classroom. But something caught my eye immediately. The student that I was working with, the one that was supposed to also be from my school, was from this school. His friends, which were probably going to be my partners for that evening, were also hanging around him.

      They stood on the raised tile floor and talked for a bit. An old man walked up to them and gave them a bottle of alcohol in which they gladly accepted.

      I snuck past them and into the teacher's room. She had short blonde hair, was relatively young, and was sitting at her desk.

      "Hey, I have heard that you've had some trouble with the volunteering program. What's up?" She said politely.

      "I don't feel comfortable in your classroom when I can barely see in front of me! I can't work here unless you give us more lights." I replied. I'm not sure why I didn't tell her about my bizarre, psychopath partner, but I guess lighting was my first concern. I could hit one of them over the head if I needed to, but I couldn't do that as effectively if I can't see where they are.

      "I'm sorry to hear that. I will put in a request for more lights, but the school board is to stingy with their money these days." She announced as politely as she could. But all I could think was that she was being a hypocrite. Right now, all of the florescent lights were on, but later in the evening NONE of them worked.

      I went into town, refusing to go back to that school. I decided to hang out at a small restaurant.

      Men in black suits walked in the restaurant and asked the manager if I was here. I quickly leaped under the bar and in to a small corner where I was well hidden from the men.

      I still had a good view of the restaurant, and I could tell that they were just pretending not to know where I was. They eventually "found" me under the bar and told me that I needed to continue volunteering at the school. I refused. I wondered why it mattered so much to them anyways. Why did everyone insist that I go back to the school?

      They refused to negotiate with me any longer, so they pulled me out from under the bar. I instantly grabbed one of their workers, a beautiful middle eastern women, and decided to hold her hostage. I dragged her into my car and took off down town.

      Now, I was "aware" of what these men in black suits were doing. I could hear them talking even though I was in my own car.

      "They are getting away! Create a road obstruction!"

      Instantly, a hot dog stand came plunging into my lane. I swiftly dodged it.

      "Damn! Create more!" The men yelled again.

      The road in front of me cracked open as if a magnitude 10 earthquake was altering it. The car fell into a large pothole created by the controlled earthquake, and I grabbed the woman and got out of the car. We stole a bystander's blue motorcycle.

      I didn't know where I was taking the woman, and where I was going to hold her hostage at. I just knew that the men in black suits were trying to force me to go to the school by controlling my surroundings and other people.