Fragment: I'm in a hotel with two levels. My Dad and my Uncle J are there with me. My Uncle is looking at something on Google Maps. One of them has thrown a cigarette bud into a trash can. I'm concerned this will cause a fire. Return to the Hilltop Arcade: My friends G and A are sitting on a bench, watching the sunset. It's my birthday, and there is a cake-like pastry sliced into four parts. There is a Dave and Buster's like arcade behind the bench. This arcade is the one from my previous dream in September, where I met Arin Hanson. ... The space has changed into a big factory. Intuitively I know that the working conditions are bad. I'm escaping in a sequence similar to the one in the game Portal. There's a monologue at the end that sounds hopeful. The Hilltop Arcade. Made with Bing Image Creator AI. Into the Square: I'm riding a CATA bus from college, but I don't know where I am going. I realize that I should pull the string to get off on the next stop and I find it on my right. There's a building nearby and I go in, thinking I would like to buy a t-shirt. Inside it looks like a mailroom, with a small square entryway in the center of the wall in front of me. ... I'm through the square hole now and I see my coworker J getting makeup done by a team on my left. He's sitting down in a chair in front of some lockers. It looks like a large locker room. My friend H from the Tots comes through the square hole, but she is mad at me. Somehow I have messed up the entryway, and she pulls out a banana peel from it.
Updated 01-12-2024 at 05:54 AM by 99808
Went to bed around 12:00AM. Messy Awakenings: I have a false awakening on my couch (where I currently was sleeping in waking life). My uncle J is sleeping nearby. My dad is there and tells me that I should move to the bed so I don't hurt in the morning. I heed the advice and head to my bed. When I entered the room, my sister is in my bed and there are some blankets and pillows on the floor. The room is larger than I recall in waking memory but I don't pick up on the inconsistency at the time. So as not to disturb my sister, I lie down on the floor and go to sleep. While I don't recall exactly, I think this is where I must have reality checked and became lucid, because I realized that I had just gone to sleep, so I should reality check. I'm now lucid in this larger version of my bedroom. My first thought is to take a deep breath and try to stabilize the dream. But I'm not lucid enough to follow through and start engaging the senses. I only get through the deep breath. While I do start to think about the dream being 'biological virtual reality', I don't truly engage with the question deeply. I see a window at the end of the room and remember that I want to go to a new landscape. I recall the blink-and-snap method for traveling from a Daniel Love video. I close my eyes, imagine a grassy forest environment, and snap my fingers. The ground underneath me has transformed into AstroTurf, but no forest. I lose lucidity shortly after this. ... Sometime later, I've regained lucidity and I'm with a girl that I know is my sister's friend. We're at my Grandma's condo. Spoiler for Spicy Content: She's angry with me about something. Out of pocket, I say "Well obviously the solution is to blow me." Surprisingly, she agrees. I'm pretty excited about this. Another girl shows up and joins her. I can see the details of their faces...and what is on them. When the activities are over, I consider whether I actually did finish in waking life. I'm concerned about that, but it also transfers to the dream. I hurriedly try to make my way to a bathroom to inspect myself. I'm now at the top of the stairs at my grandma's current condo. As I head down the stairs, it makes a lot of noise to my dismay. But luckily it doesn't alert anyone. I find a side door that I think leads to the bathroom. There is an in-between passage that has another set of doors past it. There is a black poodle dog in here. My sister is hot on my heels, and she chases me into the room. But I hide behind the door as it opens (that's a classic trick of mine) and she doesn't find me. The dog gets a bit crunched as the door opens, but it doesn't mind. After this I sneak my way to the bathroom to inspect, but I lose lucidity along the way. Recorded at 1:08AM. War Games: I'm in a war. In the moment, it felt like a training camp, but later the dream treated it as if it had been actual combat. I'm with a group of people, perhaps a platoon. The area is sandy and surrounded by wooden walls on all sides. We're running forward trying to reach cover. The cover is on the left, and there is an enemy soldier sitting on a chair on the right. I can't recall, but I may have attempted to shoot the soldier in the chair as I ran for the cover. ... I'm in a room. We've lost the war, so I'm being held there as a prisoner. I'm thinking about whether my friends are OK and what will happen to us. TH from somewhat recently at work in waking life arrives at my holding area. He is there to tell me that the others are OK. Then, back to isolation. ... Sometime later my niece shows up at the back window (the window is up high, since the room is partially underground). I try to hide under a desk in the room because I don't want her to have to deal with her uncle being imprisoned. She doesn't find me. ... A phone in the room rings and I answer. The person on the line tells me that there might be a chance of me getting out. There is a form that I can fill out and if done correctly I can leave isolation. I pickup the form and go outside to where the guards are outside. I approach them and ask what my options are. One part of the form is asking whether I actually killed any enemy combatants. I honestly couldn't recall if I had killed the man in the chair, and the guards seemed compassionate to my memory inaccuracy. ... I'm in a cafeteria eating, so perhaps they let me go. Recorded at 7:53AM. Bathroom Wonder: I'm in my childhood home, it is about highschool timeframe. My friend DR is visiting, and my brother and him are across the hallway playing Super Mario Bros Wonder in the basement living room. I'm in the downstairs bathroom, trying to rub one out. I recall thinking that I had been playing Zelda Twilight Princess recently (but I'm not sure why this detail is here). The toilet I am sitting at is on the opposite wall that it should be, I can hear my brother and DR talking about how good of a game Wonder is, in terms of the level design and how the music interacts with it. Recorded at 7:53AM. 940 words for the night.
Updated 11-10-2023 at 06:06 PM by 99808
Went to bed around 12AM. AI Dream Augmenter I'm in bed telling S about a dream I just had. I have recorded it on my phone through voice, and an AI program augments it with video and sound. It's playing an anime-esque intro about me as a ninja. I think it is hilarious and cant wait to record more dream with it. Game Night I'm at my current home, though it is mixed with my parent's house from northern Michigan. We are sitting by the doorwall on the ground ready to play a board game. It might have been snowing outside. D, my brother, and my sister were among the group. Some of my sister's friends may have been there too. D is standing nearby with a big bowl of goldfish crackers. The game pieces are mixed with another game. There are red, white, and off-white. The game was Risk. My sister says they were playing something last night, to explain why they are mixed up. We start to unsort the pieces. Grandma's Mafia I'm at a mixture of my Grandma P's past houses. This one feels more like a compound. Currently upstairs in the guest room getting ready for a shower. My Uncle J calls for me before I can get in. ... I'm out on the patio. It's sunny. There is a wooden file organizer, and there are dollars sorted into smaller sections of it. I think I see a $1000 bill. A black lanky man approaches and I'm worried he'll attack me. Turns out he's just here for payment. I now 'know' the backstory that my Grandma P runs some mafia operation. I direct the man to my Grandma, because I don't know how to pay him. My Grandma P shows up, gives him some money and walks him out. My brother and sister are here now. My Grandma P gives me a see-thru golden ball, and there is a sudden urgency to deliver it to a safety shed nearby. I run to the shed, make it past a closing metal door, then a sharp turn inside, and another timed door. Shed is barren and musty, but more brown and orange hues from the sun bleeding through. There is a conveyer belt running through the shed, but it goes through a wall. There is a tiny opening to the room where the ball needs to go, but I can't fit. ... I'm out in the yard below the patio with my brother and my sister. We're talking about the big reveal that Grandma has been a mafia boss this whole time, and Uncle J too. It has been generational too. We talk about that and look at the muddy yard in front of us where some kids are throwing footballs around. I reach a troubling conclusion that this mafia info explains my Mom's death, and that she had been innocent. I see here briefly as a ghost, and she seems relieved that I understand. I'm hit with an intense sadness and I fall to the ground for a minute. My sister notices and asks if I'm OK. I lie, saying everything is fine, and move along. We reach the underside of the patio and enter a garden area. I'm carrying some garden wireframes of dogs. Grandma P is there, and she shrugs off our concerns about the situation, as if we disapproved of her new bingo meetup or something of similar caliber. We move up the stairs leading to the patio deck, and I hear an incessant bee or bug buzzing at my ear. I start slapping my arm at it, not wanting to be stung. All recalled/recorded on waking around 9AM.
Updated 10-06-2023 at 06:44 PM by 99808
Went to bed around 11:00PM. All recorded at around 4:45AM. I lost a lot because life was busy today and had to wait until the evening to write this. Plus, my nightstand notes were not very detailed and I underestimated how dark my room would be in the early morning. Fragment I'm at home sitting on the couch with my girlfriend S. My neck is killing me. She comes over and reveals a red neck pillow she has made for me. It feels godly when she puts it behind my head. Fragment I'm playing a 2D video game that resembles something from the SNES era. Point of view is from overhead, like The Legend of Zelda. There is a plot-line that involves time-travel, and when the player traverses eras, the 'future' has a blue-purple styling compared to the standard green-grass look in the present time. Fragment Something about World of Warcraft. I might be playing a new expansion. My friend Z is there. Fragment Something about my Grandma P and Uncle J.
Updated 09-27-2023 at 06:47 AM by 99808
Went to bed around 11:30PM. Romantic Confusion I'm at a park. It is reminiscent of the one where we celebrated my sister's birthday many years ago. I'm with my girlfriend's dad. He is cooking some beef roast on the grill. The meat is a sphere cut into sections and it stands up on its own. Like a mandarin orange. I get the impression that he wants to know about whether I am going to propose to my girlfriend or not. I feel guilty for being unable to answer him yet. There is a medical facility on the edge of the park. It's white, clean, sterile. Like a lab. I'm inside a bar-like section now and I'm with my Uncle J, taking his and a few others' pizza order. There are 3 or 4 styles of pizzas ordered overall and I am struggling to remember it all. To put the order in, I had to travel through the facility, which had indoor and outdoor sections. On the way there I chat with someone about how the layout of this place is stupid, particularly the unfinished outdoor sections. I make it to another bar section, having entirely forgotten about the order, and I have a beer in my hand. My friend H is there. She expresses romantic interest in me but as she is saying it, a drunk person stumbles between us creating a lot of noise. The sound covers her speech, but I still hear it. She pretends the noise prevented me from hearing it. I'm relieved, because I'm not sure how to react. Later a young Asian man, who clearly leads his group of friends, comes over to me. "Dude, did you see how cute she was? You have to say something!" "I have a girlfriend man," I say. He makes an overly animated expression with his hands while making an agitated noise, which I take to mean "You should weigh your options." Later I encounter H in the bathroom, which doesn't make a ton of sense. For some reason, we know we are supposed to mark locations on the urinal with a marker. Recorded around 5:00AM. Near the end of sleep cycle 3.
Updated 09-13-2023 at 05:37 PM by 99808
This lucid was fueled by pure desperation. I've never fought this hard to save an LD that was going bad, but it paid off. I'm getting a lot of mileage out of this gladius thing. Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid Lucid #58: Generosity and Giants A young woman named "Crystal Fleming" is collecting money for a charity, and I've pledged $33.13. I'm proud of my "generosity" and totally thrilled that I've found exact change down to the penny. But now I can't find Crystal. It's night, and I trudge across a snowy field to a picnic table where I think she might be waiting. But rather than Crystal, seated at the table is my friend W. This is unexpected, and as soon as I question whether I'm dreaming, I know that I am. I tell W, "Gotta go, this is a lucid dream." His face is harshly lit, stony, and expressionless. I realize we're in a small, dark room now, getting darker by the moment. I head for the exit, but the scene fades... Now I'm in the dark. I'm desperate for a lucid dream, though, so there's no way I'm letting this one go. I start swinging a gladius (ancient Roman sword) and willing myself to be in the Colosseum for Task of the Year. On top of this I shout, "This is still a lucid dream!" I hear Wife muttering and rolling over nearby, and now I'm scared that I'm really yelling and waving my arms around in the bedroom. I want a lucid too badly to stop trying, though, so I jam the index and middle finger of my left hand into my mouth and start chewing on them. This all feels totally real, but I decide to ride it out to the end. If I look like a psycho, I look like a psycho. I'm not dropping this LD. Suddenly, a sharp new dream scene forms: I'm standing on our bed, fingers in my mouth, swordless right hand swinging madly. The scene's extremely vivid, but there's a slight motion to everything that I see, like I'm slightly drunk. I hop down from the bed and run out into the hall. The hallway outside of our bedroom is totally transformed. The carpeting is bright pink and the room is decorated floor to ceiling with stuffed animals. There's an exit to the right that doesn't exist IWL, so I explore it, curious where it leads. I find myself in a new hallway with a tall picture window overlooking an early morning street scene. I phase through the glass out onto the street. The street is wet as if it rained overnight. A few cars pass by, headlights on. It looks like a work day that's just beginning. I fly up into the air, but my confidence isn't what it should be. My altitude is low and my speed's really pitiful. There's an entrance to a mall food court nearby, and the dream seems to be ushering me toward it. I don't resist. In spite of the early hours, this food court is packed. It's a two story mall, so I try flying again, getting about 6 feet off of the ground and doing that slow drift again. I spot my reflection in the exit door on the opposite side of the food court. Except the reflection isn't me flying -- it's my 6'8" Uncle J walking toward the door with me flying over his shoulder. He looks solid, substantial, and real, while I look like some kind of phantasm. I look down, and he's not there. But in the glass's reflection, he's solid-looking and completely realistic. Now I can't decide whether I'm me flying toward the door or if I'm my gigantic uncle, lumbering toward the exit on foot. I switch between feeling like I'm the one flying... then the one on foot... then both... I raise my hand to phase through the door. Uncle J's reflection does the same. The phase fails. From below, an attractive DC calls to me, saying, "Hi! Come down here." The LD's starting to feel thin and I float down. The DC is about 30 with long, dark hair, and attractive almost to the point of absurdity. I remember reading Waggoner during my WBTB and want to ask her what she represents. I feel weak and insubstantial, though, and my voice is just a hoarse whisper. She looks at me, arms crossed, a wry smile on her face and the scene fades to black.