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    1. Dream Notes

      by , 01-31-2016 at 08:10 AM
      Dream Notes

      -Yesterday's dream was about a medium sized singing owl on a
      tree. I called it to me after it made me lucid and it flew onto my arm. Next thing I recall is my sister distracting me with some nonsense I didn't think was appropriate.

      Two days ago, I think it was than...Well I had a dream about becoming lucid and looking for Eye. I asked Dawn to take me to him and he grabbed me. Took me into the big closet we have upstairs. And used it as a elevator after pulling me closer to the wall. It was a funny moment but also those silly dream moments.

      We than got out and he showed me to another room in our house and pointed to Eye who was snoring as he lay on a bed. I poked his cheek telling him to wake up but than a group of girls were present and a blonde lady, shirtless, distracted me. I got the feeling she was a smut and told her to put her shirt on.

      Another dream i recall is being downstairs and thinking about Jade and Manei. When I'm lucid I tend to think about lucid things or things I use to do when lucid. I than noticed I was starting to be sucked by an ocean whirl pool that was supposedly coming from under the bed or something like that.I got help from a dc though and was fine.
      lucid , non-lucid
    2. Halloween Party in January with Skull Ring

      by , 01-31-2016 at 07:31 AM
      Morning of January 31, 2016. Sunday.

      Dream #: 17,940-03. Reading time: 1 min 10 sec. Readability score: 70.

      This dream branched off into today’s volcano and “circling the globe” dream (without any apparent waking transition or consciousness shift other than the second dream situation becoming more vivid over time).

      My wife Zsuzsanna, our children, and I are going to a public Halloween celebration. My dream self does not perceive the presumed October date as incorrect.

      I will be wearing a hooded cloak, though I perceive it as light-colored at one point rather than black (of which seems more suitable to my implied character as the Grim Reaper). There is minor difficulty getting it to fit.

      My only other costume feature is a silver skull ring which goes on the middle finger of my left hand. The skull is upright when viewed by others when my arm is naturally at my side. There is a slide switch in the back of it that makes its eye sockets shine with brilliant light, so bright that it would light up the street. I see the two beams, but they are not overwhelmingly bright.

      As with many of my dreams, I take to the air in flight without thinking much about it. I notice an unknown young girl also flying to the party, ahead of me by about half a block. In these types of dreams, I decide to fly while considering it a completely natural event.

      My dream changes into the type where I need to push through barriers at times due to the unusual maze-like layout of various unfamiliar buildings. At one point, there is a very thick window on a high floor of a commercial building. I attempt to push through it and eventually succeed. I walk or fly through walls, with slight difficulty at times. Mostly, I fly around enjoying the view.

    3. Drone Force

      by , 01-31-2016 at 01:34 AM
      After binge watching 4 seasons of Teen Wolf last week, my dreams have been fucking awesome! So awesome, I'm going to have to start keeping a dream journal again.

      Fragment: I'm running across a vacant school yard or something, when I hear a helicopter. I'm really surprised, because I didn't think there was anyone left in the world, much less anyone that could fly a helicopter. I'm unsure if they're good or bad, so I run for cover, but don't quite make it before it's over me. Then about two dozen smaller drones follow in a swarm
      dream fragment
    4. Back with a Vengeance

      by , 01-31-2016 at 01:31 AM
      I've been using the technique where you focus on a part of your body, then move that spot around before falling asleep. I think it's Robert Bruce that recommends doing that for astral travel. I wasn't doing it for dreaming, I was actually working on my Kamehameha. Seriously. Whatever the case, it's really boosted my dream recall.

      One night while doing this, it really helped me fall asleep super fast. Only I'd go into a smaller dream? A mini dream? Hard to explain. I was doing it all night, as I was falling asleep, and even in my dreams. Gave me great lucids, although that mini dream thing really screwed up my narrative, making it difficult to recall details.
    5. Wolf Pack

      by , 01-31-2016 at 01:26 AM
      I'm standing with Scott and another werewolf (from the Teen Wolf TV show). They are talking about how tough they are, saying the could take on anything. THat's when a third guy says "Even an Alpha?", then looks surprised as he sees something. Derek shows up from behind, with glowing red Alpha eyes,, and whoops the two blue eyed Betas easily. He picks up Scott, jumps like 15 feet in the air, and just smashes him into the ground.

      Having proven his point, Derek walks calmly down the sidewalk, then looks up. I follow his eyes and see a picture of some guy across the sky. This picture kept showing up earlier in the dream as well. There is a sparkle on the corner of it's left cheek, and when I look closer, I can see the full moon showing behind it.
      dream fragment
    6. Some big little girl baby thing what the hell?

      by , 01-31-2016 at 01:23 AM
      It's been a long time since i've done anything related to a Dream Journal, so stupid me forgot to log my dreams last night. I remember like 3 too, its been a long time since i've actually remembered a damn dream. Anyway, I remembered one. All I remember was that I was in some sort of Metal Gear Solid stealth thing (MGS V is a great game btw) and I was in this village or something? It was empty, but near the beach of the lake their was this huge toddler or something and she was wearing a shirt with flowers on it, picking stuff up. I had to stealth and sneak past her. It wasnt anything special, but something kinda cool happened. When I was about to wake up, it seems I was almost fighting with myself to get back into the dream and RC or something? I kept going back and forth from dream and awake. I don't remember if this was some sort of weird False Awakening though. Anyway, woke up, here I am now. Guess I better get used to logging my dreams again.
    7. Heist Getaway

      by , 01-31-2016 at 01:21 AM
      Some guy and I have a very large bag of money, and the goons we took it from are not happy and are hunting us down.

      They are chasing us, and I follow the guy I'm with into a car and we speed off. We are driving so fast, every bump we hit causes us to catch air. After on such jump, the car we're in nose dives downwards. We fall for much longer than we should have, and I'm dreading the impact. Somehow, we land on all four tires, even though the front of the car was pointed downwards. That inconsistency almost makes me lucid, but our fleeing overrides my better judgement.

      We get out of the car, and I figure it was stolen or something, and we're going to switch vehicles to throw them off our trail. Now there's two guys with me. We seem to have thrown off our pursuers, so we walk casually down the street, trying to blend in. The two dudes with me go their own way now that the danger has passes. I walk down a dark section of Bank street that is always pitch black in my dreams.

      I end up in someone's house or apartment, and take a bath. As I lay in the tub, I see in third person perspective our pursuers have found me and are in the house. THey also have my partner in crime, and walk him to the bathroom door with a knife at his throat. THey coax him to call me out, and as soon as he does so, the slit his throat, and he falls to the ground dead. Even though I'd just seen this, my perspective goes to under the water in the tub, and I surface, knowing I hadn't seen the danger awaiting me.

      Then another weird perspective change. I'm watching from 3rd person perspective again, and they guy who was previously me is behind the open fridge door, pouring water on himself from the sink to rinse off soap. Luckily, this new location has kept me hidden from the intruders, who haven't seen me yet.

      Then wake up
    8. I love Lydia

      by , 01-31-2016 at 01:09 AM

      Assorted bad guys and monsters are after Lydia from the Teen Wolf television show, and my gang and I are trying to keep her safe, with a few romantic interludes between her and I.

      There's a wanted poster with Lydia face offering a reward, and now even ordinary people are tempted to turn her in, so we hide her in closed store. I leave her there for a bit and head outside when I see a giant approaching, searching for her. A REALLY BIG giant! I probably only come to the top of his toe. It's crushing everything in it's path, and I book back to where Lydia is, almost getting stepped on in the process. Luckily the giant isn't interested in me at all.

      I go back inside to get her out of there, when soldiers dressed all in black pour in and point their guns at us. Just as I wonder what to do, I see the flash standing against the wall. He zooms us all out, then goes back in for the soldiers. He phases himself out so you can only see his suit, but not his head or hands or anything, which confuses the soldiers (and me too).

      Next thing I know, we're all waking up in some basement after having hid out for the night. I wonder if Lydia is still into me, or if it was just a spur of the moment thing. I am like 20 years older than she is after all. But she leans over and gives me a kiss, and I'm ecstatic!
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