18th February 2021 Dream: In a version of our home and street. The van is outside and it was open in order for me to do something? Our street looks like it's part of some city like Paris, I don't know. To the right and beyond where there's that intersecting road, there are much taller buildings. I recall something about having to wait. Maybe I have a backpack. Our front door is open. At several points throughout the dream I alter the colours of our house, both interior and exterior. I remember we have some kind of small tiled mosaic floor. I eventually become satisfied with a sandy colour scheme with red accents. I remember I see a dream neighbour down the street. He's walking a dog or something and I'm concerned about it pooping near our door, but in reality they are too far for it to matter. I don't remember what kind of day it is, maybe sunny but light looks overcast. At some point while I'm waiting I get into a random car across the street, it's red maybe? When I get in I'm suddenly on a first floor level, but I don't realise or care about this in the dream. I think at one point I see a man from one of the windows (right side of the car, I was looking out left initially) and we talk. (recall gap) The next thing I remember, I'm in a car with two people. I'm on the front passenger side, which is on the right (though I don't realise this in the dream). One person is a man and the other I can't recall. We're in a very busy area of a city like L but bigger, wider roads. We're on a four or five lane road approaching a very complicated and busy intersection. Me and the man are having a conversation. We're discussing building a computer while the lights are still red. He's apparently from the past and is asking me about how hardware prices have changed and I presume he means over the last twenty years. In the dream, I think I feel I was in a further future time than in reality. I tell him, some things like USB and other small accessory stuff are a bit cheaper, but not much. Otherwise most other things remain more or less the same but with very good specs. The lights at this intersection become green and we start going. On the right there's a diagonally intersecting road we're merging with, it has just as many lanes and it's busy too and then there's an ambulance trying to come across from the opposite direction. I am quiet for now to let the driver concentrate, but once we are out of the complex situation, we resume discussion. Fragment: Bins and recycling are being collected. I forgot to put things out? And I try to do it then seeing as I still think they're about to collect it. But I don't see the collecting hi-vis people anymore by the time I get outside. Some other people are here, they are looking through bags. They tell me they are from some charity, they mention it by name. I forget what we talk about but I recall they were looking for clothes primarily. Notes: - Both sections of the longer dream relate to home in some way. Present home, past home and past-would-be home, I feel. - The apprehension about the neighbour walking the dog may stem from the fact that lately dogs seem to have taken a liking to our door for doing their needs. - Somewhat related, the part about re-decorating the house may
I had the same dream again last night where I am in granddads old reliant with my mom and sister. This was the 5th night in a row I have had this dream. In last night's dream, my sister kept trying to talk to me during our time waiting in the car for mom and I kept trying to ignore her because I didn't want to smell her breath and wanted her to stop talking. I tuned out what she was trying to say in hopes that she would get the hint I did not want to talk, but she kept invading my space to try to get my attention and I kept smelling her breath. She put her head on my shoulder a few times trying to get my attention. I eventually had to turn my head and look at the empty tan vinyl drivers seat so I didn't have to smell her breath. When mom got in and started trying to get the car started, I could feel my sister was sitting beside me even though I was focusing on mom trying to get the car started. After mom had spent a few minutes trying to start the car, my sister told her she had forgotten her purse and mom took the keys out of the ignition and went back into the house to get it. I asked her if I could go in and get it or try to start the are while she was out but she said needed the keys to get into the house and I needed to stay buckled in my seat. I woke up while she was in the house.
I have tired to use Lucid Dreaming on the dream about being in my grandads old Reliant with my sister and mom. The first night I tried it was Tuesday (01/07). The dream started out as always with my waiting in the car by myself buckled to the middle of the front seat with my sister then getting in and sitting down in the window seat not long after. In all of the previous dreams, my sister and I have spent at least 20-30 minutes in the car before my mom surfaces from the house. In this dream, my sister was trying to start a conversation with me a few minutes after she got in and her breath smelled really bad like it always does. I kept trying to tune her out and ignore her, but I just couldn't avoid smelling her breath. Finally, I had enough and reached to honk the horn on the steering wheel to let my mom know that I had been waiting long enough and she need to come out of the house and get in the car. I kept honking until she finally got the hint and came out of the house. Rather than getting in the car, she spent several minutes working in her garden in the back yard and then walked right by the car again and went back into the house. My sister and I had to wait for another 30 minutes before my mom finally came back out. While we were waiting, my sister keep getting in my face telling me it was my fault we were having to wait so long because I honked the horn. I was forced to smell her breath because she was coming into my space to make sure I knew she was not happy. I thought about trying to get out of the car to get away from her, but the drivers side door was locked and I couldn't unfasten the seatbelt because my sisters leg was blocking the buckle. When mom finally came back out and got in the car, the first thing she did was to get after me about honking the horn. This was the first dream where I ever noticed her breath and it was just as bad as my sisters when she was telling me how rude and disrespectful it was that I did that and she was hurt and would be really embarrassed if neighbors heard it. When my mom started trying to get the car started, it was the longest I can ever remember that part of the dream lasting. She got out at least 3 times to look under the hood and try to figure out why it wasn't starting. If I had woken-up a little later, I wonder if she would have given-up and I would have gotten out of the car. I tried Lucid Dreaming again last night (Wednesday 01/08). The dream started as I always does, but this time I noticed the car smelled really bad which I had never noticed before. After my sister had gotten in and closed the door, she also commented that something smelled although her breath smelled worse than the car when she talked. We waited in the car for the usual 20-30 minutes before mom came out of the house. My sister tried to carry on a conversation a few times and I kept ignoring her because I did not want to have to smell her breath when she talked. Unlike last night, she stayed in her space the entire time we were waiting like she normally does so it was easier to ignore her and tune her out. After mom got in, closed her door, and was adjusting the mirrors she noticed something smelled bad and asked me and my sister if one of us had maybe stepped in poo. We both denied it and I wasn't that worried since I hadn't been in the grass. As always, the car didn't want to start any my mom started to try pumping the accelerator after a few cranks. This didn't do any good, but she kept pumping the accelerator and turning the key and I kept hoping that the car would start up on the next crank, but the red lights kept lighting up and I kept hearing the buzzing sound rather than the engine running. While mom was pumping on the accelerator before trying another crank, her foot slipped out of her clog and she leaned her head down to put it back on. When she did this, she noticed that there was poo on my shoe. While mom continued to keep trying to get the car stated, my sister opened her door and got out and then I unbuckled from the middle seat and got out of the car to clean my shoe. I woke-up from the dream while I was in the back yard cleaning my shoe and could hear mom still trying to start the car while I was doing this. I don't know what ended-up happening with the car, but this was the first time ever in the dream that I was not buckled to the middle seat.
I had the same dream I have been having last night about being in my grandads old Reliant K Car with my mother and sister. This was the 6th night in a row I have had it and the 8th time in the last 10 nights. The dream started as always where I am alone in the Reliant buckled to the center of the tan vinyl front bench seat. Around the time I had finished checking my surroundings, my sister is walking towards the car and then opening the passenger side door and sitting next to me. We had the usual really long wait for mom where I try to avoid talking with her because her breath reeks and I have to smell it when she speaks. She tried to start a conversation a few times while we were waiting, but I just ignored her and turned the other way so I would not have to smell her breath. I really cannot remember what she was saying during this time. There was a change to last nights dream when mom was walking to the car. In every other dream, my mom has not surfaced until she is closing up the house and getting in the car. She has always been out of site in the house the entire time my sister and I are in the car waiting for her. In the dream last night, I looked over my should and saw her walking down the steps towards the car. Before she got to her door, I heard her answer to someone and then turn around and walk to our neighbors yard. My sister and I had to wait a while longer while she talked to her neighbor. I remember my sister and I talking about how rude it was that she was leaving us in the car and being willing to tolerate her breath while we talked about it. When my mother got in the car, there was the usual adjusting of the mirrors and then trying to get the car started. I woke up from this dream not long after she had started pumping the accelerator to try to sped up getting the car started.
Didn't realize that it's almost the deadline in Eastern time. Let me write these out really quickly. I have been visiting my parents and also recovering from the effects of finals, so my sleep has been very deep lately. As a result, I haven't had lucidity these last few nights :/ Oh well. It's a work in progress and I can't give up, right? At least I have been sleeping 8 hours a night, which feels AMAZING. But tonight I will be getting around 7 because I have a super early plane flight. Dreams from April 28-29: - Some lady I know (can't remember who) was telling me that Britney Spears was in a romantic relationship with another woman. She was living the boring life of a housewife. I accidentally rubbed against her while I was flying (I have NO IDEA what this means, but it was in my note about my dream that I wrote in the middle of the night), and I realized the lady (Britney Spears' significant other) was actually the lady I was talking to. - I had to take a test in band for some reason (my band class doesn't have tests). It was really hard because the pictures and the notes kept changing. Normally this would've clued me in to the fact that I was dreaming, but my sleep was too deep. - I was no longer first on the waiting list for Technical Communication. Someone had changed the time, professor, and waiting list -- I was like 4th or 5th instead of 1st (which I am in the waking world). I was livid. April 29th-30th: - A tornado occurred from different types of winds meeting. - I talked to one of my friends about the programming lab we were working on, and how long it took for me to code portions of it. ...And that's it. 5 dream fragments = 2.5 points.
Only fragments thanks to my obnoxious alarm clock. I was waiting, with a group of other people. I think we were some kind of club. I think we were waiting to go home, but I could be wrong. The leader, a woman I think, casually left early, but we had to wait longer. I think two of them were kind of like "trusted members" to whom she delegated some of her tasks, but this could be false memory because the "leader" made me think of someone I used to know in real life (interpretation mixing with memory). I also think I remember a phone, one of those old early 2000's ones.
D1 - Harry potter and Hermione are doing a tour, recounting to people their story, but it seems like an endless tour. Repeating the same droning speeches over and over, Herminone is gettomg wprn out, she is wearing a lovely velvet jacket in light blue and matching hat, her hair hangs in ringlets she is mostly asleep. D2 - I am in a darkened room, light comes in from underneath one blind. I am waiting for an email from someone but keep only receiving ones I don't want.
Middle of Nowhere Waiting for a Bus I'm in a small town at night, by a small road that winds past a residential area with little houses. I wait for a bus to get me back to the city, I see a bus come up. A person runs to it, a red-haired friend of mine. He doesn't recognize me though, and as I look at him his features become unfamiliar and strange. In the bus, there are other people. The scene has changed, it is now daytime, morning, and a grey sky stretches over the field we pass to my right, a deep forest to the left. I look suspiciously at the people around me. I see a young guy with a buzzcut a little ahead of me. He's a troublemaker, been in a juvenile facility for a while I hear. There is some confusion, was he put in there as an innocent kid and the place has now turned him into a thug? Playing Cards I'm in an old apartment of a female friend of mine, she lived in a place similar to the one I was waiting for the bus in. The sky is grey, I can see the ambient grey light coming from the windows on my left. She has a bunch of Magic:The Gathering cards that she takes pictures of and puts on Imgur. She gets a lot of likes and makes it to the front page. I find it weird that she now collects these cards, but I rationalize it by thinking she likes the artwork. She shows a card she really likes, a black card called "Tombic Totem" (a nod to Hearthstone I believe) and says she actually understands the English name of it. I look at the card and it has a little picture of a pedestal with a skull and a candle where the text should be. It has a game mechanic called "candle" where if the candle goes out it silences (another Hearthstone mechanic) all other cards and relights. Whenever the candle is "blown out" it silences a card. I'm out back in the backyard of a house at night. There is a fence around the grass,there is a small tent by the house. A bunch of rowdy working class people smoke cigarettes and drink tall cans of beer. I sit by a table under the roof of the tent. A friend of mine is playing Magic. I join and play. We get into a tie and have to draw instant cards and the one with the highest cost wins. We draw twice before the third breaks the tie in his favor. To my left I see an old friend who has come back from Germany. He as a lot of shiny foil special lands on the table. They look really nice, I point out one that looks like it has a hologram picture on it. I ask about it, I think I see C'thulhu on it? The cards are so precious I don't even want to touch them, my friend turns it around for me to look at it upright. The sunken city of R'lyeh?
Morning of May 4, 2015. Monday. I am standing on a street corner in an unknown area, possibly in early afternoon, the intersection on my left. I am with my wife but there are at least four other mostly unfamiliar people in the immediate area including a male about twenty years older than me to my left. There is at least one other male who I think may be a coworker named Randy from over twenty years ago. There are also at least two older women in front of us. I think we may be waiting for a bus or possibly a series of taxis. Eventually, I find myself holding a larger metal toy black car (possibly some sort of 1960s limousine), seemingly only a bit bigger than a Hot Wheels car. Over time, I see that the hood and trunk (bonnet and boot) both open. Under the hood, I am able to make out the details of the small faux engine, but there is not that much to it. Still, it is interesting to see all the moving parts. The doors also open. I eventually see that the front part opens downward somewhat like a lid to expose the front seat area. The dashboard and steering wheel section moves apart and down from the rest of the area, somewhat hinge-like (similar to when I took a few Matchbox Cars apart in real life). I accidentally move something near the seats a certain way and the steering wheel falls to the sidewalk. The older male picks it up for me and by this time I notice that there are two driver’s seats, including an additional steering wheel, the other in back. I do not really focus on how unusual this is. I start thinking about real cars and tell the others that I own the car from the movie “Christine” (a red 1958 Plymouth Fury, which I have driven in a number of dreams over the years). I get the impression that I could bring this car to me with a remote control (though I am not sure that I have it in my pocket) but then “remember” that there are many other cars I could bring to the area - including the “real” version of the toy car I have (though apparently with only one steering wheel). Not much happens after this, but I do contemplate helping a couple others get to their destination (though I do not use any sort of remote and no real cars are ever visible). No bus or taxi ever shows up.
I was walking on the street. Or waiting for a bus. Or someone is waiting for a bus at night. It was dark. The waiting shed. Bruno is waiting for the bus or a car. A car light shone on him as a couple of foreigner show concern about him being there alone. I was watching some sort of zombie movie. There was a bus careening down the street without the driver. The zombie somehow became much more muscled and was clinging on the back of the bus. The guy inside has super strength despite being of a smaller frame than the steroid zombie. He punched through the "door" at the back of the bus, ripping apart the oversized arms of the zombie in the process. I was in a mall. I was a guard? I was carrying some stuff from outside (not within my view as I can only see inside the mall) helping some people. I saw a toddler walk inside and was concerned that she's alone. I "heard" the "word" that meant "being with" and "a couple" (two people, not romantically. I think). I saw her stop near a small set of wide stairs (just two steps up). She walked toward the right (looking from "outside" the mall). I was in Rob's place. I was talking to with Rob about something, and he said a word or some words that are inappropriate around kids. Sarah was there as well. Forgot what we were talking about. Rob was sitting down, Sarah was standing up. The kids were moving about.
.../The dreamscape corresponds to one of my university times, when I didn't know about inducing lucid dreams. I'm carrying all my stuff that I use to take with me going to work nowadays. I check that everything is in place. I'm waiting for my bus to come, getting bored, I go here and there waiting. I'm worried about my bag, I take care of it. I see a kid talking about his dreams, I want to ask him if he knows when he's dreaming but I don't find an opportunity to ask for it. I go upstairs of the building next to the bus stop. I see a lot of public transport from above, when I see my bus going away. I cannot get down fast enough. The whole place is getting empty, no more cars. I'm worried about it. I see the time in an analog clock , it shows 7:00 pm, when I see again it's 6:50. I remember the last bus comes until 9. I don't remember which one I have to take. I think I will recognize it when I see it. I see a couple of known buses. Not the one that I need. I go up and down the building. I see kids coming back from school/... * I spent the whole dream doing that, waiting for my bus, worried about the thieves, alone. No RC, perhaps because in those times I didn't think much about it. I cannot believe it!
Dream Fragment:I was standing outside and I knew my sister was waiting for me in the building next to the building that I was staring at the window. The window is full of useless crap, but I see this thing that I feel I owned before, not that specific one. It was some stupid toy of pool or baseball or something, and I considered buying it again with $20, but then my sister called me from the door of the building next door, so I went with her into the building.
Dream Fragment: Stiles and I stand alone in a dark forest clearing. The only light coming from the full moon. We stand side by side. Our shoulders are touching and his left hand grips my right hand tightly, our fingers interlocked. There is no sound but our breathing. We wait in silence.
I can remember only little parts of two dreams I had last night. In the first on I am in my apartment and for some reason I have a pet alligator. It is still a wild and dangerous creature and I have to be careful where I walk in my own house. I have two cats and constantly fear that the alligator will eat them. On morning I wake up and find the alligator surrounded by bloodstains on the carpet and walls. I fear that is has eaten my cats but I look around and see one of them under a table near my bed. I don't know where the other cat is. With the amount of blood on the floor and walls it looks like something bigger then a cat was killed though. The alligator sleeps contently, in the middle of the floor, like most creatures do after eating a huge meal. In the second dream I am visiting a friend in another country. Most of the dream is blurry until the end when I have to go to the airport to catch my flight. My friend and her family and friends are having a good time around a campfire and I do not want to disturb them so I quickly and quietly take off alone and catch a bus to the airport, which is 30 minutes away. The airport is small and there is no security checkpoint the the boarding pass desk is just a fold-out table by a collapsable wall. There are only two flights leaving the airport. I go to reach for my passport, and while I find it, I realize that I have left my suitcase at my friend's place. I am kind of panicking because my boarding pass is in the suitcase. I call and leave several messages on my friend's cell phone asking if she or a family member could drive my bag to the airport because there are no more buses going back in that direction. I look at the clock and see that it is 5:30 pm and my flight does not leave until 9:30 pm so I know I have time. I sit in the waiting area for over an hour and their is no sign of my friend or my suitcase. I call again and leave another message and wait for another hour and still nothing. I am very upset and panicking for a bit but then I realize that I have my passport, my identification and my money so I can just buy another ticket, even if it is inconvenient. The thought of just returning to my friend's place to get my bag myself never enters my mind. After I have bought a new ticket several waiter's arrive pushing a cart of delicious smelling food and place it on a long narrow table covered in a white table cloth. For some reason I think I am not allowed to have any food and I wander around and watch the other passengers and airport staff eat. I meet a little boy who is wearing a fox hat and seems to be by himself. He eyes the food while clutching his little napsack but is too shy to go get any. I grab a plate and fill it with candies and sugary pastries and take it over to him and share. He doesn't say anything but seems really happy. His favourite treat seems to be a pasty that has a sweet lemony filling on one side and a spicy filling on the other. I can not remember any more of this dream.
Good morning, everybody. Dream #1 I was laying down in a living room. There may have been a small party going on somewhere in the house. I was laying on the floor, possibly under a blanket, and surrounded on either side by a lot of clutter. The room was partly dim, as if near me there was a small, incandescent lamp, while everywhere else the room was unlit. Beyond my feet, in the distance, I may have seen the bathroom, which may also have been lit. A small, blonde woman straddled me and lay down on me. The woman was really thin, and her body was really tight. She was almost as short as a twelve year old girl. The girl wore a short skirt of some kind of colorful, plaid material and a g-string (I saw it in my mind's eye, not with my "normal" vision). I also had my clothes on. But it almost felt like we were both naked and having sex. The woman's body felt really good up against me. I thought we should go to a bedroom, so that we could actually take our clothes off and have real sex, instead of whatever we were doing right now. We stood up and walked into a room just off to my right. We stood in the bright room, before a bed that was kind of high -- the mattresses came up just about to my sternum. The woman and I may have been getting ready to have sex. But suddenly I got an image in my head of my friend H. I thought that since she apparently liked me, I shouldn't be having sex with anybody else. I was back out in the living room, laying on the floor, possibly waiting for H to come lay with me. I found some of the blonde woman's panties. There were a few pairs of her panties, just laying on the floor to my left, amid the rest of the clutter. I picked up two pairs of panties. They were incredibly small. One pair was silvery. One was white cotton. Both had a skinny kind of cut. I decided to try the panties on. They were so small that I could hardly get them on my legs. I figured I wouldn't get anywhere close to being able to put them on. I think I was trying to put both pairs on at once. As soon as the fabric of the panties touched my crotch, I came. Dream #2 I was sitting at my table, holding a book like an old hardcover version of her book Raven's Wing, with the orange cover and blocky, black lettering. But the book wasn't Raven's Wing. I held the book closed and upright, with the back cover mostly facing toward me. The room I was in was remarkably like my apartment, except that it was a tiny bit bigger.