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    1. 05/21/11 Sleep (5) 11:00PM - 8:00AM

      by , 05-23-2011 at 12:20 PM (Graham's DJ)
      My first dream took place in a restaurant where I was sitting at a table with my girlfriend, my dad, and his ex-wife, Jen. Apparently they were going to give their marriage another shot (after one date?) after 5 years of divorce. We basically went out to eat somewhere shitty (I don't remember how the food tasted). Jen was abnormally quiet, but this might have to do with the fact I haven't seen her in 5 years and my subconscious didn't really know what personality to give her in my dream.

      The next dream I remember somehow made a switch between me playing The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion to Runescape. I'm not sure what I was doing in Oblivion, but I remember dropping some stuff because I had a full pack. Levi got bored of watching me and wanted to show me how to make a zerker on Runescape. I kept dying and he got pissed at me after a bit.

      Another dream involved me getting glasses (I am going to be getting another pair soon) and not being able to see out of my left eye while they were on. I looked at them, and noticed a sticker I hadn't removed. I also realized I had never been to the eye doctor, so the glasses must be those cheap ones you buy from Kmart.

      Next, I had a dream that Rosas's dad was going ballistic over something and yelling and screaming at her and her brother for something stupid. I still had my guitar, which I held relaxed on my leg as i was trying to tune it. There was some sort of locking mechanism near the bottom of the backside of the body. I should have picked up on the fact that I even had a guitar in the first place, as mine was taken away.

      My fifth and final dream was a dream I have had once before, I remember. I was outside a tall building, circling it with my friend, Nick. We were looking for an empty office to throw a bomb into. We were both armed with concealed pistols, and I had a set of like 6 more in that plastic stuff you buy toys in that's so hard to get open. In one of the windows we passed, a man picked up his phone, looking at us as he did, so I chucked the bomb into the window and we began to run. By the time we turned the corner, a cop had his gun out and pointed at us. Our guns weren't drawn and I believe we surrendered our weapons. We got down on the ground, and I don't remember much else after that.

      Updated 06-01-2011 at 01:15 PM by 47214

    2. 05/20/11 Sleep (1) 1:00AM - 5:20AM

      by , 05-20-2011 at 12:58 PM (Graham's DJ)
      Fuck, I couldn't sleep last night. Got home from work at 11:30 then couldn't sleep because of people stomping around upstairs. I ended up moving my bed into another room where it was less noisy and fell asleep around 1. I only remember one dream from last night, and only a fragment at that. I thought I was on a roll with the dream recall until today.

      All I remember about my dream was going to Levi's house and playing Runescape I think. His house looked a lot different. I can't place where I've seen it before, but I have.

      I downloaded a binaural beat app for my phone and I may try it if I can get to any bed earlier.

      Updated 06-01-2011 at 01:16 PM by 47214

      Tags: levi, runescape
    3. 05/17/11 Sleep (4) 11:30PM - 6:00AM

      by , 05-18-2011 at 01:41 PM (Graham's DJ)
      That's right. 4 separate dreams! I drank half a cup of natural apple juice before I went to bed (Not sure if this had any effect on my dream recall or not). Anyway, I'll try to go in the order I remember them.

      My first dream had to do with some kind of family gathering at the Clevenger residence (The family I am going to move in with once I graduate). I don't remember much about this one, besides the fact that there was a spider chilling on a fence and I was messing with it. The spider looked something like a mix between a predator and a skulltula (and almost as big). I remember doing something to subdue it, but I don't remember what. I know I didn't touch it; that thing was scary as fuck.

      The next dream I remember took place in school, as usual. There was a party in my classroom. Possibly having to do with being the end of the school year. Not sure. The classroom was packed, so I decided to go in the lunch line to get some food. My friend, Diorra stopped me and teased me about going in the line to see Vanessa (ex). I didn't understand why she'd even bring her name up to me, as we haven't dated in a year and a half and haven't talked in months. When I got to the lunch line, I saw her about 5 people in front of me, and I just went back to the classroom.

      I'm not sure if this is the same dream or if it continued where the last one left off or what, but I'll count it as a 3rd dream... The bell rang and I began heading to English class (I took English last semester). The teacher said my group's assignment was to fill up a bottle with shampoo from some really old theater/stage that was all the way out in like Virginia. Why my teacher wants us to go to Virginia is beyond me, but we did it. I forget who drove. We arrived at the stage in about 15 minutes time (Virginia is a 3 hour drive minimum). It was dark, but the stage was lit, and we got whatever amounts of shampoo we needed for our bottle. Before getting back in the car, I saw some steps leading down a hill into some trees. I followed them 'til I saw a large house with the lights on. For some reason, it just popped in my head that this was Abby (some girl in my AP Environmental Science class) and that I should leave, so I got back in the car and I think the dream ended.

      The last dream I remember is a dream I've had for awhile. It has to do with the video game "DOOM". I used to play this game a lot as a kid, and last night I dreamt I was on the Nightmare difficulty setting (basically the hardest thing you've ever seen. 10x harder than your Call of Duty Veteran or Halo Legendary) but died as soon as I took damage from anything. If you've ever payed on the Nightmare difficulty, you could imagine how annoying this really is.

      I'm somewhat surprised I didn't DILD in my dreams last night, as I performed at least 20 RCs the day before. I also attempted MILD, using the mantra "I will be aware that I am dreaming".

      Updated 09-13-2014 at 04:50 AM by 47214
