Lost with Uncle The sky is stormy and red. Lightning flashes across the sky. Similar to Stranger Things. I'm with my Uncle J. He's driving. We're trying to escape something. We're at what seems to be a mixture of the road behind my backyard from my childhood home and the biking trail from last spring I frequented. We encountered an obstacle. There are a few posts around a railroad track, but I can clearly see where he needs to drive. Uncle J goes the wrong way and gets the car stuck. He handles it, and gets the car out. But then he goes the same wrong way again. I try to get him to correct the path, but he seems unwilling to deviate from this loop. I get frustrated with him.
Updated 06-27-2023 at 02:25 PM by 99808
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP There is some stormy weather and can't close my living room window. I keep grabbing my cats to keep them inside while I try to fix it and they seem intent on getting out. Then my house is taken over by some bad people. They want something and I keep pretending I don't know anything about it. Eventually I grab the thing they want from my office and while they are distracted elsewhere and the lights go off because of the storm, I sneak out to the kitchen and leave through the back door. Luckily my dog Hachi is quietly asleep and doesn't make a sound. I hope to get back for my animals soon, but so far I must leave. The bad guys eventually notice I escaped and turn on some floodlights outside trying to spot me. But there is someone else just arriving and getting in the way of the ligths and I take advantage and run through the fields. Much much later I encounter a group of friends and I think I am safe. Except don't seem happy to see me and proceed to hide under some tarps in some construction site. I join them there to find out what's up. Something about an expedition and a UFO. Shopping with my familty for some crazy but beautiful clothes. I literally get lost in it as my family leaves me there. I decide to check the second floor of the shop, which I never visited. First part is lingerie but then all sorts of antiques for decor. I am amazed with what I find there. Then some crazy obsessed guy is melting down because he collects something and they no longer have new items for him to buy. My first reaction is to think bad of this guy, but then I realiz he has a serious mental condition and he is not guilty of it, so I feel compassion instead. Then decide to take some pics of some items and of the shop itself. Some cute guy seems happy that I find and expose a wooden piece that was hidden under other pieces and he calls his mom to come and see it and asks my help to set it up straight. I do, but the wood starts breaking apart since it's so old. We decide to put it back. He still considers buying it to restore it, it but every time we touch it, it breaks more. Then he flirts with me and I think he wants to go on a date, but I don't. Then I encounter Sevi and she is glad to see me. Actually too glad to see me, considering she's been mad at me for years. We hug and we talk and the other dude disappears. Then she gets a bit too warm and she whispers in my ear she'd like to invite me to go with her to an hotel nearby and I immediately say no and that she got me all wrong.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At my old bedroom, checking if the windows of the balcony are well shut as a storm is coming. My cat Yéti insists in following me into the balcony although I try to shut the door behind, so he doesn't. I feel like the balcony might be blown away by the strong winds. Then my cat Buda manages to slid in and climb to the top shelves. Then he becomes a real boy, my son. I insist he must come down. Other neigbors come to their windows to check on what's going on. Then he jumps or falls down from the shelf and by consequence out of the window I had not yet been able to close. I scream and the neighbors are in shock. I go down to the street but I don't see any body. I manage to find his jacket. He finally appears, alive but full of pain, with a broken ankle and looking confused. He doesn't want to go to a doctor, but I call an ambulance.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Watching a lady walking out from what seems to be a school, with her kid by her hand. She is surprised by two guys and a woman, heavily armed, asking for the kid. They are sent by her ex who wants custody of the kid. But she is also armed and she points the gun at them. They outnumber her, so they keep coming closer and she decides pointing at the kid and threaten to kill him. She would never hurt him and they kinda know that, but nobody wants to risk it. So she manages to get into her car, a convertible, and get away. But the other woman put a tracker on it and they chase her down. The place is some historical town reminding me of Malta, with stone houses and narrow streets. When they get to a one-way street that has a wall and the sea beneath it, they throw some device into the convertible which attaches strongly to the car and then shoots a sort of parachute that makes the car take off in the air and fly over the water. It eventually falls in the water and the woman tries to bring her kid to safety by swimming and pushing him over a cement platform with access back to the street, but she is then surprised by a large shark passing right under her. She climbs to another cement structure that is mostly submerged and not connected to land. Then some other pre-historical animal, looking like a dinosaur, comes out of the water and heads towards the kid. In despair, she takes her chances with the shark and swims to shore. She reaches her kid on time, but actually just because the animal never actually meant to attack and just sat on the ground, a couple meters from them. Then they have to escape the kidnappers and I don't know exactly how they do it, but I think the locals help and also provide them shelter and food. I then become her and the kid is not a kid anymore but instead I am with Riverstone and Tânia. The villagers take us up a mountain path, to some camp where they say we will be safe. It's quite hard to climb and it is also a bit of a stormy weather, but we are managing. Once up there they say there is no bathroom up on camp site and if we need it, it is all the way down that path again. I find that highly inconvenient. As we sit at a table with them for a meal, a huge lightning storm surrounds us and I say I wanna go check something. Then suddenly I am at an alternative version of my mom's house and closing all the windows and balconies to protect from the storm. My cat Yéti is in one of the balconies and doesn't want to come inside. Two times he evades me and goes back to the balcony, but I end up bringing him to the living room and shut the doors. I want all my pets to be safe inside, so I also go get all the dogs from outside. At some building like a hostel or a rental with shared rooms. I am staying here temporarily, but Clara is living here with other friends. I am going out, and I want to leave my cat Ginga in my room, but she is hanging out with other cats in a shared room. I don't feel comfortable, because someone might not be careful and let her out to the other areas of the building. But Clara tries to convince me to trust. So I just check all the windows to see if they are well shut and I find one that has a small opening covered by a fragile plaque that can be easily blown by the wind. After attempts to reinforce it, I just give up and trust that it is high enough the cats can't reach. I then head to ground floor to go out. I also spot some issues with the front door, some broken glass near the floor that I feel compelled to fix, because the cats might also escape through it and that makes me nervous. While I attempt to block it, some group of people heavily armed is coming my way. I recognize their leader, some sexy villain guy who wanted me for him some time ago. Have no idea what they want, but I lock the door and try to block it for them. I head for the elevators but the elevators are not working. Meanwhile, those people break in very easily and I only have time to head for the basement. But they see me and go after me. The basement is full of furniture and appliances, really elegant and expensive stuff. Even they are surprised and mention to each other this will turn out to be a nice extra loot. I am crawling behind the furniture and they are trying to find me. The guy who knows me tries to convince to come out by saying he missed me and that I look so fine and he really wants me and I can come out and surrender because he will never harm me. I almost feel like falling for it, because I have a weak spot for him, but then I spot one of those small service elevators for sending up food and I sneak inside it. I wanna go up and warn everybody. The bad guys get really pissed when they realize what I did. ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some team building event. I am with Zilla and I also see other familiar faces from high school, like Filipa, who tells us that Claudia died some time ago. There is also by Bad Wolf, my pre-teen sweetheart, who ended up hating me. But he seems cool about me now. We do our team building exercises and the ice breaks between us. I actually think he is into me and I wonder if maybe the universe is offering us a chance to have the relationship we never had in the past. He looks youthful, keeping is highscool looks and he is now divorced or something. And apparently I am free too. So we become good friends and plan to go on a date. Now I realize we are all on a ship, looks like he a fisher boat. One night I get up amidst a chaos, the boat is in a storm, there is water and debris everywhere and Bad Wolf is looking for me, concerned. He meets me on the deck and says it's not safe, a giant whale is attacking us. Then I see a giant flipper hiting us and I fall into the water, losing consciousness. I am in and out of my senses as I sink into the water and at some point I notice someone swimming nearby and pulling me into some other ship wreck below us. We can't go up, as the whale is still hiting and now some orcas have joined in attacking survirvors. Luckily, the sunken ship is almost intact and is turned upside down which created a giant air pocket inside it, so we can actually breathe and walk through a big part of the ship. Zilla managed to join us and we discover a pantry and it's packed with food. I know the air won't last long and we will eventually have to go to the surface again.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP School trip to a poor school beyond a wasteland we have to cross by train. We are welcomed with music but the other students don't look happy at all, more like insulted. There's some music from The Queen and I start lightening the mood by singing and cĺimbing the stairs dancing and mingling with the kids. We go to a room where we sit around a table and watch a presentation. Joanna Lumley is there, she is like a patron. She has being doing a vlog for charity towards these kids and we are supposed to replace her doing those videos. Or someone is. They chose me. I have to make one improv video as a test. I do a makeup tutorial, which is a total flop, but as I do it, I feel like I have a second body from which I watch myself failing and from there I make a funny video making fun of myself. To the other people it just looks like I suffer from dissociative identity disorder. Something during a storm in a chalet on a mountain and police cars coming. There is Sandra Bullock and someone throws away some papers. We hide her in a room. She is taking anti-depressants and medication to fight alcoholism. But we stand with her. We accept one detective in to explain what they want and they want to arrest her. We think she was set up. We kick him out and I help her prepare an escape to prove her innocence. I go get all the papers from the trash because turns out they are important.
12/30/20 I am with C and we are visiting one of his teachers house. His teacher is Patrick Stewart who lives with his wife in a fairly large house with white decor. We are there to wish him a happy birthday. He also lives in C's neighborhood pretty close to his house. He has a very huge living room that we are now in. There is balcony type seating all centered around a massive window which overlooks the town in a valley below. In the center of the valley is a massive LED laser type blue mountain in the distance. Only it is changing shapes between the mountain and a massive tree with outstretched branches. It is beautiful to look at, the symmetry of it being in the center of the window while also in the center of the valley, I stare for a while taking in the whole picture. The LEDs almost look like they are a drone swarm flying around into different shapes. I ask someone if they are drones but I don't get an answer. While standing up in the balcony I notice there is takeout trash just laying around so I pick up trash left by the seats, they seem like takeout cutlery in plastic wrap and napkins. We are leaving now and I am helping C pack up his back pack while standing in the foyer of the home. Patrick Stewart and his wife see us off pleasantly. There is a really bad storm outside which is approaching, it's only dark for now with a slight wind but nothing too bad. My father decides to drive out to meet my uncle for lunch assuming everything will be fine. I am in the car with two of my friends R and E. We are driving through town as the storm begins to hit. E says everything is probably going to be fine, it won't be like before. I look out the back window as we turn onto the main street and there are multiple tornadoes forming several blocks from where we are. One massive one has met the ground and is causing an outstanding amount of damage. I see others forming beside it, some dwindle as others grow, it's as if the storm cannot fully manifest. We still drive away for them at speed while the wind and rain whip at the car we are in. I attempt to take pictures with my cellphone because this all seems too surreal. We begin to merge onto the highway but visibility has dropped due to the thick wall of water and the high wind, I notice there are accidents occurring ahead of us as we join the traffic onto the roadway. I am now holding up in a run down building with cinder block walls and soiled concrete floor. There are goats that are wet and scared seeking shelter from the storm, I shoo them inside through an open garage door. There is also a small white and brown cow I call to come inside. I dry off some of the animals with random towels and blankets I find lying around. They are calm now and find corners of the room to settle in and sit with each other. There are people laying on mattresses on the floor in the other room just casually on their phones not minding the storm at all. I tell them the animals are in the other room for a while to have shelter from the storm. They are fine with it, they hardly acknowledge my presence, complete apathy. It has now been a week with no running water or electricity or economy and society has all but gone primal. It is daylight and I am wandering along a shoreline by myself just looking for something to drink. I see a water spigot near the waters edge with a container under it. All that comes out of the faucet is dirty water with floating algae in it. I contemplate boiling it clear but then decide it is sea water and wouldn't be drinkable anyway. I see a group of people by a house or rather a shack which has heavy damage to it by the shoreline. They invite me inside for shelter. There are close to a dozen people held up in here. They give me water to drink and some small cookies to eat. I am grateful for their hospitality. I begin taking to the older couple who own the house and realize they are staunch Republicans. They are bitching about all of this being bidens fault, how he isn't doing anything to help the people most affected by this travesty. I tell them biden isn't the president yet and that he literally has no executive power. They are completely disagreeing with me insisting the democrats did this. I tell them trump definitely the one who has left us without any aid for over a week, he is still the one in control. They are in complete denial, and I sense my welcome has all but dried up. I apologise for my attitude and thank them for the provisions while getting up from the table. I decide to take my leave and the dream fades.
12/14/20 I am riding a bike w Matt stone through thick fog. There are two bike lanes on either side of a road/runway we are riding down. There are thick trees lining both sides, perhaps pines. The fog is thick and I can only see ~fifty feet ahead. I gather we are on the border of North Korea. We have permission to ride here but are told to stay on the right side. Matt stone rides on the left path defiantly. As we come up a hill he jumps over to the left quickly in case anyone is just beyond the hill and sees us. As we continue down the road we ride through several abandoned stations. Like gas stations that seem run down and emptied. We come across an abandoned air force base. There is broken glass and spray paint everywhere it feels like it has been well traveled. We ride our bikes through the center of the building and through doorways looking at the different rooms. One of the rooms looks like a commissary or small cafe. We stop and begin to walk around checking out the closets and find a stairway. The stairs go several stories underground. Matt stone becomes my friend B. Walking through the basement it feels like a fallout shelter that is still super run down. It feels nuclear in nature. We walk into one of the rooms and there is a very large korean man sitting in a brown folding chair with his back to us. He has on a stretched white wife beater. We casually walk up to him and he isn't really surprised to see us. I gather people come here often as tourists just checking out abandoned places. B starts talking to him in broken english. He responds with single words but his English sounds good. So I ask him how he is doing. He responds just fine thank you. B gives me a wtf look because I assumed he could speak good English and he did, B is naturally patronizing. He explains that this is his job to maintain the station down here in case anything catastrophic occurs. He has a tiny grey computer with a green screen sitting on the floor. It is his only communication with the outside world minus people who stop by occasionally to check out the base. I suddenly remember seeing this place before and especially him. I remember reading a Vice article about this place where he was interviewed and had his picture taken. I tell him I recognize him and I saw pictures of this place before. He abashedly agrees like I am sure he has done many times before to others who had ventured this way. I remember the term for this type of occupancy and Google the words 'Planned reoccupance'? And find studies describing the act of having one person live deep underground to man nuclear codes in case of a worldwide emergency. It seems like a thankless job but free room and board. We walk around some more checking out the basement, we know we cannot take pictures because we don't have permission from the government and know we will be searched before leaving the country. I make as many mental notes about what I am seeing as possible. There is a stack of different types of missiles that sort of resemble tall gas canisters leaning against each other in a corner. There are short fake windows high up on the walls to emulate natural light. The downstairs feels like a wet basement but it is slightly better kept than the upstairs which has plenty of broken glass and upturned furniture. When we come back upstairs we are suddenly outside and there is another man there we are now talking to. We describe what we saw and I gather he is another reporter of sorts. He tells us he saw a body down there once and shows us the picture, I gather this is something to do with the base research. He mentions how his picture was in full sunlight so the face was illuminated. While we are talking I see my mentor Doug walking up the stairs coming towards us. He is glad to see us. I am glad to see him as well and move to hug him. He talks about his travels and checking out this place was on his list too. He is surprised we came without him. I am in a car with my parents. We are driving in Florida and they want to go to the beach. They have a specific place they park when they want to go to the beach which is under some stilt houses that are all joined together. I am amused and ask them if they always park here, they say yes it's always open. While pulling in there is a younger woman with sunglasses sitting by the entrance who looks like she is working the lot. My dad asks her a question about the beach being open and she gives a snotty college girl look. My mom asks if she is working or not. She says she doesn't work here. But she does mention the beach likely won't be open very long because of the storm that is blowing in from the gulf, (we are on the east coast). I tell my parents I can check my phone to see what the wind currents are doing. I see that there was just a hurricane here but it was traveling away to the east away from shore, the precipitation is cleared for us but then notice what looks like a front forming on the west coast blanketing across the state towards where we are. I look up and now notice it seems overcast but there are still plenty of people on the beach. I am in a large white room that seems like a futuristic shopping mall. There is a lady is upset her toddler/child has become a life-sized doll. I understand that the doll is a plant by some malicious force. I also notice it is a bomb and rush everyone else away from the area. She doesn't believe me and stands by herself when it goes off in her arms. It is an energy weapon and she vaporizes on the spot. I am with Karl Urban as we attempt to move through the mall looking for answers, he is incredibly pissed off and determined. We are now in a music store. I wear a certain pair of headphones which have orange rims around the ears. Before we leave the owner of the shop offers to give me another pair of headphones free of charge. He puts them on my head and the most amazing classical synth wave music is playing. I am overcome with emotion and cry at the thought of our mission. I take them off and walk rushedly away leading my crew behind me so they cannot see my tears. It is known to me one of our crew who looks like Dwayne Johnson wants to exterminate the entire planet the enemy lives on. They are a sentient robot race I gather. While venturing through the mall I find myself in a stairwell which seems to have a booth set up with counters on one side, everything is still white. There is a girl there I gather she is an artificial person. She is brunette with dark rimmed glasses and an hourglass figure. I am sitting on the counter with my legs open as she stands between them. We are both nude and I notice she feels my legs rubbing on her sides, she looks at me closely and smiles. We begin kissing. Only I can tell this is her first time and she doesn't quite grasp the concept, but the emotion emanating from her is authentic. There are small bubbles in her mouth that I am wiping off of my mouth. I now understand the artificial people are struggling to understand humanity but they mean us no harm. I must stop my friend from wiping out their whole planet. He is in a darker all white room with many other people. He is in the process of convincing everyone the validity of taking out the enemy by destroying their planet. I have recruited a couple of my friends to my cause to stop him. I gather we need to create a makeshift guitar with cardboard and strings we find around the shop. It doesn't sound too good. I tell the guys we need to find a wire like a thin string to get it to sound right. Dwayne doesn't want us to succeed. He finds a small pair of scissors and attempts to cut our stings to the guitar nulling our plan. I stand up and begin some grand monologue explaining how the artificial people have been misunderstood and they are not our enemy and he wants to destroy their entire planet, it's not right. There is no way complete genocide is the answer to our problems. We need to communicate with them to find a compromise and learn to live together. Dwayne is irate with me but just stands by listening to me while I win over the crowd.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Staying at school for several days without going home. But then a storm is coming and I decide to get on the 1st transportation home not to get stuck even more days. My animals are home alone and I am not sure they have sufficient food or water of it the storm won't cause damage in my home. On the way, I go buy some more food and water for everybody and somehow end up debating with some lady with a baby, who has a bigger load of work of the two of us: her with the baby or me with all my pets. We agree to disagree. Riverstone's brother calls me, insists I have to come to his place and taste something he is brewing in the pantry. I say better not but I do taste some sort of nachos on a sauce that he prepared. He insists I taste the other thing so I go look for it at the pantry. From a window I see a couple dudes touching an unresponsive cat at a café entrance. They seem to want to pick him up but does not seem like they have something good in their mind. So I go there and push them aside and pet the cat. He reacts and slowly gets up. The guys get pissed at me for interfering and I get defensive and literally fight the smaller one. They back off a bit but come back again. All of a sudden I start feeling weird, reality perception altered and I think they drugged me somehow. I look at them and they become whiter and whiter, like beings made of porcelain with perfect white bodies, no hair and no clothes. I am apparently going through a similar transformation. They drag me to my home. The feeling is very harmonious and loving and everything looks beautiful, but I haven't forgot who they are and what the situation was before so I become defensive when they both grab me and I realize they want to rape me and drugged me so I let my barriers down. I struggle and I become wrathful. I growl and spit fire and climb walls to get out of their range. They admit they expected me to cooperate and that now they will have to be rough with me. But I grow bigger and stronger and I resist and lock myself in the kitchen. They talk to me through the door trying to reason me out. Once the drug effect is gone we actually have a conversation and they seem to become aware of their actions and apologize and say they want us to become friends. I explain we ain't friends. They say they have time. Diogo Faro (a comedian) is in my house. We're both in bath robes like we're very intimate, but actually we're still strangers to each other and I am trying to break the ice while I cook something in the kitchen. We talk and we become friends. He invites me to come to his next shows 5 days in a row. I ask if I can go to only one or if are they all different. He says they're different. I complain it's probably too costly for me but I'll try to go to at least one. Then he asks what other comedians I like and I say I love Jon Stewart but no way he is coming to our country and I hope someday to see a show with Jon Oliver. Then a friend of his comes to pick up Diogo. While they talk I notice one of my windows is not well fit in the framework and I try to fix it. I explain to them I already had a problem with a window falling to the ground floor once and that luckily nobody was hit by it. Then his stupid friend knocks the window down just for fun. It falls down several floors. We hear screams at the ground floor and I think the worst just happened. I kick the guy out from my home and Diogo is a gentleman and takes my side and tells his friend what an asshole he is. He stays in my apartment as I go downstairs to check it out, not without first grabbing the other guy by the neck and tell him he needs to pay damages and take responsibility for injuries on likely victims. But he scrambles. I reach the street level and there is a beach party going on at the entrance of the building, which is an apartment tower by the sea. I look for any sign of someone hurt and nobody is complaining, all looks normal. I check cars in the park and none seems broken. There is an abandoned dog in the park which breaks my heart but some ladies seem to take an interest and do not leave his side, so I believe they'll help him. I move on and go a bit more to the side where there is a garden and apparently the window fell there. No person was harmed but little elves live on that garden and one of them got scared when the window fell near him and he accidentally cast a spell on a lady nearby. He gave her the body of a fat beaver but kept her human head. Everybody freaks out when they see her. I am with Riverstone at DMV or something, dealing with some documentation. He goes somewhere else while I wait in line, so we don't waste so much time, but he takes my backpack to put in a locker nearby. Unfortunately I leave my phone inside. Then I meet 3 girls who seem to want to bond with me, they want to exchange contacts and I don't have my phone. I tell them to wait that I'll get it but they leave anyway and for a second I feel sad like "I thought we had connected". Anyway, I start looking for those lockers and realize I am in a gigantic hub of services and transportation, an endless maze of corridors with access to trains and subways, with counters of different services along the way. I become mesmerized by an ecosystem of tiny crustaceans that seem to inhabit some old carpet under a counter of some public service and I lay on the ground just admiring how they attract flies on silky sticky strings and then eat them and communicate with one another through the strings. But I need to move on and I go randomly in the direction I think is the correct one. I reach some escalators. There is a normal one to the right, one coming down on the left and one in the center with strange smaller steps and colors. I take that one. On reaching the top there is a guy that looks out of Street Fight and a cage where I am supposed to get in as he yells that I have taken the challenge and now I must compete. I am scared about what kind of competition it is. If I'll be dropped in an arena to fight. So I skip it and jump to a sidewalk exiting the place. Then I see the competition was a life size Mario Kart race and I regret so much having skipped it. I then chose to explore what other games are there and step into an interior amusement park. Each room is home to a game or arcade and there are kids and adults playing. I spot a friend going into a room so I follow her but then lose sight of her. I see another entrance to a darker room, seems like a movie theater, but people sit relaxed in groups around tables and they are eating. There is popcorn and candies everywhere and apparently one can eat all it wants. I grab popcorns to the left and right, there are levels and levels of shelves with displays full of sweets. It's truly the dream for any kid or glutton. Then I spot some employee looking at me and making me signs to leave and I realize I had to pay an extra ticket to be there and be able to eat. I just leave with some kind of sweet on a stick. I hear beautiful music inside a room that looks like the palace of Versailles and I dance happily until I hear some voice saying "take that girl outta there". I notice I am behind an orchestra playing to a select audience and I get out from there discreetly. Then I am busted by some Arabs who apparently are with my dad on some lunch meeting. He had spotted me and they felt compelled to meet me. They make fun of my previous fail and invite me to join them just to upset my dad. They ask me what's that I have on a stick and I say some kind of marshmallow, not sure. But they turn it around and becomes evident that it is a pigs head on the stick. I am horrified and they are disgusted. They take it away from my hands. At my farm and a bunch of family members is there. My grandpa is there and my mom and my aunt are taking care of him. My dad, my cousin Sara and maybe her brother are also there. An ambulance is coming with the sirens on and we all think it can only be a mistake because everybody is ok. But they still park the ambulance and the nurses come out in the direction of the gate.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I have a broken window and my cat Yéti escapes to outside. I go get him. A storm is coming and my mom screams when a thunder bangs at distance. I go back inside. Besides my actual cats, we have dozens more weird cats in the house. One is purple. Two black ones look like alien pigs. Also there is a nasty dog growling at mom. I growl back at him and he goes away. I put everybody and the cats on a bus and we go on a trip. A yellow cat gets out of the bus at some stop we make and doesn't want to come back inside. Seems to adopt a service station we stopped at. He finds other cats there he connects to. I accept him wanting to stay there. When I am ready to go away, I find a strange vase in the bus, with a message and a flower bouquet. I open the paper to read the message and the bouquet starts beeping and smoking. I tell everyone to run as it seems to be a bomb. It kind of explodes, but not a deadly blast, instead, it releases a swarm of tiny drones that first form a heart shape, but then start hunting us down. Most of them are locked on me. Others disperse and shoot at everyone else. I run into a building nearby, seems like a mall. The door is made of glass and does not lock on the inside. I managed to take cover inside and close it behind me, but someone else comes in and the drones take advantage of it and come inside too. I ask a Japanese girl where is the bathroom and she points me to a cabin on a corridor to the left. It's one of those Japanese public restrooms with glass walls that get opaque when we lock them from the inside. But it has some malfunction and the wall confining to the next toilet does not get opaque. A Japanese man comes in to the next stall and also realizes it. We try several things, then he says he is there just to nap anyway and clicks some button that pops out a small bed from a cabinet. I say I also just want to hide for a while, so I pull down the bed too and plan on staying there for some time. But the door keeps unlocking and opening, so at some point, I decide to get out and keep moving. I spot some drones looking for me, one comes face to face with me, identifies me and calls for backup. I open another door, it's a pediatrics clinic and a lady there finds weird that I have no baby with me, but I push my way in. I can watch through a window that outside one drone catches some dude that was not even part of my group and injects something on him. Then a kind of larvae comes out of his eye and soon his entire head is ripped apart by growing tentacles that attach to the wall with suckers, leaving his body hanging in there while being engulfed by the alien being. I decide again to face the drones outside and gather all my Jedi skills to avoid all their hits and knock them all down. I even rip them apart with my bare hands. Then I call for my friends and tell them to come out from their hiding places, because I've disarmed the swarm. They come and we gather around dozens of destroyed drones on the floor.
Morning of May 26, 2020. Tuesday. Dream #: 19,517-01. Reading time (optimized): 3 min. My dream self grows instinctually aware and active during the usual process that determines a handler for cortical arousal (initially my vestibular cortex). In this dream, it is Jackie Gleason, the primary influence being the moonrise (dream state initiation) in the television series “The Honeymooners.” (I will emphasize a fundamental causal factor here. Because being in the dream state has a similar level of cortical dormancy and sensory deprivation as when watching television or a movie, a celebrity is often the virtual handler of my waking transition.) An unknown male is with me to my right (waking status personification, mainly inactive). In a big undefined room, two unfamiliar men are standing and talking, facing each other, with the implication we are watching a movie, though we are present and sitting cross-legged at the scene (a common dream state ambiguity). One man is playing the role of a young and thin Jackie Gleason. For a few minutes, we are trying to work out which man is playing him. Eventually, it becomes obvious. It is the man on the left, who has dark curly hair. The identity determinant results in initiating the next stage of my dream and vivifies it. My dream self handler (again, vestibular cortex) is Jackie Gleason. Even so, I am still only a witness to the scenario. The Sistine Chapel is in ruins, though only as in another world. An unknown male with a staff controls the lightning (neural energy while in the dream state) to send individuals into the other world. He first does this to an unknown woman (a quantum model of Zsuzsanna, as my waking-life identity is absent). I watch her wander around alone. The storm is not threatening. Eventually, the anticipated myoclonus factor becomes pre-liminal. Jackie Gleason stands in the center of the ruins and wants to find the unknown woman to confirm her status and bring her back if possible. The expectation of the transition is by way of flight (as has usually been the case since childhood). There is no roof on the ruins of the building, to allow for the vestibular management of this process. (I am sleeping on my back in this instance, which usually results in vertical dream state processing rather than horizontal as with, for example, using a door to exit my dream). A pterodactyl flies down as the vestibular processing simulacrum. Jackie Gleason stands there, but nothing happens. They stare at each other, but the pterodactyl eventually unexpectedly flies off instead of carrying him into the next world. As a result of no myoclonus or viable consciousness emergence, cortical arousal instead establishes a vivid offset dream that serves as a false awakening, and I am now lying on my back on the front lawn of our current home in the late morning. Zsuzsanna is standing to my left. (She is awake in reality, standing to my left in our lounge room.) I can see the front of our house and the sky. Dark clouds, lightning, and rain are fast approaching from the south. I am concerned about my dream journal getting wet (as it is on the lawn near me), but I have difficulty moving quickly enough. Eventually, I can get up and wake while doing this. Here are some similar examples of this dreaming process that has occurred every sleep cycle for over 50 years: Ralph Waite (as in “The Mississippi” television series from the 1980s), referring to a book, talks about the vestibular cortex processing in initiating consciousness (though I do not discern the specific details), summons a giant sparrow, and flies off on its back. (November 7, 2018.) An unknown woman and her daughter (quantum model of Zsuzsanna and our youngest daughter) receive a book from Rodan. (Rodan has a similar appearance as a pterodactyl.) The book is enormous (as tall as the woman) and is about dream state processes. (May 21, 2020.) A giant white dove (with a red heart symbol on its chest) emerges from the entrance of the Arcadia post office and approaches me as I stand outside facing the building. I hold onto a sword engulfed in blue fire, but there is no threat. (February 9, 1991, part of a longer dream with enigmatic communication with Zsuzsanna before we met in waking life, foreshadowing the letter she wrote to me. I arrived in Australia on February 9, 1994. An American postage stamp, #2814C, featuring a white dove and a red heart made of roses came out on February 14, 1994.)
I had a dream last night where I was a first class passenger riding in the upper deck of a Boeing 747 flying to Atlanta from London. When we were about an hour from our scheduled arrival, the captain came on the intercom and told everyone that we would be experiencing really heavy turbulence on our approach to Atlanta and for everyone to get up if they needed to because he would be turning the fasten seatbelt sign on. I got out of my seat and asked the really pretty blond fight attendant for a strong triple scotch on the rocks so that I would be mellow for the approach into Atlanta and handle the turbulence better. As I was asking her to make the drink, the captain came out of the cockpit and grabbed the flight attendant and I by the arms and told us he needed us to land the plane. He then led the fight attendant and I into the cockpit and motioned for me to sit in his seat. The first officer then got out of his seat and told the flight attendant to sit down there. The captain then gave us some quick instructions on what we needed to do to safely land then plane, told me I was in charge, and then he and the first officer stepped out of the cockpit and closed the pretty flight attendant and I in. I was at the flight controls, flying the plane while the flight attendant was talking with the control tower and letting me know the heading and altitude I needed to be flying. We descended through thick clouds and I could see lightning flashes as the turbulence started to shake the large plane as we descended. As the flight attendant kept giving me new headings and altitudes, I kept maneuvering the plane to get to them. We finally touched down on the runway and then I taxied to the gate the flight attendant told me to go to. I woke up from the dream while I was looking for the flight manual to shut down and secure the plane with the flight attendant still on the headset talking with the control tower.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening The world is on fire. But I am part of a group who has knowledge of a way out. We are preparing to leave through some sort of a secret tunnel to another world. On the day I am going to cross it, I have to go through a mob of desperate people on the streets, but despite difficulties, I make it to the designated place. There is some sort of magic involved so we need to close the "door" behind us before other people notice it and also use it. I don't feel bad for leaving them behind, I feel relieved. (don't judge me ) At my farm. A storm is coming and my dad is with me but doesn't want to help me shut the doors and windows. A big cloud seems to be sucking air and debris and another one in an opposite direction, seems to be pouring it down. There are also many tornadoes forming. I see my dogs Maya and Tara outside and bring them to the kitchen. Don't know where the others are. Lightnings start small fires. I go outside and follow the trail of fires and put them out. I end up walking a long way, until I reach a beautiful village by the sea. I cross the village downtown and notice I am being followed by a chinese dude who seems familiar (has followed me before). I try to lose him by entering a labyrinth of streets where a market spreads out. Then I feel strangely sick with strong vertigo and feeling my consciousness fading. At this point it gets scary because I actually feel like this is happening to me in real life as I lay in bed and I fear I might be having some kind of collapse and not wake up. (but I do) It's been raining and a new waterfall formed in the hill in front of my house. It is beautiful and I take a photo to send to Riverstone. I go outside and as I get closer, I see people bathing in it and lounging in chairs and basically enjoying it as if they are at the beach. I am picking wood for my fireplace from a storage in my terrace. It is night but some village kids are passing by the road outside and they take a peak over the wall to see who's there. One of them asks to use the toilet but I feel he just wants to snoop around. I say no, but then notice voices of people inside my house and wonder if they tricked me to get through the front door as I was distracted. Someone did enter, but it is my uncles along with some distant relatives I don't even know. They somehow assumed they could come in. I explain it is my house and that I'd like that they called first asking if they could come. But they couldn't care less, they seem to have an agenda. More people start coming in and taking tables outside, rearranging everything in my house. I am told it is for a party or a wedding. Some of the family members are choosing rooms to sleep in. My house is 10 times bigger than in reality and so they all find some room to stay. I go around yelling at them, asking them to leave, but some of these people don't even know who I am and don't even care. They were told it was fine to invade my house. I then focus on keeping the doors and windows shut because of the cats, which I can't find any and I am losing it. Coming from walking Hachi and there is a bike race passing in front of my house. But Hachi is cool as a cucumber. At some place like school and I am hungry. In cafeteria there is a group of people arranging the place for an event or maybe lunch later. But there is a table full of peeled bananas anybody can have if they want. I take one but its so mushy I throw it away and go get a second. A nice guy comments about the bananas while also eating one. Meet my school crush Marco and a common friend and I am not sure if he recognizes me, doesn't show signs of it. We need to spend the afternoon together because of some project. I am working on the computer, they are working on something else. Later on, we sit together at a couch talking and Marco touches my hand very softly and discreetly and I realize he did recognize me. Then some people from their families comes in and I notice some angry looks in our direction. They noticed the hands touching fondly and apparently he is married now. There is a little girl about 2 years old that comes straight at me and she is adorably articulate, shows me something and then sings a song. I think she is his daughter. I feel embarrassed that she sings way better than me. I go to my friend's restaurant to get some free food. In exchange I offer to help him with the dishes, if he needed, so he puts me doing stupid tasks instead, like diluting the bottled ketchup with water. He says it's because they are getting dry, not to fool customers, but I am not sure. Then he makes do some other absurd tasks and I am like "I have had it! This guy always takes advantage of my kindness"[/COLOR]
Updated 12-10-2019 at 10:37 PM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At some kind of round table with only top elite people. They are talking about society and opportunities and they are totally acting entitled and saying bullshit about how everybody can take a chance at the stock market and similar enriching opportunities. I am not allowed to talk, but I can't have it anymore and I get up and call bullshit to their faces. Present them with statistics, tell them how the system is rigged and we never stand a chance unlike them. Oprah is in there too and she is asking for them to warn people about some apocalyptic storm that is coming and only they know about. They claim she has a history of crying wolf. She presents proof she was never wrong in warning people because shit did happen. I support her. They don't give a shit, they keep silent about this storm so severe that wind and rain is capable of destroying rock and will probably erode mountains. I help her try to spread the message as much as possible, but we hardly reach anyone on time.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening My attic is still messy and I am trying to make it habitable, putting pallets under a mattress, using other pallets to create supporting tables in a lounge area. It is really big, not so much like my real attic. During the night there is a storm with strong winds and next day some friends warn me they found some windows broken or blown away. I ask for their help to cover it with plastic or wooden plaques before it starts raining again and they find even more windows dangerously dangling (the attic has a very high wall with windows several meters high). Then we find a spider about 10 cms large and very aggressive. We try to corner her to grab her but she jumps on my friend's face. We all panic. Then the spider makes a web over the entrance door and we are afraid every time we have to cross it. I go visit a Hindu temple I just got to know, on a day of ceremonies. Strangely, most people attending seem to be white westerners. The ceremony includes a theatrical representation of the life of some saint or so I think, but she is like an African queen dressed beautifully in cerulean blue long dress and lots of jewels. But she doesn't behave like a saint at all. People don't like her, call her a whore. I am curious to see where this goes, but someone then starts implicating with me, because I am wearing a sleeping mask over my eyes and he says it is disrespectful. (And I am wearing such mask over my eyes in real life on my bed) I do feel the mask and I admit I am wearing it but I can see everything as if I am not wearing anything on my face and I prove it to people around me. They still don't want me using it and meanwhile I realize the reason I feel it in my face is because I am dreaming, so I get up and go outside. I summon my wrathful deity in me, my hair spreads out like Medusa's snakes and winds start to blow hard and really dark clouds form in the sky and dozens of really dark tornadoes start coming in the direction of the city streets. But then I realize I do not want to harm people just release some of my fury so I turn against the storm itself and blast it away with chi from my hands. Then I levitate up and fly away. Don't know exactly what to do, so I recall my teacher and I start watching him teach. He is in India, sitting on the grass on a garden, sided by a few of his older closer students, all facing a camera, talking about something related to my guru's activities. Later there is a celebration with Bollywood music and Rinpoche is in western clothes dancing and some other people are cross dressed. This video leaks out and ends up in the front page of some British tabloid, totally out of context. Later on, I am on a bus with other Rinpoche's students and he comes on board and gathers a few newspapers bought by his students and goes to the back seat with a somber look to analyze what the papers are saying. We barely look at each other but we acknowledge each other's presence. Then he leaves the bus but not without making a very slight bow on his way out, that only I notice.