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    1. Suppressed Remnants, will rise again

      by , 12-24-2015 at 01:38 PM
      [dream was interesting due to the fact a) I thought issue was resolved b) didn't realise I was thinking about this in the day
      => unresolved & was not a verbalised thought but still there]

      D1 - At work, head was checking books, children had answered all questions wrong, even though they were simple for them 6-2=
      Other teachers defended me as if to say was not my teaching clearly children were not listening, or paying attention to their work.
      Outcome other manager set work for me to do.

      [Primal source of feelings]
      D2 - A silver tray is full of very gloopy redish pink viscous stuff with lumps of muscle or flesh in it. It is alive, the red is kind of blood.
      Someone is looking for me, but i am hidden, hidden inside the flesh and blood, the body.
      I jump out at the end. Ta dar! style.

      [Delay tactics 1,2 &3]
      D3 - I avoid submitting some artwork by sending different peices of art, they come alive and battle to delay the viewer.
      There are 3 waves of attack. The last is made up of lovely fiery bowpeople all in flames, firing arrows.

      It is interesting to see that it is not my actions of the day that are important but what resides in the background or behind my actions.
      I repressed thinking about work, reading a zombie book and doing artwork : these all plopped to the surface in my dreams.
    2. Promotion and Play

      by , 05-06-2015 at 11:04 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in an office. There was an opening for promotion, and the management said that those who think they are eligible for the promotion should go in front. There were a few who went. One of them said that I should also go. I told her I'm not interested. Besides, I'm not into people management and leadership.

      I went outside with some friends. We went to an Internet cafe and found that it's closed. I then just realized I don't have time to play because I still have work to do. We went out looking for another cafe but I was already thinking I couldn't join.

      I was walking around alone. I passed by Keith talking to another guy. I went ahead and walked on all fours on a bridge. A few more steps later, I found that the bridge is ruined. I'll have to jump to the other side. I decided it'll be too much trouble to have to jump back again later so I went back. I passed by Keith again, but this time he's completely nude and lying flat on this stomach while still talking to the other guy.



      - 3 a.m. to 11 a.m. Alarm was at 8 a.m.
      - Spent a day barely doing any work.
      - Recently saw an ad for job opening at work.
      - A couple of people declined a job.
      - I remembered how I declined a job opening for a leadership position.
      - Keith posted about fangirling on a Backstreet Boy event.
    3. [Healing Pool]

      by , 11-05-2012 at 07:30 PM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Monday, November 5th, 2012]
      <My dream recall fades into...>
      At a theme park.

      In a child's playground, I crawl inside a plastic tube and meet a few people I know.
      Cassidy is one of them, an old pre-school through high-school friend of mine.
      We get into an arguement and I decide to just walk away.

      I walk up to someone in an outside office chair.
      I ask him how he's doing running and designing the park.
      He isn't. He looks very relaxed and layed-back in his chair.
      He says he was layed-off. The park management hired someone else.
      Everyone here has been replaced it seems- by more efficient and cheaper workers.
      I give him my condolances and then it seems everyone is leaving the park now.

      I follow suit.
      Right outside the park is a giant rounded pool; 30-foot deep with a 30 foot diameter.
      Suddenly, me and everyone in the park is filled with joy and bliss and we all jump in the pool.
      I feel amazing and refreshed as the cool water surrounds me.
      I was the first to jump in with my clothes on, and I watched as everyone else jumped in after me.
      It was amazing watching as everyone floated together in a neon-blue lit pool.
      I start to run out of breath and take air in, despite being underwater.

      <I wake up.>
    4. Negligent management, and people are in danger!

      by , 06-28-2012 at 03:52 PM
      Okay, after a night of lost sleep my dreams definitely become more interesting. Of course, my recall isn't any better... I only remember this one dream.

      There's a building here that basically is an apartment building. It has 4, or 5 floors depending on how you look at it. People only live on the first 3, though. Now, where my recall picks up, me and a group of other people are in this building, trying to help people out. The only person that I'm pretty sure was with me was Silver... the rest are fuzzy. We'd come in on the third floor somehow... through a fire escape or something. This building, I should mention, is much larger than your average apartment building. It's more like an office complex with dozens of apartments on each floor. Also, all the hallways are internal, which is important for the plot of the dream. The reason we broke in on the third floor is that the entire building seems to be flooding, for some reason. There's a thin layer of water across the third floor... hardly enough to be a threat, but it implies that the first two floors of the building are completely underwater! Our group starts to split up, and fan out over the whole floor, warning people of what's going on. The general process here is very fuzzy, and I don't remember any specific faces... but eventually we warn everyone on the floor.

      Now, our next job is to get to the higher floors, to speak to the person in charge. The stairway to the fourth floor is locked, so I pull out a keychain that I got from somewhere (it looks just like my keychain IRL) and try all of the keys until one of them works. Then I unlock the door and lead our group in. This fourth floor is essentially just a lobby area... with a mix of officials and non-officials here. Nobody seems bothered by the fact that we essentially just broke in. Now, what the officials are doing here is "guarding" the person who's in charge. This person has some mysterious level of power... people respect him more than a CEO, less than some kind of god... but it's implied that he's somewhere between the two. In any case, he has a LOT of power, and almost certainly knows what's going on already. We just want to bring it to his attention again and ask why he's not doing anything. The officials on this floor don't let just anyone see him, of course... there's all sorts of screening and regulations going on, to make sure that nobody who would want to harm him would get too close.

      Here I have a vague flash of pseudo-lucidity... part of me decides that the paperwork stuff is far too boring, and if I just "fade out" for a bit, I can skip it. Somehow this logic works, so I have no memory of the paperwork, but I know it's done. It's also been long enough that we know we are trusted to see the guy in charge. Now we just need to wait. I look around and, for whatever reason, see Sonic and Knuckles logos on things like soda fountains. To my addled brain, this is proof that they trust us... those logos are supposed to be representative of me and Silver some how. I should probably mention that I think only the two of us are going to meet this guy... the rest of the group is milling around, but it was decided that a large group would be too intimidating and security would never allow it. Unfortunately I wake up before we get to meet this guy.