Shadow of the Colossus fragment Somehow, I "drop" into the world through a sort of panel¹. There, I drop on some sort of colossus who can apparently talk and I ask him something. 1: It probably has to do something with the fourth spatial dimension and its geometric properties.
Piano or forte? In school, some classmate of me whose face I can't discern asks if, metaphorically, piano or forte would indicate something stronger, and I said forte. Something else It's blurry, but it might be at home. More than yesterday.
I was in a familiar place. Somehow, like Cebu at night. A man offered to pay me for sex. At first, I thought he said his age is 100. I realized he said $100 an hour. He has white hair and looks older than middle age. I was in a skate area. I jumped from one area to another. Edu Manzano was there. He asked who's Ilonggo. I raised both hands while I ran and jumped. He asked a question that I didn't understand and didn't make sense, but I answered something like "Yeah, I think it is." He confirmed that's the right answer and explained why. I didn't understand the reasoning or the words. --- Notes: - Slept around 12 a.m. - Alarm at around 6 a.m. - Was preparing for parkour training
Catching up on some old dreams from my old Dream Journal: 7-8-10 This one seemed to be long and complex, but I only remember the end. I remember waiting for this cruise type ship to arrive. On it were many important people. Finally I saw it pull up. Every one I saw was black. Later I ended up with the most important person on the ship. He was some kind of prince. He was not black. He had short sandy blond hair and was about 35-40 years old. And he was very nice looking. Somehow I ended up lucid. I tried to remember the Task of the Month. I thought it was "to ask a DC a question". So I asked the prince, "So do you know that this is my lucid dream?" He knodded at me knowingly and said, "Ah, yes." I felt like I needed to ask another question, so I asked, "Do you want to kiss me?" Next thing I know we are kissing rather passionately, and as we kiss I notice we have less and less clothing between us. I remember rubbing my hands on his bare back. At one point I even wondered if we were having sex. But I was never sure. Funny how that works in dreams. Then there is an unknown transition. I am trying to get dressed and my foot keeps getting caught in the stretchy material of the shorts I was putting on. I'm not sure if I was lucid here...or even where the dream went at this point.
Dream Fragment I'm sitting down with Jayd and Csure. I ask them a question, if they had ever been in a situation where they're in the friends zone. I figure they probably think I'm in that exact situation. Side Notes Ive been sick for almost 2 weeks and haven't been focusing on lucid dreaming. Sleeping has been pretty good since darkening my room.
Before I was lucid... This dream was confusing. Or, at least, I don't remember it well. I was in some house- it may have been a large apartment- and for aome reason, a bunch of people were coming inside. Like, they're all family, but this isn't my family. I became lucid for pretty much no reason. I was away from all the comotion, looking out the window. There was this midget (three feet tall?) next to me. He was old. For some reason, he wanted to come with me to do my lucid thing. I asked why that is necessary since he isn't real. But oh well, he came with me anyway, though I didn't think of him again. I started just flying, I was pretty low to the ground. Like, ten feet. While I was traveling, I wasn't paying much attention to the scenery (and I should....), but it ws mostly country. Like, there were random people, but everywhere was very unpopulated. Now and then I passed a house. At one point, I see something near the road I am flying over (yeah, I was only flying over a road the whole time...). It was, like, a foat man, sort of like from Narnia. His head was down, but then it was raised. It was my dad... I saw crude versions pf my mom and sister too along with what was supposed to look like our house. At one point, i decide that 'f,ying isn't fast enough'. So, i come up with this other way to move faster, though I didn't think it would work. And it did, even though I doubted it... My tush was on the ground, and I kind of sledded on the road....really fast, even though there was no incline. Eventually,I decide that I am done flying, so I catch up with this DC. I am in a place that is kinda the edge of a city, though i only saw one building, it was like an appartment building. I only see one DC, and he looks creepy, but I talk to him anyway. I start walking with him, and ask him a question. The dream wasn't vivid enough to understand him. Asking twice didn't help.
So last night air found myself behind the wheel of a vehicle but only with no wheel, I was on the LHS with possibly a passenger or more near me. I must have found something peculiar (maybe where I was sitting) so I FINALLY asked myself "am I dreaming?" I took a quick look around and decided that I wasn't. I was happy when I woke up and shortly after remembered asking myself that question yet now recalled that it was indeed a dream! Next time though: continue to look around and validate if it really is a dream, look for text or clocks and test them, don't get too excited if the answer is yes.....
Oct. 9, 2012 11:11-6:00 The only thing I remember is someone or something asking, "What is Hell?"