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    1. 01/10/2015

      by , 10-01-2015 at 04:59 PM (LucasPotter's DJ)
      So I was at this weird place, it was like a huge patio. I had to hide from those big... tripods. I've just finished a book series, Tripods, and then I started The 5th Wave, so I guess I've been a bit... affected.

      Anyway, I hid from the tripods because I knew they were bad aliens. As I was trying to find a place to stay, I ran into the twins from The Fosters. They were staying inside this really tiny, ugly, dirty bathroom*. Jesus wasn't really all that happy to have me there, but Mariana convinced him to let me stay.

      After a while, we left and there were lots of young people around, unsure of what to do. We had our phones, but I knew that our numbers weren't ours anymore, because... somehow, we were in the future? So I left and I ran into this group of adults.

      Angelina Jolie as Maleficent was there. The group was sorta judging her? As in a trial, but in a park. The leader said that she owed them the spell/potion for eternal life. She laughed and said that it would never work on him, since he was old, fat and ugly.

      Then, she got serious and said that we needed to protect the kids. That if we ran into kids asking for food, we should give whatever we had, even if it was little, cause there were kids everywhere trying to live on their own after the alien invasion and they'd probably all be starving.

      After that, she also reminded us to take care of the dinosaurs. She pointed at them and I saw three weird... things... trying to get away from the ropes that were holding them to trees. It was hopeless, they weren't strong enough.

      So I walked away and I found some "soldiers" being mean to starving kids, even beating them with a chain. For some reason, I took charge of them and decided to beat the soldiers with their chain, to teach them a lesson.

      *Yesterday, I had decided I needed to do a RC whenever I went into a bathroom. I actually forgot to do that, both in real life and in the dream. So. I need to get on that. It's obviously a strong dream sign. BATHROOM = RC
      Tags: rc warning
      non-lucid , side notes
    2. Summoning Bartimaeus-Two Mini LD's

      by , 10-01-2015 at 04:32 PM
      I had two very short LD's last night attempting to summon a favorite character from a book series I read called the Bartimaeus Trilogy. For the past few days, I've been telling myself that I was going to summon Bartimaeus as a character next time I LD. I've been looking at potential photos, trying to really get the image down in my mind.

      The first dream, I can't remember the story leading up to the LD, but I do remember walking down this dark road in a forest, I was trying to fly, or take off flying, but then I suddenly realized that I was dreaming and instantly I start doing a little happy dance like, "Score!" (I'm super excited about this btw! Ever since I began making this a focus, I've been LD'ing more often, which was my goal). So, I remember that I'm supposed to focus on Bartimaeus and I'm trying to picture him coming down the road, while I'm hovering above ground on a...towel. But he doesn't show up. I immediately loose control of the dream and right before I wake up, I have a short dream fragment of me flying in the air with Bartimaeus next to me in the form of a cicada.

      Hey I'm new.-bartimaeus-cicada.jpg

      I had several dream fragments in between, nothing memorable. At one point, I woke up and rolled over to my side facing the window and I enter into a nonlucid false awakening. I opened my eyes and looked out this small window of light surrounded by darkness and in the window, all I could see was a tree branch surrounded by daylight, so I thought it was time to get up and start my day. I put some shoes on and grab a bicycle and start pedaling down the road, but it wasn't my usual road. It was the route I used to take to school back when I was a kid living with my parents.

      So, I'm pedaling to the nearby woodsy park and I'm biking around this family who'd stopped to take a picture of themselves. It was an elderly couple with a child and a college-age red-head, daughter. So, I'm pedaling past them, but the daughter is running to keep up with me. I turn back behind me for some reason and I see the rest of the family collapsed on the ground. So, I run back thinking they're dead or fainted, and I call after the red-head girl, who turns out to be Lindsay Lohan, to notify her of her fallen family, and she says, "Aw, man! My alarm clocks are broken again!"

      I was so confused. "Alarm clocks?" I asked. She said, "Yeah, they're not dead. Those are mechanical people." So, I'm helping Lindsay carry these "alarm clocks" back to my house so she can get them repaired. As we're hauling these mechanical people up the road, I call my Granny P (ha! remember her from the last dream?) and let her know what's going on. I even call my mom she knows to expect me and Lindsay carrying these bodies up the road.

      The road we're going up is called Haltom Rd. Along Haltom Rd, are brick walls that separate the street from people's back yards. Lindsay and I pass by this area on the ground where there was a ton of different fruits: strawberries, oranges, apples, grapes, fruit of all different colors. So, I tell Lindsay that we can't pass up this opportunity! That we've got to take this home. Just wash them in the sink and they'll be good to go! So, we start collecting all this fruit in our shirts and these random bowls that appear out of nowhere. (Don't know where the mechanical people went.) All of a sudden, one of the brick walls open up like a door and some Willy Wonka looking man steps out, accusing us of stealing his fruit. Lindsay and I look at each other, drop the fruit, and run.

      So, this strange man and some of his goons are chasing us down the street. I turn a corner to try to loose them, which I did, but all of a sudden, I was lost. I could not figure out where I was on a map; nothing looked familiar to me, but everything was detailed and vivid. Then, I suddenly realize that I'm dreaming! "Yes! Score! Twice in one night!" I think to myself. So, I try to summon Bartimaeus again. I sat down on this grassy area and watched the road like a hawk, waiting for him to appear. But he walked up behind me with some other young boys and sat down in the grass in front of me. For a second I wasn't sure if it was him or not because the "handsome youth" form I'd been focusing on was a little distorted, but then I asked, "Is this the best that you can do?"

      "Yep," he said. And I woke up.
      lucid , false awakening
    3. 1 NLD, 2 Fragments - Throwing Phone in Pool, Bomb in Classroom, Golf Cart Bus

      by , 10-01-2015 at 02:49 PM

      I was at a hotel, in the pool. I had my phone with me, which was weir since I was swimming. Somebody commented on it.

      I decided since my birthday was soon, I should throw my phone in the water, so I could get a new one. After I threw it in, I picked it back up out of the water in about 3 seconds. I turned it on, it still worked.

      I dropped it again and let it sit for about 10 seconds. It still worked.

      Dream 1:
      I was in my Physics classroom, doing a presentation. I don't remember what I was presenting. After me, two other kids went up. Something from my presentation caused the board to blow up, and the two presenters completely vanished.

      Nobody seemed surprised or anything, like this was a common occurence.

      Dream blurs, I'm going to get something in the classroom.
      A kid sitting down says, "you're a b-a-d-a-u-s.."
      "Badass, you mean?" I asked.
      "Oh yeah, that."

      I was going to the bus loop, I had to take the bus to the airport since
      we were flying to St. Louis.

      I couldn't find my bus, and they were starting to leave. I flagged somebody down and asked what bus to get on.

      "269", he said.
      Bus 269 pulled up, but it was just a golf cart. She drove me to the airport.

      Fragment 2:
      I was playing a game. A new item was released with only 200 copies available, and it cost $10000. I decided to buy it, trying to profit off of it.

    4. Lucid?

      by , 10-01-2015 at 02:36 PM
      I'm sitting in some bleachers. I look to my right. I see a girl with a hat on. I try to picture my girlfriend in the dream but I think to myself, this isn't my girlfriend...

      I'm in a car going somewhere with a couple I sort of know. I would probably never get into a car with them in waking reality. The girl is laughing at what seems to be someone outside the car.

      In the second part of the dream I think that this would have been a cool way to meet myself for the task of the month for October...
    5. Prisoners, release the ladies

      by , 10-01-2015 at 12:29 PM
      I was walking through this old castle and there were cells all along the hall way. I was walking with the queen who was wearing all black and walked like she had something up her butt. We were making our way across the second floor and there were windows on our left that only let in a small amount of light. It was cramped because to the right of us, not more then a couple paces away, the cell bars stood looking all the woman( there was only woman prisoners lol). I was becoming increasingly agitated at the situation and as we made our way out into the spacious main hallway I grabbed the closest guard and ran with him down the stairs. He was flung over my shoulder and as soon as I saw another guard coming up at me I launched myself with my slung guard and landed on top of both of them. I then ran to the great hall which had a lot of people who had been let out of their cells to make and serve lunch. I ran in and the chaos began, I was grabbing candles (convinced there was something about them that would insure the escape of the prisoners) and I hauled them to the first floor cells. My grandma came around the corner from the cells and said she was proud and smiled a lot, she then walked away as I smiled at her and then went past to continue the rescue but woke up.
      non-lucid , memorable
    6. 10/1/15 - Naekkeo Haja!

      by , 10-01-2015 at 11:17 AM
      I'm standing on a wide staircase that's outside in someone's backyard. I'm standing in the center of it. Above me are a group of people gathering together and I'm sure they are talking about me and laughing at me. A couple members of my family are a part of the group. I'm annoyed but not quite mad enough to yell at them or doing anything about it. I think, “screw them!” I turn around quickly and look below me. At the bottom of the staircase is Hoya. I look down at him and he looks up at me. We both smile widely at each other and while looking at him, I scream at the top of my lungs, “ THREE - TWO - ONE!” He immediately yells back, “NAEKKEO HAJA!” We then run to each other , hugging and laughing as we sing the whole of "Naekkeo Haja" as loud as we can.
    7. 2015-10-01 girl bus (twins/triplets/more?), LD#149 (KILD)

      by , 10-01-2015 at 11:07 AM
      + first waking: no concrete recall, definitely dreamed but couldn't move beyond vague impressions

      busy mind. Calmed it with modified SSILD (fogelbise style, all senses per one breath)
      got back to sleep!

      + (LD#149) I'm on a bus. Sitting in front of me is a girl and (her family members?). My hand is one the back of the chair. She's wearing an open-backed shirt and my hand is really close to touching her skin. I think about brushing my hand against her skin "accidentally" but I don't. The girl then turns around fully, kneeling on her seat and seems to be looking right at me and starts talking, but I figure out she's talking to her "sister?" who is right behind me. (The girl in front of me has red hair & blue eyes?). I glance behind me and see the sister, she seems to be a twin of the girl in front.

      I decide to do some "stuff" hidden by blanket on top of me. At one point something comes in to view briefly and I wonder if the girl behind me sees it. I cover up with the blanket again.

      I look up and see a reflective mirror strip near the ceiling of the bus. I look into it and see a row of girls a few rows back. 2-3 of them look like identical twins (like the sister), and one more of them looks similar enough to definitely be a sister.


      I look forwards and notice that the girl and her family who had sat in front of me had moved across the aisle, I think they moved away from me because of my "stuff." There is another family sitting in front of me. I notice I'm sitting next to a girl on my right, rubbing shoulders with her. I turn to look at her, placing my right arm over her seat back. I get bold and lean down/over and kiss her. I'm lucid now and I say out loud, "I'm dreaming." I continue to kiss her, several "smacks", lightly pulling on her lips a bit for the sensation, feels totally convincing, and I fade to awake.

      Very stoked about the LD. Get my self calm again with SSILD and am just about asleep again when I get a phone call, and then get up for the day.
    8. 011015: Playing boards games, on a bike in an industrial yard, achieve lucidity at a school.

      by , 10-01-2015 at 06:12 AM (The Dream Journal)
      I'm at my friends place, he's playing a board game. We're in a laundry room in the basement, there is a window at the edge of the far wall where grey daylight comes in. The board games has something to do with whales. After rolling some red dice a few times and getting predictable results my friend talks about getting new dice. I tell him of some new dice I've seen that look very futuristic and we go into an in-depth discussion on how they might be off-balanced. I suggest 3D printing a tester die just in case.

      There is some confusion about how the game is supposed to progress, I forget what the situation is and what I should be doing. After my friend informs me, a bit annoyed, where I should be on the board (I have a whale piece by the shore that is attacking another piece) I roll and see if I am able to proceed. Another person I know is there as well.

      I turn and see two old women sitting on a wooden bench through a large window on the wall behind me. They are just sitting there, being old women. I turn around and see the game has turned into a kind of Jenga-type thing, there is a cube of made of bricks. I try to pull one out and the whole thing collapses, I feel a rush of shame.

      As we are packing I talk to my friend about playing Magic: the Gathering at some point, enthusiastically expressing how much I want to play it. I remember that I might have ruined the surprise of his surprise party.

      I take my bike back, I'm walking through the place where my friend's sister lives, it is pretty foggy. I talk to my friend Micheal for a bit before going off on my bike. In the middle of the road I see two hedgehogs on tip of each other. I break quickly and look at them. Are they fighting or having sex? In any case, it's dangerous for them to do that in the middle of the road. I try to scare them back into the bushes but they seem pretty unafraid of me, still totally connected. I go to their other side and start to wave at them, they slowly head into the bushes, still together.

      I walk down the path a bit and see two more hedgehogs sleeping by the side of the road. I look at them with great interest, I admire their quills, so long and sharp. I hear someone coming up behind me. Two people pass me and startle the animals, one of them is Ron Burgundy from the Anchorman movie.

      I walk away between two concrete apartment buildings. It's night now and I drive through the unfamiliar streets. Am I deep in the east side of the city? I drive my bike down narrow pathways in an industrial area, not sure where to go. I enter a building, still on my bike, looking for a way out of this maze. It's even more cramped here, tables and chairs, stumbling in the dark.

      I decide this was a bad idea and head outside again. Biking, I see another person walking toward me, I'm alarmed at first, what is he doing here? He passes me by with no incident. I continue to make my way.

      I'm in an inky blackness, can't sense anything. There is only a realization. This is a dream, this is a dream.
      A familiar excitement rises in me from my toes to my stomach. I know I can't get too excited. Suddenly in front of me a school appears. It's a red, brick school, a wing of it stretches to my left. It is a foggy day. I walk toward it, looking at everything, studying and examining, everything is hyper-real. Bricks, windows, the asphalt. I look into the window to my left and see my reflection, it is as I would expect, even my hair looks dopey as usual. Walking down I see a woman teaching a class of children, their faces as distinct as the "real" world. I enter the school, dazed, I don't know what to make of this, what should I do?

      The hall is lit with a yellowish light familiar from childhood. I turn right and walk down the hall. Things get fuzzy, I feel things slipping away. I know I must take action and I begin spinning in a circle to stabilize the dream. I see the lockers on the sides of the walls. The dream begins to feel stable again. I turn to see a balding man with glasses, a teacher, walking out. I look into the room he left, it is a small room with a window at the top edge of the far wall. Something like a bathroom, but there is a bed there. It has a 70's style quilt on it.

      I leave the room and go down the hall in the other direction. I meet two teenage girls sitting on a bench to the left. I hear them talking. The dream destabilizes......
    9. 1 NLD - Fight in Church

      by , 10-01-2015 at 04:10 AM

      Our class was back on our way from a trip to somewhere. I'm not sure where we were going. In front of a hallway entrance, I saw N and a bunch of his friends. I was about 50 feet away from it. We were inside of a circular room that was the cafeteria in my dream, but is my church in real life.

      To my right, there was a kid walking around looking like he was drunk swinging at random people. Me, being the good Samaritan I am, decide to go over and try to straighten it out.

      I wasn't too surprised whenever he swung at me as well. I box in real life, so I decided in my dream to go ahead and fight back (which I would never do in real life). We wrestled for a bit (what the heck, I box, not wrestle!), and then fell onto the floor. We grappled around for a bit, both of us trying to get an advantage.

      "Here we go," I said, knowing that I was about to win.
      I flipped him onto his back with his stomach facing up towards me, and I began to punch him repeatedly until he stopped resisting and was knocked out.

      The dream is a blur from there, I heard a bunch of hollers from the crowd, and I was being directed to the office, or something like that.
      In my walk to the office, we went backstage on the stage at my old school, and there was a bunch of scenery from a carnival we had to go around.

      Instead of coming out in the office, we were at a Barnes and Noble, and they had a new section that was about 15 feet in the air, with the walls, stairs, and floor of the section made completely out of books.
      I walked up, and the kid who I had just fought came. I fell over the edge and was holding on, and rather than helping me, he walked right past me.

      There was more to this dream, and I remembered another dream upon waking up, but I forgot it as soon as I got in the shower, and I had to wait about 15 hours after I woke up to write this, so it was hard to remember.
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