Sleep: About 7.5 hours. This seems to be optimal for me. It's generally harder for me to fall asleep when I'm getting enough rest every night. BUT, this is a good thing. Because of this, my brain is significantly more awake once I do fall asleep, and therefore my dreams are more vivid and memorable. Also, I think my brain is hard-wired to keep me up late. Like, ideally my body seems to want to go to sleep at around 12:30-1 AM and wake up at around 8:15 or so. I feel the most refreshed in the morning this way. However, this doesn't generally tend to work with modern-day American society, so I will have to see. Maybe I can adjust accordingly, to the friendlier schedule of sleeping from like 11:00 PM to 6:30 AM, and it will have the same effect. I will make some plans this weekend hopefully and try and figure that out. DREAMS Dream 1: I was talking with my brother and some other people, in the family room of my parents' house. There was a Slowpoke (the Pokemon) just chilling on our bench, so I guess Pokemon were real, too. Somebody sitting with us compared the Slowpoke to a really smart person who is just really lazy. I don't know if the Pokemon felt insulted by that or not. :O Then, outside in our backyard, an insane amount of rocks started flying around in the air, and I think the room started shifting too. We all freaked out, but I woke up before anything disastrous happened! Dream 2: I think I had a false awakening. Didn't trigger lucidity though. I thought that I had woken up extremely late, and now I was super far behind with my schoolwork. Dream 3: Warning: this one gets a little bit PG-13. I was on some sort of train. I believe that the train was magical in some way, but I'm not entirely sure. Anyway, I talked to two separate women while I was on the train. I remember one of them was this nice blond-haired lady, maybe in her 30s-40s. She wanted to talk to me and do some sort of study or experiment, which required me to, um, take off my shorts. I can't remember what the, er, study was, but I remember removing my shorts that I was wearing and sitting around chatting with her in my underwear and T-shirt. I think I liked that a little bit too much. ._____________. It was weird also since we were in a crowded train. I bet if I hadn't woken up, I would've become lucid in this one. The exact same thing happened with the other lady. I don't remember what she looked like though. Dreams are so weird. Especially when they're non-lucid. Like...dang. :O
So, been a really long time since I last posted here. I think a year in a couple days. So over the past year, my dreams have been about flying, murder basements, stairwells that never seemed to end, northern lights, empty pirate ships, space explosions, aliens, drowning in water, teeth falling out, sewers, and more teeth falling out. Of course, half of those are from stress and such. But the alien ones keep getting worse. The alien dreams all start out the same way. I stand up and look over the mini lake behind my backyard and in the distance, I see little northern lights in the sky. The colours range anywhere from bright greens to blues and reds. In these lights, there's always these small circular lights; one is red, one is blue, other one is yellow, and a big one in the middle is white. They're all laid out like this: As these lights get closer and closer, I realize it's aliens so I get everyone in the house to come together and we get everything we need to run or hide. So we get blankets, jackets, sweaters, whatever food we can take with us, water, bandaids, shit, etc... and then our home gets ripped apart. That's the intro that always happens. Now there are only three dreams I can somewhat remember but there have been a couple more. In the first one, there was a large circular ball of broken glass shards spinning in front of my house. These alien creatures were guarding and and checking around the front door of my house, breaking the windows, etc. I was stupid enough to walk to the front door and something these guys had paralyzed me and my body turned in something like this: But on the ground - lol at mammoth. That's where it ended. Second one I remember's super simple. We just got in the car and left but I was driving and no one was listening to me when I knew what to do and where to go. Next day, I had actually planned out on what to do if something like this happened in "real" life. In this last one, I picked up my family and we flew up into some ship but I fell down and was about to get eated by these alien doods but my bro had superman powers and got me (fuckinweirdshietm8) My dreams are ridiculous but because they all have the same intro, I'm a little wtf'd and wondering what the reason behind it might be. Oh, and I also dreamt about flying rocks and nets and weird but gorgeous places sometime this past year.