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    1. Moving around my house

      by , 10-17-2014 at 09:18 AM
      I'm in the kitchen, I'm going up to the living room, I see a broken plastic on the floor and everything is somewhat messy, I think that a stranger entered the house, I start to feel afraid, then I realize I'm lying on the floor face down, slowly rotate my body to try to put me face up, I realize that I can not move me, I have fear ...
      Tags: fear, home
      non-lucid , nightmare
    2. WBTB and couldn't get to sleep right away but it was worth it! (LD #12)

      by , 10-17-2014 at 04:06 AM (Sharpshoey's Lucid Journey)
      Before: I set my alarm for 3:30. When I wake, I remember 0 dreams. I stay up for a little too long and when I MILD, I can't sleep. I fall asleep an hour and a half later.

      Dream 1
      I have a dream about Cross Country where I have a race at my high school inside. I think that is weird because all our races are outside and it isn't supposed to be at my high school. I join the race right before it starts and everyone seems to be messing around. People are running backwards and doing crap but I still can't seem to catch up with the kids. I finally pass everyone and I'm in first. I keep running and I seem to take a wrong turn and am back at the starting line. I ask the dude if I can join the next race and he keeps saying it already started. I go to the basketball floor and look at the track above, which is a lot more expanded than IWL. I see Z on my team winning, and my friend W is right behind him. J is in a pack of kids and keeps sprinting, then jogging really slow. His strategy was working somehow. I am then in the library and my friend JD is there along with a bunch of other kids. He is a really good kid IWL and never gets into trouble but in this dream, he kept on getting told off for misunderstandings. I was telling everybody that I hadn't gotten enough sleep the night before, so that's why I did bad. (I couldn't fall asleep after doing a WBTB) JD goes over to a couch where his sister and her friends are and he hugs her. Her friends all join around and the librarian calls our XC Coach thinking JD is hugging random chicks. I say that she is his sister and the sister says that also but the librarian says that JD has gotten into enough trouble already so he deserves to be punished. The coach comes in and takes JD out. He has a tough time suppressing his tears and he says "one minute" to a random older kid. (He wouldn't of cried IWL. He isn't a baby) Everyone says "ooooohhhhh" and laughs a little. I leave the library and am in my cousin's house. I go into his computer room and lay down trying to sleep because I'm tired. I then think there is an evil in the house so I quickly leave and am back at the library. No one else is there so I decide its time for me to leave. I pack up some stuff and hope a car is outside so I an cover ground quicker.

      I wake up and am disappointing I didn't have an LD because if I'd had an LD at least it would be worth not being able to fall asleep right away.

      Dream 2
      I am leaving my garage and open my car door. I realize I'm dreaming. I sit down in my car seat and wonder if I'm actually not dreaming because everything seems pretty real. I do a nose plug RC to check and it works. I turn on the car and it turns on like it does IWL. I remember my goal to find my Dream Guide to teach me how to LD more and to teach me how to fly. (I'm going to use him/her to help me learn most things I can do in dreams) I start driving and my neighbor stops by me, so I stop too. He has one of my brother's friends with him. I get out of my car because they do and they have these large things used to chop tree branches. My neighbor throws it at me but I dodge it. I am kind of scared. There is a car between us. MY brother's friends throws his and I dodge that too. I pick one up and throw it bak and it hits my bros friend right in the chest. He looks surprised. My neighbor somehow has another one and I barely dodge it and it skims my head. That continued for a little bit and then I woke up.

      Dream 3
      I was at a basketball game and my (dad?) was trying to get me. I was sitting in some bleachers with friends. Then we are at a hotel and I go into another room with someone and our two companions are in the other room. We are on a quest, and my companions are like form Lord of the Rings. When we start heading back to the room, I somehow know they will be gone. We see that the room is crystallized with ice and they are indeed gone. There is a dark cabinet in the corner of the room now, and I know that that's the cause of their disappearance. I already for some reason know what it is before my companion explains it and says its bad news.
    3. Police Department to Living Room DA + DILD

      by , 10-17-2014 at 03:39 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I was at a cafeteria that I was unfamiliar with. As I sat down at a table and stare at my food I was approach by my head captain for the special investigation unit. He told me hello and how was I doing. I responded to him by saying I usually never answer back to a response that ask how am I. He ask why and I told him it's because I don't think the person really gives a damn whether how you're feeling or not. It's just way for an approach. The girl at my table stare at me and made a clear face that she didn't want me to keep talking because I was not only ruining her conversation but was making things awkward. My head captain then said he does not agree with what I said. I look at him and said what's your reason for disagreeing with what I implied? The girl at the table decided to take some of my ice in the cup of water I had in hopes that it would make me leave the table. My head captain ignores my question and gets up from the table and leaves. About a minute after I decide to go. I'm walking and finally found the police department and waited for my badge. I sit down and just thought of a lot of things that did not make sense in till the lady working called me and gave me my badge. I then enter the other half of the city and watch the other officers yapping or fake aiming with their guns outside. I for some reason was in different attire. I was wearing work out clothes but the more embarrassing tight and short kind. That's when my head captain approach me again and ask me how was I liking the police department and being a detective? I told him it was nice and that apart of me always felt like I belong here. He then ask me for a round of gulf. I agree and got up. The gulf however was a feather. I try to place it right but it keep falling off. That's when I tried to improvised by using a knife to place on it instead the object flew to my captain and slice apart of his finger. My head captain and I tried to the blade but with no luck. There was dabs of his blood covering parts of the road which confuse my eyes to track the blade. That's when I step on the knife which cut my foot. I told the head captain I recover the knife however I also got hurt which made me ask him if I could wash my foot? He allows this while I went back to the building. But instead of the police department I was in the living room.

      I began walking as I see unfamiliar people. I then proceeded in going to the kitchen and notice the trash bin was directly place in the middle with the whole are clean out. The trash bin was much larger than usual. I realize one of my other lucid dreams have done this so I knew I was dreaming and analyze that it was night. I wasn't interested this time and decide to lose lucidity. I then enter the restroom and wash my hands and stare at myself in the mirror. My face was correct but my hair style was different. It was very vivid so I left the restroom and open the front door as I begin to hear my grandmother complaining at me. I walk as it is still dark and failed to notice my father in the car. I get in the car and ask my father if he grab all on my tools? He responds with yes and I woke up. Lucidity Time: 6 seconds.
      lucid , non-lucid
    4. Failed Drug Development

      by , 10-17-2014 at 12:46 AM
      Non-Dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      I am jogging in my old neighborhood on Capitancillos Rd. There is somebody else jogging close to me and we start to compete with each other. I am amazed at how easy it is for me to run long distance at very high speeds. This other person keeps catching up to me and then falls back. After a few rounds of this he fall back again and then I get hit hard in the back by something and fall to the ground. It turns out that this other person had caught up to me again but this time purposely crashed into my back. I finally catch a glimpse of his face and it is CH, someone I mildly picked on when I was a kid. He tells me that because of what I did to him he is going to make it so the drug I am developing at a major pharmaceutical company will fail. I'm not sure how he does it but he actually pulls it off. This upsets me to the point of crying to my wife - this drug was to be the next big blockbuster and make the company billions.

      I "wake up" and frantically write this dream into my notebook in great detail. Then I wake up for real. These false awakenings where I am writing in my dream journal are very common for me. In the past I would always do the plug your nose and try to breath trick as I wrote in my journal which allowed me to gain lucidity. I will have to remember to do this in the future.

      Dream 2:

      I am in a department store buying clothes. At checkout I tell the cashier that I would like to pay for the stranger's clothes behind me, thinking that I would do some random act of kindness. It turns out that the clothes added up to thousands of dollars. The cashier asked me for a deposit of 10%, or $400. The person that I was buying clothes for left so I wasn't sure what to do. My brother is also in the store and he is incredibly tall.

      The night before I did something similar in real life by purchasing Del Taco for a random person behind me in the drive through. It wasn't quite $4000 though!

      Dream 3:

      I am having lunch at a cafeteria with my friend KC. I go to the counter to order some kind of drink for her. When I bring it back to her she makes fun of me and says something like "who gets fruit punch flavored drinks these days?" She is also being very loud and embarrassing.
    5. I'm back... probably :)

      by , 10-17-2014 at 12:01 AM (My Lucid Dreams)
      So I haven't posted here for a while... I did have a few interesting LDs but I'm too lazy to write 'em down... but now I'm feeling like getting more serious about lucid dreaming (I have a few goals in mind).
      Also it's been over three weeks since my last good lucid dream. So yeah.

      I'm feeling as though this new "arc" of my lucid dreaming journey (lol) is going to be a lot more focused towards exploring the dreamworld, and experimenting the way they effect the real world (and the other way around). I'm thinking about improving muscle memory from dreams (makes sense if you think about it), and using symbolism to improve my character in general (by fighting impersonalizations of some aspects of my subconscious... because it's not fun otherwise )

      So I'll begin with this:

      Last night I had a dream in which I was doing parkour and calisthenics with some friends; I was doing some muscle ups, which I eventually became noticeably good at (slow, smooth...). The rest of the dream isn't important (or interesting ).

      AND TODAY I went to my weigh training class at school (I know, there's a friggin' weigh training class at my school 0_o) and I decided to try a few muscle ups again.
      Now usually, I bring one arm up slightly before the other (not struggling in the bar for 5-10 minutes either, but you know, not a perfect form).
      BUT THIS TIME, I was able to actually do them both arms at them same time, without kicking or whatever, several times (like 6 good form, and then it got less good).

      So that's it. Also I'm obviously not saying that I gained muscle in my sleep, but rather that I developed a better muscle memory and technique.
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