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    1. Place of Right

      by , 05-13-2022 at 03:29 AM (Night Vision)
      I seem to be staying with a large group of people in a sort of vacation rental house. It’s late night, early morning, and having woken up, I’ve checked on the cats to make sure they’re still here, where they’re supposed to be. (I notice at some point that I’m not wearing pajamas, but an olive green cargo vest over a multicolor shirt, which strikes me as a little odd.) The cats are fine, but it looks like other people are up and about as well – the other young people there seem to be gathering together in an unused room, and there’s an atmosphere of anticipation, as if some spur-of-the-moment plan is being put together. I don’t really feel like going in to see what’s going on, though – I walk past to the bathroom down the hall.

      After that, somebody actually comes along to invite me to join them, and there’s a jump to another location, this one outside, along a street of what seems vaguely like a small city. We’re near an ice cream vendor and his cart, and somebody has apparently managed to get a really good deal on a large quantity of ice cream. The man scoops different kinds out and hands it over to the people who are also out here now. An older man explains to me what’s going on: everybody is planning to travel together to Prague to see the Pablo Neruda museum. (This places the location firmly in Dream-Prague, as no such thing exists there, as far as I know.)

      He has a picture of it, like a newspaper clipping in black and white showing the front of the building, which strikes me as familiar. There are four odd statues out front, roughly human-shaped. One seems to have a head the shape of a crescent moon. The man states that the museum is located in the Place of Right. This confuses me for just a second. Then I tell him that the name would probably be something more like “Law Square” or “Legal Plaza” translated into English. My memories of the place suggest that the association with the law comes from a former era and is not representative of the present-day location, that it’s located near the Mala Strana area (possibly by association with Nerudova Street) or a bit south of that, and that there’s a Gothic tower in the square as well as the museum.

      All of us are in Croatia, and I’m not sure if I feel like traveling all the way to Prague, especially since I visited the museum relatively recently. But it would be an interesting experience in its own right, traveling there with all these people. And maybe they could use someone who knows their way around there. Somebody brings me a cup of ice cream, white with flecks of chocolate or cookies in it. I take it. I don’t really like ice cream that much, especially not first thing in the morning, but it would probably just sit there and melt if I refused.

    2. Watching From the Window

      by , 06-04-2018 at 08:11 PM (Night Vision)
      I’m sitting at a table by a window in what seems to be a coffee shop/bookshop, looking down at the streets below—a couple floors below, I’d say. The people in the room are seated at couches on both sides of the tables, and it seems to be pretty full right now. The street below is has broad sidewalks on either side of the road and mostly tall buildings with shop windows along the side of it I can see - a city center vibe. And while this is supposedly Prague—it seems I’ve come here for a week or so—it doesn’t resemble anywhere in particular.

      It’s early evening. The streetlights have come on and snow is falling, and I spend a while just watching people go by. I think about how I could watch the snow fall from where I’m staying as well. It would also be nice in its own way, but there wouldn’t be anywhere near as much going on.


      Updated 06-05-2018 at 09:45 PM by 75857

    3. Like mesas and sunsets, but more so

      by , 03-03-2018 at 11:41 PM (Night Vision)
      Once again, my memory only picks up partway through what seems to be a large, complex plot mostly full of unfamiliar people and settings. This setting, from what I recall, visually resembled an exaggerated version of the American Southwest—think mesas and sunsets, but more so— although the action and characters didn’t seem to match up with it in any discernible way.

      My friend Ona and I are swimming in an indoor pool when two men we’re acquainted with who are cousins arrive and say that they’ve reserved it for a period of time, starting now. I can see from a chart with colored boxes on a grid that they have, so Ona and I get out and sit at a table in a sort of an adjoining area overlooking the pool. There’s a hint of past antagonism or rivalry with these men, one of them in particular, having to do with things from the earlier part of the dream I forgot.

      After a little while, the other man comes over to the table. He has something for us: some ara and a loaf of fresh bread, which we accept. He doesn’t say it, but this seems to be a sort of apology for us having to leave the pool.

      Somewhere along the course of us sitting there, the area transforms into an ornate theater, where people are starting to come in. As before, we’re in a sort of raised area, this time above where the stage and the lower seats are, but there are other seating areas wrapping around it in a semicircle. Many of the people seem to disapprove of us drinking alcohol, which doesn’t really bother us, and, in any case, has happened plenty of times before. But we aren’t bothering anybody, and if they don't like it, that’s their problem. But still—even though I want to like the guy who gave us this and believe that it was a sincerely meant gift, there's also the possibility that his beastly cousin put him up to it because he knew we’d get flak for it. I examine the glass: it’s quite pretty, with some transparent colored parts in an art nouveau-like abstract pattern—and above that, a silhouette of the Prague skyline. The golden city and one of its golden ages. I briefly wonder if he has a whole stockpile of these just for giving away to people.

      The next part of the dream involves the production itself, which doesn’t seem to be taking place on a stage, but rather along a street—a straight, flat dirt road with low buildings on either side, again, with a Southwestern vibe. The audience and actors alike are here—or some of the actors, anyway. The protagonist, a woman in a green dress, will be passing along here and looking into some of the shops, having some improvised dialogue with the shopkeepers, but she isn’t here yet.

      I know this actress personally and find her unpleasant—this also seems to go back to the earlier, forgotten parts of the dream—so I’m going to mess with her a little bit. I go to one of the shops, which is selling art, and rearrange it so that a collection of pictures titled “Halloween Bestiary” is on display on a small stand outside the door. I then flip the latch on the shop door, which is hanging open, so that the it will lock automatically the next time someone closes it. I then make sure I’m out of the way by the time the actress playing the shopkeeper arrives.

      The woman soon notices the door and is alarmed. If she can’t take the woman in the green dress inside to look at things and is stuck with the Halloween Bestiary pieces outside, the script would require her to pretend to like them, which would irritate her to no end. She is relieved that it’s still open—but just then, my aunt steps out of the shop and closes the door behind her, oblivious to the trouble she’s just set in motion.

    4. June 21st, 2016

      by , 06-21-2016 at 02:32 PM (Book of Dreams)

      Went to bed and didn't dream much until maybe 2:00am (I remember looking at the clock before this dream).

      Dream 1
      This was a FA. I "woke up" in my bed, and there was a thunder storm going on. The storm sounded really close because the thunder had that crackling sound. I got up and walked into the hallway of the apartment, and I could hear someone tap-dancing downstairs. I remember thinking "who would be tap-dancing at 2 in the morning?" If only I had done a RC!! I walked halfway through the hall and closed a door that doesn't exist IRL, and continued down the rest of the hallway. I used the bathroom, then went into the sunroom when I was finished. When I got into the sunroom, I realized that the lighting had changed, it wasn't dark anymore. The storm was still going on, but it looked like it could be afternoon. Also, the room was on the 1st floor, with very tall windows, and when I looked at where my piano should be, there was a different piano. I thought to myself "omg, am I in someone else's apartment by mistake? how did that happen?" then I woke up. I think I was on the verge of becoming lucid, because I was really questioning things, but not enough to do a RC

      my WBTB alarm went off, and I attempted yet again to do a WILD, but still no luck. I even tried some visualizations, and also put headphones in and used some binaural beats.. Didn't do any good, I was just lying awake in bed. So eventually I decided to just go to sleep, because I knew I would be having my longer REM periods anyways, so I could just hope for the best and maybe I could get away with a DILD.

      Dream 2
      This is mostly just a fragment. It was along dream, but I don't remember much of the details. From what I remember, I was in a large building, I think it was a college of some kind. I think I was in classes, but in between I would go into this big open room, and in the middle of the room was a pit, and a piano was suspended above the pit. I would come into this room and play in between classes, but the piano was hard to reach and every time I would start playing I felt like I was going to fall into the pit. Not a very convenient set up.
      Toward the end of the dream, my grandma and mom were waiting for someone in the hallway, and I went out there to talk to them. They were talking about the time when either Paul Simon or Paul McCartney recorded an album in Prague (obviously just a dream memory, not a real one). They were looking at a map, and Prague was like, in Northern China. "Wow!" they were saying, "that really in the middle of nowhere!"
      I started to say goodbye to my grandma, and I asked her when I could come visit her. She said something about how my aunt was allowing us to have a horse race, so I should just come then. It didn't make sense to me but I just nodded and left.