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    1. Dinosaur Park, The Magic Express

      by , 02-24-2021 at 09:13 PM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      I am in a dinosaur park with friends and family. While walking through a field we see what appears to be a dinosaur trap laid out on the ground, with weighted wires going into the trees, there are toy mini dinosaurs and torn up sheets in the bed of a larger metal frame. We hear kittens meowing from inside but cannot see anything.

      The park is very beautiful with large prehistoric trees and shrubbery all around. My cat is running around unleashed and I gather she has wandered too far. Suddenly a large trex with purple and orange colouring starts chasing us from across the field, it's roar echoing our innards. I call my cat loudly and she runs towards us just barely in front of the rex. She makes it to me while we are running and I scoop her up to run towards the treeline. I tell my family we need to get in the dense folliage to escape. We barely make it to safety as the rex tramples the trees behind us. We begin to walk down a path, we tell a worker about the rex we see, but they are also a dinosaur and smile with big teeth.

      We are now in a period based town. Everyone wears decorated corsets and top hats. But there is still a dark like and partially gothic tone. I opt for a train ride and leave my family behind in the town to look around and shop. The train is mainly populated by witches and druids. They are all dressed period, but with pagan garb and accessories.

      I befriend a girl who is quite short with almond eyes and brunette short hair. She is coy and playful while also being witty and fiercely forward. We get closer and she reminds me she has a boyfriend regularly, it doesn't phase me in the least as I can tell she doesn't care. He seems like some ringleader with small dreads and bright blue contact eyes who is never around her. I gather she is a vampire of sorts, pale skin, morose demeanour yet predatory in her desires. We venture around the train between the different ornate cars from time to time. Taking in the sights of the passing countryside, sharing meals, and playing games. We spend hours laying in bed remembering our lives and gently caressing each other, nothing sexual, just sensually emotive. She tells me she doesn't like what happens to her at night. Unphased at thinking she is a vampire I ask is it because her teeth get longer? I then tell her I always found the taste of blood to be unquenching. To let her know I am unbothered by her condition, and can relate to her. She hardly looks at me but I know she is sad for some reason. We form a strong bond on the trip, perhaps 2 days have elapsed and the journey is coming to a head.

      She sits in a booth table along one of the carriages. There is suddenly a great drama stirring the passengers. The people of the car are now united against me. They threaten me with dark magic. I tell them to do their worst as I am unafraid. At once a dozen of them put out their hands and begin making noises with their mouths like they are casting spells. Nothing happens and I shout they are all made up. The train has stopped at a gift shop town with many rooms to purchase trinkets and accessories. I step out on the platform as the witches are still trying to curse me. I outstretch my hand and shout with strong forward intention "Now That Is Enough!" A bright light flashes engulfing the entire area.

      As the senses return, it seems the dark gothic vibe of the people in the car has been lifted. Some people file out of the train with completely white eyes, they are pale and nude, almost stupified. The dozen or so who were dark are now stripped barren and pale. I ask someone on the platform what just happened. She tells me that they saw their real leader and were blinded by the truth of it. I ask who they saw. She points to the woman standing next to me. Who is middle aged and still wearing period dress. She smiles and looks at me knowingly. I tell her it is up to her to be good now. She nods in approval and promises to guide in positivity instead of darkness.

      I return to the train for the journey back and walk from car to car looking for my companion I spent the trip with. She is no longer in the booth she was sitting in before. I wonder if the darkness lifting has affected her at all. I see her 'boyfriend' sitting off in a corner with some friends. He speaks in normal modern dialect and I gather his curse has been lifted as well, he is no leader and remembers nothing of his previous dark personality. I talk to him briefly and he doesn't recognize me.

      I begin frantically going from carriage to carriage looking for her. She really is nowhere to be seen, I didn't see her get off the train and it doesn't make sense she wouldn't be traveling back. It begins to occur to me I may never see her again. A great grief overcomes me as I slump into the nearest chair, just staring into nothingness while I feel my eyes swell. It can't be I think. I knew she had feelings for me. I felt them. I remember the feeling of her skin. Her smile. The sweet smell of her hair. I sit in silence the entire return journey. People merrily chat around me as the mood is now lighter and people laugh while they tell stories of their adventure. I talk to no one.

      When we arrive at our destination back where we began, everyone unloads and files into a large brightly lit dining hall, it is period decorated and fancy with many carved fixtures in the walls and chandeliers. I see my family come through large ornate glass doors into the hall to join me. I am sullen and depressed from losing my companion. We all sit at a large round table with white linens and fancy gold place settings. They are still dressed in period clothes holding accessories they picked up in their own respective adventure. They ask me what's wrong. I tell them I am exhausted, it was a 2 day train journey and I just don't feel well. They are concerned but allow me my space as I seem disengaged. I sit calmly not facing the stage, my eyes still heavy and glistening as I fight the nostalgia of my time with her.

      Just then a worker walks onto the stage and gets everyone's attention. He thanks all of us for our participation and hopes we all enjoyed our journey on the express adventure. People cheer. He then says he'd like to introduce us to the one who made everything possible. Please give a round of applause everyone to our very own,
      Brand new Model 2 Android!
      People cheer louder and whistles can be heard.
      I turn around to look and see her.
      Out of period dress with a skin tight bodysuit and hair styled even shorter to her head.
      It was her.
      The truth of it hits me like a pile of bricks. I see her eyes avoiding me in the crowd as she glances around the room. Barely smiling she acknowledges the recognition in a sheepish manner. She won't even look at me. I am in complete disbelief. How could I not have known? I stare wantingly but realize everything I knew wasn't even real. The dream fades as I watch her face and the applause becomes quieter and quieter.
    2. Probation Office- Astral

      by , 02-24-2021 at 05:55 AM (Cities in the Astral)
      I am with my Dream Guide who I assume now is the older of the three (mother of two daughters) and we are going somewhere. I follow along but get distracted when we go inside a building. I wander away and am staring at things quite stupidly when she gets my attention. She looks embarrassed. Why is that? Oh wait, it seems I have been brought here to some very official location. My mind is filling in imagery of a grand court house. She gestures me over and a few people are waiting. One seems to be a magistrate (probation?) who intends on interviewing me. I have gotten in plenty of trouble in various astral cities, and the main one I have access to has imprisoned me more than once for acting violently, grabbing women, and being destructive. I am not always in control in a lucid dream or in astral adventures. I may know what is going on but act much like a drunken person. I have no idea why they keep giving me chances and working with me. I am vastly improving though with the caring help of my guide.
      I am interviewed and we discuss that I know my past actions have been disrupting the peace, sexually aggressive, and disorderly. I explain much of the stuff I have been working on in waking life and how with my guides help I very rarely act improperly anymore. I am being crowded by people but it barely registers. the magistrate asks me about empathy. She brings my attention to the people around me. Behind me is a woman pressing her body aggressively against me and a man to my left doing the same. I mean they are pressed up against me and their crotches are clearly against me. She asks me if I find such behavior to be upsetting and creepy. I say that I had not really even noticed as being close to people never has bothered me. I mention that actually the contact is nice and not something that strikes me as negative. I realize too late this was stupid. I am forced out of the astral.
    3. Weird Plants

      by , 02-24-2021 at 05:15 AM (Cities in the Astral)
      This is an example of dream images caused by a real life conversation earlier in the day. A cousin had called from a state where weed is legal. He had been talking about the virtues of either keeping the plant one large stalk or cutting it so it makes many small branches. that night in my dream he had a big bag and pulled out a plant that he had caused to branch into many small branches. I looked closely and could see that the dream was not rendering the plant correctly. Maybe I am not familiar enough with how the plant look to have a good stored image to draw from. I know the stalks are not broad like a tomatoe vine but this plant was like that. It looked a bit like a Christmas tree in shape. The branches were broad like a the base of a tomato plant and there were no leaves. It was lime green and each branch had a small bud about an inch long. I thought it was all out of proportion but could not get it to look more like I imagine it should have looked.
    4. Log 2126 - January February 2021 TOTM Basic Task I

      by , 02-24-2021 at 01:06 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Tuesday 23 February 2021

      Got a DILD today, and a scrap.

      Scrap Group 1
      Seated with a group of supposed acquaintances. There was talk of dreaming and awareness. Big miss on my part...

      Dream 1 - January/February 2021 TOTM Basic Task I

      Scene 1 - Valkyrie's Command
      The visuals were a bit blurred. FA in an unknown bedroom. I try just dozing off. But then, mom barged in to yell at me. She kept pressing me to get some supposed time-critical paperwork done. On and off, she went back to morning routines, and then returned to complain further. Just let me sleep...

      Eventually, I was left alone, only to be interrupted by another figure. This time, it was some blonde, middle-aged opera-esque valkyrie, complete with wings and a horned helmet. Like ma above, she demanded things of me (fortunately, without a blaring song). In this case, that I protect the local (whatever "local" meant in this context) mayor. The spirit soon vanished from view. Groaning, I forced myself up.


      Scene 2 - Courage Comet
      The visuals were dim. I was walking down a suburban street during night time. That above-mentioned mayor, a short, stout, balding white haired man in a grey suit, was snooping behind me. The man looked very nervous. Identifying me as his bodyguard, he complained that he was getting tired. So, he asked that I haul him around. An annoying request, but it was better than hearing his whining. I lugged him over my shoulder, and continued along.

      Upon crossing a street, I noted how absurd this all was. Cue awareness. I waste no time trying tasks, starting with the superhero one. I set the mayor aside, and wave him off to leave him to leave. Anyway, for practice, I attempted to conjure energy between my palms. But, no luck. Guessed conjuration was gonna be a problem with this dream. Moving on then.

      I tried an easier task: this month's first basic task. Calling out to the dream, I asked to be shown courage. All of a sudden, a comet zoomed overhead from behind, low in Earth's atmosphere. A blazing white trail followed, one bright enough to momentarily bathe the sky in orange light. Within seconds, the comet was out of view. For a time, I pondered what this could mean, but a clear answer never arrived. Oh well, I thought. I'll probably understand it better when I was awake. Task complete as far as I was concerned.

      Just then, an auto accident happened right by me. From what I could tell, a grey vintage 50's sedan skidded on the road, then crashed into a light pole. If that wasn't enough, a red sports car collided with the first vehicle from behind. I just shrugged. It's merely dream weirdness. Instead, I put my thoughts on, uh, smut. Regardless, my efforts were in vain. Such foolishness collapsed the dream.