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    1. March 31, 2023 5:30 am

      by , 03-31-2023 at 05:10 AM
      Archie from Riverdale tries to get with Veronica, in order to win her heart, she wants a photo of my Eastern European roommate and her girlfriend in front of a painting drawn on a hanging bed sheet hanging in our apartment (both of which aren't my real roommates but only exist in the dream)

      Archie asks me if I can get a picture, I come home and the painting is torn apart, but nevermind that, my roommate yells her that uee girlfriend has gone missing m, she wqs last spotted in Amsterdam.

      My roommate and I to a fashion school in Amsterdam fo check fody here. She's not here and my roommate keeps searching.
      A mysterious wonan holds my arm and starts guessing my sizes. After getting all sized correct, she asks if I wanted to last minute replace on of her models that didn't turn up. I accept and tell my roommate I have to quit the search aa I got scouted, she wasn't happy with the news.

      I go to the set, and am in a dressings room with different models. I get given w pretty normal set of clothes to wear; White shirt and black jeans, but then have to wear a Duck mask and weird flipper type of shoes with a aligned balls betheath it which makes it very hard to walk on those shoes in balance. After seeing the other "duck" models walk towards the set, I join them just to discover we're in some sort of theatre play/dinner show, and only on the first act of what's going to be hours worth of seasons (we were just at winter) After improvising to the model scouts singing scenes, I return backstage where a girl from theatre school asks how long it is until the summer act so she can finally have her singing scene.

      Meanwhile, my fictional Eastern European roommate found her girlfriend as she had her GPS tracker in her phone all this time gets closer to hear girlfriend and I can track her location through my job (not actually in real life) and tell her I know where she is but can't tell her due to data protection laws (This is like my job in real life).

      I then wake up.

      I watched the newest Riverdale season yesterday, didn't expect it to be THAT memorable lol

      This dream was in English, I think the part with my theatre school classmate was in Dutch, though.
    2. Night of Wednesday 3/29/23

      by , 03-30-2023 at 05:10 PM (Dreamlog)
      No recall. I was too busy last night and this morning to focus
      side notes
    3. More LD!

      by , 03-30-2023 at 10:47 AM
      Yesterday like 2 days ago I played asrm during WBTB but nothing happened. I just didn’t drift off. But today I had exactly the same circumstances like 2 days ago:
      - I went sleep at 0200 local time
      - I woke up circa at 0730
      -Before nap I drunk 1 cup of coffee
      - At 0945 I went back to bed with prepared asrm
      As in previous attempts I had problem with falling asleep so the fact is this ASRM is working as anchor. Good enough because even if I must wait 40-50 minutes to drift off still I’m relaxed so I don’t feel anger, mad or other negative waiting-related emotions.
      Btw I never had so low "cooldown" between lucid dreams. Usually I must wait 2-3 weeks for next LD, so 2 days it is very quickly!

      Dream 1 (lucid)
      I had sleep paralyze when I realize fact I’m sleeping. I tried move my left hand but it was blocked. Alse I felt very unpleasant feeling on right side of my chest. I felt my body is bending I direction of that feeling but I tried to let my hair down (this is my first time when I’m using this idiom so I don’t know if this is understandable – I’m tried to be relaxed). And I woke up.
      I went to toilet. When I looked into mirror I saw my face have some kind of offset. I don’t know how to describe this – it was a little bit moved. Then I saw my head in mirror is rotating slowly. “Oh c’mon. What the fuck. Of course this is dream” I though. I went outside of toilet and my grandfather went inside. I recognize that everything are light (I’m – in almost every dream, especially in LD, I have night. Sometimes I’m almost blind so dark my dreams are) “This is not night time, weird. Maybe this isn’t a dream?” I used nose plug RC and I check my hand shape – It’s dream. And in this moment I woke up.

      Dream 2 (non lucid)
      I spend more minutes in bed so I drift off again. But this time I had short non lucid dream. I was onboard as 3rd officer. I was repairing valve from firefighting system.
    4. March 30, 2023 7:?? am

      by , 03-30-2023 at 08:22 AM
      I once again had a dream about graduating from theatre school, I don't remember much of it other than being in an attic of some mysterious mansion-like building that reminds me of Muppet Monster Adventure from Playstation 1 with another plant classmate who was packing their bags. I recall one of my classmates having some sort of performance on stage reminiscing about the studies.

      Got the day off from work to prepare my registration, I literally just fell asleep in bed and forgot to set my alarm or sleep tracker, as a matter of fact, I don't even recall falling asleep, it just sort of happened.

      Strange how I keep having recurring dreams about theatre school, especially graduation. It's been three, nearly four years since I have last been there and seen most of those people. Sure, the recurring "trauma flashbacks" still happens sometimes when I'm alone and overthink too much, but not as regularly since I have gotten to Berlin. Once I can afford it I'd definitely start going to therapy.

      This dream was in Dutch.
    5. Night of Tuesday 3/28/23

      by , 03-29-2023 at 05:35 PM (Dreamlog)
      The Transforming Mech-Wheelchair Man
      My brother is staying with me. He was sleeping in a guest room the night before and has cleaned it up respectfully. Then I'm in the same house, but working retail at a nerdy shop. Possibly downstairs or just a different room. A customer comes in and asks about seeing physical toys. He is a hobbyist. I show him some Star Wars helmets but that isn't what he is looking for. I take him somewhere else behind the front desk and there is a build-your-own robot setup. There is a tiny black mech-like robot that I am controlling with a remote. The mech changes into a small man in a small wheelchair but I don't notice the change. I'm still controlling it. The hobbyist is impressed.

      I'm in a high-school environment, in a classroom with about 20-30 desks facing a chalkboard. I'm taking part in a competition soon.

      Updated 03-29-2023 at 05:39 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Night of Monday 3/27/23

      by , 03-28-2023 at 04:01 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm in a Costco-like building looking at standing fans with my girlfriend SB. We have been wanting a replacement one for the bedroom.

      I'm taking part in some race. It feels light hearted and reminds me of Mario Kart.

      McGonagall Deep Fries Nagini
      I'm going up the center staircase at Hogwarts. It a mixture of what I remember from the movies, and the stairwell at Salem Highschool. I'm being led by a staff member or adult. It might have been Mrs. Weasley. She's admitting that something is seriously wrong at Hogwarts. At this point I feel as is I don't belong at Hogwarts, but I've uncovered something.

      Later, I'm with McGonagall outside. It is raining. There are deep puddles in the field. We are in a small garden-like area. It reminds me of Grandma M's a little bit. There is a gutter-like stone structure in the ground. It has snake insignia on it. McGonagall inspects it and comes to a conclusion in her head. She leads me into the watery-puddle field, and follows the line of the snake-gutter. It leads to another gutter opening, where Nagini pops out aggressively and attacks.

      McGonagall casually casts a fire spell. It doesn't immediately engulf the snake. Rather, it paralyzes it, and it stops.

      Her job completed, McGonagall smugly puts her wand away and walks toward a river-like pond some meters over. She takes off her shoes and puts her barefeet in the puddle. I'm sitting nearby. In the distance, the snake bursts into a flame. The spell was a delayed flame effect. Voldemort appears on the scene by the snake in a black smokescreen.

      "I'LL KILL YOU!" he bellows at McGonagall from the distance.

      In a second he is on us. He has already cast multiple word-less spells, and they catch up to him seconds later. None of them land, or McGonagall deflects them. Not sure which.


      None of them land. I can't think of any other spells and then:

      "CRUCIO!" This shoots a jet of red light at Voldemort and it lands, but she shrugs it off like nothing. I start to wonder. If the spell works by "truly wanting to inflict pain on your opponent" maybe I could hurt Voldemort by focusing on the feeling of love and then casting the spell.

      I don't get a chance to try it. I've been murmuring in my sleep, and my girlfriend SB took that as a cue that I was having a nightmare. She wakes me up.

      Updated 03-28-2023 at 07:23 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Nice LD chaining

      by , 03-28-2023 at 03:51 PM
      Yesterday I got an idea that I can play ASRM from Pornhub on earphones during WBTB so even if I fail then still I have chance for nice dream. And I done this.
      First, in morning (0630 am) I set up alarm clock and I woke up. According with the plan I played prepared looped ASRM and I went back to sleep. I had problem with falling to sleep and max what I got it was deep relax. Not bad but it wasn’t my goal. I spend 1 hour in bed and I woke up.
      Next, because of cancelled 2h of e-learning I had some time for nap so I repeated my procedure. At 0950 I went to bed and I played prepared looped ASRM. First about 20 minutes was the same – just regular relax but I decided to stay in bed anyway. After few more minutes I fell asleep.

      Dream 1 (lucid)
      I restored my awareness in late pre-dream state. Right before the dream started. I felt like my eyes was trying to open by itself so I was focused on keeping my eyes closed. But they opened anyway. “Fuck it” - I thought and woke up. Habitually I grabbed my phone for time checking and before I even looked at my phone I recognized fact I’m in dream. I felt sleepy and dizzy and I hardly stand on my feet. Anyway I reminded that I wish to talk with my subconscious so I went to my door with intention with that intention. When I opened the door I saw nothing. Next room was much more darker and the only thing what I saw (exclude empty corridor) shadow (and only shadow) of unspecified person. I went to next door with same intention – I want summon my subconscious behind door but next room was empty. After that I woke up.

      I still had 1 more hour of free time so I stayed in bed and I drifted off almost instantly.

      Dream 2 (lucid)
      I don’t remember that dream very well. And to be honest that lucid dream was more like half lucid but still this is success for me.
      I was in my bed. I saw via my opened door that my mother and grandfather come back to home so I decided to do nothing. For some reasons I didn’t recognized them as NPC although I was aware that I’m in dream.

      I woke up and again instantly drifted off.

      Dream 3 (non lucid)
      This dream wasn’t lucid BUT… BUT it was about I was making entry in DJ on this forum. And in this dream I made well accurate description of 2 previouse lucid dreams. Even somebody replayed to me but I don’t remember what about it was.

      I’m not sure if I woke up after that dream or not

      Dream 4 (lucid)
      Same like in dream no. 2 that dream was more like half lucid and my memory from this dream isn’t perfect. Anyway, I remember much more than in dream 2.
      Because I was still hearing ASRM so I decided to make some fun. But for some reason I didn’t even tried to summon someone to play with me and I spent that time alone :/

      Dream 5 (non lucid)
      I was playing in video game. Something between simcity and city skyline. Nothing special, BUT… sometimes in that dream I was thinking about lucid dreaming

      Summary: That nap was awesome! It’s my record in LD chaining. And even non lucid dreams were related with lucidity. Tomorow I have free day, so I will do the same thing
      I'm wondering on one thing. What exactly helped me with lucidity? It passed almost one month when I started with ADA and in this period of time this is 4th "lucid-related event" (I'm counting failed WILD during competition when I was close to enter into dream), so my theory is: That asrm probably is working as anchor for me and because I'm training ADA so maybe my WILD skill is boosted?
    8. March 27, 2023 8:12 pm

      by , 03-27-2023 at 07:33 PM
      Another nap dream which was longer than needed because I had two hours of sleep today and set an alarm for the nap, but fell back asleep. Glad I got my eight hours sleep anyways

      In my dream I spontaneously traveled to the Netherlands to go to the cinema with my best friends from high school (coincidentally asked me to go to the film today) we get to the cinema and joke around, there's this goth-alt looking woman who looks like a woman I worked with before at a tech festival as well as the woman who works at a bar in Berlin who's slightly disturbed and annoyed by our behaviour and takes me out of the group because she trusts me the most. We go to a private room and she tells me she's giving me access to the projectors in the building which are big television screens with her face on it, I get to access them when her eyes on the photo are at a certain position. I get on my phone and edit the settings of the projection, having access to a bunch of trip-hop music videos she's made.

      I walk back to my friends with a smug look on my face as if the woman took me to a room alone with her to make love to her, my friends all walk up to me like "What did you do???" before my friends are being brought home by a parent, around this time I got a bit aware that things weren't adding up as 1) my friends can drive and 2) it suddenly hit me that I traveled to the Netherlands from Berlin with lord knows what money and had no idea how to travel back. I go to my family home in the Netherlands where my mom meets me normally as if I still lived there saying "Where did you go??"

      Then moments before I woke up a "scene selection" screen appeared before my eyes that looked like like this:

      • -----
      • -----
      • cinema kino
      • family home zuhause
      • -----
      • -----

      As if I hadn't "unlocked" the other locations
      I then suddenly woke up and wrote all of this down here, that scene selection screen unironically is making me wonder if maybe we really are living in a simulation or matrix as it seemed like I was placed in a scenario, which I technically was lol

      Dream was in Dutch.

      Edit: this is what the "scene selection" screen looked like:
    9. Nights of Saturday 3/25/23 and Sunday 3/26/23

      by , 03-27-2023 at 06:04 PM (Dreamlog)
      Lost the recall on these, but I definitely had some content upon waking. Still haven't invested into finding a good solution for being too lazy in the morning to record. They seem to fade so darn fast. To be fair, we had some pretty busy evenings this weekend, so I can hardly blame myself for this result. But still. Wish the recall was better.
      side notes
    10. March 26, 2023 ?:?? pm

      by , 03-26-2023 at 07:53 PM
      Hypnagogic Sunday afternoon nap, I don't remember what time I woke up or fell asleep.

      Basically, I walked into some sort of city council museum type of building. The interior was made out of large sand coloured stone bricks, but not necessarily in a brutalist architecture type of way, more like those museum interiors. Kinda like the backrooms, but in larger rooms made out of stone.
      As I was walking through the hallway, I walked past an indoor playground which had no children playing. I then walked up this stairway, a black woman wearing a light salmon-crimson coloured tracksuit caught up to me and walked up the big stairway. The weird part was that the stairs just led up to the ceiling, like it ended into the ceiling you couldn't go up. The woman in front me had walked up the stairs, and when I looked away she was suddenly on the ground again besides the stairs. As if she jumped off or simply walked through them.

      At this point it clicked for me: I was dreaming! I quickly remembered this hand movement that the YouTuber IamLucid always does to check if he's dreaming and my hand went through my other hand!
      Using this rare opportunity of being aware that I was, in fact, dreaming but had not yet awaken I finally tried use this opportunity to explore the dream world. I'm pretty sure this isn't officially a lucid dream, but I was definitely concious.

      This is kinda cringe, but when I was younger, I had this imaginary friend called Elise. Now that I was able to control my dream, I tried to use this opportunity to get in touch with her and meet her physically.
      I walked back to the entrance of the "museum" and there she was! For whatever reason she was taller than me, but it was her! She walked to the washing line that was hanging behind her on the entrance and I even saw people walking by in the street outside. She grabbed a white bedsheet and wrapped it around me, then hugged me from behind before pressing me against the floor. Feeling her apply pressure to my head and back as she pressed me deeper into the floor I could physically feel the floor against my face as welll as her body against my back. I then slowly felt myself waking up.

      I refused to wake up, though which led me to keep my eyes closed in the same position hoping I could return to dreaming, it didn't work unfortunately.
      Just laid there for maybe ten minutes just visualising dreamlike images but I was too awake to dream again.

      Funny thing was that when I was pressed into the ground lying on my stomach, I woke up in the exact position, but lying on my back.

      It was nice to experience, though.
    11. March 26, 2023 9:?? am

      by , 03-26-2023 at 08:57 AM
      I sat in a Dutch train while complaining about remakes of movies, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, for example, but the idea of Zoey 101 and Victorious remake or a shot-by-shot, movement by movement remake of Iron Man (which I haven't seen) with an Iron Woman instead.

      The train kept randomly stopping and the announcer said that it might take three hours instead of the normal 30 minutes. I was getting claustrophobic feelings because you couldn't exit the train and every random moment the train stopped riding it felt like it was standing still for longer. To the point I started to get worried it will get hit by other trains on the same track. I started figuring out ways to leave the train.

      There was a man doing announcements in the train who looked like a Somalian comedian from Instagram, we joked that it was his voice that brought bad luck.

      Luckily I woke up!
    12. March 25, 2023 ?:?? am

      by , 03-25-2023 at 07:50 PM
      Black void with nothing but a cigarette floating in the center and experience burning pain in my lungs.

      I've never smoked in my life, by the way.

      Possible backstory, I went to the club the day prior from 11 pm until 5 am and was awake for 24 hours at some point as I wake up at 5:30 for work. The club bad people smoking indoors and I was also hanging out outside where people occasionally smoked, sometimes the smoke blew in my direction so I probably accidentally inhaled some of it.

      And I have been coughing all week, it wasn't anything new.

      idk my dreams have been a little boring lately, or just dreamless as a whole.
      A few days ago I woke up and couldn't even remember going to sleep, it was just a long vague hazy blur before my alarm clock went off.
      My other dreams have been about my job, boring 9-5 stuff.
    13. Night of Friday 3/24/23 [WILD Success!]

      by , 03-25-2023 at 05:28 PM (Dreamlog)
      My girlfriend SB shows me a new type of thread she is working with. It is layered type of thing. There is red material inside a main branch of thread and it can be stretched. I'm playing with it and she asks me to stop so I don't ruin it. She is working on new home project.

      I get up and take the Yuschak primary trigger. I stay awake about 10 minutes and prepare my DJ. I re-read some old dreams, go to the bathroom, and then head back to bed. I lay for awhile and the vibrations come pretty quick. I get through one cycle of them, no images. I get a second one, and then I see a white flash, then more vibrations. I think about how last time I "missed the bus" at the end. This time, I imagined a first person view of my hands in front of me, similar to a FPS game. This visual formed at the end of the tunnel. Next thing I knew, I was standing hands outstretched exactly how I visualized. My first full WILD. Nice!

      I'm lucid in a place that looks like my Grandma P's bedroom. My girlfriend SB is there. I stabilize by rubbing my hands together and touching things around the room. I talk to SB for a bit but I forgot the conversation. Also, spicy content occurs but I forget the details. I lose lucidity for a bit. Later, I'm lucid in a place that looks like my friends AG and HS' old apartment. There was some conflict here but I lost the details.

      Some time later I've lost lucidity and my brother A and I are in my car. We are outside a house on a sunny day. I'm yelling at him about something. I recall feeling how hoarse my throat felt. He broke something near the drink holder on my car, and is still arguing with me and trying to give me a stack of bills. I'm frustrated cause I'm trying to fix the drink holder and my hands are busy. He doesn't care.

      I probably should have gotten up to record the lucids sooner. I know I lost a lot of details here, but happy I got another lucid. Seems like the supplements work for me. It's also possible that weekend extra sleep time might be doing the trick. Might be worth it to isolate those conditions and find out. I also woke up after 5 hours this time instead of the usual 6. I may have WILD'd into the end of a sleep cycle instead of the beginning, which could have contributed to the instability. Next time, 5.5 hours before waking might be better. I think the 10 minutes awake seems to be good though.

      1hr Cycling
      5hr/10m WBTB
      4th Yuschak Primary Trigger Attempt (8Mg Galantamine, 250Mg Choline Bitartrate)

      Updated 03-30-2023 at 05:38 PM by 99808

      lucid , non-lucid
    14. Night of Thursday 3/23/23

      by , 03-24-2023 at 03:56 PM (Dreamlog)
      No recall.

      Definitely had something more than usual today. Maybe multiple fragments or a short dream. But it faded very quickly. Maybe I will look into using a mic to capture these dreams. Maybe I just need to plan waking time in better alignment with my REM cycles.
      side notes
    15. Sivason's Dream Yoga Basic Skills

      by , 03-23-2023 at 04:18 PM (Dreamlog)
      Adding this link to my DJ for reference. Very interesting so far. I was able to focus on about 3 sounds at once before losing focus on one or more of them. These are fun and give me a goal to aim for during meditation.

      side notes
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