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    1. January 2, 2025 7:?? pm

      by , 01-02-2025 at 08:06 PM
      Happy New Year folks, it's been a while since I posted in here for my sleep schedule has been too much of a mess as I work evenings/nights now.
      This is kinda my "hatsuyume" of this year as it's often measured on the second day, my first day can be found on Tumblr:


      I was in Amersfoort for a meeting for a cultural event or something (Probably Spoffin as I volunteered there in 2017 but never got around to it since while last year they had their final edition due to its lack of funding.
      At the meeting I'm hanging out with a group of people, including this guy I don't recall seeing there but somewhat resembles two dudes I befriended there. The guy asks what I've been up to and I tell him I lived in Berlin for a year and was about to tell him I'm employed in a theatre now but he interrupted me to express his fascinating how "my ship had sailed there" we were to continue to the conversation after drinks in the cafeteria, the cafeteria only has these mini Yakult sized fruit yogurt drinks, I order a banana one for three euros but wasn't sure I had enough money on my card. It was cash only anywayd but the person was looking for a mini wireless PIN device in their bag while I find change in my wallet and pay four euros as a small "spenden" which I have put in one of the random random duffel bags the cashier placed on the table. As i return from the food court and see the guy deeply in conversation with someone else, I briefly return to the meeting room to return my stuff in my bag, there I see a brunette girl who somewhat resembles a girl from my class when I studied media design who was the only one interested into taking the programming route, but with short hair. She also hsd this familiar look towards a woman I had seem somewhere before, at work or something. I still cannot recall, but I woke up.
    2. Night of Wednesday 2/21/24

      by , 02-22-2024 at 04:34 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm in a grassy area, and I may have just emerged from a cave.
      There are tall rock walls all around. The area feels serene.
      I become aware that this is a video game.
      My girlfriend is here. She gestures to an item in front of me I can pickup.
      The item is in a green glowing circle: an object I can obviously interact with.
      It's a wedding ring. She is proposing.
      The ring is a tiny thing. Thin and wooden, like a splinter.
      I obviously accept it and move to put it on. I'm not concerned about how much she spent on the ring.
      But, I am focused on making sure she knows that I don't mind.
      I'm embarrassed because I have to ask her which is the ring finger.
      I vaguely think about how this is gender role-reversal. It doesn't bother me much.
    3. Tuesday, June 13

      by , 08-19-2023 at 09:03 PM
      I am at work while the Vegas-Florida Stanley Cup game is on. It feels like midday to early afternoon. Zoe is here, but she leaves to go do something. I go into the office and write the current score on the board, 3-2 Vegas. I use orange for Vegas and can’t think of Florida’s colors. I think it’s subtle but that someone who knows what’s going on would understand it. I notice that there are a couple of folding chairs (the ones we have that my mom gave us) throughout the store, some open and some not. I think people might be watching the game here? Now, I’m ringing up some girl who awkwardly offers to buy the table out front and the chairs for $15. She says it with a lisp as she holds the money folded up in front of her. I don’t know how much the table is going for, so I call Zoe. she answers and starts speaking so quickly that it sounds like it went straight to voicemail. She asks if I’m Bruce, sounding paranoid, then asks if it’s me. She says the table can go for $100 and the chairs for $15 each. I tell the girl this. Stella is here, on the counter, and ever so gently steps down, towards the girl who holds her hand out to her.
      Tags: hockey, money, stella, work
    4. Summer Competition Night 9

      by , 06-10-2023 at 07:53 PM

      Bedtime around midnight, awake after 7 (from my notes it looks like I wrote 7:04, but my handwriting is a bit messy). Had had the following dreams:

      The Machinery Sound Hypothesis

      Walking along, and talking about noise. I say that at any given point in time, you can hear the sound of some machinery. At first I claim it’s a specific type of machinery sound, but then I just say it’s machinery. There is a screaming sound, which turns out to just be a kid playing somewhere. We walk under or next to some fans, and think about this machinery sound idea. There is something about boxes in our way. Something about walking around, and hoping to find some new place. I think that this is a new way of looking at things, and suggest that if we think about things in this way (the sound idea, or in different ways, perhaps) we might be able to find our way into a new dimension. It’s like the story Flatland – there may be other dimensions, we just don’t see them. Maybe because we never look in that direction, being influenced by our surroundings and the chain of events...Then there is something about a little girl in the hospital. She has been in there a long time, and the machinery noises that she hears are from the hospital. It is part of her world. I feel a little bad, not sure if I was making fun of her...There is also something about someone wanting to do something romantic (for their parents?) and they hitch some machine up to an old buggy to make a sort of horse and buggy. Looking closer, it seems that it was this little girl in the hospital bed, and she hooked a motorized wheelchair or something up to the bed.

      Old House and Ice Cream

      In an old house. It might be my apartment, actually. Something about a piece of the old house stuck in a part of the newer infrastructure – a furnace or something. Someone is interested in this piece of the old house. That’s in the basement. Upstairs, I’m in the house I lived in a few years ago. At the top of the steps, I drip some water on the floor. I think I should wipe it up, and reflect on how I’m glad that the floor is carpeted now so that I won’t have to worry as much about someone slipping. As I wipe the floor, I also see that there is a broom covered with snow. It has made a mess, and is causing there to be a watery mess at the top of the stairs. I decide I should take it down to the basement. In the basement, I look for a place to put the broom. There is a little room that I take it to, where some other cleaning tool is, I think. There are also some people in the basement, and someone jokes about the broom and witches. There is also some joke about holding the broom by the proper end and not getting burnt by flames that shoot out of it, or something...There is also a scene that seems to take place around here in a restaurant/ice cream place. I tell someone that if I worked there I would constantly be sampling the ice cream out of the soft-serve ice cream dispenser...


      (1)...Talking with one of the girls that lives in the apartment next to me about why I’m moving. I explain it’s because they want this to be undergraduate housing. She says that she would have expected them to tell her to move too, since she graduated a while ago...

      (2)...In the lab with my friend K. She pulls a bunch of hair off of her head, apparently having just cut it. She says something about having kids that will cut it anyway (?).

      (3)...Moving over a large drop-off. I feel like I’m going to fall, and have a massive “jerk-awake” thing.

      After a cup of coffee and reading I went back to sleep. Woke up again at 10:30.

      More Machinery

      There is a game that combines multiple games – like Monopoly and Risk, but it’s a computer game. Someone is doing something in one area (or property) and then jumps into a submarine, boat, or airplane and leaves for somewhere else. Then he’s flying an airplane. It also converts into a land vehicle. There is a scene or two about trying to land somewhere, and then he brings it to rest on top of a moving machine. The machine is like a large tank, and looks a bit like something from Star Wars – like an Imperial Walker, but without legs or a head. There is a woman with the man now. She might have grown up on the back of one of these things – people were living on them, I guess? Anyway, something about her makes her resonate with the movements of the machine, and she will eventually start bouncing so much that it will alert the people inside to our presence. We/they think about what to do. She could hold on to the rails at the side. Someone says something to the leader like “It’s up to you to hold the troops”, or something. He then suggests that he hold this woman. She is reluctant at first, being shy to be so close to him. But it seems to be the best course of action, so the two of them tie themselves to the top of the machine together...


      ...I stop at a bank, or maybe I buy something. I’m given some money, one of the bills being a $2 bill. I get kind of excited at this, and the woman giving me the money then gives me a $3 bill. I get excited about this too, since $3 bills are even rarer than $2 bills. Then she hands me a picture of an elderly lady, as though it’s supposed to be something exciting too. I stare at the picture, trying to recognize it and not sure what to tell the woman. I don’t seem to recognize the picture. There is a little picture of a “MGM trophy” below the picture (not sure what that is, but it made me think maybe this was an actress). It also seems to list her birth date as 1934...

      PBS, the Abominable Snow Monster, and Food

      We are watching a TV show. It is a special – the third (or 100th?) episode or year of something. Something like the Muppets, Sesame Street, or Dr. Seuss. This episode is kind of odd – a bunch of things from over the years put together. It’s pretty funny, but at the end there is a more sentimental thing with designs that become (I think) an animation of a tree. It’s so touching that I almost tear up. I suspect that this was the original ending to the show, and over the years they added more and more things. So this episode was mostly meant to be funny, but the ending was still touching because it was the original ending. This is PBS, I think. They are doing a special as part of a fundraiser. I mention how when I was growing up PBS was mostly telethons and “Doo-Wop” reunion concerts, and joke that they should make a fundraiser show about that...

      Then there is something about a Muppet-thing that looks like the Abominable Snow Monster from Rudolph. We notice how close the resemblance is, and wonder if that was a coincidence. Something about looking up at the Snow Monster from a certain angle makes it look especially similar. Except for the teeth, which are a little different. At this point, we’re out near a couple of houses. I think maybe they filmed the Abominable Snow Monster scenes on the porch railing of one of the houses, and then used the same footage for this other TV show. We hang around outside of this house, and then I see my brother and someone else have gone around and inside the house. They come out to the porch (or what looks like it was once the porch but has now been walled into a sort of kitchen). A lady is there, and they start cooking some food. My brother gets to squish a hot thing onto a griddle with a special tool, which looks fun to me. Then there are some pickle-like things. Eventually, we take these things to a table nearby and start eating. I take something off of what looks like a trellis/pergola, and then worry that that ruined the scenery.


      (4) In Hawaii. My Mom and I are there, and I get excited because I see a filming location from Hawaii 5-0.
    5. $42,000,000,000

      by , 04-08-2023 at 07:53 AM
      While sitting on the stairs of a large, white double story house (which I guess would have been mine), I receive a call from someone who I don't know, but apparently trust. He tells me that there is a very powerful group who I owe about $42 billion to, and if I don't have that money in 2 days time I'm a dead man.
      I obviously freak out about this, and the next day the unknown number calls me again and tells me he has connections with a pawn shop, and a list of very valuable items I'd be able to make a lot of money off of if I brought them to his shop. The first one is one of those blue and white chinese vases, which he tells me is worth $6 billion! He says it's in the hands of a family owned chinese restaurant just down the road from where I live. I drive out there, walk in to the restaurant and see a gray, shabby pot on the counter, which the phone man assures me is the vase. I ask the man at the counter if I can buy that pot, and he gives it to me for $16. As I'm walking back to my car, I open the lid to the pot and see the ancient vase inside.
      The next day, I drive down to the phone man's pawn shop and try to sell it to the person at the counter, who tells me he'll take it for a couple grand. Now I'm panicking, because the money is due today and I'm being told the vase that was apparently worth $6 billion is actually only a couple grand.
      I try to call the phone man to ask him what to do, but I wake up.

      I've been very stressed about deadlines lately, so maybe this is my subconscious way to tell myself to do those 2 missing assignments...
      Tags: money
    6. Monday, December 5

      by , 01-11-2023 at 11:41 PM
      I’m inside a Total Wine. The store is very large (and it seems familiar to another dream). I walk down a main aisle on my way to the beer section when an employee steps in front of me and hands me a small stack of cash. I wasn’t sure at first if he was an employee - he’s wearing nice but plain clothes and a very subtle nametag. I ask “for me?”, not really sure what to think. He says yes, it’s for me. I take it, two 50s and a couple smaller bills, and move on. I’m now in the beer section, which looks like a corner of the store. There is a pallet of six packs in an aisle, and I see they’re completely out of the only one I was specifically looking for. I keep looking on the shelves; many look good, but I always think there could be a better one yet. Most are dark beers, which is the type I’m after. There is one with a graphic of a pine tree trunk? and a bear print; I think I go for this one, as I’m at the end of my options.
      Tags: beer, money, store
    7. 25 Aug: Helping a victim of revenge porn and attending a school reunion

      by , 08-25-2022 at 08:46 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      A family friend comes ask for help. Their kid is being victim of revenge porn: some guys took got of her topless and there is a video and her data posted on a porn website. I take the case to a friend who is both a detective and a hacker and he assures me he can take it down. I am relieved because I wasn't sure if it was possible. I tell the good news to the family and they are overjoyed. They offer us a place to stay while my friend sorts this out. In the process, we find other women in the same situation and we help them.

      There is gonna be a school reunion party and I am at the venue to help out with the preparations a few days in advance. I find a vending machine that is broken and giving 10x more money than what we put in. I start mining it and others who find out feel it's disonest and judge me, but I don't care. At the day of the party I get all dressed up, very sexy with a very tight tube dress, one shoulder off, my long hair flowing. I prepared some treats at home with the help of my mom and as I walk to the place, carrying the treats, I start stumbling upon school colleagues who bullied or despised me. I see some jaws dropping when they recognize me, the guys are elbow bumping each other. I put the treats I brought on a table and I go meet some ladies I know. They are preparing to take a group photo. I wonder how long it will take. Someone says today is the day my crush will ask me to dance, but guys don't seem to be interested in dancing at all and I honestly just want to use the vending machine as I came prepared with a purse full of coins!
    8. ccclxxxii. The abandoned compound with strange animals and gems, New developments behind home

      by , 05-09-2022 at 11:20 AM
      2022 May 3rd


      I'm somewhere with H, at or near some kind of compound. His dad or a friend of his dad's is around too. There's something about precious stones in the compound, they spawn at random and in areas inhabited by some unusual creatures. It's not a nature reserve or anything like that, it's more like it's been abandoned despite still being apparently owned by someone. One of these strange creatures is a cat thing, the size of a dog and with more legs. It wants scratches but I'm wary of it, as it also wants to escape if given a chance, so I'm mindful about the door and my position. I consider that these animals may all be dangerous.

      I find one of the stones nearby and I leave. I somehow know it's worth 100K or so. I tell H and I feel proud and relieved, since it will be a huge help to us. I think to myself that we should make sure people aren't needlessly making this place known publicly or we won't even get a chance to get some more stones when we need the money.

      Later, a group of people who had also been getting gemstones is near an exit area. One of the people in the group is D, old school friend. Most of them seem a bit greedy, having hoarded many stones, rather than just getting one or two. I say to them that I can't see why they can't be more reasonable, and that I would always try to compromise when possible.

      (recall gap)

      Some other bit, also in some complex?

      2022 May 4th


      (Left recall a bit late)

      I'm at home with H. We go into the kitchen to do something. We're naked? I open the blinds and see a bunch of the neighbourhood kids out the back, some on the walls, others in the yard itself. (Quick note, this actually happened four days later, on the 8th)

      We motion from inside for them to get out and such, and then we go out a side door from the kitchen to the back, where the heart should have been. I lose track of H. In the yard, I see that some of the kids look a bit miserable, they're stuck in here by accident and I now feel sorry for them, and less upset about the fact they're here.

      Then, the back wall changes when I'm not paying attention. It's a cut-down wooden fence and I see loads of people around, playing around, having BBQs and so on. To my right, I see that we're on a sort of large plateau area and there are new apartment buildings in this area, some still being built. About twenty story high each. One has a green-ish and white colour scheme going. It's no wonder there are so many people here, I now feel. I feel annoyed and get into a sort of argument with a random woman, I think she was someone from school. As a character, I express confusion at all this and feel neglected. I ask why they built all this, why didn't the local authority let us know about any of it? And so on. I get unsatisfactory replies and just feel more and more frustrated.

      Later. At a supermarket inside a larger mall. (Like one in A but bigger) Initially I'm with H but then we split up because I need to go swap some pasta cheese ice cream thing. It looks like it has a blue cheese in it. Then, that woman from before again, she shows me some chocolate ice cream like knock-off Magnums. I try a sample or something, and so does she.
    9. cccxl. Strange place with friends; With random friends hijacking a family car; Karazhan and MC raids

      by , 12-31-2021 at 01:24 AM
      Some in-line bracketed notes.

      12th October 2021

      (First and third dreams, long and bordering on epic, as well as being vivid, to the point that I still have decent visual recall of the last one even now)


      I'm outside somewhere. There's a post-apocalypse sense. It's daytime and sunny and I'm atop a mountain of sorts. There's a crashed jet that has been here a while by the looks of it. I am descending the mountain carefully. The path I need to take isn't clear. Something about O and K (H's friends) and this feeling like a survival game. They have a base together somewhere in a cliff-side and I feel they are trying too hard at efficiency. At some point at the base of the mountain, there are undead and I fight them in first-person with a knife of some sort. H helps me in some way. This area looks crypt-like, but ruined.

      (The vastness of the game area makes me think of that area in Cybermancy that takes place on... Mars? But this feels more Earth-like environment-wise and stuff looks a bit unpolished)

      Later, night time in a village of some kind. There's an inn? Context seems more normal now though.


      Something about me and two other people, maybe siblings or friends. We hijack ourselves into someone's family car. We ask them forcibly to take us somewhere out of a city. It is daytime and sunny. The place we reach is some old and small fortification. It has rounded edges and is painted white but looks abandoned otherwise. The man in the car, the driver, vents his frustration about the situation at some point, and doesn't want to leave?

      Before we get out of the car, I give his wife a teal 25 euro note, as compensation for taxying us. I remember at first the notes felt just like one, but I realised they were more just stiffly rolled together. I was going to give her a yellow 20 euro note at first.

      Out of the car. There are some external stairs to the top. Inside, there's a plain room with a door that I know to be hidden behind a curtain of sorts. My companions go in there, but I don't. I go back out and up atop.


      I am in a place like Karazhan but even bigger. I think I tell H about it, do not recall reply. I'm with a 25-man group and HW is here I think. There's a boss that's accessible on an outdoor rampart. It's gloriously sunny and bright outside, almost over-exposed and white, but the boss is actually in a room past the end of this short-ish and curved rampart. The raid group is behind me in a hallway and someone has to go pull the boss, I say I will.

      I run in the darker flame-lit boss room and get in aggro range, then using evasion and sprint away back to the main raid group. I have cloak of shadows ready to use at any moment and I let the tank take the boss off me and the end of the hall room the raid is in. I start to deal damage, very slowly and cautiously, but nobody else does the same. I use feint regularly and the rest of the raid group starts attacking but even despite all my caution I am starting to gain too much threat. I vanish at least once to clear it off but quickly builds back up. I get targeted and end up dying.

      Somehow, in the end I still did the most damage and am revived after the fight. For some reason a few others also died but not from pulling aggro.

      My class seems to be a mix of a rogue and a paladin. When I am revived I buff with greater blessings as appropriate, which as always I find somewhat annoying to do. We go into the darker areas of this enormous alternate version of Karazhan. We walk for quite a while and go up ramps and such. At some point we come out at a bit that is like the interior of Blackrock Mountain but even more vast and a bit of a blend with some general areas of Molten Core. I realise I can mount at this point and quickly take a detour near some pouring magma bit, and take a quest there from an NPC I think.

      Then I rush back on a swift grey ram mount towards the next area's entrance. This is much more like MC now and the next boss is some kind of golem.
    10. 25 Nov: Find money in ATM, kidnapped by mafia guys and adopt a leopard

      by , 11-25-2021 at 10:28 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I need money, go to an ATM. It has a notice saying it is broken, but also has a bunch twenty euros bills sticking out, which I want to grab. I wonder if I'll be accused of stealing if it gets recorded on the ATM's camera, so I remove the notice and pretend I am trying to use the ATM, putting my card in and then I remove the money as I remove my card and hide the bills under the card, so it doesn't show on the video. Then other people passing by come to see if the machine is back to work, since they also need to use it and I explain it is not and that I was just trying it out. Then some bad looking guy comes by, asking if there was any money in it because he had been the last person using the machine and he suspected the machine may have spewed the money after he left. I say no, but he doesn't believe me, so he kidnaps me and I find myself arrested by some mafia guys. I try to escape and accidentally step into a room where the mob boss keeps a feline in a chain. It's his pet. Looks like a young leopard. My first instinct is to pet him but they warn me he'll attack. I watch the mob boss pet him. I later escape through the bathroom window.
      I am walking some fancy streets and recognize it is in Italy, maybe Rome. I myself am looking fancy. I reach a street full of tables from restaurants, with tourists eating. I fly over them and hear all kinds of comments of surprise from people.
      I am half-lucid and spot some roman ruins and decide to go sit on top of it watching the beautiful sunset. Then I fly over to some other ruins nearby and find the mob guy dead in there and the leopard on the lose. He already knows me, so he doesn't run away, but I wonder if he'll hurt me. I grab the chain that is laying on the floor and try to put in on his neck. He does attack me, but it feels like a big cat biting and scratching, not like a big feline who could rip my flesh. So I manage and I secure the chain and walk him around a bit. He submits to me and automatically allows me to pet him. The police arrives and bystanders start gathering. I ask the police what happens to the leopard and nobody knows or wants to deal with that responsibility, so they say I can keep him since he seems to like and obey me. I kinda like the idea but I wonder where I'll keep him because of all my cats and dogs at home.

      Updated 11-25-2021 at 10:44 PM by 34880

    11. cccxxxv. Gruul's lair raid with NPCs, Space stuff

      by , 10-13-2021 at 05:33 PM
      24th September 2021

      Left recall too late.


      I'm in Gruul's lair, it's mostly like in WoW but something seems more realistic in detail, characters maybe? Me and a raid group kill Gruul rather quickly. It's a 25 man group but oddly most of the characters aren't actual players? I remember talking to someone too.

      26th September 2021

      There were other dreams but recall was again left too late I think?


      One bit where I'm in space with an Avorion spaceship. I approach one of those concentric asteroid ring formations. Something later about dad talking to me about a mission or a bet which is worth sixty eight million. I am dismissive.


      - Maybe the realistic character details come from recently playing Conan Exiles.

      - It may have been that I was speaking to L in the Gruul's lair dream but I cannot recall. There seemed to be some kind of backwards logic to the raid progression.

      - I haven't actually been playing much in the way of space games.
    12. cccxxvi. Deuterium auxiliary geneator

      by , 10-02-2021 at 01:08 AM
      4th September 2021


      I'm with my family and my god mother's family. We're in some kind of hall, but it looks like a bigger version of my childhood bedroom, at least in layout. It also feels partly church-like. There's an on-going conversation about money, savings and debts. It's established that our family has less savings but also potentially much fewer debts to pay.

      Then some discussion just between me and my siblings. We head outside and it's sunny, low angle, maybe misty.

      (maybe earlier in the dream, disjointed) Some bit about needing the deuterium power cell to be replaced for the auxiliary power system of a flats building, maybe where aunt B lives. The deuterium radioisotope generators is in a small outbuilding that's fallen into disrepair, in the shadow of the apartment building. There's a presumably lead-lined window that gives a peek inside. There's a cyan-blue glow inside. I worry on some level about being exposed to radiation.

      (disjointed, part of a living dream memory of sorts) I'm at a place like a mall or the cinema in a mall, reminds me of the one near home. Black or very dark walls? Dark flooring. There's something about WoW. (the false memory feels like it's part of my teen years but being relived)

      Some other bit later on. A church place again? There's a coffin I think. Something about a corpse is important. I fight with someone, a frail-looking but kind of mad (insane) person?


      - Even almost twenty days after having first written this dream, my visual recall was notably better than I was expecting.

      - In the dream and on initial recall I didn't think of it, but the cyan-blue glow chamber with the radioisotope cell somehow now reminds me of that dream I had with the lizard and the blue energy core. Very similar glow. Additionally, this small chamber was notably much darker than it should have been.

      - Most of the dream involved warm colours apart from that glow.
    13. ccci. Meeting at a church, Visiting an in-dream dream location, Living in a mall

      by , 07-11-2021 at 07:03 PM
      11th July 2021


      Transitioning from the TBC era to WLK era. T is there as his paladin at one point. There's something very Roman-esque about the setting? We need to complete some gold-payment quest to continue on into the city. There's a group of randoms with us, part of our party.


      In a place like L, by the pier area I think. There's a lot of commotion because of an upcoming football match. It's dark-ish, twilight-like, orange and purple hues in the sky? I want to take the subway to go somewhere, but first I got into this church. Many people are leaving an on-going service in the church but many still remain.

      Aunt G enters the church, I notice her and approach, getting her attention. She eventually recognises me and I tell her we should go somewhere together (to make up for lost time?) because I realise this place is actually quite crowded. I don't entirely feel safe, I think. Someone, an older lady but not as old as my aunt, she's putting up cordons and tells us we can't go in a certain area of the church. She had white hair, maybe tied back.

      The church is artificially lit, quite a warm light which contrasts with the twilight. Originally I wanted to move towards one of the areas that was cordoned off. We end up leaving the church and heading down a nearby subway entrance.

      (recall gap)

      We are next to a guy who's a pipe maker. I tell my aunt how many churches just can't afford new pipes, even though they'd benefit from them. The pipe maker gives us a statistic; only about five-hundred thousand out of one and a half million can afford such things. I realise and remark that it's only a third. I also remark that the distribution is going to be geographically unfair or disproportionate, too.

      (after writing these two, I got up and had thoughts about WBTB as I got back in bed)


      Visiting a church with H. In the dream, I had a dream where I'd visited this church and it was sort of empty. So, when we're there together, I already know the layout. During the dream, this made me vaguely think of "vision quest" dreaming and that sort of thing (no doubt related to reading Dreamgates before bed). The church has an odd layout, the rooms are laid in an inwards spiralling fashion. One of the back rooms we go through is tiled and looks a bit industrial.

      It has four big cylindrical tanks, all white. They're about twice and a half our height. I understand them to be part of some boiler system. A man, possibly the warden, is showing us around the church, some kind of introduction.

      Before this, me and H are outside. We just got out of the van. It's dark? I don't remember the grounds too well but there are tall trees and low dry-stone walls. H shows me something about a painting, which resides out here, on the external church walls. The painting is very big, mostly vertical. It's about one yard wide by four yards tall.

      The painting itself is kind of sepia in tones. It has a sketch-like look. At first I just see some eyes at the top, like part of an incomplete portrait, but as I move it around (because I'm moving it to hang it on another wall), the image changes. On some level, this makes me think of those "holo" images.


      At a mall place with H. We live in a flat inside the mall, accessible via an escalator through a store, it's either a clothing or jewellery store. Some people I know from school are here, there's some interaction. Rest of recall is gone.

      - We went today somewhere that took us the same road that we can take when we went to see a pipe maker. This was recently, so I wonder if that dream theme was influenced by this.

      - The TBC->WLK dream theme probably came from a nostalgia of the actual WLK period and from having some interest in its classic revival. On the other hand, I have little or no interest in paying to play the game, especially since there's very little social motivation for me to do so. The last time I went on, the atmosphere was more "toxic" than I recalled, something I found hugely disappointed, making me feel like some people just never grow up. Perhaps when I played many years ago, I was just that much younger that I didn't think much of it/just ignored it or maybe it wasn't that far removed from daily life, but now it would just bother me.
      -- I still find WoW dream themes to be fairly enjoyable, since they do tend to focus on the sense of adventure, combat or exploration, which were feelings that were much more present in me when I was younger. I haven't felt a genuine sense of wonder about anything at all for many years.

      - In the area where I used to live, the mall has flats over it. Although the mall in the dream had a more "airport-shops" feel to it, the rest of the associations seemed fairly close to memory of home.
    14. Finding my cat and makeshift RTG | [10.07.2021]

      by , 07-10-2021 at 05:01 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      RTG = Radioisotope thermoelectric generator

      Finding my cat
      I am looking at some sort of website where we can apparently get a large list of benefits if we register, including ~350€. And apparently, they are saving cats they found alone outside by giving them away to new owners. I am afraid of that because one of my cats is roaming around outside after they ran away, but she always sticks to a certain area around my house, which means I can easily find her. But then I am not sure if she got taken away by that organization. Later, I find her in a bush and one of those people from the organization is wondering what I am doing, or maybe I just thought that they did, but I explain that this is my cat. Later, I think that it might have not been mine and that the cat just looked like mine. But I tell my mother anyway, and I ask if we should carry her home to save her or if we should use one of those portable cat cage-like things. She says we should use the latter.

      Makeshift RTG
      I am putting the last piece into my makeshift RTG: the radioactive material. It's this large pellet; it resembles ~2kg of plutonium, but in the dream, it's apparently not plutonium and I am having problems finding the name of it on the periodic table. I think it begins with W. Later, I show it to some friends on Discord, and when I return to it, the walls and ceiling of the space where the pellet is in are red hot, which is apparently according to how it's supposed to work. I feel around about 30cm above the ceiling of the little chamber in the middle, in which the pellet is sitting, and I feel the extreme heat of the chamber, even on my torso. I am also a bit worried that some of the heat I feel might be caused by radioactive particles hitting me.

      I have made a drawing of the makeshift RTG and also got the picture that the dream got inspired from:
      Your favourite things-dream_rtg.jpg
      Your favourite things-dream_rtg_open.jpg

      Picture of plutonium pellet
      Your favourite things-750px-plutonium-238_pellet.jpg
    15. Dad taking sister's money?

      by , 06-21-2021 at 04:42 AM
      The other night I had a dream. I was in my house's big bathroom which is almost oppiste of my Dad's bedroom (Mom sleeps elsewhere). The parents were both in the room, and they're literally counting coins (toonies, loonies, quarters, dimes and nickles). Some reason, one of our cordless phones were in the bathroom (I'm going to guess Dad left it there after talking with one of his friends). Someone calls and I answered it and then I get Mom. When Mom is talking on the phone in the bathroom, I see Dad taking all the coins and putting it in his pocket. Mom gets done on the phone and I said Dad took the money. We both go into the room and Mom says to Dad "You took (sister's money) let's hope you don't take her booze bottle as well" dream ends
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