• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. Futuristic Hovercraft Scooter Racing LD

      by , 02-14-2014 at 11:53 PM
      This is my first DJ entry on dreamviews.. a pretty awesome dream from last night!

      I have been setting my dream intentions before bed for the past 2 weeks to go hoverboarding on the moon, or to travel through space, so this dream kind of incorporated both of these into something different.

      I was in some futuristic town which I think might have been levitating in the sky. It may have been on another planet. I knew that some race was going on using these open-top futuristic hover board type platforms that you stand facing forwards on, and had a handle like a push scooter that you used to steer them. My brother was going to be competing, and before the race was starting since it was a few hours before, I got the idea that I really wanted to test out his craft.

      I walk out to some beautiful porch type area which is several hundred feet in the air, and at the edge of the town, with stone or granite floors and flower beds on the raised areas, pretty tropical trees and plants every few feet, with a little roof extension over the dropoff. Everything was extremely vivid. There was a clear blue sky, and I could see clouds below me and a beautiful landscape beneath. It looked alot like an altered version of the porch you have in your room on Phantasy Star Online 2, a futuristic Japanese MMORPG. Next to the porch was an area with the levitating vehicle where you could step right into the vehicle and about 150 feet ahead, head into the racing tunnel. During that 150 feet, you are flying above the huge drop down to the planet below! I think I had 2 tickets in my hand, which must have been for the race or to be able to take a ride on the vehicle. I stepped onto the hovercraft and turned it on. I believe I became somewhat lucid at this point because I felt I had control over my actions. I started to move forwards, and as I left the area to step onto the craft, I looked back and saw a beautiful girl running up to the edge to join me.. I looked down at my hand and saw the two tickets and knew that I had got the other one for her. I had already left though and it was like it was too late to turn back.. there were no brakes or reverse that I could find..

      I continued forward looking back at her and was upset that she wasn't able to join me.. As I made it to the entrance of the tunnel though, I felt excitement and adrenaline take over though! I began speeding through the tunnel which had turns, cool multicolored lights, a center barrier with exotic plants in it, and the occasional space in the middle to be able to turn around into the other lane. The lane on the other side was for the way back, like the returning lane during the race after you had made it to the other end of the tunnel. I looked down on the craft and found that there was a turbo mechanism you could turn on and it would give you a temporary boost in speed! It was like being in a futuristic racing video game first person! When I turned the boost on, the craft hurdled forwards much faster, and as I stood back up I saw that also in the racing lane, there were boost pads on the ground placed periodically as well. I wasn't sure whether these recharged your boost or gave you a temporary boost of speed as well, but when I passed over one, I got another huge boost in speed! It was a little bit scary since it was my first time driving this craft and wasn't exactly sure how to handle it perfectly, but was exhilarating none the less! I looked ahead on the track and saw that there was a circular red raised pad on the ground, kind of like in Sonic, which launches you in the air! I got scared that I would lose control if I went over one of these since it would launch me in the air, but as I neared closer, I got the urge to try anyways! Right before hitting the red launcher, I leaned back to brace myself and try to keep the craft upright in the air. As I hit it, it launched me about 10 meters (30ft) or more in the air! It kind of threw the craft around a little bit, but I was able to keep control, but as soon as I came back to the ground and gained control, I saw that immediately after the first one was a second!! I immediately hit the second one and again launched wayyy up into the air! It was awesome! As I landed again, I had a lot of speed. I believe I activated the turbo one more time afterwards, and went around a few curves on the track.

      Once I had flown through a little more of the track I realized it might be a good idea to turn around and go back, and had a feeling that I had either already gone too far or that I shouldn't even be in there and was going to be in trouble for driving there. I searched for brakes, but realized that I either couldn't find them, or that the craft didn't even have brakes to slow down! When I realized this, I came up with the idea to just bust a hard left through one of the openings in the center barrier, and to turn back onto the oncoming track. I went for it, and leaned all of my weight to the left, and had to actually take my left foot off and put it down on the ground and do a sliding left turn with my foot on the ground kind of like on a scooter or motorcycle ha! I was able to maneuver it and do the 180 turn back onto the oncoming track.

      I began heading this way back towards the beginning to take the craft back to where I got it from. After only driving this direction for about 30 seconds to a minute, I saw some people come onto the track on foot and block the area where I was headed. I began to panic and knew that I was in trouble and that they were trying to get me to stop. As I neared closer, I felt that I needed to try and get around them. I got closer, and slowed the craft down to make them think I was coming to a stop. When I was about 10 feet away, I went to the left, and swerved around the person trying to get me to stop. It took a moment to build speed back up and I was worried that even on foot they might be right behind me chasing after me and about to hop on the back of the craft to stop me! I was panicking and couldn't even look back and just gave it my all to try and speed ahead away from them. I saw another person in the distance preparing to do the same as the others, so again, I did the same thing as before! I was able to get past them as well, barely, and continued down the path.

      My heart was pounding and adrenaline pumping, and believe I woke up at this point because I can't remember whether I made it back or not, but had plans in the dream in that point to make it back to the girl. It was a really exciting and fun dream, and somewhat what I've been telling myself I'd like to dream about before bed. The dream intention I've been setting though has been to ride a hoverboard on the moon and to travel through outerspace.. so I don't know if this was my subconscious interpretation of this but it was awesome nonetheless! Hope you enjoyed the read!
      Attachment 6558

      Updated 02-15-2014 at 12:01 AM by 67930

    2. Mrs. Waterloo, and Prison

      by , 02-14-2014 at 06:57 PM
      The dream starts out as I am walking up to a woman named Mrs. Waterloo and an unknown male. I quickly learn that Mrs. Waterloo is my mother, we have a conversation which I can not recall. Quickly the scene changes to me and some unknown guy inside of some corporate building with multiple wishing wells. My partner decides to rob the wishing wells while I continue to tell him no. We end up inside some sort of church chapel as I am talking to some of the ladies. Finally I wake up. I then fall asleep soon after and yet again I encounter Mrs. Waterloo and her unknown friend. The incomprehensible conversation commences and I am yet again transported to the corporate building with the wishing wells only this time I am the one stealing from them, and I have a novelty backpack of some sort. The scene switches to the security room of the building and they are talking about a robber robbing the wishing wells. I then switch back to my point of view and I start running because I know I have been caught. I decide to hide behind a wall which is when I do my first reality check. I look at my hands and they start to double. I think to myself I must be dreaming so I bite my lip for a second reality check and sure enough I cannot feel the pain. I then say out loud "increase vividness" and the dream gets a little clearer. This is when I decide to jump out and face my pursuers. One of them has a gun on me and he tells me to stop, I tell him that he should just put his gun down, but he wouldn't listen to me which confused me, because I'm used to being able to somewhat control my lucids, however I couldn't control this one at all. I decided to run, after which I finally get caught and they decide to taze me. The scene then switches to me getting processed into prison. I reality check once again to make sure I am still dreaming and I was. The guard then leaves the room and allows me to change into my prison clothes. As I am doing so I look into the mirror but everything looks fine, I look away and look back again and let out a big laugh as my face has changed into something funny. I continue to look away and look back and each time my face changes into something else. After a few more double takes I wake up again. But again I fall asleep shortly after. Oh hello again Mrs. Waterloo... This time I immediately do my reality check and sure enough I am dreaming still. I proceed to walk up and slap Mrs. Waterloo in the face multiple times. She runs away and I start to chase her. As she is running away screaming for my "dad" I'm chasing after her saying "come back here" Finally she opens a door and slams it in my face. I knock on the door really hard and then turn and walk through a different door and that is when I wake up and cannot fall back asleep.
    3. Whisper in my ear

      by , 02-14-2014 at 06:56 PM
      Last night i was in bed not really tired but closing my eyes and it was about 4 in the morning.. i felt something start crawling on my bed walking slowly to me and i thought it was my cat but remembered she was outside. The thing then got behind me and in a very loud whisper it said "simone" in a very dark voice, i could tell it was a man but didnt sound so human..my name is yesenia, why would it whisper a name ive never known anyone with that name, anyone know what this is?

      Updated 02-14-2014 at 06:59 PM by 67939

    4. Rolling WILD

      by , 02-14-2014 at 06:40 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      I am in bed (unusual because I sleep on the floor with a foam pad) and feel like I'm about to enter a dream. My whole body starts rocking on its own, a lot of rotation. Buzzing calm sensation in my head. I fall off the bed due to the rocking, climb back in, and have bits of dreams appear to me, I feel them and see them. Dreams within the dream. In the bits of dreams, I know I'm dreaming, having just entered into them, but being so brief, don't do much with it.
    5. Flying

      by , 02-14-2014 at 06:37 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      I didn't remember this dream at all, not one bit, until I reviewed 5 other dreams in my mind twice, then it jumped out at me!

      Walking down the street at night, I start to jump. I can jump really high. Feels dangerous because of the height I then fall back to the pavement. Before I hit the ground on my butt, I stop time. I car in the other lane is frozen, and everything is still for a moment.
      "This is usually not possible, I must be dreaming!" I think to myself. I then jump higher and higher, remembering my room mate who says he has dreams like that. Less afraid because I am pretty sure I am dreaming.
      Deciding I am in fact dreaming, I notice two other people flying nearby and we all fly straight upwards. They tell me not to fly too far or fast just yet, and to really feel my surroundings to stabilize the dream. I return down to the ground, and fly 5 ft over it superman style. Then I let my toes drag on the pavement and feel the roughness of it. I also notice the warm breeze that feels very comfortable.
      The dream area seems quite small. I see a carnival nearby with a lot of lights. Wanting to fly a lot more, I create an unending carnival of lights to focus my attention on as I zoom around.
    6. Missing!

      by , 02-14-2014 at 02:27 PM (Welcome to my dreams!)

      1. [Non-Lucid]

      We seem to be investigating the disappearance of a child, we are looking around his room and we find behind the cupboard a buzz light-year toy that is broken, the packaging is still with it and we notice a white peg glued on the back, we then assume the child got given the toy by some stranger who then followed him home, then abducted him in the night.

      I'm in my living room and were talking about the missing child, hes has been missing for a while, a woman standing across from me in an angry voice kinda shouting says "How is a child suppose to live this long in this weather" (Tornado force winds that are pounding the country at the moment).

      I now appear to be in a BMW of some sort, (there's some voice talking about these really old sweets coming from nowhere) I now have a bag of these old sweets so I grab 1 and I examine it, its multi-colored like tutti-frutti I guess, its rectangular and looks faded. They all look pretty similar, my mum is in the car with me and says "lets try one" so she bites one in half and I say "don't eat it all, I wanna try it" so she gives me the other half and then she goes to find a toilet.

      While shes gone I think about and imagine driving the car around to have some fun but I have no license and mum would probably be angry at me, also maybe I would get arrested.

      2. [Non-Lucid]

      Something about my Auntie


      Possible dream signs:
      Mum, Buzz Light-year, Auntie

      Updated 02-14-2014 at 04:08 PM by 63320

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    7. Family conflicts

      by , 02-14-2014 at 02:22 PM
      I was in a Wendy's with my mom and dad and we were getting food. I was sitting by myself at a table and the strangers in the other tables were asking me what I was ordering. I told them I only ever get one item on the menu which was a burger I think it had bacon and cheese on it too. These other people were telling me I needed to try other things and I was adamant that I did not want to. I didn't even like what I was ordering but it seemed like it was the "best of a bad bunch" so to speak and I kept imagining chicken nuggets and I thought it was disgusting.

      We went to go shopping but we were at my dad's job. He worked in construction but he had an office in a building too. And my mom wanted to buy him boots that were high cause he ruined his other ones. She was so furious at him for really no reason. My dad put in these tan coloured boots with fur at the top. He was completely oblivious that mother was mad at him. She tried to make it obvious by giving him the cold shoulder but he didn't care and just talked to a coworker.

      Me and my mom drove home but really it was just a public swimming pool. I felt the water and it was he perfect temperature so I jumped in. My parents also were swimming and it was fun. I popped my head out of the water and my dad took a picture of my face I told him a didn't want him to do that. Then I was mad because he brought that picture to his job and his co-workers saw it. I wrote a whole letter of how I did not want him to do that and just a bunch of nonsensical stuff really. Then I looked at the photo and the picture wasn't even of me but of some woman I have never seen before she was mixed between black and white. Anyways I then didn't care about the whole situation. I continued to swim and I was practicing my cartwheels and round offs.
    8. 00:00 Friday 2014-02-14

      by , 02-14-2014 at 02:21 PM
      bedtime 02:00 very very late, bedtime may have played a role in a sort-of cycle-adjustment-technique since I was in solid REM at the time of the morning when I've been recently waking up allowing me to get lucid. After lucid took me a long hour or more to get back to bed but felt like I had another lucid in me, so I summoned my discipline and emptied my mind and I was almost right (last dream). After both the lucid and the almost lucid waking I held my position and felt like I almost DEILDed back in but didn't make it.

      Nice night, great recall, fun dreams, way to break the dry spell!

      1) (lucid) walking around in a big house, saw a guy I don't see any more who didn't belong there, got lucid, flew [first lucid flight!] from the 2nd floor down to the first floor superman style doing a barrel roll and whooping, lost lucidity and encountered a bossy boy who was telling me how to fly and who could fly himself which surprised me

      2) in a company cafeteria, I'm happy that I returned to that company, it was terrible working at (other company), my friends call me over saying they have deli food, there are lots of things to eat like huge pieces of pizza packed with pepperoni and cheese hanging way down over the plate, I take a piece and think I should have taken more.

      3) outside among suburban houses, watching an older middle-aged couple sliding down a roof across the street, I point this out to my friend and say "this will be a train wreck", the man makes it down, then the woman, I run back to our stuff thinking they might steal it, and they've pulled a prank on us rearranging all the lids of our containers and generally moving things around

      4) walking by a big chalkboard where I want to (do something?) knocking into a person nearby, I think they're going to put on a clown show for some kids instead

      6) see an old colleague and think we should go play tennis

      7) walking through house empty of furniture I see carpet stains, I think I could make out with the woman who lives there, and also have an encounter with her daughter.

      8) flying/gliding very high over city lights far below from hills far above, I have a beautiful view of the city below, I realize before I go too far that if I glide down to the city then I will have left my truck behind in the hills, I pull a big wide U-turn and fly back to find my truck.

      9) Outside somewhere, someone says to go to "McGruber's cabin", I climb up by an old wooden cabin up a hill, squeeze through a fence, and enter, it's like a clubhouse, people are everywhere, they're carrying plates of sausages.

      10) approaching a mansion, I replay this a few times like a game, first time there are too many dogs in the way, second time I encounter just one dog who wants to chase a tennis ball on the ground, I try to enter the house through the garage door, there's a ragged hole in the garage door to the left, I push my way through, the first time I enter no one is there, second time the woman owner is taking care of her mother in a chair, I walk past them pretending like I belong, see out to the back yard, there's a party going on, I go there, find a group of 3 cute girls, suggest they should "pay me some attention," (not my exact words, they look shocked, heh), when they're reticent, I use lucid-like DC "mind control" saying "you WANT this", when one is coming closer I wake up in an adrenaline rush. Almost lucid, I had to think for a while if I was lucid or not after waking.
      lucid , memorable
    9. Lucid dream #79: Basic TOTM

      by , 02-14-2014 at 11:38 AM (Lucid Time!)
      I am dropped into some neighborhood area, and am already lucid. I instantly figure that I am dreaming. But just to be sure I do a really long nose pinch RC to confirm it. I then proceed to lay down some stabilization techniques such as shouting "increase clarity", "max clarity" and rubbing my hands together. As I stabilize the dream some more it becomes my own neighborhood rather than some random neighborhood.
      I begin walking north along the eastern side of my sub. As I do, I notice that I feel somewhat weighted down, like I am wearing heavy clothing. I noticed that the dream world still feels rather muffled and separate, and I want to feel it more. I look and see that I am wearing headphones. I throw those off my head and drop them on the sidewalk.
      I am also wearing a black hoodie. I take that off to reveal that I am wearing a white T-Shirt underneath. I took my phone and wallet out of my pocket and dropped them onto the ground.
      I recalled the TOTM, or the one I had set my sights on, to ask a dream character who my soulmate was. I thought about manifesting one of my persistent dream characters, as they may offer the most interesting response. I tried to manifest them by turning around and having them appear. Nopes.
      I decide to try and see if there are any dream characters and K's house. It's quite a ways away and I don't want to waste precious dream time, so I terraskate most of the way there. I also took note that my house was next to K's house. I thought about going in there instead, but stuck to my plan of going to K's house.
      I stopped terraskating and walked up to their house. They had a black metal bench in their frontyard that I ran my hand across as I walked past to stabilize the dream some more. I was amazed at how real the bench felt.
      I opened the door and K's mom was there, and here's the funny part, K was like seven or eight years old, and there was a clone of me, like seven or eight years old and the two were playing together, like when I had first met K. I interrupted the play and asked the younger K how old she was. She said that she was two. (lol)
      I went out on the back porch with K's mom. I was going to ask her the question on my mind. I recalled it agian and had it ready. Their back porch was rather weird, they had a large wooden roof over it (not there in RL). K's mom was barbecuing something.
      So I asked her.
      "Who do you think my soulmate is?"
      "I don't know what a soulmate is. Would you like to hear some interesting things about brain research and memory. I can explain to you why I don't know."
      Not a very concise answer. I thought about leaving and asking another dream character. But at that moment, something exploded, and the wooden roof fell down on top of me "killing" me and ending the dream.

      I want to try this again with a persistent dream character.
    10. UFO at McDonald's (sequel to "My brother-in-law's plan")

      by , 02-14-2014 at 08:14 AM
      Morning of February 14, (Valentine’s Day) 2014. Friday. (There were at least four versions within a closer time period).

      I can say with personal certainty that (for myself, that is), relating to my last dream, seeing a crib being dismantled is an indication of actual death in real life (precognitive symbol - possibly also a confirmation symbol for others as well). This is based on several similar dreams over a lifetime - each time I also felt that the “crib should be mine” (“because of my children” - the first time being before I even had children in real life) but did not say anything in my dream. I did not check any “dream dictionaries” if this meaning dominates - but it seems fairly obvious assuming they even have “dismantling a crib” - then again, most “dream dictionaries” are based on indirect fabricated divination aspects rather than obvious logic in many cases and many of these scam artists do not accept precognition (the main guiding force behind dreams) due to wanting to promote “dream dictionaries” and “interpreters” and such, but I digress.

      In this last case, it was a white wooden crib with a sunflower symbol (decal) on the upper part behind the headboard. Sunflowers have something to do with people “becoming angels” which first seemed to occur around age thirteen I think - directly relating to the movie “The Other” (1972) and my recurring associations, as I saw the movie often enough that it is fixed in my memory.

      Now onto this dream (again, a direct follow-up to “My brother-in-law’s plan” which also had a mention of McDonald’s - a bit odd, I think). It is one of those dreams that repeats about four or five times through at least two stages of near-waking as if in some sort of continuity of “practice modes” - this is why it is sometimes difficult to write the “dream” in a linear fashion, as the majority of the more significant dreams I have had repeat a few times in one night with only minor variations or even many times over a ten year period (sometimes a dream that is very clearly and precisely a “follow-up” dream occurs years after the first). In this case, I seemed less ill-at-ease each time the UFO (classic alien flying saucer) hummed overhead or when the vacuum cleaner came in (though in the first few versions, no buildings were destroyed as in the final version). In the last version, there was the sound of glass shattering and it just went to another building. This was the most vivid sound and most vivid part of my dream. I am somehow aware that the flying glass shards are somewhat kidney-shaped (though it was the liver in reality - the kidneys came secondly, I think, based on some details I learned of today).

      I am with several other (unknown) people at a McDonald’s restaurant in La Crosse. However, for some strange reason, I am also aware we are near the Nundah Library in Brisbane in Australia (which I have not been to in years, either) at 1 Bage Street. I try to calm the other people, at least four women and three men dressed formally (as if working in cubicles in a business environment) but they duck down and scream a few times.

      A robotic vacuum cleaner comes in, but it has gone haywire and is spinning all over the place and almost succeeding in going up the wall, but not quite (falling backwards but managing to land on sections of wheels just enough to get it moving again). It is not that threatening. However, as vacuum cleaners “suck up dust”, it may be another precognitive play on “ashes to ashes, dust to dust”. (It could also be some sort of oddball play on my childhood pachydermophobia as the grayish vacuum hose reminds me of an elephant’s trunk.)

      Eventually, after the UFO seems to suck up debris or something from a nearby building, it goes off to wherever its destination is. Again, the versions are only slightly different. In one, the vacuum cleaner seems more “intent” and not as dysfunctional as later versions.

      I always had a very strange feeling that my older sister Marilyn would pass away on Valentine’s Day (the same day as my father had in 1979). However, it was the 13th. It was only the 14th here (in Australia) at the time. I had hoped she would live another year at least - but then pain would probably dominate and decrease the quality of life.

      This dream is along the same lines as two other dreams that foreshadowed the death of relatives (two of my brothers). In one case, brother Earl flew off in a UFO he had built and in another dream both Earl and Jim had been lifted in a beam of light from two different closer locations in La Crosse (in these cases, there was even less knowledge of their state of health being so problematic). This imagery and recurring association seems closely based on the movie “The Frighteners” - which is a Michael J. Fox film, who I also had precognitive dreams about relating to his illness (in exact detail) long before he made it public. For some reason he is one of the only celebrities in dreams I have ever felt close to as a “friend”. (The movie, though, had nothing to do with UFOs, just the beam of light coming down for souls at death.)

      Updated 09-05-2019 at 04:11 PM by 1390

    11. Fighting Ghosts [2/14/2014] (Non-lucid)

      by , 02-14-2014 at 07:12 AM
      Fighting Ghosts (Non-lucid)


      I was walking up a multistory building which I believe was some kind of movie theatre. It was extremely dark and there were random chairs standing/lying around which looked like they were right out of a movie theatre.
      The building had no roof, so the highest level was just a flat surface. There I had to fight 5 to 7 different ghosts one after another. One of them looked like the Banshee from the Left 4 Dead games.

      I did have a weapon but I don't remember what it was nor do I remember any details from the fights.
      After I killed those ghosts a part of the building began to allocate itself from the rest of it. A few rooms started floating in the air and started to act like one entity. Appearently this was my new enemy.
      After this fight was won as well I once again had to fight all the individual ghosts from before, only this time all at once. I lost this battle.

      Updated 02-14-2014 at 06:09 PM by 67919

    12. The Audio Recordings [2/14/2014] (Non-lucid)

      by , 02-14-2014 at 06:55 AM
      The Audio Recordings (Non-lucid)


      My friends Patrick, Louis and me were in a room that seemed very similar to Louis' IRL room. We were sitting on a bed. Next to the bed was a handrail because on the other side of it the ground was about 1 meter lower. Louis' brother Lukas was walking back and forth on that lower part of the room.
      Patrick, Louis and me were sitting in a circle having something laying in between us on the bed. I think it was Louis' smartphone with which we showed Patrick some audio recordings of Lukas' angry outburst
      (which Louis recorded some nights before and sent me via WhatsApp IRL). All 3 of us were desperately trying to hide our laughter to not let Lukas know what we are doing.
      Patrick who didn't know these recordings before asked about the context and I told him that I would tell him once Lukas leaves the room.

      Updated 02-14-2014 at 06:07 PM by 67919

    13. The Familiar Hotel [2/13/2014] (Non-lucid)

      by , 02-14-2014 at 06:41 AM
      The Familiar Hotel (Non-lucid)


      I was aimlessly driving around with my Renault Twingo (A car I own IRL). On my way I came across a hotel that seemed very familiar to me and I decided to check it out. I drove my car onto the parking site and entered the building through a glass door. At first I didn't see any person, but then a young woman hastily walked towards me, still buttoning up her shirt as if she just put it on a second ago. She greeted me by telling me, that this hotel isn't actually open yet and that I should come back in 10 or 20 minutes.
      I told her that I was here before, a long time ago and I just wanted to check the place out. A short conversation started in which we also flirted a bit.
      There is a huge chunk missing from my memory here.
      Much later I was on top of a giant waterslide in some sort of indoor swimming pool which probably belonged to the hotel. There was a good reason why I was there, but I forgot. I slid down with all my clothes on. I specifically remember worrying about my smartphone. I believe the woman from the reception was on the slide too.
      After that there was a clear reason why I felt like I should leave this place. So, soaking wet like I was I walked across the room and left the hotel the same way I entered it. I got in my car and drove off.

      I actually had absolutely forgotten about this dream until the next night when I was lying in bed trying to sleep and the memory suddenly hit me out of nowhere.
    14. February the 11th

      by , 02-14-2014 at 05:35 AM
      No lucidity.
      False Awakening.

      I awaken to find myself sleeping in my girlfriends bed, it is dark. The air is cold outside the covers. For just having awoken, I feel very alert. I feel my body tense up, something else is in the room.
      Here the dream becomes slightly third person, and I can see the nightstand beside our bed. Something is sitting on it, a small mass of dark tendrils. Only a second passes in this vision, I am now seeing through my own eyes again.
      The creature jumps from the nightstand to the back of my head. There it wraps its tendrils around my skull, my body is filled with a feeling much like sleep paralysis: A vibration, intense and encompassing. I cannot move.
      Here I awaken in our bed.

      Updated 02-18-2014 at 11:09 PM by 67821

    15. Entry #1: In the Beginning

      by , 02-14-2014 at 03:25 AM
      I first began to experiment with lucid dreaming after mentioning to a counselor that in almost all of my dreams I am with a boy. The same boy. My counselor was so intrigued that she explained the basics of how to achieve lucidity to me and two weeks later I was lucid. At the time I had paired my RCs with my watch, so that whenever I checked the time, I would be reminded to perform a RC and every time I performed an RC I checked my watch. When I was in my dream, I felt the need to check the time (because when you're robbing banks generally you have to move on a schedule). Looking at my watch, I suddenly had an inkling that there was something else I was supposed to remember. "What was it again?" I pondered. Then it came to me, "oh, that I'm dreaming." Then, BAM! It was like the whole world rippled and suddenly I found myself standing, lucid, in the middle of a ghost town tucked away in the desert. I could feel the heat of the sand heating the soles of my feet through my shoes. I lifted my face to the sky and held a hand up to block the sun from my eyes, relishing in the feel of it on my skin. It felt so real. I couldn't believe it. There was a gentle breeze, and then I remembered why it was I was here in the first place. Turning in a half circle, I located the boy about 30 feet away leaning against the railing on the deck of what I assumed used to be the general store. I walked over and up the steps, amazed at the creak of the wood beneath my feet, and rested my elbows on the railing next to him. It was quiet between us, but comfortable. Because that was how it'd always been. In my dreams, we never spoke to each other. Instead, we communicated with a sort of thought/emotion transfer where, whatever he felt, I knew and if he needed to tell me something, I already knew what it was he wanted to tell me. So in that moment, silence was...right. I ran my hands over the rough texture of the wood banister, feeling it splinter beneath my ridges of my fingers, fascinated that I could feel it at all. I felt his eyes on me then, and looked over. I could tell that he knew something was different. It was in the way he was watching me. Something between curiosity and amusement. I guess normally, in my dreams, I'm not so captivated by wood. His eyes met mine and I knew then; it was time to do what I'd come for. "What is your name?" I asked, my eyes searching his for answers. He smiled small and sweet, and the gesture surprised me because it spoke volumes of a character who I'd only ever thought of as a shadow in the waking world. "My name is--"

      Next thing I knew I was opening my eyes to the pale blue of my ceiling and the monotonous screeching of my alarm clock.
      Tags: bambrielle
      lucid , memorable
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