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    1. Night of Saturday 3/11/23

      by , 03-12-2023 at 06:51 PM (Dreamlog)

      Dream Fragment
      I'm back at J's playing board games. We're playing a tabletop RPG and my character's background is similar to Harry Potter's.

      Car Coyotes
      I'm driving down Joy road back at my hometown. There is a huge traffic jam, cars lined up, with police lights blaring in the distance. Not sure why. Maybe a crash? There's a barricade up further and, through the way the lines of cars have aligned, I can't help but driving directly to the barricade. I'm wondering what this is about when two coyotes start jumping and snarling up toward my window. I have my windows down about halfway because of my A/C problems, so the coyotes are just barely out of biting range. The police up ahead pay me no attention. I notice I have passengers. One small coyote manages to squeeze through the window crack and enter the car. My body has frozen up, so I can't react to the coyote or try to close the window so more don't get in. More get in. I start to worry about rabies. The other passengers are trying to get the coyotes out, but they are small and hard to track.


      Dogfight in the City
      I'm in a space dogfight in the city. My brother and I are on the same team. We are flying Arwings from the Starfox series. Sky is purple and dark. Might have been some green lightning. Epic type of scene. I need to fly into the repair bay to get fixed up after finishing the battle. Maybe it was the Great Fox. When I get in, I get radioed that the enemy has another sneak attack and they need me. They tell me I need to get into a different Arwing. I find one and start to takeoff. My view changes to 3rd person and now I'm flying the Millennium Falcon. Next thing I know the combat is completed and I'm chilling with my team in the foyer area of the main ship. I'm searching the fridge for some food. There is a couch opposite the fridge, and some friends are noting that they may have messed up where things are in there. While scrolling through the futuristic interface to get food, I see some raunchy art photos. I don't say anything and just scroll past them. I eventually move some shelves around and find some cheese stick and pretzel snacks.

      Image generated with Nightcafe AI.

      Updated 03-15-2023 at 04:10 AM by 99808

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    2. 011015: Playing boards games, on a bike in an industrial yard, achieve lucidity at a school.

      by , 10-01-2015 at 06:12 AM (The Dream Journal)
      I'm at my friends place, he's playing a board game. We're in a laundry room in the basement, there is a window at the edge of the far wall where grey daylight comes in. The board games has something to do with whales. After rolling some red dice a few times and getting predictable results my friend talks about getting new dice. I tell him of some new dice I've seen that look very futuristic and we go into an in-depth discussion on how they might be off-balanced. I suggest 3D printing a tester die just in case.

      There is some confusion about how the game is supposed to progress, I forget what the situation is and what I should be doing. After my friend informs me, a bit annoyed, where I should be on the board (I have a whale piece by the shore that is attacking another piece) I roll and see if I am able to proceed. Another person I know is there as well.

      I turn and see two old women sitting on a wooden bench through a large window on the wall behind me. They are just sitting there, being old women. I turn around and see the game has turned into a kind of Jenga-type thing, there is a cube of made of bricks. I try to pull one out and the whole thing collapses, I feel a rush of shame.

      As we are packing I talk to my friend about playing Magic: the Gathering at some point, enthusiastically expressing how much I want to play it. I remember that I might have ruined the surprise of his surprise party.

      I take my bike back, I'm walking through the place where my friend's sister lives, it is pretty foggy. I talk to my friend Micheal for a bit before going off on my bike. In the middle of the road I see two hedgehogs on tip of each other. I break quickly and look at them. Are they fighting or having sex? In any case, it's dangerous for them to do that in the middle of the road. I try to scare them back into the bushes but they seem pretty unafraid of me, still totally connected. I go to their other side and start to wave at them, they slowly head into the bushes, still together.

      I walk down the path a bit and see two more hedgehogs sleeping by the side of the road. I look at them with great interest, I admire their quills, so long and sharp. I hear someone coming up behind me. Two people pass me and startle the animals, one of them is Ron Burgundy from the Anchorman movie.

      I walk away between two concrete apartment buildings. It's night now and I drive through the unfamiliar streets. Am I deep in the east side of the city? I drive my bike down narrow pathways in an industrial area, not sure where to go. I enter a building, still on my bike, looking for a way out of this maze. It's even more cramped here, tables and chairs, stumbling in the dark.

      I decide this was a bad idea and head outside again. Biking, I see another person walking toward me, I'm alarmed at first, what is he doing here? He passes me by with no incident. I continue to make my way.

      I'm in an inky blackness, can't sense anything. There is only a realization. This is a dream, this is a dream.
      A familiar excitement rises in me from my toes to my stomach. I know I can't get too excited. Suddenly in front of me a school appears. It's a red, brick school, a wing of it stretches to my left. It is a foggy day. I walk toward it, looking at everything, studying and examining, everything is hyper-real. Bricks, windows, the asphalt. I look into the window to my left and see my reflection, it is as I would expect, even my hair looks dopey as usual. Walking down I see a woman teaching a class of children, their faces as distinct as the "real" world. I enter the school, dazed, I don't know what to make of this, what should I do?

      The hall is lit with a yellowish light familiar from childhood. I turn right and walk down the hall. Things get fuzzy, I feel things slipping away. I know I must take action and I begin spinning in a circle to stabilize the dream. I see the lockers on the sides of the walls. The dream begins to feel stable again. I turn to see a balding man with glasses, a teacher, walking out. I look into the room he left, it is a small room with a window at the top edge of the far wall. Something like a bathroom, but there is a bed there. It has a 70's style quilt on it.

      I leave the room and go down the hall in the other direction. I meet two teenage girls sitting on a bench to the left. I hear them talking. The dream destabilizes......
    3. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 09-02-2015 at 05:32 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Catching up on a few days worth of notes.

      Still gonna try to keep this under the ~30 minute limit writing constraint.


      Staying in a bed and breakfast, an alien podship smashes into the window, docking similarly to Halo 2's first mission. A severed head speaks the intentions of the immature xenomorphs that spill from the small ship, into the room. They seek only our love, adoration, and worship. Only if necessary will they subsume control of our brains and bodies. Euphoria awaits those who submit.

      I make up some excuse and nope the fuck out the front door.

      Running down the town's main road at super-speeds, I'm stuck behind a bicyclist. I'm pretty sure he's a coworker. I don't want to be rude and pass him, so I make the first available turn between a row of houses, and continue on my path by taking a turn on a road parallel to the main one. I slow as I approach the market. It's really more of a bazaar with open-air shops and colorful awnings lit solely by starlight, all set atop grey cobblestone.

      Samael's there, attending to one of the shops. I head into Samael's shop and pull out a copy of Agricola for inspection, since the shop specializes in fixing issues with board games or something. I don't quite remember. As I'm lifting the cover, Samael hastily warns me, but it's too late. A bunch of cardboard meeples scatter across the floor as other patrons crowd around. Graciously, Samael helps me pick them up and place them back in the box, the contents of which look more like Five Tribes than Agricola.

      After leaving the mall, K and I walk into a golden and brown hued cafe alongside the street. A bunch of people from high school and college are there. They're glaring, murder in their eyes. K is unsurprisingly oblivious to the mood in the room. He takes a seat, and I follow suit.

      Someone's dead, and I think I might be involved. At the very least, the CEO suspects me. I'm sure that's why I passed hotel security on my way to the stairs. And it's definitely why I jumped down the little square hole between the spiraling stairwell, letting gravity pull me down the hundred or so stories to the ground floor. That should buy me some time.

      Walking through the hotel's grand hall, I take in the extravagance. Around me austere columns stand amidst dark oak tables. Whilst underfoot, a lush carpet with elegant gold inlays cushions my every step. It's not as vivid as it could be. In fact, I notice the dream wavering a bit and muse to myself about the false notion that all lucid dreams are vividly realistically. Vividness is a choice, I remind myself with a smirk, stabilizing the dream around me to life-like realism and stepping out onto the deck, where many of the guests have already gathered. The view is breathtaking. A number of curved, ancient buildings hug the glittering lake below. Towering high above, all perfectly illuminated by varying gradients of blue, pink, purple, and red. To my left, a waterfall spills lazily from the window of one of the stone marvels. I fly to it, cresting over the falling water and landing on the grassy overlook above.

      Some punks are acting up in the parking lot. I can tell they've targeted me, so I untarget myself and pass through without incident.

      Updated 09-02-2015 at 05:35 AM by 25167

    4. Board games and Movie night

      by , 08-07-2010 at 09:48 AM
      I was walking somewhere in some city with my board game club. We had heard of some place where you could show that you had certain board games to get rewarded with some unique candy that you couldn't get elsewhere. After a while we entered a house. It was like one of those apartment block houses as seen in umeå. Next to a door into an apartment was a scanning thing where you were supposed to scan the bar code of the board games. It was only possible to get the candy reward if you scanned a type of game that no one had scanned before. Also, the stock of the candy was not unlimited so we felt that we probably wouldn't get any candy.

      We scanned the first game which was a really common one. Despite this, it got approved! Tistou's name was shown on some electric device (spelled wrong, however.) and that meant that he should go behind the counter (yes, a counter had appeared with two girls standing behind it that was working there.). Since there was no way around the counter, he tried to climb over it but the staff complained and showed him a hole in it where he was supposed to crawl. He did.

      Next up was another game that we scanned. It also got approval and the screen showed a name. We couldn't see who's name it was because of some disturbance but we guessed it was my name so I crawled inside as well.

      In there was a kitchen with some random people in it. They showed me a nearly empty tube of chocolate sauce and a bunch of papers that was lying in the pantry. I did as I was supposed to, which was to grab a sheet of paper, tear a part from it and squeeze out some chocolate sauce onto it. Then I could lick the sauce from the paper. Apparently that was the unique candy, lol. I explored the area a bit and it had a very slacky feel to it. There were only young people there.

      Somehow I was in a couch with some random dudes in front of a tv. A movie night was upcoming. On the screen they showed a commercial from a new pirates of the caribbean film that wasn't really a sequel since it had nothing to do with the old characters or plot. I think it seemed to be lame. A discussion started on which movie to watch and I jokingly said "lord of the rings!". One guy was like "Oh, yeah, good idea!!" and pulled forth vinyl discs with all three movies in the trilogy in extended version. The other persons were like "Oh, nooo! That one takes ages to watch! damn!".

      Then I don't remember anything more.