Went to bed around 11:00PM. All recorded at around 4:45AM. I lost a lot because life was busy today and had to wait until the evening to write this. Plus, my nightstand notes were not very detailed and I underestimated how dark my room would be in the early morning. Fragment I'm at home sitting on the couch with my girlfriend S. My neck is killing me. She comes over and reveals a red neck pillow she has made for me. It feels godly when she puts it behind my head. Fragment I'm playing a 2D video game that resembles something from the SNES era. Point of view is from overhead, like The Legend of Zelda. There is a plot-line that involves time-travel, and when the player traverses eras, the 'future' has a blue-purple styling compared to the standard green-grass look in the present time. Fragment Something about World of Warcraft. I might be playing a new expansion. My friend Z is there. Fragment Something about my Grandma P and Uncle J.
Updated 09-27-2023 at 06:47 AM by 99808
Went to bed around 10:45PM. Banjo-Kazooie Remade I'm seeing a remake of Banjo-Kazooie. It is running in 1440p and 120fps. The player is at Spiral Mountain and it looks amazing. There is a spokesperson demoing the game and he goes around Banjo's house to show a secret area. He makes a point that while there are changes to the remake, it still remains faithful to the original game. Through this back path, there is an alcove and I can see Gruntilda's hand reaching out from somewhere. This is meant to prove that the game is remaining faithful, but in waking life there is no such section of the actual game. Recalled from around 4:30AM. Investigating M I'm with my brother A, sister M, and Mom at my Grandma P's condo. It is the same one where I had the nightmare about the hairy-faceless monster, as well as the one with the crying girl upstairs. My brother and I suspect that my sister has done something sinister so we make a plan to investigate her room while my Mom is distracting her. We go up the stairs and find her room with clutter all over as expected. We find a side closet that isn't normally there. We find that it is set up for her daughter to sleep in. We don't find anything sinister about it. Recalled from around 4:30AM. Fragment Something about Hagrid from Harry Potter. Recorded at 7:00AM on waking.
So last night was another failure for LD but i still think I'm improving as i have been able to remember my dreams 3 nights in a row.. So last night i tried the D.I.L.D technique again but it didn't work. I was thinking of going to a door and trick or treating to complete this months easy challenge but instead i found myself playing football with some of my friends from cyprus. The football was really harsh for some reason. There was a lot of brutal gameplay.. But i can only remember those facts of the dream. In my opinion LD for me is around the corner.