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    1. The Plasma Gun Universe

      by , 07-28-2022 at 11:04 PM
      This dream was incredibly profound for me at the time. I woke up half-way through the night and had all the details, but then I fell right back asleep. When I woke up for good, a lot of the details were missing, but I still retained some of it. One thing that bothers me about dreams is how profound they can be when you first wake up and have all the details, but through the day, many of them fade into obscurity and no longer seem worth writing about.

      I'm on a bus. I'm a younger version of myself. Sitting across from me on the other side of the bus is a really attractive girl. She looks like Vanessa Hudgens from the past. She's talking with the person next to her who I don't remember very well. I begin to notice that she's psychologically playing with me. Whenever she says something to that other person, it has some deep double meaning that relates to myself. I start to feel very divided. I'm simultaneously very attracted, but scared of her at the same time. She seems too smart. It's kind of eerie. I wish I could remember what she was saying at that point, but I can't.

      We arrive at our destination (which is like a combination of the house I grew up at and a summer camp). There are a lot of people there (like maybe 50 to 100). I try to talk to her after we exit the bus, but she kind of ignores me and continues talking to the other person. We all part ways and go to some kind of lunchroom. Stuff happens I don't remember. Later, I'm able to finally have a conversation with her. She acts as if she wanted to talk to me all along, but was just waiting for some reason. As we talk it becomes clear that she knows things she really shouldn't know about me. It's getting creepy, yet I'm even more attracted to her cause she seems like an oracle. She says a bunch of stuff, but here's what I remember...

      "That suffering you went through when you were younger... I know you experienced some loss. That was supposed to happen. Like it happens to everyone." I see an image of her laying in bed talking in my minds eye. She explains that I'm in some type of trial to test my strength and implies that certain other people are too. This is the purpose of this universe. "Everything is made from a plasma gun. The plasma gun is a projector and it creates the entire universe for you." She seems to allude to this whole thing being some type of experiment. She tells me to hold up my arm in front of me. She takes her hands next to my arm and shows me the size of it relative to my arm. It's only a few inches longer than my arm and it's rectangular in shape. If I had to guess, it's about 2.5 feet long and a few inches in diameter. She explains this is how the universe is created. The plasma shoots out the end of the gun and creates a virtual reality. It's all made out of waves and particles are an illusion. I then suddenly see a white background with the gun itself in my mind's eye. It looks like a huge Juul. The end of the gun has all these swirling colors and images. I then come back to dream reality. I'm speechless. She explains more about how the thing works, but I don't remember it. My mind was blown at the time and I could tell she wasn't lying cause it was like she just hacked into my brain and knew all about me.

      I wanted to talk to her more, but after that, it seemed like she wanted to get away from me. The dream kept fading and becoming less and less real until I woke up.

      PS: I think this dream happened cause I was watching a video on how CRT screens work before bed.
    2. 28 Jul: WW3, tectonic catastrophe and metaphysics

      by , 07-28-2022 at 03:44 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      With mom inside some big building with a glass façade. Looks like an airport in the 50s or 60s, but I think we are waiting for some doctor appointment. A noisy fighter jet flies over the building, narrowly missing it. It's clearly not from our country. Then we see lots of smoke and everybody wonders if it crashed nearby. Then an helicopter lands right outside and some military come out of it. People rush out to ask stuff, but they are elusive. Rumors spread that the jet was russian. Nobody knows if the pilot died or was caught. The military then tell people to go home and that war was declared. I guess they mean WW3 is official. We go inside the waiting room, because we wanna know more and there are 3 tvs, so we expect to see something in the news.
      Some idiot distract us all with a silly stunt in the lobby, climbing on top of the staircase rails and threathening to jump like 2 floors. Security guards come from all directions to grab him and people applaud, but he gives up and jumps to safety. In the waiting room again, some black lady instructs me to put on channel 95 where supposedly is CNN. I try, but the channel doesn't match with what she says. I finally find it and one reporter is clearly in distress while another is in sheer terror, sweating profusely. They say the news is absolutely shockcing and scary. And end of the world scenario. But then it has nothing to do with WW3. Instead they mention some earthquake swarm and volcanos erupting in Brazil and that due to the tectonic plate movements, all the energy from the movements there is expected to be transmitted and affect the whole of Europe. They show a map with volcanos popping up all throughout Central Europe and fires everywhere. They say it is unpredictable where it will hit, but Switzerland will be the worst hit. My mom asks me if it is dangerous to us. I say we can't be sure, since it is likely that a huge quake hits Lisbon and the Tagus faultline. I tell her from now on we need to be alert at all times, study our surroundings and check if there are any safer places around us if we are hit by a quake.
      Then we are at a very old café in an old town and I see cracks all over the walls. I tell her it isn't safe to stay here, so we go outside as soon as we can and tell her to also look for open spaces outside. Then I recall I need to go back inside and pay for our drinks. Meanwhile she is looking at a street market and she is really interested in something, but I tell her not to go there until I come back.

      Watching some story like a movie. A lady who is dying with a terminal cancer wants to sing one last time to an audience, so she goes see her former agent, accompanied by her lover. Her agent had stopped working with her because she meant troubles and his company was going through financial difficulties. Her lover advocates for her. Makes some promise to bring lots of people for some jazz nights at his derelict building, if he allows her to sing. He agrees.

      Then I am her and I am leaving the place. I am walking the streets of Lisbon and doing some artistic performance as I walk. I stamp red flowers on my skirt and also on walls and roads for some reason. The kids enjoy and are curious, but the adults not so much. Some woman makes a comment that I am vandalized a house. I don't care. I am on my way to the botanical garden, but I am a bit lost. I look for the closest metro station to check where I am and maybe take a ride. I find one, but not sure how to gro from here to the garden, so I check a map on my phone. At least I know now where I am.
      On my way there, I meet an older guy, a very tall slender guy, and for some reason we start talking about miracles and odd stuff. He asks me about my beliefs and I try to explain I don't believe as much as I accept possibilities. I explain my view on how we interpret the outliers of reality and we call it paranormal when they are just outliers within the curve of possibilities of reality. Then tell him about how my brain could not recognize the sounds of foxes the first time I heard it on a camping trip and therefore my brain filled in the blanks and made it sound like dolphins. Therefore hearing dolphins around me on a mountain could only be supernatural, but turns out it was my perception which wasn't equiped to see the natural phenomena for what it was. He agrees and tells me a story of how he was blind for many many years and for no apparent reason one day symply regained his sight and everyone considered it a miracle. He believes it was a natural recovery of his organism, which appears as a miracle because it is a rare event. We get out of the subway and we continue walking towards the garden.