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    1. 2 dream fragments.

      by , 04-19-2014 at 02:08 PM
      2 nights in a row with recall, what's happening!

      Anyway my first dream is in my classroom, the lesson is history.
      But our classroom was so laid back, if you've seen the wolf of Wall Street, just think how relaxed and laid back that workplace was, well this was like it, but without the strippers and drugs of course.

      I was with my friends at my table, we also had a teacher on it, probably an assistant teacher, but he was really cool wouldent tell anyone off or anything. He came over and said something to me and I jokingly said "That's what she said..." And we both laughed.

      But our real teacher wasn't laid back at all, she gave my friend Charlie NINE warnings, I had 2 and Charlie had NINE. One of the times I took Charlie's chair and he got the blame for it. So that's fragment one.

      Fragment 2 was near to when I woke up. So it's after school, and normally every one goes to the nearby shops. That was the same in my dream. I see most people in my year outside the shops. I overhear something about a prank call, then the hurdle of my year starts running across the road, me and 2 friends decide to follow them, we try to work our way through the cars. I nearly got run over and my friend advised to wait and not to rush.

      We finally make it across the road and were running over to the group of people, when we have arrived the person has already done the prank call, and everyone's heading back to the shops. I see them all going into someone's house so I follow them, One of them tries to lock me out jokingly but I make my way through, and the rest of the dream is me waiting inside for it to be half past so I can get the bus to home.
    2. Dream journal about a dream with a dream journal

      by , 04-19-2014 at 12:51 PM
      Night of 4/18/14
      In bed from 11:09 to 7:40

      Dream 1

      Late to meeting because I was in the pisser.
      Wouldn't stop pissing
      Unusual flow
      Towards the end it was a wide and heavy mist, it also came out as a brown paste

      In meeting. My writing was not what they wanted. It had no cohesion and no ending

      I said it didn't need to be; I thought I was supposed to write about my dreams. I was really angry

      Tldr: nutty piss and I turned in a dream journal as my assignment.

      Dream 2 (fragment)

      Outside was flooded, I was at the back deck of my house with my family fishing. The water level was just below the deck. I caught a few fish.
    3. 00:00 Saturday 2014-04-19 LDs #31, #32

      by , 04-19-2014 at 11:27 AM
      23:00 bedtime

      00:00 Saturday 2014-04-19


      + LD #31 I find myself suddenly standing within a huge empty stone rectangular empty quarry like a huge pool, I knew this location was not possible to be in, and that just before I was somewhere else, and I could not be here now so I must be dreaming. No memory after that point, probably woke up. Didn't record at first, probably from earlier waking, remembered this at this (05:07) waking.

      + with wife in a rich neighbourhood talking about all the rich ladies, and how they played tennis so I told her she'd have to play tennis now, too. I make a comment with some numerical statistics (rate of higher education degrees of the lades in the neighborhood?) and a group of neighborhood rich women are walking by, my wife immediately goes up to one and says "my husband says <some numerical statistic> about you" I feel really embarrassed, but the woman thoughtfully stops and says something like "yes that's about right."

      + on a grassy hillside in the sunshine with rich people they're parting and drinking. There are picnic blankets spread out here and there. Suddenly it's like a movie fade/transition to the same scene some time later, my vision is all blurry and I think this is because I'm seeing the scene being drunk after having drunk for a while. Someone makes a comment about people's dirty butt cheeks wiping on the picnic blankets that explains why the blankets have become all crusty.

      + Introduction of a sidekick for a famous TV talk show host. He shows up and he's auditioning. He's standing right in front of me (inside a room in front of a window?), I see his face clearly and his hair he's kind of funny looking. He starts talking immediately and makes an improvised funny statement about some (rock band?) and some guy, I'm impressed by his cleverness. This is what he does on the show, me makes clever off-hand improvised remarks before the cut to commercial.

      Then I see the "show" live. It's outside on a city street. A film crew is on my side of the street the "show" is on the other side, the sidekick guy is in his "place," which is standing out the ledge outside a first story window (his feet are about 5-6 feet above street level) with his back against the two-pane (upper/lower) window. I think that's a pretty uncomfortable spot to have to stand for the whole show and think it's pretty funny. He's been the good friend and partner of the talk show host ever since, for a long time.

      The sidekick's name is something like "Ralph Michaels."

      Looking through another window where the "show" sidekick is standing, I see people inside working like at a software company, a woman is standing and (facing the window and thus me) writing something on a transparent "white board," I see the marks she's making and I hear the sqeauk squeak squeak of the marker on the board. The a big fat guy come forward and starts talking and it's like a commercial for the company,

      Was very awake at this point. Was awake in bed for a while, decided might as well WBTB properly. Got up for water/bathroom, sat on the edge of the bed for a while, thinking about the dreams, deciding I should go back to bed and resolve to recognize my dreams. Ended up thinking for a while about some of the correspondence chess games I'm playing. Bad idea, kept me awake. Decided to completely let go and aim for sleep, as I only had about 1.5 hours left in the night before the alarms would be going off.


      + at work, I had a huge desk (2 meters wide by 1 meter deep at least), I had two desk phones on the left side of the desk otherwise it was mostly empty on top. I could see beneath the top covering of the desk some pattern like computer printed circuit cards. I receive a call on my phone I see the name on the caller ID I don't answer it but realize it was a guy I wanted to talk to. I make a call? I receive another call which I answer and there is a deep male voice there asking who it was just called him, I'm a bit confused I say it might have been me but it must have been a wrong number, sorry. I stand up and recognize a (real memory) former colleague walking by me, he does a slow big walking circle (counter clockwise) around my desk without stopping. I say "wow this company must be really big because I haven't run in to you for a long time. What are you working on these days?" His answer, something like "the graph system is close to working."

      I enter the area behind my desk (to my back when I'm facing my desk) it is unlit and dark but it's not too hard to see. The area is filled with many rows of desks with computers and lots and lots of people, mostly kids and families, at the computers, they're all full, I'm frustrated because I need to use one of those computer systems the laptop on my desk isn't powerful enough for what I need to do, I say to my manager who's standing right there "with all the kids around I can't use any system."

      There's a group standing there, I notice one older woman looks topless, she's stretching her arms up over her head and I notice an odd large nipple, it's not a pretty sight. I keep looking and she seems to be dressed the more I look.

      There are girls around I notice, I grab one from behind with both my arms around her I think she's slightly trying to pull away at first. I turn her around hoping to see a pretty face and when she's facing me and I see her eyes I kiss her, I feel the familiar "zing" (adrenaline?) and fade quickly to awake.


      Lying in bed dozing after the alarms have gone off (I went back to sleep I realized while my wife went in to the shower), I felt very relaxed and saw jumbles of dark color blobs flashing before my eyes, which usually only happens when extremely fatigued and at bed time not waking time. I saw lots of HI / forming dreams. And one of them fully formed:

      + (lucid #32) I realize I'm in a formed dream. It looks like a hospital/medical room. I say "If this is a hospital then a cute nurse will come through that door right now". Right on cue, the door opens and a female nurse comes throutgh the door, and turns to the right and moves on. I get excited from my "wish" coming true and I wake up.

      Updated 04-19-2014 at 11:29 AM by 65364

      lucid , side notes
    4. Apr 19: unsatisfying fragments

      by , 04-19-2014 at 06:36 AM
      Date: Apr 19
      Sleep Length: 4.5h + 3.5h (8h)
      Techniques: SSILD + DILD
      I almost accidentally did WILD after I prepared SSILD. I was falling asleep (SP), my mind was still half awake, I could almost enter a dream after I've seen lights and flashes, then I woke up again.
      SSILD failed probably because it took me very long to fall asleep after the cycles (~20 mins) and I have to get used to the situation of getting up at 3:30 and doing meditation
      Dream Summary:
      You can't call that a dream. I simply remember an underground garage and my stepmom
      during SSILD I had one FA (I think). I wasn't really asleep
      Vividness (1-15), Awareness (1-10), Length (min): 0/0/0
      Emotions: none
      Signs: none
      Tags: Underground garage, stepmom

      Note: I drank alcohol before I went to bed (beer and wine), which probably affected my dream recall and sleep
    5. wheelchair

      by , 04-19-2014 at 12:40 AM
      I have had snippets of 2 dreams in the last 2 days about a man in a wheelchair. He has medium length grey hair, cut nicely not at all untidy. I guess he is about 55 to 60 years old. He seems kind and kind of like he is trying to show me something, but I wake up as soon as I see him. Im wondering if this is a DG. I have felt before that a man with similar description was trying to show me around in a dream, kind of a wised old friend as I recall. hmmmm
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