non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am invited (more like kidnapped) by a Russian criminal whom I have a history with. I think I am an hacker, I did some work for him once and he fell in love with me, but now I'm not sure if he is trying to help me for old time sake or using me as a scapegoat for his dirty work. He says he'll release a virus in the world that will wreak havoc on all systems and asks me if I have any old PC with a floppy disk drive and I say I do. So he hands me a floppy disk which he says contains the antivirus. He tells me to use it on my computer and then I'll be safe. I find it really suspicious, because it will make no damn difference to have a working computer if the whole society collapses. There might not even be electricity if his plan works. But I'm scared for my life and I just wanna leave and go home. I know my face will be everywhere on CIA screens for being here, so he is probably setting me up or using me as a decoy. I hide the disk the best I can, so that any camera that might film me outside doesn't see it. When I reach my flat, I turn on the news and chaos starts unraveling in the world. Banks crash and other services start failing, people flock to the roads trying to go somewhere safe. I just wanna go meet my parents and ensure they're fine, but it's still a bit far and there is almost no way to get through the traffic jams. I wait a bit and go out by foot to get some stuff and prepare my trip. When I return my house has been searched. They tried to be discreet as not to denounce themselves, but I can tell that a lot of things are misplaced. I still have the disk with me and don't know what to do with it. I manage to go out of town through a road that most people are taking in the opposite direction. I fear I might not have enough fuel, but I manage most of the way, then need to walk the final bit. My dad is worried with the chaos and showing me how they reinforced the front door and windows of the house, but when I go into the backyard to hang something to dry I notice there is one door from the outside to the corridor / garage leading to the yard that doesn't have any lock. We have our dogs there, who are like different incarnations of my RL dogs Hachi and Bernardo, and are also kept separate because they also don't like each other here (my parents here also look like my RL parents, but we are totally different people and live in a totally different world). I rush to tell my dad that door needs to have a lock asap as outside people are starting to loot.
I was doing laundry when I heard something coming from down the hall, I tried to pull the door shut, but it was too late, whatever was on the other side pushed it open. I stared at the doorway, terrified as the door slowly swung open. In the hall was a bucket, colored in Lowe's signature blue. I was pretty relived at first, but I remembered some old guy telling me that if I ever come across a bucket like that, it can't kill me unless I can't see it. I then set the bucket down so it'd always be in my peripherals. I pulled some dirty laundry out of the basket and put it in the machine. Not even one load and I was already sick of the anxiety of having to keep the bucket in my sight, so I started thinking that maybe I could make the bucket go after someone else. I grabbed it, and took it into the back yard where my father sat in his truck. He was the closest person but I really didn't want him to die, and then I realize that even if the bucket kills him it's just going to go after me again. I walked back to the door, and started absentmindedly ripping the bucket apart as if it was made of paper. I sat on the porch and my spirits fell as the pieces tumbled back and used to the piece I was still holding onto. I then walked to the tool shed, it has a few flights of stairs going into a basement, so I got an idea. I threw the bucket, and while it rolled down the stairs I slammed the door shut and locked it. I was going to begin celebrating. [COLOR="#EE82EE"]I rolled over and went back to sleep.[/COLOR], I was in a room which was best described as the inside of lord Jabu Jabu. I walked past a counter with a few hand sized beetles, and I walked up a slope, and I saw a button. I walked on it, and I suddenly turned purple and saw a HP bar rapidly draining, so I ran to the beetles. I talked to some beetles who were useless, until I saw some golden beetle who said he could cure me. I then get a view of myself in a dentist like chair with deep scratches down my face, and a second later I'm back on my feet with only a few scars. I start walking away. [COLOR="#EE82EE"]Did a couple good rcs today - 1 remember 2 full nlds - 2 3 dj comments- 1 total- 4 [/COLOR]
Updated 01-08-2024 at 01:40 AM by 100014
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Back to the past with my parents. We're in Lisbon, at some metro station. Looks brand new although it has the vintage look before modern renovations. We are looking for an exit and go through a door which leads directly to inside a mall. But not the entrance, but to some service corridor on the back of the cinema area. So some lady says we can't be there and tries to push us out. But I find another door on this corridor, which actually leads to the interior of the mall and I pull my parents in. There is an arcade with old videogames and kids playing and my mom spots Ronaldo in his teenage years. She can't resist to go meet him and when she calls him for his name he looks surprised, because he doesn't recognize her. She doesn't explain it either and looks like a creepy old lady. I see an opportunity here and I push my mom aside. I tell him I'd like to talk to him. He is still the ugly teenager who wouln't say no to some good looking lady. So I take him away from the crowd and I slowly tell him that I am from the future and have something important to tell him. At first he thinks I am nuts, so show him my smartphone, trying to impress him, but he dismisses it and actually wants to know more of what I have to say. I tell him he is going to be one of the most famous people in the world and very rich and also look hot, so now I have his attention. I tell him he must follow my tips and do what I know he did in his life (i actually don't know much) so he doesn't miss the opportunities that lead him there. In exchange I only ask for his generosity when he does succeed, to share some of his wealth with me in the future, when I come to him. But he is very distracted, I ask him to repeat to me what I tell him about the teams he'll play on and he keeps messing it up and saying he will work at a post office. He also gets distracted with some lady in a car looking at us and them complains that his shorts are falling down because they're too large. I offer him several strings and pieces of fabric to use as a belt and while he sorts that out, I grab a paper to write bullet points for him. But I keep throwing them away because the text is never what I want. I wake up when I understand it is a dream. Getting my car out of a parking lot with my parents inside and I lose control and crash against someone behind us. If it was a small car it would have been crushed, but it is a big van from the Civil Protection services. The driver is upset but keeps calm. My parents come out of the car to mediate. He moves his car to a parking space and I follow him with mine. As I get out of the car, some slender girl bumps into me. She has some black silicone gag in her mouth and zip ties in her hands behind her back and seems to plead for help. She is so thin that I manage to pick her up and carry her in my arms. I take her inside my mom's house which is strangely right there, and I sit her in the kitchen while I cut the zip ties and remove the gag. She can't talk because she is in shock and has dry mouth. I ask mom for water. The guy from the van I hit is also there to help and as everyone tries to do something I ask them to please collect the objects with care and put them in plastic bags as they might have fingerprints for the police. I say I am gonna call the cops and my dad sighs. He says that once again I found something to keep myself busy. I don't understand his remarks since it is not my fault that stuff keep happening to me.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am with my parents and maybe some more family members. Some woman comes by and says she has info about my paternal grandma. Says she was actually from Canada and came to Portugal and got citizenship and got married and nobody ever knew about it. I am baffled, but also don't see how that changes anything about my identity. My dad explains he hired this lady to investigate this. My mom steps in and starts rambling about meaningless stuff, making my dad yell at her. He tells her this is important business and she is talking about totally unrelated stuff. The lady leaves but there is a promise she will come back to share more info. We gather around a table to feast. it is some family reunion and there are lot of yummy things on the table. For some reason I get horny looking at some carrots. So I pick up a carrot and go alone to another room. I sit on a couch and play with the carrot ( you know what I am talking about). Then some bunch of guys enters the room and face me in an awkward position with a carrot. They don't say a word and their faces are in shock. At first I feel I wanna disappear, but then on the back of my head there is this slight trust that none of this is real so I decide to go for it and propose them to fuck. After the initial shock, they actually go for it, so they line up and one at a time, they drop their pants and bang me. I had several orgasms for real without waking up. On maybe the third I do wake up, but hang in there between dream and wakefulness and the orgasm lingers in a limbo, without really ending for quite some time. When I fully wake up, I am still feeling the rush for some time after.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Taking a bus somewhere. My parents are also on board but not seated nearby. There is some flash flood and the bus gets dragged by muddy waters. The water covers most of the bus and I think of strategies to get out, but the windows are fixed with only small horizontal ones on top which open but hardly anyone can get through them. I get my parents out through there anyway and then I go next. Then the water recedes and we take refuge in a subterranean park just to get some rest and plan what next. My parents lock me up in a public bathroom and say it is not safe for me and they will go outside do some reconnaissance of the situation. I am pissed. But then laugh when I notice the bathroom walls don't go all the way up but have an opening that communicates with the next bathroom. I climb the wall and get on top it. On the next division, there is a dog someone also left in there alone, but he is friendly. As I am exiting through that door and taking the dog with me, some couple appears and claims it's their dog. I am a bit upset with these people, whom I think are a bit irresponsible, but I keep quiet and just say goodbye to my friend. Then my parents come back and are upset to see me outside and I joke "Did you really believe that locking me would stop me? And they agree they were silly." I am in Hollywood in the '30s (maybe). I got a leading part in a film and I am absolutely thrilled. I think it is all going fine, until some other girl who is sharing the house with me and some others, reveals she got a part in the same movie and not any part, but she is meant to replace the leading character. I get seriously mad, but I avoid taking my rage on her and run away to a different room to cool down. She follows me and confesses she didn't know it was me and she is sorry and that it is all some revenge plan cooked up by people who hate me and she only accepted because she needed the job and is nothing personal. I forgive her, but then later, this girl accuses me on the set, of stealing her earing which appears magically in a pocket of my coat. Then I realize she is indeed part of the revenge plan and I beat the shit out of her until she dies. Then a guy who comes to intervene and is holding a gun, accidentally shoots himself in the chin and also dies. I run away down some stairs to the basement. The police arrives at the scene and I don't wanna be caught. So I go through a trapdoor that leads to a park outside. I try to blend with the people on the street. I hear police sirens everywhere. I head to a small aerodrome nearby where some Africa dude that I know traffics stuff. I wanna try ask if he can fly me away to Africa. I ask him where in Africa it would be better for me to start a new life from scratch. He suggests Ghana and he paints a lovely picture of it. I can see myself there already and then I come back to reality and think I'll probably never make it. The police comes raid the aerodrome and my friend helps me hide by ducking on the ground in a bushy area. We slowly move towards the entrance booth and with the complicity of the lady in the booth that controls the entrances and exits, we escape to outside. I keep on the move, I hide. But I end up coming back later to the aerodrome and taking a plane later to Africa. I then see myself living there for years, getting married to a local and having a kid and sitting calmly at a café with my family, enjoying my new life.
Updated 04-13-2021 at 09:40 AM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I have been having some weird dreams that feel like deep buried memories, but probably are false memories or at least I hope so. I am a kid and my parents are fighting and mom leaves temporarily to sort something out. I freak out and call for my mom. My dad is upset and does not understand why chose her over him. He claims he is the provider, the one who takes care of me. He also says that I am lazy like my mother and he is totally disappointed how I turned out and turned on him. My father calls me to his bedroom on waking up. I go to the side of his bed and his behavior is quite improper with me. I run away and hide from him. He gets up and makes threats so I get out of my hiding place. I leave the house and find a hideout in the basement of the building. (It does not look at all like my parents apartment building, but there was indeed a door under the staircase on ground floor, where only a child could get inside and this one is quite similar.) With some help I plan a trip to Nepal to where my mother run away. I have an experience that feels more like astral projection than a dream. I think I fell asleep lucid and I start seeing some wild place at dusk, with trees and stone walls at the side of the roads, a few cars passing. It doesn't feel like a lucid dream, more like I am remote viewing or astral projecting to a real place. I hover down the road until I see a small town. I check several landmarks looking for names that I might recall on waking up, like the name of the school, but I forget all. Can only remember the school had a man's name, composed of two words and last name ended in "ão". Something, maybe a shop, was called "Atmosfera". Then I feel that I start losing touch and just drift into a norrnal dream based on the previous images. It is now morning in this town and several small shops are opening, Tourists are coming, kids going to school. I see a small café run by an old lady who makes homemade breakfast with a variety of artisanal bread and jams and I have to go inside. I spot a tiny tiny white kitten behind the costumers at the counter and I go grab him before someone steps over the baby. I look for momma cat who is hiding under some furniture where she is feeding the rest of her babies. They are covered in fleas that jump on me. One of the yellow cats has cancer in his ears. I plan to rescue them somehow.
A few fragments but I remembered some more detail as I read and rewrote my notes from the morning. Dream: In the old version of the square in my home town. It’s altered compared to my actual memory of it however. It was a bigger area somehow; this may relate to the fact that my memories of this version only exist from my childhood as it changed pretty early on in my life. But the dream takes place in a present time. I have abilities from Diablo 2, more specifically Sorceress and Amazon abilities. I remember an interface overlay like in the game where I could pick the spells from. Noteably I remember the explosive arrow and glacial spike abilities, but on closer inspection the glacial spike was actually called frostga. I was shooting a bow with explosive arrows at these two guys that were just running around a bit aimlessly I think. They just wouldn’t die though and I kept running out of mana, for some reason glacial spike used a lot but explosive arrows didn’t (some uniques in the game granted it as a passive modifier, derived from that?). Dream Fragment: I remember there were transitions but the main place in the dream was this Egypt themed zone like a level from Unreal Tournament. It was night time and the zone in itself was more like a floating platform high up I. The sky. It had the shape of a circle but extended out of itself into “knots” on four corners? Despite being night time it was fairly bright, moonlit mostly. But there were glitches with the lighting, like the level wasn’t finished properly, so some objects and areas were just far too bright like the gamma was wrong just for those bits but I accepted this as something that does happen. Dream: Was with mom and dad in the car, we were downtown but everything looked so different, more like a post modern and brand new style than what I think I would have expected, which would be old buildings. Dad was commenting on how empty the entire area was. I don’t remember commenting myself. Nothing felt surprising or unusual in the dream. We went past some museums, one had written in big block capitals at its entrance: PAPU or something of the sort. As we went past it, I saw an ascending escalator inside the museum through some large and curved glass panes. I had a deja vu in the dream when I saw this. We went a bit further along and I remember having thoughts about how this area was supposed to be for modern cars only or that it had been pedestrianised. We arrived near the square next to the river but it all seemed pedestrianised and like we weren’t supposed to be in the car here but dad didn’t realise. A blonde or fake blonde and sort of nearly pale white lady walked up to us and then we weren’t in the car anymore but I thought nothing of it. She told dad that he couldn’t drive here, only “on the basement level” (to park?). There was a platform with road on it that was a lift that went underground just a bit ahead; I think I saw this before the lady was there, but I remember interacting with some console which had a blue GUI with options displayed. The last and only option I remember said something like “1950s (1980)”.
Dream fragment from the 13th. Fragment: I was in some altered version of my old home, in particular it seemed to be centred around my first bedroom in the house but the layout of everything was completely different, and the halls and ceilings were much bigger. Perhaps a reflection of the different perspective from when I was very young (4-6?), but in the dream I was just the age I am now. I think I remember daylight coming from outside. In many senses the physical context of the dream was very reminiscent of my earliest conscious memory of waking life. There were a lot of family characters present, mostly aunts from dad's side and my direct family in itself. I don't remember many of the details anymore but one of the main dream plots was that there was this mouse which was no bigger than my closed fist, minus the tail. For whatever reason, I wanted to build it a nest near the top of one of the walls in "my room". I remember getting some wicker type material to make the nest with, or maybe like hay. But it had a paper-like texture, at any rate. I wanted the nest to be atop a pipe or pole that would be attached to the wall (visually reminded me of a wastepipe) so that the mouse could run up and down to and from the nest. The mouse had typical light brown fur.
Recorded the majority of these dreams early on in a vague form on my phone on waking up. Had to go somewhere in the car; while I was waiting in the car for an hour, typed everything out in more detail, which I'm now putting on the DJ here. First Dream (Some detail missing): Fairly long dream. Can’t remember the start now but I would recurringly go for a swim with H but also alone. When I started, I felt weak and slow. I can’t remember the water's temperature. We were on some sort of cruise ship but it was mostly empty, and I don’t think it was ever moving. I started to become strong at swimming, when I was back on the decks I can remember feeling like I my chest was sort of almost puffing out from all the swimming workout. At some point I was walking down some wooden decking stairs and I could see my parents lounging on some patio type chairs on a higher level. I could hear dad make some sort of mock bird call. I remember then seeing some birds. Seagulls? Dad laughed. H asked from some place below, “is that your dad?” I said yes and then remember continuing down the stairs and losing sight of them. It was daytime for most of this dream but I made note of the fact that it was sort of cloudy and grey. I remember a horizon of water. It may have been windy but I don’t remember the sound of it. I remember a few times I’d take my boots off, but at no point do I remember what I was wearing. When I went swimming, after a short while I’d usually arrive at this sea floor base of some kind. This place did have a lot of people. I remember lockers, the inside of this place almost felt like some swimming pool changing rooms but with a more modern and futuristic feel to it, a bit more like the base from Ocean Girl or the sea city from Bioshock. Before this dream or through the middle of it, I was stuck in some sort of void like limbo with H for a time. It was like being in an out of control perpetual fall, and there was a strange light and distant but dark cosmic background. This void was filled with ancient structures and artefacts from unknown civilisations, a lot of the stuff looking like it was from some sort of classic period. I remember interacting with some walls and pillars from a distance, with some kind of telekinetic ability, and cutting them up into smaller chunks. As I did their lighting would change, usually to some dramatic purples and yellows. At some nearer the “end” of the cruise ship segments I went into this too, to have a wee, but there were no toilets. In the dream my mind was telling me that there were some type of urinals but there was nothing on walls or anything like toilets. Instead there were some tables. I walked past a clear plastic box filled with what looked like cheap and brightly coloured electronic components. At the tables were some big circuit boards with several components already soldered on, including some transformers. For whatever reason I had to have a wee on these boards, but I remember someone telling me I could only wee on the electrolytic capacitors... I remember doing it, but on a big black electrolytic cap, and then some guy appeared, who apparently owned all this stuff and told me off just for weeing on the big one. He was annoyed but not angry or shouting. Then I remember going out of that room after a short dialogue. I went some stone stairs, in a wide spiral. It reminded me of castles and churches. There were a few murderhole windows where daylight shun from. This was a different place, it was puzzle like. As I reached some kind of landing I immediately realised that the structure was like in some games like Legend of Zelda and some modern puzzles where the paths loop back into themselves, but I could get around the issue of looping paths by taking them whilst walking backwards. I remember a crawl space path where the same would happen and there were statues and displays scattered about like some museum. There was a warm artificial mood light and everything had a sort of modern feel to it in the areas with displays. Second Dream (Fragment): A different dream. I was born out of a big egg, looked mostly like a birds egg but was covered in a polka dot pattern on the outside. A sort of magenta colour to the dots. There was some old man in this dream and I remember telling him we all had stomachs made from tin and gold. When I told him there was also sulfuric acid in there, he was incredulous. Third Dream? (Fragment) NSFW: A still image, as if on a computer, no doubt from a transition phase into wakefulness, Spoiler for NSFW: of a giant phallus in space “absorbing” planets along its skin. One of the stranger things I might draw from time to time. But unusual for this type of thing to appear whilst still sort of in the dreaming context. Notes: ⁃ Almost immediately after waking up I realised I probably had the swimming and diving dream because I spent so much of last night reading stuff on Dreamviews. It made me feel like the water was representative of dreaming in itself. ⁃ When I was reading stuff last night I had some thoughts about symbology, mostly because of the topics but I think also because of something I’d said/posted. I feel this is probably why the dream ended up being so metaphorical. ⁃ I ended up taking the whole swimming and diving experience, which in the dream made me stronger, as a sign that I may be making some progress again with dreaming. There was just a sort of clear association in my head when I woke up that all of this was a metaphor for how I was doing lately. ⁃ The void filled with artefacts etc. also felt relevant in that context because it seemed like a collection of lost and unknown culture. ⁃ This void was very similar to the Chthonic voids found in Grim Dawn, probably because I was also playing that a bit last night.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I pass through a small secondhand fair. One lady is annoyingly wanting me to buy a book collection from her. I get away and enter a war game simulation area. But it turns real pretty quickly, as soon as I realize the bullets shot are real ammunition. I pick a gun from a guy on the ground, presumably dead and I go upstream along a river. End up in a garden with people dancing. No war here. But I was followed by a guy that threatens everybody with a grenade. He arms it and throws it at me. I try that trick from the movies, of kicking it away. But then Rinpoche comes out of nowhere once again, catches it and after throwing me a defying look, throws it back at me. I feel like "Whaaaat?" and panic a little bit. But almost immediately realize, with my absolute trust in my guru, that this grenade represents no danger and that I can do whatever with it. So I hold it in my hands and try to turn it into a lotus flower. Unfortunately all I succeed in doing is turning it into sort of a flower made of rags. I feel disappointed, but then Rinpoche approaches me and turns these rags into a tent and invites me to step inside it with him. With my parents having vacations in Brazil. We go to some festival which is in a semi rural and forested area in the outskirts of a little town. Soon after we arrived, we start seeing smoke from distant fires in the forest. We discuss how it might get dark sooner because of it. But we think we're safe. It seems very distant. I see banners from locals supporting Bolsonaro and I feel angry. I make a nasty comment and some man hears and he's not happy. I tell him that I love Brazil and its people, but I just can't accept that man they chose for president. Later we're walking through a street with restaurants and I spot some curtains of a place, on fire. Then look around and also see some vegetation on fire. As I raise the alarm, we notice there are fires spreading a bit everywhere, from sparks coming through the air from far away. We decide to grab our things and leave this area before it gets serious. But general panic ensues and to make things worse, as we head to the car in the parking lot at the entrance of the venue, there are landslides and large boulders falling onto the road we're taking and people are getting blocked. For a while I lose my parents in the crowd, but soon after my mom appears. As we find a safe way out, she complains about the things I chose to bring on our backpack and I don't get why she is commenting that until I realize we can't go back to our tent to get most of our stuff that we left behind and I feel awful for that.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Going to some reunion party with my old school mates, but although we grew up and got old, we all look the same. I am getting ready at my mom's house, have my old room there with my clothes. She is very worried and tells me she is afraid of boys' behavior. I laugh and say we are grown ups now and last time I was with them, they behaved like adults. No need to worry. She doesn't want me to wear short shorts, I do anyway, but complement it with a very modest blouse. On a boat with a large group. We are on a lower deck, because the upper deck is taken by some alien or mutant beings. We have a guard with a machine gun on the stairs, keeping them away, but sometimes they attack. They can regenerate missing organs and tissue but become still they are vulnerable after a few shots, so we have been able to keep them at bay. A group of us wants to reach the shore, but others in command prefer staying on water , despite the mutants danger, so we are plotting our escape in secret. My dog Soraia is on board and she is friend with a whale that takes her for a ride on her back. I am staying near my parents, who are still living together in an apartment. At dusk, they go to sleep, but I stay up looking through the window. There is some nasty weather. It's snowing and a lot of wind, like a cold hurricane. Then from the mountains comes an avalanche of ice and water. Some people are running in front of it and trying to warn everybody. I run to my parents, try to warn them. An abandoned ship passes by, dragged by this flood and we get in it. Then on the ship I have a brother and two younger sisters, besides my parents. We consider where to go. Europe is a no no, as it is now covered in ice. We decide for west North America. It is supposedly warm there. We have some accidents along the way, one day the boat is flooded with red water, like blood, but we manage to pump it out. Then we start seeing a little girl, we think she's a ghost, but not. Turns out she is an orphan who was on the boat already. She carries a tech device with her (sort of a tablet) where she shows us a film of her parents talking about how they were on a re-population mission and had a lot of gadgets to help survival and ask us to take care of their child. She then shows us the gadgets that are on board. First thing is a device like iron man's hands that allows someone to fly. My brother becomes the user and once we land in America, which is dry but deserted, he goes around exploring with this flying device. We assemble a high tech lab where we grows plant and have all sorts of gadgets to collect geothermal energy and grow fruits and we even have a high tech juicer, because juice is our staple food. I come to see my brother's latest plant acquisitions and I wonder what he is doing, because lots of plants don't seem edible, and seem of little value, except a weird bamboo plant that I rescued and is developing beautifully. Lots of weird insects are populating our greenhouse and I get tangled in a spider web with a nasty looking spider, but fortunately the spider falls to the ground and runs away.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At my parent's home, when my dad still lived there, staying in my old bedroom with Riverstone. Some awkward moments in which my dad enters the room by storm, just because. He then leaves the house and finally we get some peace. I wake up in the morning and there are some ten Arab dudes who all look alike, in the hallway and coming out of the living room. My mom says there was a wildfire in the hills behind the building and since we didn't hear her calling for help during the night, she has picked up some dudes from the street who offered to help evacuate the family and our animals. Yeah, but why are they all clones? Then I go to the window and find strange how there was a fire, since we are in the winter, and it's cold and foggy outside. But not even 5 mins later, it dries up and warms up and I see a gigantic cloud of smoke arising from behind the hill and understand the fire restarted. Then I see uprooted trees levitating towards the sky and I am also being pulled and see it from above. Something or someone is collecting individuals of each species to repopulate a new Earth. I feel sad and hopeful. We are doomed but at least someone is trying to give this beautiful diversity of life a chance somewhere else. I was in the coolest high school ever. The school had a basement that was exclusively for the students to hang out and all of them, with a few exceptions, looked like a rock star, a movie star or a model. I think there were only a couple of geeky nerds who looked pretty average. One day a new student comes in, he is a bit older and a bit cranky and anti-social. He looks like a young David Bowie, but unfriendly. One night he decides to stay in school through the night and hides in said basement. What he doesn't know is that the place is monitored by cameras that stream everything online in a group we are all part of. He puts on some punk music, he smokes a joint and then he undresses and gets in his underwear. He dances like crazy, not knowing we are all watching. We find it funny, but we don not intend to shame him. So we send the group of coolest kids in school, who are non-other than the Beatles. They go downstairs to surprise him and we all watch it as it happens. It's hilarious when he gets caught. Then we all join and we explain he had been on camera all the time. We actually came to prevent him doing something that could actually embarrass him beyond repair. But he doesn't understand and says he will sue us for filming him. Later on I see a group of kids building an indoor pool just across a classroom where I have a lots of classes. Zilla is with me and we comment about it. There is another pool outside, but that one is controlled by a group of older kids and although one of them is my childhood friend Carla, she behaves like she doesn't know me and doesn't help us getting access to the pool. But now we will be able to get out of the classroom and jump right in the pool. We talk to the guys building it. They are just so nice and this school is so unreal.
Non-dream stuff - Woke up about 3 times through the morning, between 8:20, the time for my alarm, then at 9 something then at 10:20. Some long-ish dreams but think they've fragmented. Fragment 1: At a square or cathedral. There with partner (H), something to do with pipe organs. Then outside, at the square. Nice cobbles and layout. Remember meeting up with my parents and having them ask why I didn't have a stand here selling old coins; I remember explaining that I'd worked out that the cost to make them look new, plus the cost to rent the space, plus other things I don't remember now, meant that it was far too expensive and not worth it at all. I also remember explaining that I didn't have nearly enough coins to make it worthwhile. Then at some version of my childhood home with my parents. At the rear balcony of the flat. Things look blocky like a voxel game. I remember blue leaves and yellow logs. We were on the 6th or 7th floor, judging by the height. Fragment 2: A friend of ours, M, was buying crap again. Fragment 3: At some sort of flat. Don't remember what lead up to this scene anymore. There was a tongue and lips art sculpture thing on a wall. Then it became a bit more real and I then remember a giant furry outside the flat, peeking in. I remember the fur was white and the eyes were blue. I think it was a girl and she said something. Some notes: The appearance of my parents and the questions about the "coin stand", has to do with how they often want me to try and do something else, since they are concerned I won't be able to support myself. This type of appearance in a dream is perhaps validating their concerns in part. When I was awake in bed I remember thinking about carpentry again.Being at the cathedral with H seems to be merely a reflection of recent events, as I help H with pipe organ work.Both the first and the third dreams were a lot longer, and I woke up sweating with the third dream; this has been happening a few times recently where I wake up sweating at about 10:20 with vivid-ish dreams. Generally being too hot is what makes the dreams vivid, as far as I can tell. Unfortunately it also means my mind is a bit more active when I'm actually awake, making it easier to forget details.
Non-dream stuff - Woke up at 8:20 or so with my alarm, waking up from a non-lucid, sweating. Slept some more and woke up again around 2 hours later with one or two non-lucids. Dream 1: I was living in a house with my partner (H); I remember it had a ground floor and a first floor. It was day time, and sunny. One of our neighbours was a couple, a man and a woman, who had two kids, two boys I think. One of those boys started to "accuse" me of looking at him, when I hadn't been; this went on for a while in the dream and the parents themselves didn't seem that interested... Later on, this boy, the younger of the two I think, started messing around and eventually he tried to get into our house for some reason or something. I decided we should catch him and make him calm down and explain his problems. I waited for him to be on top of our wall or fence or something and then when he couldn't see me I'd grabbed him by the legs and took him in and told him to calm down, as he was obviously upset now. I asked him why he was being left here when his parents were gone and he wasn't sure; and he said that sometimes when his parents were at home he wasn't allowed in and he could hear "pumping" noises? I understood the implied meaning of this in the dream to be his parents having sex. I remember as soon as he calmed down and started to explain his problems I was a lot less tense too, as I hadn't wanted him to get away without an explanation for his previous behaviour at the very least. Seems I can't remember any more detail for this dream. Dream 2: In a square-ish L shape room. The negative shape of the L (so, a smaller square area) was a vertical section of some sort. This looked it was all part of some sort of facility. There was a glass sliding door that would lead into a corridor. Next to the door were many armed guards, standing in a formation, they looked like stormtroopers but some with no helmets on. By the glass around the inner part of the L, facing into the vertical section, was a woman. I can't remember what she looked like exactly but I remember something about her breasts being inflated, but then not. She was the DNA source for those clone troopers or something? But I was too or something. I remember suggesting an idea to her that perhaps we could change her DNA a bit further, as it was ironic that the troopers were infertile and they couldn't procreate with her. Then I remember saying or thinking something about the fact that she could give birth to our genetically modified humans as a surrogate, rather than them being grown in wherever they were grown. There was a lot more detail to this dream, but I've forgotten it. Dream 3: The last dream, like the rest was quite long but I only remember the last portion... I remember being in a shop, then outside at a pier... I was in Australia or something? I needed to take a boat to Europe or the Middle-East. I remember seeing a world map, but oddly Africa seemed to be missing. The boat and some other things looked a bit cartoony somehow. The captain was the owner and they were struggling financially or something so I bought the boat really cheap off him and then I had to get some things ready and then someone else was captain of the boat and I bought it off them again as for some reason it was sinking and buying it stopped it... Eventually I got on and there was some sort of transition. I remember seeing the map again. The next place, in someone's house. It was like a holiday house that was let to people. I looked around for others but couldn't find anyone. It was day and I could see sunlight come through windows, but the windows themselves looked too bright (nothing but white past them). I found some food and drinks, all prepared, for guests like myself, but I didn't take any. I looked around more for someone else and eventually entered this darker, tiny, kitchen. There was a door to the outside and it didn't look so sunny but it was still day. The door was open and there was a woman standing there with a slightly grumpy look on her face. In the kitchen was a man, about my age. He started talking to me and commenting about the house or something, and then all of a sudden he said "oh you've got a bit of a zapper there" or something like that, referring to the fact that he could see my junk poking in my pants, which incidentally were my sweatpants. I apologised and said that this just sometimes happened and I couldn't control it (and in fact I expected him to understand since he was a man), but I got the feeling he brought it up more to antagonise his wife or girlfriend standing outside. I took a pair of my compression gloves out of my left pocket and said to him "look, maybe these were also contributing", as my gloves felt quite bulgy inside the pocket previously. Oddly, I can't remember what happened to the gloves, and it's the first time they've appeared in a dream since I've had them. Then some transition. I was outdoors with this guy. In some city in the US. There was nobody else here initially. I had an interface overlay in my vision, reminded me of the game Boundless and the flooring looked like a specific block-type from the game and I was inspecting it. The floor looked like limestone cobbles. Then he went in a direction and I followed him; he was saying something to me when we got to the top of a slope/stairs bit though I don't remember what. I saw a church and then to its left there was a castle. There were more people here. I remember a couple of cars and a bald man with sunglasses on, inspecting someone's papers. The castle bit looked newer, and I asked about it and the guy said they had no old pictures or plans of it so it was rebuilt from imagination or whatever. There was an older castle/church part that had a big glass pane, and inside was a British flag like the one found on planes (the circle with 3 colours). I thought of asking the guy about it but then ended up not and just thought it was interesting. Rest of details lost. Some notes: The dream with the boy reminds me now a bit of a type of novel that I hear sometimes where someone express their troubles by causing troubles, sometimes at someone else's dear expense.In waking life one neighbour on the other side of the street does sometimes leave their two boys outside, when they're going out, which I don't think is good, and I think this first dream was related to this.I was happy that the boy confessed his troubles as in the dream I then felt like I could do something about it. I think I remember getting on the phone with the police actually, I think when I first grabbed the boy, because I was concerned that his parents were neglecting him.In the second dream there was some residual context from STRAFE, mostly with the layout and stuff like that.The woman wasn't anyone I know in particular nor did she look like anyone I've seen really, but I think she had a ponytail.In the third dream, the guy's presence felt a bit odd all the way throughout. It felt like there was a sinister subtext, although he did seem friendly enough...I might do a bonus image for the second dream, for the layout. Scoring: + Previous score: 65.5 + This DJ entry score (breakdown below): 8.0 ++ Recall a non-lucid dream * 3: 3.0 ++ Help someone in need: 1.0 (the boy; although my tactic was a bit too aggressive, it seemed to get him talking which I think was very important) ++ Buy something * 2: 2.0 (the boat, twice...) ++ Invent something that's never been heard of before: 2.0 (the DNA altered surrogacy procedure thing) = Total score thus far: 73.5
Non-dream stuff - woke up between 8 and 9:00. Some non-lucid dreams but only made note of a final part of one in the morning. Dream fragment: Was at some sort of compound, it was mostly a ground-level structure/building. The day was cloudy, shadows were diffuse. The ending of the dream was in a huge parking lot, like ones at some airports I suppose. My dad was driving a van like the dad of my partner (H) has. Dad drove up near me and I think I was talking to him or my mom on the phone as he got close. I saw H walking, at the opposite end of the parking lot. I got in the van and asked dad to pick H up. I think I got in the back of the van and it was crammed with boxes and stuff, making it a bit dark in the back. I remember being able to see the cabin from there. H spotted us and started coming our way. Dad drove toward two parked cars with a space between them (with the intent of parking there?). H was walking into that space and dad advanced with the van but H fooled around making funny faces and walking backwards as dad approached. Some notes: My partner's behaviour was the sort of goofy thing he does sometimes.My dad doesn't (and never has?) have a van.I think my mom was in the van too, sitting next to my dad in the front. But I don't remember clearly.It probably would have been a good idea to question the reality of things solely based on the fact I got in the back of the van like that, as it was unsafe, really. But added to that, although my parents have visited us (ish, we went to them, they visited the country) fairly recently, it is not likely they would come over again so soon. Scoring thus far: + Previous score: 50.0 + This DJ entry score (breakdown below): 0.5 ++ Recall a non-lucid fragment: 0.5(maybe there's something else to score but I'm so tired at the moment, I'm happy with this) = Total score thus far: 50.5