I was experiencing deja vu in till it click to me I was in a dream. I appear to be in a emerald like room with granite flooring. Through the large windows I could see the city. It was quiet, I could tell the dream was strong due to how grounded I felt and visually clear everything was. I tried to phase outside the window but it was solid and made me think "Wow this is exactly like real life" I began to say I'm lucid dreaming to not forget that I was due to how realistic everything was. I continue saying and made another attempt to go through the building and this time I went through by going under the window. I began to fall down in till I hit the road. For some reason the dream was telling me I was in Washington dc. I made another attempt to fly and as I am in the air I smiled and was happy the sun was out. I realize that it was a high jump rather than staying the in air. I began to thinking negatively and remember that I wasn't having a great day in my waking life currently. I then saw the sky change to semi darkness. I didn't want to ruin this moment in the dream so I close my eyes and as I'm falling down I wake myself up.
I have been having a hard time sleeping since something terrible has happened to me. This is the first I have had a dream in a while. Interestingly, my dreams prior to this happening predicted it... maybe I knew this would happen subconsciously. I don't really believe in coincidences. ...memory dream about one of the hikes I had gone on with my husband in Korea. We had been hiking up the mountain for a while and we took a break to share one of the Kimbap (a seaweed/rice roll with eggs/kimchi/ham/anything in the center) that I had cooked for us. Very happy memory. ... "memory" that could have taken place in another life, or maybe in the future. NSFW but we are poking fun and making jokes about the situation that is happening to me right now (as if it has been over for a long time). He looks slightly different, maybe a bit older or with a different haircut. ... Me and my husband are sitting together watching a little girl in front of us play the flute.