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    1. February the 14th

      by , 02-15-2014 at 10:53 PM
      non lucid.
      me and my girlfriend left the television on the entire time we slept, so it was stuck on Comedy Central all night. I believe this to be the cause of the following dream :
      I'm in a theme park-esque town with a lot of my friends, the colors are all very vivid.. the entire dream revolved around working out for some reason. I felt as if I was in a fitness plan commercial, or some kind of p 90 x ad. I could even here inspirational music at times, usually accompanied by an emotional part of the dream.
      I awoke to find the TV blaring workout infomercials, I suppose this was the reason for my dream being so ridiculous.
      Tags: funny, non-lucid
    2. Origins

      by , 02-15-2014 at 09:38 PM
      This is the account of the dream where I got my name. This is the point of my dreaming where I was trying to master subconscious instructions, or simply yelling out to your dreamscape and telling it to do things for you. In this dream I brought myself to my "imaginationscape" I created a mostly permanent place where creating was easiest, a purely white dimension. In every direction is a never ending scene of pure white. From here I called out to my dream. With the simple but no so simple instruction of "show me my mind" then turned around so my environment could change around me, I turned to see a huge vestibule. Thousands of doors, each with a tag above it. I began to walk along to each door to review the tags. Every tag represented a set of memories. The first I chose was "birthdays" I walked through the door to find the scene of my 3rd birthday, my family had taken me to skate on a frozen pond near where I lived. I observed for a while then walked back through the door. Passed several doors, mom, dad, brother, school, then a tag caught my attention, it read "nightmare realm" I was intrigued for some reason and decided not to enter (not the brightest decision I've ever made) as soon as I tried to step through I fell a long way to the floor. I look up to see almost every nightmare character I've ever had lined up in ranks in front of me. I stand up and face them, (knowing that if I panic something very bad will happen) a new character broke ranks to meet me looking at me eye to eye, he looked exactly like me, except he had cracks all up and down his skin, eyes deep piercing black every crack of the skin filled with the same black, he lifted his arm to put it on my shoulder and spoke. "Do you know who I am?" I replied no, should I? He chuckled and patted my chest with his other arm, then leaned into my ear and whispered, "I am the dark
      I am the unknown
      I am your nightmares
      I am, a figment of your imagination, but most importantly, I. Am. You. Sweet dreams" then everything around me vanished and I was left in the black and suddenly woke up. Left to contemplate this occurrence. After a lot of thought I realized this wasn't a nightmare but a blessing. This was extremely frightening but, if analyzed subjectively, it means that every nightmare I've ever experienced was in MY mind. In other words I never needed to have my nightmares, lucid dreamers know that nightmares can help with lucidity. Know that anything that happens inside your dreams your own mind and you are in control.
      Tags: nightmares
    3. Task of the Month Troubles

      by , 02-15-2014 at 05:59 PM
      My memory of the dream begins when I was walking to my garage when I realized I was dreaming. I managed to stabilize , which is usually a problem for me, then decided to try out a couple things I've never done in a dream.
      I've always wanted to see what my reflection looked like in the mirror, so I walked into my bathroom where there was a large one. As I walked in, I saw a large orange spot on a contorted face in the mirror where my face should be, so I immediately got out and went back in to try again. This time, my face was normal, but it was hard to see so I moved a little closer. As I did, the mirror started pushing me away! I was rather flustered; it really wasn't something I was expecting. It was like I was fighting against an invisible magnetic force, but eventually I got close enough to see my face clearly. It looked absolutely normal. And when I reached out to touch the mirror, I felt nothing but the cool glass under my fingers. So that was anti-climatic.
      After that, I decided to try the task of the month. I decided I'd need people around to try either giving my heart to someone or asking who my true love was, so I decided I wanted to go to my school. But I had no idea how to do it. I tried walking to my bedroom, closing the door and willing my school to be behind it, but when I opened it I saw nothing but the room that was already there. The dream went black soon after that and I woke up.
      In hindsight, I really should have fought harder to get through the mirror, because that's something I've wanted to do for a while. I also should've continued into the garage after that; I saw an unusual amount of light coming through from behind it, and for all I know my school was behind it as I was planning on becoming lucid and going there the night before. Also, if there was just my neighborhood or the garage behind it, I could have easily just flown to school which is just 5 minutes away.
    4. Project, family guy, teacher

      by , 02-15-2014 at 02:59 PM
      More fragments I really need to get my act together here!

      1. I was in a studio space working on an art project when people started coming into the room. I was ticked off cause I thought I had the space to myself. I was trying to get out a rolled up piece of paper from a metal cylindrical container that had lots of meter sticks and rulers sticking out of it. I was flailing my arms, knocking over everything around me but I could not manage to get the paper out, then this guy I remember from highschool comes over and he is pissed because I was making so much noise. He takes the container from me and with ease pulls out the paper and gives it to me. I am so mad because I felt like they shouldn't be angry cause I was in their first and they chose to come in to the room.

      2. Peter from family guy was in my house, maybe he was my dad but I don't think he was. Anyways he was angry cause someone ate his chocolate Popsicle and he was blaming it all on meg. I walked into the living room and told him that I ate it and tomorrow I would buy him another one. He went downstairs and I followed him. He was sitting on shelves and eating the Popsicles that he he hidden down there. I was like the son of a gun tricked me! And I confronted him and we had an eating competition. But I was eating something like a fruit roll up and we we're try to take the biggest bites to finish first. Peter won and I don't remember what happened after that.

      3. I was apart of a class and we were talking to the professor in a forest. Some kid mentioned that the prof should put his lectures online and that he should also be online to answer question. The prof was like "ya maybe I should just give you all the answers" in a sarcastic tone.
    5. Redoing a scientific paper

      by , 02-15-2014 at 01:48 PM
      I needed to redo a scientific paper. Mostly I needed to delete redundant parts, such as diagrams that started with a chemical / molecular composition of something, then something else, and ending on the same chemical/molecular composition. Trouble was that this pruning effort was the suggestion of someone we were working with, but while I agreed it was needed, I worried my boss would not like it. This someone else we worked with was saying that the current paper was written "so old school", also suggesting that we should not strive to directly and thoroughly answer the questions asked, but succinctly show our capabilities.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. my birthday gift - 14th to 15th february 2014

      by , 02-15-2014 at 01:45 PM
      today i dreamt my dad was asking me which birthday gift i wanted.
      I really didn't know but i said
      "I want to watch a car race, although the tickets are too expensive"
      he told me
      "don't worry about the price"

      Dream elements:

      -my dad

      Technique used: ----------

      hours slept: 11 hours
    7. Idk!

      by , 02-15-2014 at 11:36 AM (Welcome to my dreams!)

      1. [Non-Lucid]

      I'm at a white round table with my dad, were talking about a photo that's on the table I think.
      Now my sister Chloe is at the table drawing something.

      2. [Non-Lucid]
      I'm in some sort of 2D video game where we have to jump from platform to platform, I got to part of the level where there were spikes that I kept jumping onto them, was a difficult area, The platforms were coloured black and I think turn red when you land on them.


      Possible dream signs:

      Dad, Chloe
      non-lucid , side notes
    8. Became LUCID briefly: why am I now wearing clothes in church?

      by , 02-15-2014 at 09:42 AM
      This dream took place in a combination Bed and Breakfast and Church sort of place.

      At first I was in my room in a bed and breakfast with my husband and I think I had just showered and was getting dressed. I think I had my underwear on but no other clothes yet.

      Then I heard my mother speaking loudly on the phone outside my room, but I also clearly heard the responses. I thought this was weird and looked out into the hallway, and there was the landlady of the bed and breakfast talking to my mom on the phone, while my mom was on the phone with her in the same hallway around the corner one the same floor. One could clearly hear both of them especially since my mom is hard of hearing and thus talks loudly. I thought this was weird. Why were they not talking in person without phones? But I did not figure that out yet. My mom was saying that the water temperature in her shower was not right. The landlady said to let it run for four minutes and it would adjust.

      Then I ducked back into my room because I realized I was still in my underwear only. My husband was saying that we needed to spend most of our day at church. I said that he can do so, but I do not want to because my mom is in town. He said, but you have to, since it is our anniversary and we are going to renew our wedding vows.

      That's when our room transformed into the church. I was a bit uncomfortable because I was in my underwear still, but I continued on with it. My mom was there now too, fully dressed - everyone but me was fully dressed. The ceremony was weird because there were readings but we were supposed to read them silently ourselves rather than a reader reading them out loud. There was singing. At some point when I was self-conscious about my underwear issue, a woman who was involved in the celebration brought my husband and me a blanket. I was grateful but still uncomfortable that I had insufficient clothes under the blanket.

      That's when I looked and saw that now I had a yellow blouse on. How did that happen? Wait a moment could this be a dream? I raised myself up and tried to levitate. The dream started fading, but I definitely realized that I was dreaming before I woke up, so for a second I was lucid!

      Updated 02-15-2014 at 04:51 PM by 61501

    9. Entry #2: The Porcelain Dream

      by , 02-15-2014 at 08:31 AM

      Sitting on my bathroom floor, I stare down the toilet and wonder idly to myself if it has always been this shiny. There is a bound notebook perched on the back part as if I had set it there just before taking my position in front of the bowl. Ellie, my roommate, walks in, probably to pee, but stops short when she sees I'm already occupying the premise, the surprise apparent in her expression.
      "Oh, don't worry," I say. "You didn't walk in on anything."
      "Oh...kay..." she says, but its clear from her tone that she doesn't believe me. From the way things look, I don't blame her.
      There's sunlight streaming in from the window behind me which is in a wall that, in the waking world, is connected to my bedroom. In the dream world I don't find this the least bit suspicious, however, as I revel in the feel of gentle warmth on my back. Ellie is still there, I can tell she wants to know what I'm doing but isn't sure if she should ask so instead just hovers awkwardly.
      "Have you ever tried to lucid dream?" I ask her.
      "Well, it's impossible. I've tried everything and I still can't do it." I pick up my dream journal, evidently the bound notebook, and shake it at her to emphasize my point.
      She lifts an eyebrow in response.
      Seeing that she doesn't understand my frustration and feeling to exasperated to explain things to her, I stand and make my way toward the door, figuring I can leave the bright, shiny toilet flusher to be examined at another time. As I do, I can't help but think that Jesse will be disappointed with me--a thought that lingers in my mind as I pass through the door and into the waking world.

      The questions is, who the hell is Jesse?
      Tags: bambrielle
      non-lucid , memorable
    10. The Basketball Late-Night Show [2/15/2014] (Non-lucid)

      by , 02-15-2014 at 08:20 AM
      The Basketball Late-Night Show (Non-lucid)


      It was some kind of late-night talkshow. The guests on a couch were 3 basketball players one of which was basically Dirk Nowitzky with a freakishly large head. It looked like a glitching videogame. It was a bit frightening to be honest.

      The show master and the 3 guests were loudly and intensely talking, laughing a lot. One of the guests had a basketball and the guys were throwing it around all the time.
      At one point the showmaster, sitting on a desk in front of the guests got the ball and threw it away. The ball landed perfectly in a blue basket that was standing around in the corner of the room. The guests and the live audience went haywire, clapping and cheering.
      Some guy appeared from under the showmasters desk, looking a bit dissatisfied and says something inaudible to the showmaster. The showmaster answers: "What? We rehearsed this!"

      After this my first alarm clock went of which I had set because I wanted to try a WBTB thing. I had slept about 3 hours by now.
      So I sat up on my bed, wrote down the notes about the 2 dreams I had, drank a bit from the bottle of water next to my bed and made myself ready for a WILD, laying down on my back. I never had success with this technique and I didn't this time either. I was just laying there constantly telling myself to have a lucid dream and that I wanted to revisit the hotel from my previous dream "The Familiar Hotel" but I just couldn't fall asleep.
      After some time I stopped trying. I checked the clock (I hadn't moved for a solid hour, trying to get a WILD working) and tried to sleep in a more comfortable position. I couldn't. After those first 3 hours I didn't sleep at all this night.

      Trying to get back to the hotel from my dream "The Familiar Hotel" will be my main goal for the next few nights.
      I want to find out why this hotel seemed so familiar to me, what happened in the part of the dream that I don't remember anymore and, if I have some time left, do a task of the month.

      Updated 02-15-2014 at 08:31 AM by 67919

      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails What's This Picture?-wg1nue7.jpg  
    11. Crossed Pencils

      by , 02-15-2014 at 08:15 AM
      Morning of February 15, 2014. Saturday.

      I had apparently been working with colored pencils, mostly writing but uncertain of all the content other than having a focus on dreams. Different colors seem to relate to different dream types.

      There is a feature of two pencils forming a cross, which seems to have some significance. One is blue, one is red.

      I have an association with an intersection, which is a recurring feature in my dreams. It may relate (in this case) to having different views than someone else, or “going in a different direction”, yet in contrast, it also has the implication of meeting or coming together. Thus, there is the aspect of ambiguity.

      Updated 11-28-2017 at 06:16 AM by 1390

    12. The 10-person-bedroom [2/15/2014] (Non-lucid)

      by , 02-15-2014 at 08:09 AM
      The 10-person-bedroom (Non-lucid)


      I was in a 10 person bedroom. I guess it was some kind of a hotel.
      A bag of stuff was lying in the middle of the room and I was somehow chosen to assign the stuff from the bag to the 10 beds. It was mostly clothing. I think it was 10 different outfits/customes.
      While I was putting the outfits on the individual beds I noticed a bunch of buttons on a wall which turned out to be the controls for the electronic rolling shutters from the windows. I wanted to put them all up so I get some light in this room. The problem was the shutters weren't all the same. Some were older some were newer and it was hard to figure out how the individual controls of them all worked. I worked it out eventually though.
      I continued putting the clothes on the beds after that. That's when I noticed that there was a giant entrance to a tube in one of the walls. Appearently it was a slide that led to another room in which my sister and my father were sitting and talking to each other. I was able to hear every single word. At some point they started to talk about me. I don't quite remember what they were saying but it wasn't anything positive.

      After a while I got confused about my task and wasn't sure anymore if I had put the right stuff on the right beds.
      My sister entered the room, told me I did a good job and grabbed something that was a weird mix of an audiocassette and a drinking glass. She asked me in a serious tone if I drank from that. I answered that I didn't and asked her why the hell she even has an audiocassette.

      Possible Dreamsign: Hotels

      Updated 02-15-2014 at 08:32 AM by 67919

    13. Stacking Chairs

      by , 02-15-2014 at 07:58 AM
      Nonlucid, Lucid, Partially lucid Waking life notes

      February 14, 2014:

      I am walking through a college campus. I suddenly become lucid, for no apparent reason, and look around. I enter a room full of people. I want to find a woman who was in a class with me earlier. She was nice, but I don't remember anything else about her, so no one can help me find her.

      I go into a classroom. There is a class in cession. It looks to be about something very boring. The class filled with only men. I say to them something like "Why are you having this boring class? This is a dream!"
      I try to prove it to them by making a desk chair float. I lift it and let go, but the chair simply falls to the floor. I then put the chair on a table, with some difficulty. I put another desk chair on top of it, but they both fall over.
      I am annoyed and disappointed and say "Why does my dream have normal physics?!"

      Now, hours later in the day, I am wondering, why did my lucid dream objects behave that way? For a long while now whenever I try most things in a lucid dream that I can't do in reality, it feels like I am only pretending to do it, no different than if I did it in waking life. Why is this? Is my imagination lacking, for some reason?
      lucid , side notes
    14. Short night

      , 02-15-2014 at 07:27 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      2/14/14 Friday

      Last night, came home at 9pm. Then had to work at home till 2:30 am. Fell asleep at 3am. Had my alarm set to 7am. Slept right through it. Woke up at 7:20 and flew out the door to make it on time.

      Yeah, no surprise there, no recall.

      Last time I had a short night, I got a great REM rebound next nite, when I was getting into a WILD just seconds after going to bed. But didn't hold it, fell asleep.

      I already fell asleep on sofa today, got up to go to bed. But ofc, by the time I made it there I'm no longer sleepy : ( So I'm gonna read book about Cayce, i started reading during my break today.
      side notes
    15. Books, telescope

      , 02-15-2014 at 07:23 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      2/14/13 Friday

      DR from 2/12/14

      Had a bunch of dreams. Too bad that I can't decipher what I wrote : (

      All I have from 2:30 am dream is:

      ???bags with grapes?
      fruit threw
      walking away
      water ???

      Oh, now after finishing typing below, I did have a dream about going to toilet. Then I woke up thinking "why do I still need to go, I just went/"

      Last DR is still clear:

      I'm at a house of a family member Jucka. For some reason, she wants to give my bunch of her books. They look old. Those type that don't have colorfull bindings, just monochrome cloth type of thing. I keep looking at them in multiple bookcases, thinking, that my mom will love them too.

      She also offers very neat and expensive coffee maker and flat screen TV. Here is when I get suspicious, if she is giving them free or for some money. It turns out not free.

      She is also giving me her telescope. It's very cool, just a simple tube, but looks professional and sophisticated. Every time I look at it, it's bigger. Untill it's a telescope, that's sticking out of the roof, that is split open, just like at the observatory.

      I'm at the guest house. Counting money. Somebody walks in. They are coming for a visit to the house, they just took a wrong turn to the guest house. I'm mad. They were not suppose to see the money. Now it's not safe there.
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