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    1. I'm always behind. I need to start catching up. These are old dreams.

      by , 07-01-2010 at 07:24 AM
      Army or something (Non-lucid)


      I was in a strange place. I remember riding in what seemed like the back of a hover bus. We were all smushed together and it was like we were in the army. The next thing I remember is I'm at a complete different place. It was kind of dark. I was near a guy sitting by a stand. He told me to look at stuff on the stand. I did. There were three animations you could view. One had to do with a demon, the other, I don't remember, and the last one, some anime that doesn't exist called Cutie Girls. I picked that one and watched a retarded animation of them. It was the intro to their show or something. The next thing I remember, we were all escaping through a long dark tunnel. There were at least 10 of us. I was near the middle, and my cousin Kayla was in the front. I asked where we were. "We are in my basement." Kayla said. I said, "Oh, that's right. Isn't your basement like 5 miles long?" "20 miles." We kept walking on the long dark path. "Watch out," Kayla said. We kept walking and I saw another path leading off of this one. It said, "DANGER" on it. I didn't want to know what was down there. That would of been scary as shit. We kept walking and eventually the dream skipped and we were back outside. It was in the same area where we would board the hover buses. So it was like, the whole thing was some kind of adventure, or a ride. I dunno, it was weird. My friend Sean Denti was next to me and I told him about it. "Her basement path was 20 miles long, I swear to God." Thats the only time I remember saying "I swear to God," in a dream. But that was it.

      Niffer wrecks her truck that she doesn't have (Non-lucid)


      In real life, my dad's dumbass girlfriend named "Niffer"(yes I'm serious), doesn't have a car, and fails at life. Says shes 40, but looks like shes 58.

      I was on my farm. I saw a maroon truck speeding up the road. It was flying. it spun out of control and wrecked. Somehow I knew inside that truck was Niffer. I hope she was dead. She had to of been. The entire ground and truck was on fire. I saw her run up to the neighbors house and knock on the door. "Shit! She's still alive." She was pounding on their door. No one answered. She turned around and I saw her ugly ass face that is there in real life. my dad appeared out of no where. WTF? He doesn't even know where I live now(I live on my farm now). He complained and said, "WHAT HAPPENED, WHERE IS SHE? WHAT?!" I just ignored him, and walked away. That's all I remember.

      Promotion all over again (Non-lucid)


      I had a dream where I promoted/graduated from 8th grade, all over again. It already happened, like 2 weeks ago, but I dreamed that it was happening again. The same things happened, but I was in a different area. It was very weird. I don't remember playing piano like I did at it in real life. I dunno.
    2. All Americans!

      by , 07-01-2010 at 07:05 AM
      For some reason I don't now I have rented a room in a hostel-like facility. It's got wooden interior and is one-leveled as far as I'm concerned. The rooms are located in a maze of corridors with simillar designs which makes it hard to find the right one. At first I'm basicly alone in the building and I've just unpacked my stuff. As I visit the bathroom/sauna room I hear a sudden cackle in the corridors and I see a dude with a pitched cap walking by. Apparently there's an enormously large group of Americans staying in this building as well. And they´re everywhere! I can distinctly here them speak english and I react to this since it was a really long time since I actually met english speaking people myself. At this point I have really big problems finding my room again, especially since I get disturbed by people sitting and shouting everywhere.

      Updated 07-01-2010 at 07:09 AM by 21725

    3. At work smoking drugs.

      by , 07-01-2010 at 05:40 AM
      I was at work and I saw a bunch of childeren running around like it was a feild trip or something. I felt like I was responsable for them. I did not ever become Lucid in this one BTW. I went into a back room where I saw an old friend of mine from HS and she was putting a bunch of weed inside of bags. This is weird because I don't smoke the stuff now. I used to all the time back then, I kind of grew out of it I guess. AW, I asked her to smoke some with me and she did and I was really high in my dream. After spending what seemed like an hour with her back there, I suddenly realized that I had left the children unattended! I paniced, jumped up and ran out of the room. The whole time I actully felt paranoid like I used to back then when we would skip school and get high. I ran though a series of doors (still at my current work place) and came into a big warehouse to find the kids all swinging and climbing 20 feet in the air on the very dangerous pallet racks. In the middle of the room was my Father telling me how disappointed with me he is for not taking care of the kids. I argued for a sec and and said he was not any better for allowing them to do what they were doing right that second. Than, I started to notice that he was still talking and it was like he was part of one of those "truth about smoking MJ comercals" so I laughed and woke up. As I layed in bed I remember mt dream and asked myself "wht the hell would I dream about these things?" I like comments and Ideas of why I would dream like this. Go ahead.
      Tags: drugs, kids, weed, work
      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    4. mastermind of kidnapping, Syndrome&Slagar the Cruel, cursing the persons resposinble for defeat

      by , 07-01-2010 at 04:58 AM
      I was talking to Parr/Increible family from the other's night dream. when suddenly I had a werid daydream and feeling in the dream. The mastermind behind the kidnapping kid of split himself into 3 parts 1 different person and 1 animal-person-the 3rd part was "himself" The first person the kidnapper split himself into was Syndrome

      and the second was Slagar the Cruel (Redwall series-Mattiemo book &TV show):

      all 3 were cursing-(not really) the persons/animal-person "responsible" for their defeat (eg, The Incredible Family-Syndrome, Matthias-Slagar,and the mastermind behind kidnapping people-me).

      The mastermind never saw me but somehow knew I was the one responsible for his defeat-even though I made sure during my interview with my "twin" that the lights were off and my face was a blur-just to protect my identidy-sp?. Than I snapped out of my day dream. Helen Parr realized I was worried about something and asked what I was worried about. I said "Nothing" Helen just raised her eyebrows. Than I said: "Oh fine. I will tell you. I just had a very weird daydream that the mastermind behind the kidnapping that happened the other day just spilt himself into Syndrome-your villain and a TV show villian called Slagar the Cruel-but he also have himself running around someplace. But all 3 of them were "cursing" the person(s) or animal-person responsible for their defeat." This is where the dream ended.

      Updated 07-01-2010 at 05:06 AM by 33295

    5. Dreams to waking life synchronicity

      by , 07-01-2010 at 04:55 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      no dreams for today. but see my last entry. with tupac and then a dream with a reference to a snoop dog song "gin and juice" that was remixed with extra voices.

      Well today i went onto youtube and in my suggestions was something for Masonry and hip hop witha picture of tupac... so I thought fuck it and I'll check it out. It was an interesting documentary... but it eventually came to a clip of a snoop dogg song, that was remixed with extra voices, saying snoop dogg knew that tupac was going to be killed... My mind is going nuts!!!!

    6. The Giant, the mouse and the hole

      by , 07-01-2010 at 04:39 AM (Visions of the night)

      I am in a semi dark wooden house.. the lights that light up the room are dim. I noticed everything is wooden.. the walls, ceiling and floors. Dark oak.
      I see movement on the floor and started screaming it appeared to be a rat. There were others in the house that witnessed this and began to search for the rodent. One guy catches what appears to be an overgrown mouse and he starts to attempt to kill it but winds up injuring the animal. So I took it upon myself to break it's neck to stop it from suffering.
      I grab hold of this mouse and it starts to bite me in the hand. So I immediately disregard the pain and crack the mouse's neck bending it back and twisting fast.
      Finally the mouse is immediately dead and someone else decides to hold onto it.. than again another rodent appears running around and under the bed. I go to see where it had went and I notice this hole in the wall. I move the bed over and get on my knees and look into this hole. I see a room light and empty and it appears to look like a church. So I turn and tell the others " hey it looks like another room in there". The owner who lives there tells me no that is impossible. I said "sure look" he kneels down and is amazed at it..I get down too and was freaked out at how good of a view I was able to get.. it was as if the hole opened up more.
      I felt a trickle of water on my cheek and looking more into the hole I saw it was raining in that room.
      The guy with the dead mouse said " hey we should get rid of the other rodent so it doesn't infest the house anymore". I agree that it was a good idea to lure the mouse with the dead one. So I turn around to the dresser and they are putting seeds in the dead carcass of the mouse.. I wondered why they were doing it but ignored and leaned up against the wall.
      Right next to me I felt wind against my leg and saw a huge wet foot print appear. I was like wow! that is a big foot!... the place moved a bit and I told the other people who were there... " I think we should get out of here something is not right".
      They agree.. but the hole in the wall is getting big revealing the other room.. so we start to see huge foot prints appearing.. it was like some sort of giant spirit was marching around.
      All of a sudden I find myself in one of the rooms and it was raining hard outside. I am holding a very small new born infant and someone asked me " wow that is a beautiful baby he is so small".. out of no where I said " Yes he was born 3 months early and his name is Micheal." The baby is curled up against me so tiny it was incredible. We start to hear harsh stomping .. the room door is closed and we start to gather near the bed scared. All of a sudden this huge giant appears peering through the door he busted through. He was bald headed with a white beard and his eyes were closed. I was scared and wanted to leave. The whole place was getting soggy from the rain and the giant was just weird.
      He told me he was not going to do anything because I had the baby and the baby was stronger than him...
      ...weird dream...

      Updated 07-01-2010 at 09:09 PM by 32355 (multiple spelling errors.. I guess I just wanted to hurry up and type out my dream.)

    7. Starting over

      by , 07-01-2010 at 04:01 AM
      Missed a dream sign..

      After grad night I got in late and was dreaming about lots of people wearing suits. Should have picked up on the dream sign but I missed it. When I was dreaming I remember thinking to myself, "that's odd.". Lots of negative imagery in the dream also, negative feelings, situations and ideas.. Likely something to do with *her.

      *note to self - highlighting dream signs in blue to help in the future
      non-lucid , nightmare , side notes
    8. To the Fires of the Furnace

      by , 07-01-2010 at 02:35 AM (From the Drowsy Mind of a Mouse)
      "At the time of your appearing you will make them like a fiery furnace. In his wrath the LORD will swallow them up, and his fire will consume them."
      ~ Psalm 21:9

      This one was epic. It was a video game dream, and those are always fun, and sometimes inspirational. The only downside to a video game dream is that, due to the fact that I saw it as a video game, I can not recall what exactly I did. I don't memorize what I'm doing while gaming unless I actually need to, and I didn't need to. So alas, I can only give a description of how the game worked.
      There was a ghost with a bag. The ghost was a simple, cartoonish thing, and the ghost would go about a 2-D side-scroller platform level collecting stray spirits and avoiding enemies. It was like a treasure hunt, or a puzzle game, but it had a similar feel to Super Mario Bros. 2. The ghost was looking for stray malevolent spirits, mostly fire spirits. He would collect them in his sack and bring them to (this is so awesome) throw them in a furnace to burn for eternity! The incessant moaning became an annoying part of the game, though.

      "brb/collecting spirits to thrust into a furnace for eternity."

      Updated 07-01-2010 at 07:31 PM by 33120

      memorable , non-lucid
    9. All For Nothing

      by , 07-01-2010 at 02:07 AM (From the Drowsy Mind of a Mouse)
      "We never understand how little we need in this world until we know the loss of it."
      ~ James Matthew Barrie

      I saw a man dressed in reddish rags sitting on a street corner. Brown was the color of his hair and eyes, and his skin was fairly filthy. He had a life, a wife, two children, but all were gone. He never bothered to tell how he lost it all. He just looked at me and flipped a coin.
      This was mega depressing. Alas, alas, it was only a fragment. It also was so realistic, even when it comes to being like reality that I didn't notice it was a dream. Honestly, there was nothing wrong with this one.
    10. 30 June 2010 - DJ 15

      by , 07-01-2010 at 01:44 AM
      Only one dream to report – bummer. Alan Jackson in the background as I type.

      DJ 15

      Motel work and the ex

      This was a goofy dream in that we (my ex-wife & I) are checking in hunters for the deer season. But we’re not checking people in from our office. It’s an older two-story house. I don’t even recognize the house, but it feels familiar.

      A group of hunters comes up the stairs – one of the normal threesome in Real Life. When they get up to the counter, they pay for the room, and for whatever reason I took the cash drawer out and set it on top of the counter. I never so that. Donna looked at me rather strange by this move. Then one of the hunters made a playful grab for a stack of five dollar bills. He and I are fighting for the money at this point.

      After I gain control of the money, Donna makes a comment about having a real cash drawer and this wouldn’t happen. (Yeah, if we could afford it). She was referring to one of those large old antique cash machines. It was as if I could read her mind in what she looked forward to in a cash drawer. We showed the hunters out and to their room.

      That was the dream. There was more, but as this was the last of the night (4:30) I had to rely on memory this evening to recall it.
    11. God Damned Fragments!

      by , 07-01-2010 at 01:21 AM (Enter the mind of Mr. Baggins)
      Dream Lucid In Dream Thoughts

      Inflatable playground in our living room.

      Finding a packet of cigarettes on the floor, pulled one out and it lit itself and the trying to put it out but couldn't.

      Something about flying around with rocket boots or something.

      Getting in a argument with a kid in my class which caused us to have a fight and then he pulled out a knife.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Power of the Time Lords [Fragments]

      by , 07-01-2010 at 12:34 AM
      Power of the Time Lords [Fragments] (Non-lucid)


      I haven't been able to write down my dreams (I've been reeeeeally busy) so this is just fragments.

      I remember being in a dusty tomb deep underground. Some of it was in ruins, other parts were almost in pristine condition. I fell through the sky light of a nice house, I think the house was in the mountains and the Tomb was under this house.

      I know David Tennant/Doctor. Who was there, but I'm unaware if he was helping me or hurting me. What I mean by that is that there was someone who had great power (could shoot some sort of energy out of his hands) in the tomb and was set on the intent of killing me. We had a long and grand battle that lasted what felt like an entire night.

      Early morning before the sun came out I remember running down a big grassy hill with huge square stones scattered across it. I used those to hide behind. Why? Because I was being chased by some private army with machine guns.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Late Boarding Protocol

      by , 07-01-2010 at 12:26 AM
      Late Boarding Protocol [Fragments] (Non-lucid)


      I'm trying to catch a flight to England, I walk through a room that's a recreation of a planes flight cabin. I was complaining about how cramped it was. After I finally board the plane the flight attendant states that the runway is no longer available because I and my mum were late.

      "Activate Late Boarding Protocol," she says and the entire plane starts to turn nose up.

      "What are we doing?!" I say rushed and panicked.

      "We're going to launch our selves via rocket propelled engines into the air," she replied.

      Mum freaked out and I had to calm her down.

      I remember fragments of walking through fairly bad parts of an English town. The roads were made of rust colored bricks and the sunset lit the sky up as if it were on fire, the entire sky was a blazing orange and red. Almost like a scene from a film when something really terrible was happening to the world.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Aimless Exploration

      by , 07-01-2010 at 12:25 AM
      Aimless Exploration (DILD)


      I'm walking through my kitchen with Shanice and Elodie, we walk outside and as I'm walking down the driveway I realize this is only a dream. I'm not really excited about the fact that I'm dreaming, I don't feel the same thrill or rush that I usually do. Everything is bland and has no appeal. I just jump up in the air and try to fly. After a short while I lose my lucidity and get caught in a strong wind, I remember holding onto the roof of my dad's shed trying to keep from being blown away.
    15. Surprise

      by , 07-01-2010 at 12:19 AM
      Surprise (Non-lucid)


      I'm talking to Shanice on MSN when I decide to call her.

      "Hello?" She answers.

      "Hi" I say shyly. I hate phones, they make me nervous.


      Suddenly I'm walking down a sidewalk, I know that I'm in England and I know where I'm going. All the houses look different, they're farther apart and most of them are painted white, they all have bigger backyards too. They look nothing like the homes in Havant. But regardless, Shanice lives on this street in the dream. I walk down the street, cell phone in hand. I walk up to the front door and am about to knock when I see a man move behind the house. I know he shouldn't be there so I chase him around the house. When I reach the back yard I can't find anyone and just seem to know that he's gone.

      My cell rings.

      "Hello?" I answer.

      "Hello, I'm bored, what are you up to?" Shanice asks.

      I see her through the window of the back door, she's at the computer. I grin.

      "Not much" I say in an amused tone. I quietly open the back door and walk softly towards her.

      "What ARE you doing?" She asks suspicious.

      I end the call. She looks at the phone confused, unsure of what happened.

      "Not much" I answer from behind her.

      She jerks around and looks at me in shock, but then smiles and tackles me.

      "Who wants cookies?!" Her mother walks in, oddly enthusiastic and totally different than I expected.


      We've finished all but one of the cookies now, we're sitting next to the computer and the plate with one cookie is sitting on the desk.

      "You have the last one," I say in an amused tone.

      "Oh no, I already ate too many," she says.

      "Come on, live adventurously" I tease.

      She raises one eyebrow in question then smiles. She breaks the cookie in half, sticks one half in my mouth and the other in hers.

      "...Okay" I say chuckling, mouth full.

      Recall ends.


      I remember watching from one of the highest places in the world as the entire world flooded. I was nearly washed away with several other survivors but the water stopped rising just a few 100 yards before It was too late.